Alien Commander’s Reluctant Bride

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Alien Commander’s Reluctant Bride Page 5

by Wells, Juno

  I jolt up in my seat. They’ve arrived in the engineering section and appear to be working on the main engine. A small team leaves and returns about thirty microns later with large metal coil. I watch them retrofit it to the ship, cutting away about a third of it. I’m elated when the ship finally powers up. Our warriors are clever and hard-working men. The reward I have planned for them will make every bit of their diligence worth it.

  They rig some kind of complicated grid of tubes and fiber optics they’ve pulled from various parts of the huge ship. They haven’t cleared the entire ship of insects, so this makes we wonder if they’re arranging for a radiation blast or something along those lines to kill the last of the insects. Tabor won’t take a chance on anyone else being stung, that much is certain.

  Suddenly, all the warriors take flight at the same time. I didn’t know they could move that fast. Coming to my feet, I don’t take my eyes off my data pad. At this point the warriors are moving faster than the floating cameras can keep up. I’m getting mostly images of the backs of the rapidly flapping wings. There is a blinding light and my data pad goes black.

  Tossing it onto the table, I go running out of the tent. Kendra sees me running for the ship and joins me, with the other warriors at our heels.

  “What happened?” She shouts in a rush as we run.

  My heart is hammering, but I push out a breathless reply. “Something went wrong. There was a bright light and then everything went dark.”

  We skid to a stop in front of the huge ship and find the warriors lying and sitting on the ground. They begin getting up one by one, dusting off their uniforms. Without thinking, I run over to Tabor and fall to my knees beside him. “Are you all right? I saw the bright light and then everything went blank.” My hands are running all over his chest and arms as I look for injuries.

  “I am well, my queen.”

  The tone of his voice catches me off guard. He sounds surprised and somewhat amused by my little freak-out. I force myself to pull my hands off him and wrap them around my stomach, just so I’m not tempted to touch him again. “What happened?”

  “We set off a scrubber. It’s a burst of energy designed to eradicate all life, right down to microbes. We normally set it two microns behind a shield designed to keep us ahead of the eradication burst. In this case we were apparently not flying fast enough so it pushed us forcefully out the bay door. It was not enough pressure to cause injury, my queen.”

  “Good. I was just worried because you were just back from being down for a couple of days. So, the ship is bug free now?”

  “Yes. We will spend the rest of the day clearing up the debris and then it will be safe for you and your sister queen to inspect.”

  “Well, that’s good. Thank you.”

  “Are you well, my queen?”

  A quick glance around tells me everyone is staring at us, or rather they’re staring at me. I’m sure it looks like I’m fawning over Tabor. Sheesh. That is not what I intended. “Kendra and I will work on the shuttle today, and we’ll all begin repairs on the ship tomorrow at first light. I want to be off this world as soon as possible.”

  Coming to his feet, Tabor extends his hand to help me up. “Understood, my queen. You will not find anyone dragging their wings on my watch.”

  7 Lack of Trust


  Phan and Timric walk towards me, passing the queens with a respectful bow of their heads. Phan’s eyes are huge and his wings pinned tightly back. “What in the ‘verse was that all about, brother?”

  I am shocked that our queen singled me out for attention and seemed so worried about my well-being. “Our queen has been through a large amount of stress over the last few lunars. After being attacked by the Moltan and seeing her commander injured, I believe she is wary of losing any of her warriors.”

  Phan lets out a deep breath. “She seems especially concerned about her commander.”

  I reply steadily, “Since I am the warrior she is most familiar with and have served her well, it stands to reason that she would wish to continue under my protection rather than having to familiarize herself with another commander.”

  Timric speaks up. “I believe the touching is common for queens when they wish to assess if a warrior is injured. Queen Stacy exhibited such behavior during my medical apprenticeship.”

  Swiveling his head around to look at his friend, Phan frowns. “Queen Stacy did this to my father before taking him to mate.”

  Timric replies thoughtfully. “Perhaps she was attempting to remove your uniform to look for injuries but did not know how.”

  Phan’s voice drops slightly. “She wears a similar uniform herself. It stands to reason that she knows how to get it on and off.”

  “Yes, but your brother’s uniform…”

  “Enough. We have work to do and exactly no time for such useless banter. I want you both assisting the crew assigned to the bridge. They’re going to need runners to hunt down parts in this area. Stay together and maintain an awareness of your surroundings.”

  My brother snaps to attention. “We will not fail you, commander. You may wish to inform the others that it is unlikely the insects we exterminated will be living out in the open. Their biology is made for low temperatures. I do not believe they could survive being exposed to the twin suns on this arid planet.”

  “I will send out a general message, but do not take any chances. Cover each other’s back just the way you were trained.”

  They both acknowledge my command in unison and head back into the ship. I follow with Elder Scarn at my side. “It will take days to clear up all the debris, sir. The queens are eager to assist with the repairs. We clear out the loading bay first so we can store their cargo. I do not like our crates sitting out in the open unattended. Though there are few people about, our cargo will draw unwanted attention.”

