Human Nature

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Human Nature Page 25

by Finlay Borthwick

  “That’s all the more reason to find out where we are. The quicker we know that, the quicker we can get going.” Annabelle suggested, walking away from Cora as though nothing was wrong.

  A similar situation was happening with Miguel and Vanessa. They had tried to ignore the fact that Cody was dead. “Do you blame me?” Vanessa had to ask him, noticing that he was blocking her out. “Do I blame you for what?” He pretended he was unaware of what she was talking about. “For Cody… Is it my fault? Is that what you think?”

  He turned around to face her, “Vanessa, I don’t blame you. I just can’t look at you right now. The last proper thing you said to Cody was that he was an idiot, even though ultimately he was right. Then, we found these people. What does that tell you?” She shook her head, “It doesn’t matter. Miguel, I can’t be doing this knowing that you hate me. Remember, we’ve lost twenty-nine people we care about –”

  Miguel interrupted her right there, “You mean thirty, right?” In reference to Cody. “Yes, of course. But it’s just… Hard to accept, isn’t it?” She asked him. He looked beyond her, noticing Keith reminiscing to himself. “You heard what he was arguing about with that girl, right?” He continued staring at Keith, “Apparently, he flat-out murdered someone. A poor, innocent boy. Just trying to live. If that’s true, then can we really trust him?” Miguel suggested.

  “No, don’t. I know where you’re going with this, and we can’t do that,” Vanessa advised against what he was thinking of doing. “Why not? He could turn and kill one of us at any moment. At least if we take him down now, not only will we not have to worry, but he won’t have to live with his dark past anymore.” She still protested the idea, “No, Miguel. That’s final. Now that Cody’s gone, no one else can die, ok? Not even him.”

  On her own again, Annabelle was still thinking about the year she’d spent with Erica and Andy…

  … Andy walked over to the campfire where Erica and Annabelle sat. “Ok, I have something to confess to…” He sat down on the opposite side of the fire. “You made the right call earlier.” They both looked at him, confused. “That mustard really did give the fish some flavour.” Annabelle breathed a sigh of relief and laughed gently, “Well, you’re welcome I guess.”

  Erica fondly watched their interaction with each other. “So, you two go back a long way, right?” They nodded at each other, “I remember her when she was just mummy’s little princess,” Andy joked. “I remember your beady blue eyes when I first saw you. Your mother said that you even preferred me to her!” Annabelle laughed, slightly out of embarrassment. “You know what I remember you did once, ‘Uncle Andy’?” She pulled out another embarrassing memory, “I remember when you were so drunk that you tried to invade a football pitch. You ran on, tried taking a free kick, but the security tackled you before you even got close. My dad couldn’t stop laughing, I couldn’t stop laughing; and I was only three as well. But my mum… I remember the embarrassment on her face. Like she didn’t want to even associate with us anymore.”

  Erica loved their interaction with each other, “You see, this is the kind of stuff you don’t really see in the apocalypse anymore. I mean sure, maybe Elliot and Olivia’s relationship is something we all find rare, but these kind of moments, this is what I’m talking about,” She pointed at Andy and Annabelle, “Being able to recall the best of times, even here in the worst of days! It really melts my heart. You know something guys? I’m glad it was us three of that helicopter. I’ve really enjoyed these past ten months together.” She began to slightly tear up.

  “Aw, come here,” Annabelle went over to hug her. Even Andy joined in with the bittersweet moment…

  … Annabelle couldn’t stand her memories anymore, yet they would not leave her alone. “You need to stop walking away from everything and everyone,” Cora joined her in the store. “You need to start letting us help,” Cora crouched down in front of her. “Hello?” She waved her hand, but it seemed Annabelle had become unresponsive again.

  Keith was in a similar situation, stuck in his memories. “You alright?” Vanessa approached him, offering him a bottle of water. “Thanks,” he took it, and sipped it slightly before handing it back to her. “Keep it, I’ve got my own one.” Upon hearing that, he opened up the lid again and guzzled the liquid inside.

