Forbidden Desires Box Set

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Forbidden Desires Box Set Page 18

by Katy Kaylee

  “You’re laying it on really thick-“ Grinding the words out, my cheeks flushed at the high-pitched quality in my tone, and Ryan chuckled lowly. His stiffening member dug into my butt, and I shivered when he did this sort of duck and tilt to grind lower.

  “Are you saying you don’t want it, Gwen? Even if it’s just for fun? Being under all this stress and subjected to all this change… it must be really hard…” Biting back a moan as Ryan released my hand to cup my breast outside my shirt, I closed my eyes to savor this moment. This sexy, playful banter engrained deep in my mind, and his lips brushed the crest of my ear. “Not to hit a soft point, but if you’re going to be a divorcee living alone, isn’t it best to fuck a younger guy to verify your own self-worth, anyway?”

  “That’s not fair-“ Gasping when he squeezed my breast, I clenched my ass cheeks against the pulsing need in my abdomen, and he smirked wickedly. “I won’t be a bad romcom… screwing my little brother’s best friend…”

  “Ouch… romcom-” Ryan sucked in a whistle of a breath and gave a faint tsk, and I only heaved a breath when he released my chest. Stepping away, he left me cold and panting softly, and I flung my head back to fight the shiver lodged between my shoulder blades. “I’m offended that you’d compare it to a romcom, Gwen. I think it’d be more like… a chick flick.”

  “What?” Alarm bells rang in my head when I realized the stove was still on, but the pan had nothing in it. Shuffling to the full refrigerator, I flexed and curled my fingers wildly as I grabbed the butter, and Ryan laughed heartily as he leaned on the counter.

  “Yeah- one with lots and lots of passionate sex while the main character slowly but surely learns who she is again, and then, she dumps the male protagonist when she realizes she’s a powerful independent woman that doesn’t need a man.” Barking a laugh of my own, I forcefully suppressed the throbbing between my legs, and I turned down the burner before plopping a massive amount of butter into the pan. “I’m serious- it’s a good idea, no? Who doesn’t cry during a chick flick, huh?”

  “Ew- why are you talking about that? Did you get a script offer or something, Ryan?” My interest peaked at Thomas’ question, and I glanced over at Ryan on my way back to the refrigerator. “Oh- that’s right. You don’t know about that, do you, Gwenny? Ryan’s an actor, now.”

  Our moment slid by effortlessly even as Ryan reached to rub the back of his neck, and his gray eyes sparkled when they flickered to mine. Smiling a little at how hard he tried to hide his bashfulness, I grabbed the last salmon fillet out of the refrigerator before he cleared his throat.

  “Ah- yeah. It happened after you left for San Francisco. This guy came out to our high-school to check out our drama department after we won an award, and he picked me out. I was 16, at the time, but my parents were totally on board. They took a permanent vacation to Florida two years ago.”

  “You were in the drama department? What about you, Thomas?” Just in that moment, Thomas’ cell phone gave a shrill chirp, and I pursed my lips thinly. The notion that he went to the bathroom forever to find someone to text him about a supposed emergency crossed my mind. Watching him check the text, I held my breath as he frowned down at his phone before sliding it back into his jean pocket.

  “Uh- I gotta go. My friend is having a crisis-“ Called it. Tommy strode over and gave me an awkward kiss on the cheek that only told me he was lying. “We’ll reschedule.”

  “Yeah- okay. I hope your friend is okay.” Rushing out into the living room and beyond the front door, Thomas didn’t even look back, and I sighed heavily. Twisting the burner knob, I moved the pan to the back of the stove, and a bitterness spread across my chest. “… so much for lunch.”

  Ryan watched me through narrowed eyes, and I pondered his words from just a minute ago. He was right; as infuriating as it was, I was divorced, now. No matter how much I tried to downplay it, my ex-husband treated me like dirt for the better part of a decade until I couldn’t take it anymore. He fought me for three years, and the only reason I hadn’t moved back earlier is because my restaurant kept me afloat.

  Grabbing one of the plates off the counter by the stove, I held it out for Ryan, but he didn’t take it immediately. He reached for the ceramic disk slowly, eyeballing me wearily, and I held his gaze steadily. When he finally took the meal, a strange sense swept through me, and he tore his eyes off me to pick up the fork. For a long moment, I stood, lost, as I contemplated my situation.

