Walker's Rules

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Walker's Rules Page 12

by Joannie Kay

  “Would you kiss me again, Walker?” she whispered.

  Chapter Ten

  “Please? I want you to kiss me like you said you were planning to do,” Jessie begged.

  “I’m not completely in control, honey. I want to do a lot more than kiss you right now,” he admitted. Her little body pressed against his was giving him all sorts of ideas.

  “Do you care for me the way I do for you?” she asked, her pretty green eyes looking at him intently. “You wouldn’t have spanked me like that if you didn’t care. You protected me tonight, just like you did in town when that horrid John Evanston grabbed me.”

  “I can’t imagine my life without you in it, Jessie. My heart almost stopped when I saw that Apache with his knife raised.” He regretted the words as soon as he said them. She scooted even closer to him. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have frightened you again.” He held her close.

  “I’m not frightened now. I feel safe. If you wanted to be rid of me, Walker, you would have had your chance… and no one would have known. But, you aren’t that kind of man. I really do respect you, even when I lose my rotten temper,” she admitted. “I was so foolish tonight, and I really am sorry.”

  “I believe you, honey. It’s all over now.”

  She giggled, and said, “Except for sitting the next week or so!” She looked at him, “So, are you going to kiss me now?”

  He lowered his mouth to hers and was pleased when she responded, shyly at first, and then with more confidence when he seemed to enjoy the fact she was kissing him back. Walker reluctantly stopped. “Jessie, a man can only do so much of this before he reaches a point where he doesn’t want to stop. I’m almost there, and I don’t want to do something you’ll regret in the morning.”

  “I won’t have any regrets,” she insisted.

  Walker looked into those tempting green eyes and threw caution aside. He wanted Jessie, and if she wanted the same, there was no problem. He captured her lips with his once more, and this time there was no holding back.

  Jessie gave herself up to the moment, and even though there was some pain, Walker was gentle with her and gave her pleasure, too. When they fell into an exhausted sleep much later, they were wrapped in each other’s embrace.

  * * *

  Jessie woke first and the soreness of her body brought back the events of the night before, and she felt herself blush a deep scarlet. She and Walker were really married now! She was in bed with a man and not a stitch to cover her body… or his! How was she supposed to act now? She doubted she could slip out of bed without waking Walker, but she certainly couldn’t stay here… like this!

  Walker opened his dark eyes and if he was surprised to find himself in bed with Jessie, it certainly didn’t show. “Good morning,” he said in his deep voice, and then he smiled at her. “There’s no need to be embarrassed, honey. What happened last night was very special, and I’d never tease you for giving yourself so beautifully.”

  “It feels awkward to wake up and realize I’m not wearing a thing,” she shyly admitted. “I’m not used to this.”

  “I should hope not, Mrs. Ames,” he agreed with just the hint of a teasing smile. “Hold on, honey,” he said.

  Jessie watched as he unselfconsciously sat up, pulled on his pants, and then walked around to the wardrobe and fetched her robe for her. “Thank you,” she whispered gratefully.

  “I’ll see you downstairs, honey,” he leaned down and gave her a kiss. “I’m not planning to move out of this room again, Jessie,” he warned. “I liked sleeping with you in my arms.”

  He left then, and Jessie quickly got to her feet. She put on her robe, but went to the mirror to look at her sore backside, and it was just as she thought. She was bruised from the punishment she received the night before. Yesterday, she’d planned to work on the new bank, but there was no way she’d be able to sit her saddle, or a wagon seat, for the trip into town. Still, she smiled as she traced one bruise with her finger, she’d earned the spanking and she didn’t doubt for one second that Walker did it because he loved her. If he was just lashing out at her in anger, he wouldn’t have held her and comforted her after her fright. And, he wouldn’t have taken such pains to make sure she enjoyed making love. He would have simply used her, but Walker Ames wasn’t the type of man to do something like that. Impossible as it was to believe, she was loved… and she loved in return.

  By the time she got downstairs, both Walker and Tanner were sitting at the table drinking coffee. When Mrs. Gibbons saw her, she shook a finger and said in a scolding tone of voice, “You are so lucky that Walker went outside in time to save you, young lady!”

