Tainted Desire (Desire Series, #1)

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Tainted Desire (Desire Series, #1) Page 10

by Wendi Hulsey

  “It’s okay! I’m so on edge I just assumed it was Dylan; I need to learn to relax a bit. Let’s go get those drinks and join the others back outside where my eardrums won’t explode,” I suggest.

  We hang out talking and drinking until midnight. Then we say our goodbyes to Stephanie and make our way to the parking lot. Stephanie seems like a nice enough girl, however; I noticed she had her eye on Cameron most of the night. I’ll have to ask Courtney if they ever dated or if she’s just admiring him from afar. I will have to get use to other women undressing him with their eyes; he has that effect on women.

  We find ourselves having an awkward moment as we reach the foyer between the two condos. Cameron and I make our way towards his door to say goodnight, while Blake and Courtney say goodbye near her place. He wraps his arms around me and suddenly my fears from earlier in the night dissipate. I feel so safe in his arms with his dark dreamy eyes staring down at me. He leans forward and plants a tender but firm kiss on my lips and I instantly get that warm, damp feeling between my legs. I want to drag him into his condo and do wild and wonderful things to him.

  With pleading eyes, he murmurs, “I’m sorry about earlier I never meant to scare you. I want you to feel safe here, not frightened by my childish actions.”

  “I’m fine; you just took me by surprise. I know how you could make it up to me though.” I try to provoke him with my most lusty voice.

  “Oh God Kylie, don’t do this to me. You know I have to be up early to do trial runs at the track. I have to get a good night’s sleep and be as alert as I can. If it wasn’t for those damn trial runs, I would already have you naked, panting, and begging for more.”

  Damn, I’m horny just listening to him talk dirty. “It’s okay, I understand, doesn’t mean I have to like it though. I will have to dream about all the ways you’re going to please me,” I whisper while nibbling on his earlobe.

  He grabs both sides of my face and brings his mouth down on mine. His warm wet tongue glides along my lips, begging me to open to him. I oblige and he continues his sweet assault on my mouth, sliding his tongue against mine, tasting me, and leaving me breathless.

  “Goodnight Kylie, I love you.”

  Oh my god, I have waited forever to hear those words from him. My stomach flips a few times before I’m able to respond. “I love you too Cameron. I always have.”

  “Enough you two love birds, come on Kylie,” Courtney insists.

  As I turn to walk away, he grabs my wrist. “Kylie, wait a second. Come to the track tomorrow around four o’clock. I should be done by then and would love to show you my car and the race track,” he suggests like an excited little boy.

  “Okay, I’ll see you at four o’clock then.”

  Lying in my bed, I’m completely frustrated and horny as hell. Every nerve ending in my body is longing for Cameron’s touch. He left me sexually charged with no outlet. I hope he’s lying in his bed in the same misery as I am. I try watching the TV for a while and that makes matters worse. It seems every late night movie involves naked couples screwing. I click it off and lay there a few more minutes before I decide something has to give or I will never get to sleep.

  I reluctantly slide my hands over my breasts and feel my nipples harden into tight pebbles from my touch. I massage my breast, pulling and pinching my nipples between my forefingers and thumbs hoping to mimic the sensation of Cameron scrapping his teeth across them. I let one hand slide down to my panties and rub my fingers over the nub of my clit. I feel my wetness pooling, while I think of Cameron’s mouth kissing that very spot. I continue to massage my breasts and tug at my nipple with one hand, while the other slides into my panties and I insert one finger into my warm wet pussy. I slide it in and out feeling my insides contracting around my finger. It feels surprisingly good, though it still isn’t enough to bring me to an orgasm.

  I slide a second finger in thrusting fast and deep at the same time rubbing my clit with the palm of my hand and pinching the nipple of my left breast painfully hard. At last, I feel my insides tighten around my slickened fingers and feel my body quiver as I have an orgasm. I continue to rub my slick clit through each aftershock of my orgasm. I’m completely spent and ready for sleep, until the phone rings.