  “I heard what you and Annabelle felt out over. I’m sorry things went that way,” Vanessa sympathetically offered, “I brought it upon myself,” Keith remarked. “No, you didn’t. Whatever you did, it doesn’t matter anymore. In this world, there is only the Present. There is no Past, and there is no Future. There is only now.” But he disagreed with her, “I remember when I found Annabelle. Back on a boat, this was. I remember when we escaped…

  … “This way!” Keith lead Annabelle into a small hallway, with a passing out Cora in his arms. “Annabelle! Get the door!” He rushed her, as she desperately tugged at it – but it refused to open. “It won’t open!” She kept on trying. From behind, they could hear Doctor Khan shouting through the boat – his voice reverberating. “I’ve got this,” Keith rested Cora on the ground, “Move back!” He pressed his leg against, pulling at the handle, “It’s shifting! Give us a hand!” Annabelle helped him with pulling at the handle.

  Behind them, a gun clicked, “Don’t try it.” Khan snuck up, ordering them to back away from the door. “The question is, which one of you do I now kill?” He pointed the gun at Keith, then Annabelle, then Cora. “She’s already on her way out of this world, so I’ll let her die naturally I guess. But you,” he pointed the gun at Keith, “Hmm… You helped me out several times. I suppose I can let you live,” he directed it at Annabelle, “But this bitch, I mean, who even is she? From what I overheard, it sounds like she killed one of your best friends. Yet you will side with her? Come to me Keith, come back to me. Do that, and I’ll spare you. I’ll even let you save Cora. What do you say?”

  Annabelle looked at Keith, begging him not to walk away. “I’m sorry,” he shook his head at her, stepping over to Khan’s side. “A wise move indeed. Well done my friend.” Keith stepped behind Khan. “Now where to run now missy.” He taunted Annabelle, “Why don’t you just hold still and –”

  His words were cut off as knife went through his throat. Annabelle jumped slightly. “I’ll never side with you. No one will. Ever again,” Keith pulled the knife out of Khan’s throat, letting him drop to the ground and bleed out. He watched as he gagged and his body twitched. It took only a couple more seconds after that for him to succumb to the bleeding. “Burn in hell,” Keith spat at this corpse. “Annabelle, let’s get this door open!” He ran back over to her, as she looked at Khan’s body in dismay…

  … Keith fell silent again in the present day. “Khan was evil. He wasn’t a doctor. He had no medical experience at all, we only ever saved lives by luck. He ruled by fear and torture. That’s the only reason why I didn’t leave until that moment. It took Annabelle’s encouragement to get me out of that place. To help me man up and save Cora. I guess it ultimately paid off, huh?” He unloaded his sins to Vanessa, “I guess so,” she responded.

  Keith was shocked by her response, “You guess so? Aren’t you gonna berate me for murdering someone?” She shook her head, “Why would I? He held a gun at you and two innocent girls. Death was the only option for him.” Keith smiled at her, “You’re the first person to not blame me for killing anyone.” He took her hand, “You’re gonna go far in this world for that.” She put her hand on his face, “So will you....” She brought him in, as the two shared a tender kiss.

  “I’ve found out where we are!” Miguel’s voice echoed through the terminal, as everyone rushed over to him, looking at the name of the airport written on an adjacent terminal. “We’re in Lille?” Cora asked, as Miguel nodded, “That’s what it says, so I’m presuming so.” Annabelle looked happy for the first time in a while, “Lille! North France! We’re near the coast. Which means that if we follow it West… Yes, we’ll find my group again! We can do this! Cora, your mot
her, you’ll see her again!” Both girls sounded very excited, hugging each other in delight. Miguel on the other hand looked beyond them, noticing how close Keith and Vanessa were; causing him to jealously scrunch his lip up…

  Chapter 23

  Tensions were high in the refugee camp. Everyone pointed firearms at Elliot, as he shifted through the place with William at knifepoint, “Where to next old man?” He gritted his teeth. “T-t-that way!” He struggled to breathe through Elliot’s tight grip. “Stay back you!” Elliot shouted at one of the guards trying to stand in his way.