  I had a hot, younger man in my kitchen, eating something I made, and he obviously wanted me. My self-esteem jacked up just watching Ryan take a bite of the salmon, and he hummed in greedy surprise as his brows rose. He’s not wrong. My personal self-worth is at rock bottom. I’m great, professionally, but…

  Reaching to unfasten the button of Ryan’s jeans, I dropped to my knees to tug down the zipper, and that desire that’d only just became embers flared hotly. Goosebumps washed my skin, and I glanced up as I hooked my fingers in his belt loops from under my lashes. His eyes already on me, he took another, slow, sexual, strangely erotic bite of the lunch I’d made, and I tugged down his pants gingerly.

  Saliva pooled under my tongue, and my taste buds tingled wildly as I palmed his half-hard cock. Shuffling slightly, Ryan tilted his hips forward, and I pumped his thick length from head to base. My heart pounded against my ribs, my nose bristling with the manly, clean smell of him, and blood drummed in my ears as my lips parted.

  Licking the beat of precum that glistened, I gasped as prickles skittered across my face and down my throat. Ryan’s breath hitched high above me, and I glanced up as I wrapped my lips around his spongy head. His eyes roiled like storm clouds even as he chewed dedicatedly, and he swallowed roughly before I took him down my throat.

  Slathering his cock, I didn’t back down as his head bumped the back of my throat, and Ryan’s neat thatch of curls tickled the tip of my nose. His girth stretched my lips, and I pulled back to bob my head. Holding his tense thighs, I ducked and slurped as the taste of him fogged my mind, and his groan rang above the blood pounding in my ears.

  “Fu-u-uck yeah…” Ryan thrust his hips but didn’t put down the plate or fork, and I caressed his entire length with my lips. Gagging slightly around his tip, I tightened my grip on his legs as I moved faster. Flickering up, my eyes narrowed into fine points as he held his fork, suspended and useless, and I pulled back fully to heave a breath.

  “Keep eating.” Licking and swirling my tongue along Ryan’s cock, I only sucked him down when he pushed his loaded fork between his teeth. Thrusting his hips with harsh pants, the muscles in his neck strained, and I reached down to cup his sac and squeeze gently. His breath hitched, body trembling, and his cock throbbed against my tongue as I rocked on the balls of my feet.

  “Sh- shit- agh-h-h-“ Against my palm, Ryan’s thigh tightened, and his balls tensed in my grip as he sputtered. “I’m gunna cum- Gwen-“

  Sucking on the bulbous head of his cock, I pumped his length as his hot cum spurted onto my tongue. His groans and gasps rained down on my crown, and his cock rippled in my palm as I squeezed the base and slurped up all he had to offer. Gulping down the salty substance, my throat tightened, and I rested my forehead on his thigh as my breaths came in short pants.

  “I’m… not trying to brag- I’ve gotten a lot of blowjobs, right- but that was easily top 4. Easy.” When I tilted my head, Ryan had a forkful of asparagus halfway to his mouth, and he paused to smile down with a wink. “I’m pretty popular.”


  “It’s fucking cold- holy shit!” Rubbing my palms together, I blew onto my fingers as Tommy stomped his feet, and I was so distracted by the cold that I forgot to explode on him.

  Not that I was complaining, really, because I got my own out of it, after all. But still- what kind of pussy shit is he not to want to spend time with his sister?

  “Dude- what was that bullshit about a crisis? Seriously?” Normally, I didn’t mind Thomas’ being the person he’d been his whole life, and he sh
ot me a quizzical glance. Striding deeper into my apartment, I dropped onto the couch with a groan and rubbed my face with both hands. “That was so awkward, dude- I can’t believe you left like that.”

  So, technically, I am complaining… but only because Thomas will get all butthurt that I sorta fucked his sister. It could be worse. He could figure out that I’ve been in love with Gwen since I was 12 years old…

  “You can’t expect me to hold a comfortable conversation with Gwenny, Ryan… she’s so stoic-“

  “Do you even know what ‘stoic’ means, Tommy?” Grumbling at me as he sat in the recliner at the end of the coffee table, Tom didn’t offer a real reply. Leaning forward to grab the remote, I flicked on the television to try to distract myself from the past hour and a half. “That’s not the point, okay? You can’t just leave me there because you don’t want to be there? We didn’t even have anything to talk about- it was the most messed up two hours of my life.”