  At this time of night, it could only be Cameron. Maybe he changed his mind and can’t fall asleep either. Without looking at my phone, I answer.

  “Hey babe, I guess you can’t sleep either. Want me to run across the hall and help you get tired?”

  I hear nothing but the faint sound of breathing. Oh fuck, I didn’t check the caller ID.

  “Hello! Who is this?” I ask frantically.

  Click. The caller ends the call. I quickly pull up the call log and the caller phoned from a Wisconsin area code. Shit, how could I be so careless and stupid? How did he get this number? I guess getting any sleep tonight is going to be out of the question.

  Chapter Ten

  At some point in the middle of the night, I must have finally drifted off to sleep. I lazily roll over and look at the clock. Damn, it’s already ten o’clock! Well at least I have nothing to do until four o’clock when I go see Cameron at the track. The condominium is eerily quiet as I go in search of Courtney, who is usually awake way before I am. I peak in her room and it’s empty, her blankets are ruffled as if she got up unexpectedly. She’s usually very neat and tidy, making her bed every morning. I walk out into the kitchen expecting to see her there reading the morning paper, instead there’s a note scribbled on stationary.

  Sorry, I had to go into the office for a couple of hours. Persistent customer!!! Be back as soon as I can.

  Stay Safe, Courtney.

  Well its official, for the first time since arriving in Florida, I’m by myself and scared shitless. I’ll need to get used to it, everybody has jobs and a life to lead. Once I start working, I’m hoping it will keep my mind occupied. I really wish Courtney were here, I wanted to get her thoughts on my late night phone call. It can’t be a coincidence, the smell of his cologne and an anonymous phone call from Wisconsin. I’ve never been the paranoid type, nevertheless; this certainly has me on edge.

  I grab a bowl of Cheerios and a glass of orange juice and take it all outside on the patio to enjoy the morning sun. Nothing can happen to me way up here, right? I run back in and snag my cell phone off the counter just in case. Yep, definitely paranoid! I’m about to take a bite of cereal when my cell phone rings and I jump, flinging Cheerios and milk in the process. Grabbing at my phone and checking the caller ID, I let out a huge sigh of relief; it’s either my mom or dad. Whew!

  I answer quickly, eager to hear from them, “Good morning! Is this my beautiful Mom or my handsome Dad?”

  “Oh honey, it’s so good to hear your voice. You sound good, almost cheerful this morning. How is everything going down there?” Mom asks.

  “Things are going okay I guess. I put in several applications for jobs yesterday. How’s Dad doing?”

  “Oh you know your dad; he’s stuck in his ways. Working long hours and spending time washing his motorcycles. Same as when you were here,” she says in a sorrowful voice.

  “You should make some plans, surprise dad, spice things up a bit.”

  “Kylie, we have been married forever. I don’t know if there’s much to spice up anymore,” she answers.

  “Oh come on Mom, you two aren’t even fifty yet. Go get yourself some new lingerie and knock his socks off. Maybe plan another get away. Ask him when he can take a vacation and surprise him.”

  “I would like to come down and see you. Maybe I could tell him I’m planning a trip to Florida. Find a nice hotel to stay in and spend some time on the beach. What do you think?” she asks tentatively.

  “I think that would be a great idea. I would get to see both of you and the two of you could see Cameron, Courtney, and their parents. Then have some alone time at the hotel and on the beach. I know just the place, I actually applied there yesterday. I will email you a link for the hotel.” I’m so excited at
the thought of their visit.

  “Oh Kylie, I miss you so much. I wish you had let us help you before running off to Florida. I saw Dylan yesterday at Wal-Mart with another girl on his arm. I’m sure he was showing off by prancing her in front of me. Maybe someday you can come back and live here again. It looks like he might be moving on,” she explains.

  “I don’t know about that Mom. Weird things have been happening lately, I smelled the faint scent of his cologne in my room and I had an anonymous phone call late last night. The caller was just breathing into the phone. I thought he was here in Florida, I guess if you saw him yesterday then that isn’t possible.” I add confused.