  “If you shoot me, my reflex actions will cause the knife to slit through William’s throat. Besides, if this place is really a nice warm community, you should be able to forgive a nasty bastard like me, right?” The guards still held their firearms up.

  “Listen, I don’t mind you pointing a gun at me, I’m holding your leader at knifepoint so that’s fair play. What I do mind is not knowing where my friends are at. So, step aside!” William nodded at the guard, as he followed Elliot’s orders. “Now then, where to next?” Elliot asked again.

  William had shifted Elliot all the way to the stairs which lead into the decontamination chamber. “They’re down there! I-I-I promise y-you!” Still, William struggled to speak against the tight grip applied on his neck. “If you’re lying, you’ll die. So tell me, are they down there for sure?” Elliot tightened his grip even more, William nearly began to choke, nodding as best he could. “Excellent.” Elliot released him and pushed him down the stairs, tumbling into the room beneath.

  “Father!” Raphael turned around from the control panel, helping William get onto his feet. “Your father is he?” Elliot held his knife out in front of him. “You care for him, right?” Elliot edged closer to them, as they backed against the wall. “Y-yes,” Raphael was shaken up by Elliot’s presence. “Where are my friends? Tell me, or I’ll kill him.” He lunged in with the knife, getting it dangerously close to William’s eye. “They’re in there!” Raphael squealed out.

  “You!” Elliot pointed the knife at Louis. Before he asked him to release the group, he looked at the monitor. Everyone was alive and well inside.

  “I tried to tell them there were only enough resources to cure five of them complete. By sharing them amongst each other, it’s only lowered their radiation levels – not completely eradicated,” Louis informed him.

  “How long until they can come out?” Elliot asked, still holding the knife out ahead of him. “Around half an hour maybe… Look, would you at all mind putting the knife down? I really don’t like them. Please.” Louis begged.

  Elliot looked at his knife, and then at Raphael, shielding his father. “Damn,” he put his knife away, “Looks like I never had the curse in the first place. I am the curse…”

  After seeing his friends were safe, Elliot had been taken back to William’s trailer. “Now listen, Elliot. I’m willing to forget your little act just now,” William negotiated, “I can convince the people here you are no threat. On one condition, I need you to find everything on this list for me.” He handed Elliot a small note. “It’s what we use for decontamination. Since your friends are using all our current resources up, I need you to replenish my supply. You know, just in case more survivors come along in need of being cured.” Elliot nodded, “I accept your terms. I’m tired of running and fighting now. I’m willing to stay, whatever it takes.” Now, Elliot offered him his hand rather than the other way around. William gratefully accepted and shook it.

  Half an hour had passed, and the group were allowed to leave the decontamination chamber. Raphael and Louis opened the door, helping them leave. The last one out was Gwen, as she left, she grabbed Raphael and threw his head into the side of the door. She then grabbed Louis, and shoved him inside the chamber, closing the door.

  “Gwen! What are you doing?” Olivia thought she had gone mad. “Are you people forgetting something?” Gwen noticed everyone looking at her. “These people were planning to kill us! Have you all really just forgotten that?” Olivia walked over to her with her hand out, “Gwen, please. Stop it. Don’t ruin this opportunity for the rest of us.” But she wouldn’t back down, “You think they’re just going to let us live? You think they’ll let us get away? How can you trust them?”

  Olivia spun Gwen around, putting her into an arm lock. “Reed, get the door,” she gestured to him, as he pulled it open again. He helped Louis out. Gwen laughed, “Silly bitch!” She ripped free of the arm lock, turning around and punching Olivia in the face, knocking her out. “Out of my way!” Gwen ran past the group, running off upstairs.

  Olivia’s mouth began to bleed. “Olivia…” Reed pointed this out. “Yes, I know. Blood. Big deal!” She misunderstood what he was trying to say. “No, Olivia, look. Your blood is completely red! There’s no pink! You’re cured!” She wiped her mouth with her hand, looking at the stain on it to verify what Reed had just said, “I don’t believe it! You’re right!” There was no pink in it at all.