  “Yes, I am,” she happily agreed. “Very lucky,” she said, smiling at her husband. “What can I do to give you a hand, Mrs. Gibbons?” she asked, and immediately was put to work. When Sam came down a bit later, she said, “Come and sit down, Sam, and let me see how you are doing.”

  “I’m fine, Miss Jessie,” he protested, but he did as she said when he caught Walker’s eye.

  Jessie took a look and was pleased. “You’re doing great, Sam. There’s no sign of infection. We’ll put on a clean bandage after we eat breakfast. Are you in any pain?”

  “Nothing I can’t handle.” He looked at her. “You don’t need to fuss so much, honest. I’ve been hurt worse.”

  “I’ll fuss if I want to,” she told him, grinning, and he finally smiled in return, his eyes filled with humor.

  When Angie joined them a bit later, Sam got up and went over to stand in front of her. “I am sorry for knocking you down yesterday, Missus. I didn’t know it was you and not one of the guys until it was done. I hope I didn’t hurt you none?”

  “I’m fine, Sam. Just don’t you be running off again. You scared us all. Why, you might have been taken by unfriendly Indians!”

  Sam looked at her for a few moments, and then nodded, “Yes, ma’am, you’re right about that.”

  Jessie’s unpredictable sense of humor took over and she started giggling.

  “I certainly don’t see what is so funny,” Angie stated indignantly, and Tanner sat her down and explained, happy to have a reason to talk to the pretty blonde.

  Sitting down to eat breakfast was not the least bit comfortable, and it was all Jessie could do to remain seated while everyone ate. When she tried to get up, Walker made sure to include her in the conversation, his dark eyes telling her he expected her to stay right where she was. By the time the meal ended Jessie vowed she was going to learn to control her temper… she didn’t plan to give Walker another excuse to spank her for the rest of her life!

  * * *

  As the days passed and there were no further signs of Indians about, Walker started to relax. It was unusual for the Apache to travel this far north, but it did happen at times. Other than the day after he spanked her, Jessie insisted on going into town to work on setting up the bank. Walker refused to leave Mrs. Gibbons and Angie and her baby alone on the ranch while there was any chance at all the Indians could come back, so he invited everyone to come along. With so much help, the bank quickly took shape, and when Angie realized that Jessie meant for her to come and work there, too, she was excited as could be.

  Sheriff Tanner Graves stopped by often, especially when it was time to eat the lunch that Mrs. Gibbons packed daily. He always made sure to sit beside Angie, and he played with little Andy. Jessie was sure that Angie didn’t realize it yet, but Tanner was falling hard for her. He would be patient until the time was right, but Angie wouldn’t be a widow for long, and little Andy would have a wonderful father.

  As for herself, Walker was everything she could ask for in a husband. He treated her well by day, and made her feel so loved at night. It had been embarrassing to tell Mrs. Gibbons that she needed to wash the sheets the morning after they made love the first time, but the sweet lady had merely hugged her and said she was happy for them both and that was the end of that. Even the boys seemed to accept that she and Walker were now a couple. Billy didn’t seem to be as
concerned that she would do something terrible to Walker, even though he was convinced Walker was lucky.

  The bank opened as scheduled, and Jessie was pleased with the customers who crossed her doorstep that day. John Evanston watched from a distance and made no secret of the fact that he was very angry. Walker had Tanner’s word that he would keep an eye on the man. Jessie wasn’t the least bit worried and figured she could handle Evanston all by herself if need be.

  Judge Slater stopped by a day or two later and Jessie got up from her desk to greet him. “How are you, Judge? What can I help you with?” she offered.

  “My Annabelle would like to meet the young woman who has the entire town talking, Mrs. Ames. Would it be too much trouble to ask you to come by when the bank closes for the day?” he asked hopefully.

  “I would love to meet Mrs. Slater,” Jessie said with a smile.

  “It would please her very much. Thank you,” he said earnestly. “I need to get home to her now, but we’ll be expecting you later today.”