  “I’m sorry- I would’ve gotten out of it if I could, but my mom is all about being sympathetic… and I am, I just don’t want to spend time with Gwenny when there’s no one else around. It’s always awkward. And- what are we gunna talk about? I can’t even boil water without burning it, and she’s an award-winning chef.” Thomas rattled off his excuses, and, in a way, they were valid. I had to hand it to him that he didn’t have anything in common with Gwen.

  But that didn’t mean he couldn’t try.

  “If you don’t want to, then say so, dude. What am I supposed to talk about with her? It’s not like she watches my soaps or anything…” Flipping to the entertainment news channel, I propped my head on my arm and my feet on the coffee table. “Don’t be a bitch, okay? Just tell her you don’t want to hang out. Don’t say you will and then do that shit to her- she’s your sister.”

  “Doesn’t feel like it after so long…” A harsh bark of laughter escaped me at that- so harsh it jerked me- and Thomas scowled darkly from the recliner. “I don’t get what the big deal is- she got a divorce, Ryan. Nothing special- it’s not like she’s grieving or anything. She did the stupid thing and married a guy right out of high-school, moved across the country with him- those are the two things you should have the common sense not to do.”

  No, something happened. Something bad. I couldn’t say it, though, because it wasn’t my secret to tell. Clenching my jaw behind pursed lips, I only grunted as the conversation came to a standstill. Thomas pulled out his cell phone to fiddle around out of the corner of my eye, and I stared through the tv instead of at it.

  I was the only person that knew why Gwen agreed to get married to that dick. I watched it happen. Even now, 12 years later, that conversation was seared into my memory as one of the most profound, disgusting things I’d ever witnessed. It literally changed the man that I became.

  Because no man can be called so if he assaults a woman.

  Closing my eyes, I flopped my head back to cover my face with my arm as those memories bubbled up to the surface of my mind. I was waiting for Tommy to get back from the corner store where we’d lived, and Gwen was in her room fighting with Craig. They’d been dating for a year, and he wanted to have sex with her. At my 13 years old, it didn’t really register how wrong it was for him to persist and coerce and physically intimidate.

  I was pissed because, in my childish thinking, he was going to get what I wanted.

  The scene played out behind my eyelids, and I could still picture Gwen’s rounded face clear as day, red and slightly puffy. She was crying because Craig told her that she was fat, and no one else would want her but him. He told her that her breasts were disgustingly large- which, honestly, they’re average- and she smelled because her thighs touched.

  Most of that episode, I didn’t really understand even though I knew it was wrong. It wasn’t until I was 17 or so that it all clicked.

  And, the truth was that Gwen wasn’t fat at all, she just couldn’t be stick thin. She’d tried, once, to get down to a size 6 pants, in the months leading up to her Prom, but she just looked wonky and angular in the wrong places. Craig didn’t need to rip into her for it; she hated herself, and she decided not to go to the dance at all.

  Thomas and I were playing video games, as we usually did on Friday nights. I can’t remember, now, what game, but I remember wondering why Gwen was blasting her music louder than ever before. I only found out later that her dad gave her a whole chocolate cake, which she was crying over.

  Being a teenager sucks.

  My cell phone chimed to break my thoughts, and I fished my phone out of my jean pocket. Peeking out under my arm, I sat up as I scanned the text Gwen sent me.

  Gwen: Come back tonight.

  Indecision wavered my thumbs as they circled the keyboard, and I clenched and released my jaw absently.

  Ryan: Are you admitting I’m right about the chick flick thing?

  The absolute last thing I wanted was Gwen finding out that I was in love with her, and my heart hammered against my chest. Holding my breath, I pushed myself off the sofa to head for the kitchen, and I pulled open the refrigerator door to grab a water bottle. My apartment was nice, with hardwood and tiles and a nice paint job, but all of it was a blur as I stared expectantly at my phone.

  Gwen: No. What if I bribed you with cake? I won an award for my cake, you know.

  “Fuck-“ Sucking in a sharp breath, prickles raced down my spine, and my cock twitched in my jeans. Typing a swift reply, I glanced over my shoulder, but Thomas was engrossed in his own phone. Setting my device on the marble counter, I twisted the cap off my water bottle with a sharp jerk, and my lips twitched up.

