Walker's Rules

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Walker's Rules Page 6

by Joannie Kay

  “Nice try, Jessie, but you took a vow to obey. Do you recall that vow?”

  “Yes, but I didn’t think you would hold me to it!” she complained. “Could we start over, Walker? Could we sit down and have a talk about what we expect of each other? I don’t want to keep upsetting you, but I’m not used to having to consider anyone else before I do as I please. It’s nothing personal, you know. We just don’t know what to expect of each other.”

  “I think you’ll know exactly what to expect of me in a few minutes, Jessie. You can take off that gun belt and lower your pants and what is underneath. I’m going to cut a switch and use it until you’re completely sure what to expect of me.”

  Chapter Five

  “Walker, I’m asking you nicely to wait for this until we get back to the ranch. I’m still sore, and if you do what you’re thinking, while you’re angry, I’m not going to be able to sit my saddle for a few days. I don’t want to camp out here that long when there are Indians around,” she stated matter-of-factly.

  “You’ve seen Indians?” Walker asked immediately.

  “Yes, I have. They didn’t seem to be doing anything but hunting, and I made sure they didn’t see me, but with Angie and the baby, we don’t want to call attention to ourselves, and if you switch me, Walker, I’m going to scream bloody murder,” she promised, her green eyes wide and innocent. “Please wait until we get back to the ranch, and we’ll talk about this. I am not too proud to admit that it was stupid of me to ride out when I was still feeling sick, but Mama’s locket means the world to me, Walker.” She implored him to listen to her. “This sort of thing isn’t likely to happen again. I want to be with Billy,” she admitted, and was telling the absolute truth.

  “You’re still going to get a good switching, young lady,” Walker said firmly. “But, doing it here with Indians in the area isn’t a good idea, I’ll give you that.”

  “If you don’t change your mind by the time we get back to the ranch, then I won’t fight you, Walker,” Jessie said softly. “I’ll pay the price just to have Mama’s locket back,” she whispered, and then headed back to camp. Her body needed rest, especially if they were going to ride the next morning.

  Walker was right behind her, and watched her every move as she checked on Angie and the baby, and he heard her caution the other woman about going off into the bushes alone, and told her to wake her, no matter the time. He vowed that he was going to sleep light so he could protect both women if they needed privacy. He wouldn’t embarrass them, but he would be within close distance if they were jumped.

  Jessie walked over to him, smiled, and said, “Good night, Walker, and thank you for coming after me and for your patience. It’s exactly what I need right now.” She went and curled up in her blankets, beside Billy, and it didn’t take her long to go to sleep.

  Walker took a walk around the camp, making darn sure there weren’t any signs of Indians close by, and then he lay down and slept lightly. When he heard movement, he was instantly alert and realized it was Angie, and she went straight to Jessie and woke her. They went off in the bushes, Jessie carrying her rifle, and he followed as quietly as possible. He gave them privacy, but made darn sure they were safe, and followed them back to camp just as quietly. Once Angie was settled down, Jessie came over to him, smiled, and whispered, “Thank you, Walker. You are a good man.”

  “I don’t want anything to happen to either of you women,” he said in embarrassment at being caught out. “I would do the same for anyone,” he admitted self-consciously.

  “I know, and that is what makes you such a good man. Most men with any self-respect would watch after the women they love… but it takes a really good man to put himself out to do the same for strangers. I can see why Judge Slater respects you so much.”

  “That’s high praise, Jessie, but it isn’t going to get you out of the switching you have coming,” he warned.

  “You are a man of principle,” she said. “I understand that. It’s the way I live my life, too. I just hope our principles turn out to be the same, or we’re going to have a rough year.” She sighed. “I didn’t ride out to test you or to upset you, Walker. I rode out for the reason I said, to get Mama’s locket. If that costs me a switching, then so be it. I’ll consider it worth the price. Let me ask you something, though. If you had been in my place, and someone took the one thing that mattered most to you, would you try to get it back if you could?”

  “Yes. But, I’m a man, and I’m a lot bigger than you are, Jessie. There were three of them, and they’d already tried to rape you once before. You put yourself in a lot of danger.”