  “I don’t know what to say honey; it was definitely Dylan I saw in the store yesterday. He could have made that phone call however; I don’t see how it would be possible that you smelled his cologne when he’s here in Wisconsin.”

  “Maybe I’m just crazy! I guess I could have imagined it, I was sure it was the smell of his cologne. Courtney’s boyfriend doesn’t wear cologne and it’s not the same scent that Cameron wears. Besides, Cameron hasn’t been in my room for days, the scent wouldn’t have still been lingering in there after that long.” I say in one long breath.

  “I don’t know what to say except be careful. I’m going to go and give your dad a call while he is on break, see if he’ll put in for some vacation time. I think it will do all of us some good to be together for a while. I love you Kylie. Bye.”

  “Love you too Mom, give Dad a kiss for me. Bye.”

  I don’t know what to think after talking to my mom. Am I just crazy? Is my mind conjuring up crazy thoughts and scents? Courtney might be right; maybe I’m a bit too jumpy and paranoid. It’s good to know that Dylan is back home and not here, and with another girlfriend no less. Maybe I can relax a bit and start living my new life with Cameron.

  I abandon my now soggy Cheerios and just drink my juice, then take a speedy shower throwing my hair up in a messy bun and dressing in shorts, tank top, and flip-flops. Perfect attire for doing laundry and some cleaning for Courtney. I put a load of whites in the washer, and then get started dusting and vacuuming. Courtney said she has a housekeeper that is going to start coming by once every other week, nevertheless I enjoy cleaning, it calms me. I used to help my mom around the house, so this makes me feel at peace, closer to her.

  After the place is straightened up and somewhat clean, I take stock of Courtney’s pantry and refrigerator. Apparently, the girl doesn’t do much cooking because there isn’t enough food here to put a meal together. I make a shopping list and head for the nearest grocery store trying to pass time before meeting Cameron. If I’m not yet working, the least I can do is start cooking and helping more. My only hope is that I don’t get lost.

  I find a Publix food store about a mile down the road and make a quick sweep through the store, gathering the items I have written down, and quite a few more things that I don’t need as well. Really, buy one get one free ice cream. How could I pass that up? I make it back to Courtney’s without getting lost and feel somewhat accomplished. I went on my first outing by myself, didn’t get lost, and big bad Dylan didn’t jump out at me from the corner of the grocery store. Things are looking up.

  I spend the next couple of hours lounging on the couch waiting either for Courtney to show up and keep me company or for four o’clock to roll around. I guess Courtney’s insistent customer is quite demanding after all. At three o’clock, I get tired of waiting, go to my room and change out of my cleaning clothes into a pale yellow sundress, and give myself a few extra squirts of perfume. Then jump in the car Cameron has so graciously loaned me and try to find my way to the track. I never thought to ask how to get there. I just assumed Courtney would be here to give me directions. I dig out my phone and MapQuest my way to the track.

  I arrive about fifteen minutes early so I take the time to touch up my makeup in the mirror. I let my hair down from my bun, give my hair a little sprucing up by finger combing through it, and then exit the car. He never did tell me where to meet him, however; I can hear the sound of his car speeding around the track. He left a visitors pass taped by the elevator buttons with a note attached.

  You will need this pass to get past track security. Can’t wait to see you, have great news!

  Love always, Cameron.

  The love always part gives me that butterfly feeling in my stomach. I wonder what news he has for me.

  As I start walking towards one of the entrances, I’m having second thoughts about wearing the sundress. After putting on the dress, I matched them with a pair of Courtney’s sinfully high summer sandals and the arches of my feet are aching already. I’m somehow going to have to get used to wearing these things because they make my calves more shapely and sexy. I want to be as sexy as possible for Cameron especially if he is going to have women like Steph molesting him with their eyes. He’s one I want to keep completely satisfied and coming back for more.

  Approaching the entrance, I see an elderly gray haired man flipping through a magazine with a bored and un-amused look on his face. I hand him the pass Cameron provided for me, he speaks into the mic on his shoulder, and then points me in the direction to go. Not a very social man considering he never spoke a word directly to me. I guess it would be a boring job to have when there aren’t any races going on.