  “That is a smart move. I believe we will wish to get the queens into a chamber where we can better protect them.”

  “They can sleep in the loading bay with the cargo.”

  Scarn’s head whips around his wings unfurl. “Are you attempting to pick a fight with me, sir? You well know the loading bay is no fit place to house delicate human queens.”

  “The loading bay is enormous. I mean to simply move their luxurious tent, sleeping platforms and multitude of cushions into the bay temporarily until we can clear more of the ship.”

  Folding his wings back, Scarn responds sheepishly, “I don’t know why I imagined them sleeping on the cold metal floor.”

  Giving his shoulder a squeeze, I give him a little shake. “I am an honorable warrior. Therefore, I will strive to make the sister queens as comfortable as possible while they shelter under my wing.”

  “They seem enamored with working on engines. Might I suggest we clear a path from the loading bay to engineering first? That will allow them to move between their private space and their favored worksite unencumbered.”

  “That is an excellent plan. I wish to get this ship operational and loaded with enough spare parts to ensure we can make repairs as needed.”

  “I notice you posted a list of parts we are to scavenge and it was weighty.”

  “This is an extremely resource-rich environment. I doubt we will find another salvage yard with such a diverse offering. Also, our queen has negotiated a deep discount on all that we buy.”

  “Why do you think the Denarians were so eager to make such a trade?”

  “My best guess is they wish to trade them to one of the species who value cloning. Humans are lovely creatures. I can see an alien species wishing to mix human qualities with their own DNA. She struck a surprisingly good bargain with the Denarians. I’m inclined to pay at the discounted rate for spare parts now, rather than paying a premium for those same parts when we are in desperate need.”

  “You are wise beyond your years, commander. Not many see the benefit of planning so far into the future. Queen Kearney got the discount by trading their long hair.

  “We are taske
d with the safety with not just one precious queen, but two. The younger is barely of age to mate. It is my opinion that we cannot be too careful when it comes ensuring their health and wellbeing.”

  “Agreed. Shall I take a team to clear out the loading bay?”

  “I will accompany you, Elder Scarn.”

  “The more hands the better, commander, but I thought your time would be better served on the bridge.”

  “My bridge crew is each seeing to his assigned area, so I will leave them to it. I’m not above clearing rubbish and am as strong as any warrior.”

  “Though few commanders are willing to perform menial labor, we are pleased to have you on our team today.”

  I flash him a grin as we enter the loading bay and we grab a huge piece of rusted metal and begin dragging it towards the bay door. The work is dirty and difficult, but I am pleased for the opportunity to flex my muscles.

  For some reason, I continue to feel the effects of the warrior’s serum my brother administered to aid me in my recovery. It makes the hard manual labor rather exhilarating but also provokes my thirst.

  We pull off our tops after removing the bulk of the metal and begin repairing the bay doors, lighting, and environmentals. By dusk, my muscles ache a little from all the heavy lifting, but I am not tired. We stop and go out in the cool night air to suck down a hydration pack and eat our food bars. I’ve been living off food bars for so long, it doesn’t occur to me to want real food. I only realize that’s an option because the queens are planning everything they wish to grow in the hydroponics bay. It’s confusing, because both sisters rejected all offerings of naturally grown foods on our home world. They insisted upon eating only food bars, which are nutrient dense but bland and tasteless.

  Though it might considered rude to question the queens on their food preferences, I allow my curiosity to get the better of me. “Do you mind if I ask why you did not wish to eat from the dining hall during your time on our planet? Is it because you wish to consume only food that you have grown with your own hands?”

  When Queen Kearney’s eyes land on me, she seems taken aback. Instead of answering my question, her eyes skate over the wide expanse of my chest. Her gaze turns warm and admiring, and I wonder if she does think of me as a potential mate. Without meaning them to, my wings release a quarter of a turn and my muscles tighten. When her gaze drops down to my stomach muscles, my cock begins to harden.

  I quickly shift my leg up to cover my crotch, and in doing so, deprive her of the sight of most of my body. I rest my arm casually on my knee and force myself to act normally. “If you wish, we can clear out the hydroponics bay and get your foodstuffs growing.”

  She jerks back and closes her eyes for a brief moment. “We were planning on picking up seeds on Earth.”

  All the warriors stop talking and turn to hear more about going to Earth. Since it is the one planet with excess unmated females, it is the place warriors most wish to visit. “I thought your plan was to trade with planets around our home world.”

  Lifting her chin, she replies sternly, “I never said that. I stated that I wish a trade ship and crew to conduct trade with other planets.”

  “The only item Earth has to trade is brides and the queens ruling our home world forbid us from purchasing or trading for human females.”

  “Am I not also a queen? Why should their wishes supersede mine?”

  “There are many queens on our home world, but only two rule. We are obligated to follow their directives if we wish to remain on our world.”

  “I will visit Earth and trade my gemstone for seeds, cloth and other items human queens covet. When I return with these items they will be pleased. If they are angry, I’ll look for another planet to call home.”