  “I wasn’t armed inside that coach, which was a mistake I will never make again,” she promised. “I went after them aware of what they were, and I was armed. I know how good I am with a gun, and I was alert and ready for trouble. I’m not a greenhorn, and I’m not some pampered little girl who doesn’t know how to take care of myself. You don’t know me well, yet, Walker. I wasn’t in any danger this time out here; the last time, in that stagecoach, yes, I was in serious danger then. I got away from those three only because I could run fast and I hid until they got tired of looking for me. I don’t ever want to be that afraid again,” she whispered.

  Walker saw her shudder and he instinctively reached out and pulled her into his arms to hug her. “You’re safe now, honey. I won’t let anyone frighten you like that again.”

  “Be careful, Walker. I could come to care for you!”

  “Would that be so terrible?” he asked.

  “It’s too soon to tell,” she said, honest to a fault. “Best we get some more sleep before we ride out.” Reluctantly, she pulled away. “I don’t think we should take too long fixing the wagon and having breakfast… I just have a gut feeling,” she admitted. “We need to get Angie and Andy back to the ranch with us.”

  “I agree,” Walker said. “Angie told me you offered to help her out, and I’m proud of you for that,” he admitted. Jessie just smiled and went back to bed thinking that she and Walker might end up liking each other yet.

  Morning arrived, and Walker and Billy quickly fixed the wagon while Angie watched in awe as Walker lifted the wagon so Billy could slip the heavy wheel back on. They managed to get it secured, and when they were all done, Jessie had breakfast ready to eat. There was bacon, and potatoes with onions, and scrambled eggs, and coffee.

  “Eat up,” Jessie told everyone, and she was pleased that Angie seemed to eat with determination, even though she didn’t eat as much as she should with nursing her baby. “Angie, can’t you try to eat just a few more bites?” she encouraged. “I know it’s hard right now, but you need to think of Andy.” Angie nodded, picked up her plate again, and tried hard to eat the rest of her eggs.

  They made quick work of breaking up camp, and Angie insisted she could handle the wagon when Walker asked her if she needed help driving. As they left the camp, they were suddenly approached by Indians. They weren’t wearing paint, and Walker was impressed when both Billy and Jessie remained calm and didn’t fire. He rode forward a bit to talk to the Indians, and then returned. “Ma’am,” he spoke to Angie. “Do you have any food you can spare these men? They’re hungry.”

  Angie nodded. “Take what you need from my wagon, Walker.”

  Walker smiled at her and quickly helped himself to a bag of food supplies that he thought would satisfy the Indians. They accepted the offering with thanks and then rode on.

  “Do you think they’ll come back, Walker?” Jessie asked warily.

  “I don’t think so. They’re just hungry, and their hunting isn’t going well. Thank you for the supplies, ma’am. I’ll make sure to repay you for them.”

  “That isn’t necessary, Walker. If you hadn’t been here, it’s hard to say what would have happened to me and the baby. I’m indebted to you and Jessie as it is.”

  They moved on, and buried Angie’s husband properly and held a small graveside service. If Walker was surprised to hear Jessie and Billy sing a hymn toget
her, he didn’t let on. They headed on toward the ranch, and when they were a few miles away, Walker sent Billy on ahead to ask Mrs. Gibbons to prepare a room for Angie and her son. He didn’t quite know how she would manage, but he trusted the older woman to know who to move in together to empty a room for their guest.

  By the time they arrived, it was nearly time to eat supper, and Angie was obviously worn out. Mrs. Gibbons greeted her warmly, and insisted they all sit down at the table right away. Grace was offered, and dishes of steaming hot food passed around. Mrs. Gibbons insisted on holding the baby so that Angie could eat, and Andy seemed quite content. The boys were less exuberant than normal, and Jessie couldn’t help but wonder if it was because Walker was so silent.

  Jessie very much feared that she was still in trouble with the big man, and the meaningful looks that Billy kept giving her told her he needed to talk to her as soon as humanly possible. She offered to carry out the dishes from the table and bring in dessert since Mrs. Gibbons was busy with Andy, and Billy promptly offered to help.

  “Don’t get mad, Jessie,” he warned. “Mrs. Gibbons moved your stuff in with Walker’s.”