  I continue in the direction he pointed, a bit confused because I’m walking under the bleachers and not sure how to get to the actual track. Other than the noise of Cameron’s racecar going around the track at Mach speed, there isn’t another soul or sound. I make my way under the bleachers and come face to face with a fence just as Cameron’s car whizzes by. HOLY SHIT! That was fucking loud.

  Not wanting to walk any further, I look behind me and see row after row of bleachers. I take a seat on the first bleacher not trusting myself to climb the stairs in a pair of lethal sandals. What was I thinking wearing these shoes to a racetrack? This place is much more massive than it looks on television. I get a vindictive idea and take out my new phone waiting for Cameron’s car to circle around once more before clicking off a photo. Then I take a picture of the huge jumbo-tron screens and the leader board and send all three pictures off in a message to my dad. He will be so jealous.

  I see Cameron’s car slowing down as he pulls into pit row and stops in the first pit spot. He slowly climbs out of his car pulling his helmet off in the process. He talks to one of the pit guys who looks at his watch, and must be telling him the time. His hand goes over his eyes shielding them from the sun as he looks around. My stomach gets those wonderful butterflies again as I see him smile and raise a hand to wave to me. I wave back with an equally big smile. He motions his hand in a downward motion for me to meet him under the bleachers.

  I ungracefully climb down the couple of stairs as carefully as I can in these shoes and wait. He suddenly appears out of nowhere driving a golf cart and pulls up right next to me.


  “Hi back.”

  He’s still wearing his tracksuit and his hair is damp from sweat and stuck to his head in a cute sort of way. I go to him and run my hands through his hair fluffing it up a little bit. Seeing him in his race suit and sweaty reminds me of my little after race fantasy. Oh, how I hope I get to experience that in the near future.

  “I know I don’t look the most respectable at the moment however, you look amazing and very desirable in that dress. Please come here and kiss me,” he insists a little demanding.

  I like his way of being demanding. Completely different from the way the asshole was demanding. Cameron’s way is sultry, sexy, and makes me want to give myself over to him completely. I place my hand on his chest and give him a slight push away.

  “Not so fast. You said in your note that you had good news and I want to know what it is before I lose track of my senses kissing you.”

  “I make you lose track of your senses? As I recall, you were very aware of your senses,” he whispers, staring right into my eyes.

nbsp; Anxiously I demand, “Cameron! Come on, it has been bugging me since I read your note.”

  “My kiss first, then I will take you and show you,” he says, grabbing and pulling me closer to him by the hem of my dress.

  I go to him. How could I not? He gets off the golf cart and descends upon my mouth almost knocking me off balance in these shoes. I taste mint on his breath and feel the heat radiating off his body through his suit. He kisses me deeply and his hands start to slink up my thighs bringing my sundress up with his hands. I break the kiss and give him a playful smack.

  “Cameron, we’re out in the open. That old man in the booth is going to get an eyeful of my behind if you raise my dress any further.”

  “Probably give the old coot a heart attack. I know he would die a happy man though,” he teases, giving my ass a firm smack.

  “Okay, you got your kiss and I want to hear the news. Now!”

  “Umm, demanding aren’t we? Get on the cart and I will show you.” He agrees more excited than I’ve ever seen him.

  He drives under the bleachers and through an underground tunnel; this explains how he got over to me so fast. We take a quick spin around the track and I’m awe struck. I have seen this track so many times on TV watching races with my dad. I never knew the slope of the turns were this high, I feel as though I’m going to fall right out of the cart as he takes the turn.

  “Geez, Cameron. I never knew these turns were this steep. No wonder there are so many accidents on the turns.” I grip his arm a little frightened.

  “The turns have a thirty-one degree banking not allowing much room for error when you’re going at high speeds. The track is two and a half miles around and that goes by in the blink of an eye.”

  “Aren’t you afraid flying around this track at those speeds with another car right on your ass? I would be petrified of dying.” I add, concerned about his safety.


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