  Jessie thought it was nice to have a day where she wasn’t tripping over Walker or one of the boys, and Angie was proving quite adept at doing her job. She enjoyed helping Jessie, and the atmosphere in the bank wasn’t the least bit stifling. Besides making her first loan to Ben Barns, who came in the first day she was opened and signed papers for the money she gave him a week before on nothing more than a handshake, several other farmers and townspeople came in and asked for small loans. Jessie was happy to help them. She’d only told one person ‘no’, and it was more than a little obvious the man would have used the money to buy alcohol. Jessie suspected that her competition sent the man, and she found it amusing. Of course, men like Evanston thought all women were fools, and she was going to enjoy watching him slowly go crazy. Once it was time to close the bank, she carefully totaled out their drawers, and made sure to lock the safe. Jessie also locked the door and told Angie she was going to pay a visit to Annabelle Slater. Angie said she would wait for Jessie in the general store, and pick out some fabric to make some new clothing for Andy. She’d been very careful with her money but now that she was working she could afford to make a few new things for her son.

  The Slater’s house looked nice and Jessie was surprised when the door was opened by a young woman. “I’m Jessie Ames. Judge and Mrs. Slater are expecting me.”

  “Yes, of course, Mrs. Ames. Come inside, please. I’m Celeste,” she said. “Please have a seat in the parlor, and I’ll tell them you’re here.” She showed Jessie to the spotless parlor and gave her a smile before hurrying off to tell the Slaters they had company. Jessie wasn’t kept waiting.

  “There you are, Mrs. Ames. It’s kind of you to come. Annabelle has been looking forward to your visit all day.” he smiled at her.

  “I’m looking forward to meeting her, too,” Jessie answered. He led her through the house and into a bedroom at the back.

  “Annabelle, this is Mrs. Walker Ames,” he said with a smile.

  “’Jessie’ will do nicely,” Jessie said.

  “Jessie is a pretty name. Homer has told me so much about you, and I think it famous that you are dealing with John Evanston as he deserves!”

  “Now, Annabelle!” Homer Slater said in a reproving tone of voice.

  “Don’t Annabelle me, Homer,” the woman said, giggling. “That might have worried me a few years ago, but we both know you won’t actually carry out the threat behind those words.”

  The Judge chuckled, “Not very likely, my dear.”

  “Now that that is all settled, I want to know all about you, Jessie.”

  Jessie stayed a lot longer than she intended, and promised she would return in a day or two to continue the visit. The Judge walked her to the door and said, “Thank you, dear. I haven’t seen Annabelle so animated in weeks. You are good for her. Please do come again soon.”

  Jessie promised she would and hurried to get Angie and head for home. Knowing Walker, he would be worried if they were even a few minutes later than he expected them, and Mrs. Gibbons would need help with supper, and Angie needed to spend time with Andy, too. As it was, they met Walker on the way home, and the scowl on his face told her he wasn’t too happy.

  Jessie put a smile on her face as he caught up to them. “Sorry we’re late, Walker. Judge Slater asked me to visit with Annabelle, and I stayed too long. She’s a sweet lady, and a bit lonesome for company.” His eyes softened immediately. “I’m sorry you were worried, and I’ll try to tell you the next time I plan to do something like that.”

  “No harm done, honey. I was a bit concerned, but I am glad you went to see Mrs. Slater. It can’t be easy to be confined to bed all the time.”

  “She has a good outlook,” Jessie said.

  “And, it gave me time to do some shopping for Andy.” Angie smiled happily. “Don’t worry, Walker. We are careful, and Tanner looks in on us often.”

  “Well, let’s get on home, then. I left Lee and Denver quarreling over who was going to chop kindling for Mrs. Gibbons and I might have to take a piece of kindling to the both of them to get it done.” He grinned, letting both women know he was joking. Inside, however, he was trying to calm down. He’d been so certain that something terrible had happened, like a robbery, or perhaps John Evanston had done something to give them a hard time. He knew full well that his little wife kept a gun handy at all times, but he still couldn’t help but worry about her… and Angie.