  “What?” Jessie exclaimed.

  “She said the two of you were married, and married folks should sleep together, not in separate rooms. She’s putting Angie in your old room,” he confided. “I thought I’d better tell you before you got surprised in front of the others. I know you won’t want to fuss in front of Angie… but really, yours was the only room we could use, without moving a lot of stuff.”

  “I wonder what Walker will say?”

  “I expect he’ll be stunned at first, and then growl some, but he’ll deal with it,” Billy answered. “Is he real mad at you, sis?” he asked with a worried frown.

  “I tried hard to talk him out of being mad, but I have a feeling I am in some serious trouble,” she calmly replied.

  “What are you going to do if he decides to spank you again?” Billy asked worriedly.

  “Try to talk him out of it,” she smiled, but then added, “I don’t want you to worry about me, honey. I made the decision to ride out, and I’ll accept the consequences for my actions. We both know that Walker won’t really hurt me. I’ve survived two spankings already, and if he spanks me again, I’ll just accept it and be okay with it. Walker isn’t a man to push, and I pushed him hard by going after my locket.”

  “Edward ran off right after he got here, and Walker went after him and brought him back. He said Walker tanned him when he caught him, and again when they got back. I was afraid he’d do that to you, too, but he didn’t.”

  “No, he didn’t. And, I am not a young boy, either. I’m a grown woman. Stop fussing, Billy. And thanks for the warning about the bedroom. I’ll work it out.” She gave him a hug and then said, “Start taking in pie to everyone, honey. I’ll bring some, too.” They returned to the dining room, and the boys didn’t take long to eat their apple pie, praising Mrs. Gibbons’ efforts.

  “I agree with the boys, ma’am,” Walker said in his deep voice. “You make wonderful apple pie. Thank you for dessert with supper tonight.”

  “Since we have a guest, I am relieved I had something nice to offer.” She beamed at the praise.

  “You always have something nice to offer. We’re all pleased, aren’t we, boys?” He included all of his wards. They all nodded and made comments of agreement.

  “Your cooking is one reason Ed and me stay on, Mrs. Gibbons,” Jake said, grinning.

  “That’s nice to know. If everyone is done, would you mind carrying your plates out to the kitchen table for me so I can get started on the clean-up?”

  “We’ll give you a hand,” Billy said immediately, picking up his plate and Jessie’s. Jake followed suit, and he asked Angie if she was done, and took her plates for her.

  “I can help out,” Angie got to her feet.

  “No, you will not. You need to go to your room and get all settled in and get some rest. You come along with me, dear. I know how upset and alone you feel right now. I lost my first husband when I was near your age, and me with a babe on the way. I was devastated, but that baby gave me strength I didn’t know I had, and while you don’t want to hear this right now, life does goes on. Your pain will lesson, and you will love again someday. We’ll help you now. You aren’t all alone, and you’re safe here with all of us.”

  “I am so thankful to you all for your generosity,” Angie whispered, tears in her blue eyes as she looked at Mrs. Gibbons, Jessie, and Walker. “You have no idea how grateful I am.”

  “You’re welcome to stay here as long as you like, ma’am,” Walker told her.

  “Thank you. I’ll try not to abuse your hospitality,” Angie promised before Mrs. Gibbons led her from the room and up the stairs to the second floor.

  “You and I have a switching to take care of, Jessie,” Walker said quietly. “I don’t think we should put it off any longer. You can take a knife and go and cut two switches and go and wait in your bedroom for me. I’ll expect you to change into a night dress that you can pull up and bare your backside.”

  “Walker, there’s something you need to know,” Jessie looked at him. “Angie is in my old bedroom. I don’t think she’d take too kindly to you coming up there.” The look on Walker’s face was one of frustration.

  “Where did she put you?” he asked, his dark eyes looking at Jessie suspiciously.

  “I’ll give you one guess,” the redhead replied with a smirk.