  Erica slowly woke up, “You pulled through!” Tina was jovial, greeting her as Erica awoke. “My head… It’s killing me,” Erica seemed dazed. “It’s ok, I think all of our heads are throbbing now.” Tina smiled at her.

  “Listen, this is a sweet reunion and all, but we need to go after Gwen,” Olivia reminded them, “She’s going to get herself killed if we left her roam!” Everyone agreed, moving out to chase after Gwen.

  “We’ll stay behind,” Tina informed Olivia, “You know, just until Erica wakes up. I think Raphael needs our help too.” Olivia nodded, “Take care of yourselves.”

  Upstairs, as the entire group piled out, the locals were startled. “Has anyone seen a middle-aged woman with black hair run past here?” Reed asked, but everyone seemed wary of them, “Just answer the question!”

  Zach stepped in front of him, and repeated the question in French. Everyone pointed in the same direction – the hospital. As they all ran to go after her, one of the residents pulled Zach back, telling him something in French. Zach nodded at the man in response.

  “Would you like a cider?” William offered to Elliot. “No thanks, I don’t drink,” he responded. “Don’t drink or you don’t drink anymore?” William was trying to turn the question into a conversation. “Don’t drink, at all. Not once. Never even touched alcohol.” William didn’t believe him at first, but then saw the sincere look on his face, “Alcoholic father?” He specifically deduced. Although Elliot didn’t respond, his silence made it clear. “It’s ok, Elliot. My father was the same.” William opened a cider bottle, “But he’s long gone now. I needn’t worry about being like him anymore.” He took a sip from the bottle, watched by Elliot. “So, Elliot, tell me about your life before the apocalypse!” He requested with deep interest.

  “Well, I don’t know how to explain it really. There’s a lot to tell. Some things you wouldn’t believe me on, others are rather dark.” William glared at him intriguingly, “It’s just us here. You can tell me anything, and I won’t judge or accuse you of lying.”

  Elliot nodded, and took a deep breath. “You’ve already worked out what my father was like – an alcoholic. My sister’s father was exactly the same. Both marriages were ended by my mother.”

  “So, your sister was actually your half-sister, then?” William deduced. Elliot nodded, “That’s correct.” He thought of what to say next, “She was born nineteen years before me. Quite a considerable age gap. She even had a daughter. It was weird for me to refer to someone as niece, especially when our age gap was less than five years apart… But this is where the bad stuff begins. Are you sure you want to hear it?” Elliot checked with William to be sure, he nodded, “Please, say.”

  “My niece didn’t make it. She died long before the apocalypse came around…” He cleared his throat, wiping his eyes slightly. “That’s alright,” William raised his hand, “You don’t have to tell me anything more…”

  “Gwen! What are you doing?” Olivia arrived at the tent with the rest of the group behind her.
Gwen had pulled out her heavy-pistol, threatening all the hospital staff. “Olivia, I know you think I’m being extreme.” She nodded, “Hell yea! This is about the most extreme thing I’ve seen you do!” She was quick to defend herself however, “That man over there,” she nodded to the Patient closest to Olivia, “Look at his eyes.”

  “They’re shut. How can I?” Gwen suggested, “Force them open. With your fingers. Look at what’s happened. It’s ok, the cuffs restrain him, remember?” Confused, Olivia walked over to the man, forcing his eyelid open – his eyes were dark red. Immediately, she pulled her hand away, the eyelid dropping shut again. “Humans can mutate as well?” Olivia asked her, as Gwen remorsefully nodded, “It seems that way…”

  Reed pulled up his machete, “Then we need to put these poor bastards down before they kill the rest of us.” He raised it above the man’s head, but Olivia stopped him. “He’s not dead! You can’t kill him yet!” She reasoned with him, but everyone was starting to see things from Gwen’s perspective. “Don’t you get it? They’re going to wake up any minute now and yank those cuffs off. Reed, do it.” She glared at him. “No Reed, don’t do it!” Olivia protested.


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