  It wasn’t going to be fun sneaking around Thomas’ back because he was just dumb and blind, but that didn’t mean it wouldn’t be worth it. Setting my bottle down, I snatched my phone to lean on the counter and debate my next move. I’d already showed Gwen that I was serious- seriously wanted to fuck her, that is- and, now, it was time to play coy.

  Boy, being an actor really was a good choice.

  Gwen: what if I let you eat it off me?

  My brows rose at the taunt, and I tapped the back of my cell with my middle finger absently.

  Ryan: Don’t make it chocolate...

  Gwen: It’s strawberry shortcake. See you tonight.

  Rubbing my jaw as thrill swept through me, I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face as I slipped my phone into my pocket. My cock ached, and I had a woman to impress! Win-Win. Shuffling to the bathroom, I turned on the shower and stripped out of my clothes. Impatience tightened my gut, and I didn’t bother waiting for the water to heat up before stepped into the glass box.

  Palming my cock, I closed my eyes and pictured Gwen, naked and splayed before me. Her imperfect, juicy body jiggling with each jab of my tongue, and her moans rolling down my back. The ghostly sensation of her heels digging into my shoulder blades made me arch as I thrust into my hand, and I ground my teeth hard.

  That thing earlier with the food- oh-h-h fuck, that was so sexy. Gwen got wet watching me eat something she made, and it wasn’t nearly as weird as I thought it would be. Who knew? Not me…

  But I sure as fuck am going to find out how far it goes.


  Nerves knotted my gut as I reached for the doorknob, and I hesitated for a long moment with my eyes trained on the door under tightly furrowed brows. A flurry of questions brought chaos to my mind, but one was louder and more aggressive than the rest.

  Was this a good idea?

  Thomas’ best friend- there wasn’t a huge age gap, but everything else seemed like an inhospitable expanse that I couldn’t cross. Ryan was hot, a tv star- a tall, broad, muscular, full-on man, now- and there was every possibility that he just pitied me. Pursing my lips thinly, I inhaled a shallow breath through my nose.

  The only thing I had going for me was being easy- easy enough to grind on Ryan like a bitch in heat. He came on so strong, and I couldn’t resist when he was so eager.

  Then again, when was the last time Craig
wanted to be with me- when I didn’t have to beg him to spend time with me…? Even then, he clearly didn’t enjoy it. And Craig would rather have sex with his boss’ daughter, but he still expected me to blow him whenever he wanted.

  Cracking open the front door at that bitter thought, I shook my head wildly and forced all thoughts of my ex-husband away. Ryan did a weird, shuffling-slash-hopping thing, and the frigid cold of the outside slammed into me. Goosebumps washed my skin, and I stepped aside to let him inside. Locking the cold out and him in, I held my breath as my fingertips tingled with nervousness and excitement.

  “It’s so bad out- you should put your car in the garage, or it might not start up in the morning.” Sliding off his jacket, Ryan cast me a sidelong glance to scan my body slowly, intently, and I blushed furiously. “You want me to do it? You can’t go outside like that- you’ll turn into a popsicle.”

  “My garage is full of stuff that I haven’t put away, yet.” His brows rose at my confession, and my face flamed as he hung his jacket on a hood behind the door. “It’s- it’s mostly business stuff and stuff.”

  “So, that’s how you managed to move in in a single day… you just put everything in the garage.” Ducking my head in a nod, I giggled faintly, and surprise rocketed through me when Ryan stepped up to me to grab my thighs in a quick, swift movement. Tensing as he hauled me off the floor, my squeak threatened to rupture his ear drum, and I wrapped my arms and legs around him for purchase. Squeezing and kneading my ass, he placed hot, open-mouthed kisses up my neck as he pinned me to the wall where his jacket hung. “I’m gunna warn you now, Gwen- I jerked off before heading here, so there’s no way this’ll be a one and done thing.”

  Gasping with a shiver as Ryan’s hard muscles flexed against me, a breathless moan escaped me when he ground his crotch against mine. Tilting my head, I rolled my hips and fisted his shirt, and he flicked my pulse point with the tip of his tongue. Straight teeth scraped against my chin, and I hoovered up a breath to hold before my lips found his.


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