  “Did you plan this just to get out of a switching?” he demanded. “It’s not going to work…”

  “I don’t think I like what you are implying,” Jessie said indignantly. “You know full well I haven’t had two seconds alone with Mrs. Gibbons. Billy is the one who told me he’d helped her move my things into your room… She thinks married people should share the same bed, and she used this opportunity to make it happen!” By the time Jessie finished speaking, she was furious. “How dare you imply that I would use my body to get out of a spanking!”

  “Fine,” Walker snapped. “You can do as you were told and wait in my bedroom. I’ll be up after I check on the stock and make sure the boys have done their chores for the day.” He got to his feet and headed for the doorway before turning to say, “Jessie, this switching will happen, one way or another. You make it easier by doing as I said, or I’ll make you regret it even more than I already intend to.” He stomped from the dining room, clamping down firmly on his temper when the feisty brat stuck her tongue out at him!

  Jessie looked after the big man in dismay. She’d been so positive he would forget all about the promised switching once they were home, but he was a man of his word, and she was in trouble. Now what? She’d promised to take the punishment if he waited until they were home, and she was going to have to prove she was a woman of her word. There was no way she was going to go outside through the kitchen… She didn’t want everyone in the house to know what was happening. Jessie walked through the house, and found another set of doors that she suspected were rarely used, and passed through them to go outside. It didn’t take her long to pick two rather wimpy looking switches. She used her own knife to cut and peel the bark from them, and to trim off the nubs. She’d never done this herself, but had been forced to watch a friend of hers do so once for lying to her mother. Jessie hated seeing Melinda switched, and remembered that her friend was sore for several days afterwards. She wasn’t looking forward to having Walker do that to her now!

  Once she made sure that no one was around, she slipped back inside and ran upstairs and down the hallway to the room at the end. Just like Billy promised, her belongings were now in the room, and her nightdress was lying on the bed! Mrs. Gibbons seemed determined to push her and Walker together, in spite of what either of them thought on the subject.

  Jessie’s stomach was full of butterflies as she stripped out of her trail clothes and carefully hid her guns lest Walker take it in his mind to confiscate them. She washed up, and slipped into her nightdress, and t
hen brushed her hair, while trying not to look at the two switches lying on the bed. How bad could it be? Jessie asked herself. Melinda was only ten years old when her mother switched her, and she survived. Jessie was a whole lot older than that, and she was a lot tougher… Still, Walker spanked hard with his hand… Would he be as harsh with a switch? The waiting was making her extremely nervous, and Jessie got up to pace the floor, her fingers automatically going to the locket around her neck for comfort. It was the only thing of her Mama’s that she’d managed to save from Snake…And if it cost her a sore backside for a few days, then she would pay the price, she bravely told herself.

  When the door to the bedroom finally opened, Jessie jumped. “You startled me!” she accused, glaring at the big man.

  “Who did you think it was?” Walker asked calmly. He’d struggled to rid himself of any temper he felt before he came upstairs to face punishing his wife. It wasn’t a task he looked forward to, but she’d earned a good switching, and she would have one to remember the next time she thought to do something so foolish. He pulled the bench out from the vanity and said, “You can lean over and put your hands here, Jessie. Pull up your gown first,” he instructed.

  “Noooo!” she looked at him in shock and horror. “That’s too… too revealing!” her face was scarlet.

  “We’re married, and I told you before that I always spank on the bare.”

  “I’m not a boy!” she reminded him. “No, Walker! I won’t do that! It’s bad enough being over your knee, but I’m not putting on a show for you! I refuse!” she crossed her arms stubbornly.

  “Are you going back on your word?” he demanded, clearly exasperated with her.

  “No, sir, I am not!” she was stung by his words. “I’m just telling you to either take me over your knee, or let me lie over the bed… I don’t want to be so exposed!”

  The tears in her eyes was his undoing, and he wondered who was truly in charge of this punishment. “All right, Jessie. I’ll give on this point. You can lie over the foot of the bed, and pull your gown up.” He was surprised when she moved to do his bidding. She still kept the gown tucked beneath her, and he had to refrain from smiling. Girls were a lot more modest than boys, and it was a fact. Of course, her backside didn’t much resemble a guy’s either. She had a very pretty bottom, and he hated that it was necessary to stripe her with a switch until she was covered with stinging welts. “You do know why this is happening, right?” he asked.


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