  “You should have selected more warriors if you wish to found a new world, my queen. We are fifty strong, but that is barely enough to staff your ship.”

  “Perhaps we will pick up extra crew from the many ports we stop at.” Glancing around at the large group of warriors who are hanging on her every word, she raises her voice slightly. “I have heard many women on Earth wish to find jobs and earn their own way, rather than signing bride contracts. I’m certain many could learn basic ship functions.”

  Queen Kendra speaks as well. “They would be helpful in hydroponics and basic ship’s maintenance. You don’t have to have wings or be a genius to clean a fuel injector or replace a burned-out fuel rod.”

  The warriors all begin whispering to each other. Even I am excited at the thought of rescuing human queens from their dying world. I bow my head in submission, to the sister queens. It appears they have worked around the laws set down by our ruling queens. It is clear that where there are unmated queens, there is opportunity for our warriors to distinguish themselves. The warriors see this as an opportunity, as do I.

  I glance at Elder Scarn, who dips his head in agreement. “So be it, Queen Kearney. All will be as you say.”

  She lets out a breath shakily and darts a look at her younger sister queen. The look that passes between them is one of slight relief, and then worry creases their brows. I also spy an emotion that appears to be a tinge of guilt, and it becomes clear to my mind that they have not been entirely truthful. Since I do not think that Queen Kearney would break the law outright or do anything to harm others, she must be holding back information because she does not find me trustworthy or thinks I am too ignorant to understand her plan.

  Both of these possibilities truly wound my soul, for I have given of myself freely and bowed to their every whim. Looking away, I try to process the multitude of emotions threating to swamp me. My chest is tight, and the ache is one I have never known. I feel rejected and humiliated before my brethren. But when I look around, I see they are too excited about visiting Earth to notice the slight. I rise to my feet and return to the ship. Since the queens’ belongings have been arranged in the loading bay, I decide to work on the bridge. Being trained with a basic knowledge of repairing holographic imagers, I begin working on the large one that serves as the primary point of contact with other vessels.

  I pull out all the filaments and sort through a pile Phan and Timric scavenged from other vessels. They are fresh and high quality, but designed for a shuttle. Therefore, I must couple them together to make them long enough to span the entire length of the imaging assembly. It is tedious work, but keeping busy helps take my mind off the apparently poor job I’m doing leading this mission. There is no getting around the fact that my queen has no trust in me.

  I complete the repairs on the holographic imager and get to work on the smaller imagers at each console. My hands are occupied but my mind wanders. My battle buddy for many years was Meric. He not only captured the attention of a queen but ended up selected for mating. We are alike in all areas save one. He is a breeder with long golden hair, and I am a simple warrior. Queens prefer males who are excellent breeders, and I can only spawn two or maybe three young at a time. It is not Meric’s being chosen where I was not that wounds my soul, it is not being seen worthy of my queen’s trust.

  8 A Ship of Our Own


  We’re sweating because the environmentals are not functioning correctly yet, but I have to admit that I absolutely love this ship! Kendra and I have never had anything that was actually ours before, so we’re totally stoked. Everyone seems enthusiastic about getting it up and running, and we’re way ahead of schedule on the repairs. The only person who seems to be less than thrilled is Tabor.

  Those eagle eyes of his don’t miss much. He knew I wasn’t telling the whole story last night. He doesn’t know that I’m playing my cards close to the vest, telling them only what I think they need to know each step of the way. We couldn’t very well set a trajectory for Earth without anyone noticing. So, I had to come clean about that piece. Nothing I said was a lie. I do intend to trade on Earth, right after I check on my family.

  Truth be told, I didn’t expect the crew to be so open to visiting Earth. In retrospect, it se
ems stupid not to put two and two together and realize guys looking for mates would want to visit a planet where they are plentiful. I guess that I had it in my mind that they were more interested in action and adventure or they would have stayed planet side where there is a whole building of women looking for mates. Then again, the odds were stacked against them. There is a good chance they thought that going from planet to planet would afford them more opportunities to meet alien females in general.

  I wipe my hands on a cleaning cloth and head outside the ship. I can hear the warriors getting loud and am curious about what’s going on. What I see makes me stop in my tracks. Kendra is with the two younger warriors. They’re mixing what appears to be a large vat of metallic paint. It’s copper colored and they seem to be having a blast. Kendra seems to have gotten close to them since we left. I see the strange dog-like creature she petted when we first arrived and it has her hand print in copper colored paint on his side. He’s jumping around, making them laugh. Crew members are standing around and laughing at their shenanigans as well. The three of them are that strange age when they aren’t kids anymore but aren’t thought of as grown adults either.

  The smile slips from my face, and I’m shocked at what I see next. She dips both hands in the paint and places a hand on each of their chests. This is a playful gesture, but one the crew will interpret as her selecting both of them for mating. Draconian warriors are big on marking their property, after all. They all create special designs and mark everything from their faces to their gear. They will call this her queen’s mark. She marked the dog as her property and now the two males. Some women chose two men to mate, but not the women in our family. I know for a fact that’s not what my sister is doing.


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