  “Why are you so late, Jessie?” Billy demanded when they arrived at the ranch. “Did you have trouble?”

  “Oh no. I just went to visit with Judge Slater’s wife, honey. Were you worried, too?” she asked.

  “Not until Walker started pacing and looking down the way for you,” he admitted. “I told him you could take care of yourself, but when he rode out to look for you, I started thinking maybe he was right.”

  “Sounds to me like I better go inside and bake the man a chocolate cake.” She winked at her brother and he chuckled.

  Angie was already showing Mrs. Gibbons the yard goods she bought for Andy, and Mrs. Gibbons was examining each piece with a critical eye.

  “Do you mind if I bake a chocolate cake, Mrs. Gibbons?” she asked with a smile.

  “Child, this is your home, and your kitchen. I just work here. You can do whatever you please,” the elderly woman replied, her cheeks a bright pink.

  “I thought we already talked about this, Mrs. Gibbons!” Jessie was suddenly close to tears. “This is your home, too. I want to do all I can to make your life easier, but you have been running this kitchen for years now, and you do it so well. I don’t need to be the boss just because I’m married to Walker. Can’t we just leave it the way it is?” she asked hopefully.

  “As long as you want it to be this way, dear. The Reverend and Mrs. Hopewell visited today and seemed to think I should move out so you can take your proper place.”

  “My ‘proper place’!” Jessie fumed. “Why, how dare they come here and upset you like this?” Jessie was furious. “Who the hell are they to decide what is right and proper in this home? I don’t want to change a thing, Mrs. Gibbons. I don’t feel you are keeping me from doing anything, and if not for you, I wouldn’t be able to operate the bank. The next time they come nosing around, you tell them to go straight to…”

  “Jessie!” Mrs. Gibbons cut her off with a giggle, and then tears filled her eyes. Jessie rushed to hug her.

  Walker picked that moment to come inside and his dark eyes widened when he saw Mrs. Gibbons so upset. “What’s wrong? Has something happened?” he asked Jessie. Jessie had tears in her eyes, too. “Angie?”

  “Some people should just mind their own business!” Angie stated clearly, her blue eyes snapping with temper.

  Walker’s face turned red, and Jessie started giggling at his expression. She realized immediately that he thought Angie was speaking about him. Mrs. Gibbons realized it, too, and started laughing, too. Walker shook his head, looking at all three of them as if trying to decide what to
do. “I don’t see anything funny in this.”

  “That’s because you didn’t see your face, Walker,” Jessie giggled. “Angie didn’t mean you should mind your own business. She meant Reverend and Mrs. Hopewell. They came out here and upset Mrs. Gibbons today.”

  “What did they say?” he was shocked.

  “They told me I was overstaying my welcome in this house and that I should leave so that Jessie could take over the running of this house,” the elderly woman explained. “Jessie doesn’t want me to leave.”

  “Of course not.” Walker was shocked. “We all want you to stay here. With Jessie and Angie working at the bank, we need you more than ever,” he said. “You’re family, ma’am, and you always will be.”

  “And that is exactly what I’m going to tell those two busybodies tomorrow,” Jessie declared, folding her arms across her chest, a mutinous expression on her face.

  “Oh no, dear! Why, the Reverend is a man of God and I’m sure he means well.”

  “Nonsense. He’s butting his nose into things that are none of his business.”

  “Jessie, Mrs. Gibbons asked you to drop it. She knows how we feel, and that is all that matters.”

  Jessie turned up her chin, but didn’t say a word. “I’m going to get busy on dessert, unless you have something else you’d rather I do, Mrs. Gibbons?” she offered, refusing to get into an argument with her husband.

  It was later that night when Walker brought up the subject again. “Jessie, I expect you to leave Reverend and Mrs. Hopewell alone.” They’d just made love and his wife was at her sweetest when she was purring contentedly next to him.

  “They need to be told not to come out here and upset Mrs. Gibbons. We’re her family, and they have no right to tell her what to do.”

  “I don’t want folks thinking badly of you, honey. Your bank could suffer if you make the Reverend angry.”


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