Forbidden Desires Box Set

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Forbidden Desires Box Set Page 58

by Katy Kaylee

  “Are you mocking me?” Samson asked, the corner of his mouth crooking ever so slightly. If I hadn’t worked for him for several years, I might have not caught on that he was being facetious.

  “Maybe?” I countered. “You gonna do something about it?”

  His thick eyebrow raised, emphasizing his bright gaze, but before he could reply, Xavier was speaking.

  “Why don’t we go to my place? I have a full bar built in for parties.”


  My stomach just about dropped out to china at that and it took a moment before I could reply. His place? He wanted me in his rich, swanky and no doubt high end bachelor pad and there was supposed to be alcohol involved.

  Ho boy.

  “If that’s alright with you,” Samson added.

  I nodded before reminding myself to swallow so I could use my words like a grown up.

  “That sounds nice.”

  “Good. Samson, I think you should go get your car after all.”


  I had mentally prepared myself in the car for some sort of ostentatious show of wealth, but I was still pretty floored when we pulled into a private garage attached to a high-end apartment building that only the incredibly rich could ever afford.

  And I was shot right down through the basement when we exited from the garage into what looked like a main lobby. Except it wasn’t a lobby so much as it was a beautiful, ornate room with two security guards and a front desk with smartly dressed workers behind it.

  “This way,” Xavier said, gently tugging on my hands and leading me towards the elevators. Even those were fancy, full of glass and shining metals.

  Several employees greeted him as he passed, addressing both Mr. Mannon and Mr. Loto while calling me ma’am. It was certainly flattering but I almost wanted to tell them I was no ma’am at all. No, I was just an employee who had either gotten way to lucky or was in the best dream bought on by a long coma.

  I tried to play it cool as we rode the elevator up, up, up, but I couldn’t help but turn this way and that, watching everything that passed by the glass partitions. Of course, his building couldn’t just have a normal lift. It had to have one that was futuristic and stylish and just so goddamn cool.

  Huh, rich people. They really thought of everything, didn’t they?

  I remained in my little pool of inner-amazement as we exited the elevator and ended up in a short but incredibly designed hallway. I could tell that everything from the lights overhead to the solid floor below and the curtains hanging gently in the windows facing outwards had all been painstakingly planned then enacted. I admired the work, even if it did feel a little over the top, but all of that was swept out of my mind when I realized that we had reached a door.

  Not just any door.

  The door.

  As in the door to Xavier’s penthouse.

  Oh dear.

  He opened up the door and for a moment I felt like I couldn’t breathe. The place was huge. Way bigger than any one apartment had any right to be. But it wasn’t an apartment really, was it? No, it was a penthouse, and I was getting all up close and personal with what that meant.

  First of all, there were two floors, with the top one recessed just enough for it to be almost like a loft, but the fanciest loft I had ever seen. The design of it all was very demure, with light and dark greys as the signature while white and chrome were the accents.

  To my right I saw a large kitchen that looked so hopped up on gadgetry that I could spend a solid three hours just pressing buttons and not repeat a single one, and to the left was what I could only describe as a sort of entertainment area that had several couches and comfy looking chairs but plenty of room to dance.

  Oh, and a fully stocked, truly massive bar up against the wall, backlit by the city lights from the widows behind it. Which, by the way, were at least as tall as I was.

  “Holy shit,” I breathed, walking in. I flushed a little at the curse, but Xavier just chuckled while Samson rolled his eyes.

  “You want to know why I have a penthouse a good mile away from here?” the taller man asked lowly, looping his arm through mine and leading me towards the sitting area. I followed, but my head still craned this way and that as I tried to drink everything in.


  “Because this is all too much. One man doesn’t need this much space.” He set her down on a comfortable looking stool and crossed to the bar. “Pick your poison?”

  “Something fruity,” I answered quickly. While I normally didn’t like to rely on alcohol at any sort of function, in fact, I often didn’t like it, I could use a little social lubrication to get rid of the intense butterflies fluttering in my stomach. “And not too strong.”

  “Alright,” he said simply before going to work.

  I watched him for a couple moments, a bit enraptured with the expert way he went about it, his muscles bunching and releasing even through his suit as he reached for things. Xavier, however, didn’t seem to feel the need to watch his buddy work, because he was already stripping out of his jacket and tie, throwing him over his couch.

  I had to admit, the mini, not-really-a-strip-show, was enough for me to pull my attention from Samson and I was more proud of myself than I should have been for not salivating all over the place. Of course, Xavier clocked my expression and smirked as he sauntered towards me, extending a hand.

  “Now can I have that dance?”

  Dance? What- oh. I felt my stomach flutter as I remembered that night, not actually that long ago, where he had asked me to dance at the office party and I’d bantered coyly with him instead of saying yes.

  Well, there wasn’t really a reason to say no, so I took his hand. “Why not?” I asked, trying to sound cool despite the thumping of my heart. My whole body seemed intensely attuned to how it felt every time I touched either of the men and I’d never felt such visceral attraction before. It was borderline overwhelming, and yet I loved it. I wanted to sink into the feeling and the adrenaline and never come out the other side.

  “Not the most enthusiastic answer,” he teased, his arm wrapping around my back while the other pulled his phone from his pant’s pocket. I allowed myself a brief moment at being envious that his fancy cloth’s had pockets big enough for an entire phone, but that quickly vanished as he just pressed his screen a couple times and music began to gently play over speakers that I couldn’t spot but apparently were all around the entertainment area.

  It was a gentle song, lilting and sweet and way slower than what was usually played at clubs or even at the company’s parties. I let Xavier pull me into a soft hold that was far more intimate than we had any right to be and tried to let myself just enjoy the moment.

  But man, being pressed so gently against his solid, well-built form was something else, that was for certain. It didn’t seem possible to be able to feel his individual muscles, but that was exactly what was happening to me.

  We rocked back and forth for a while, not necessarily ‘dancing’ but definitely letting the music move us about. I rested against my chest, letting my eyes fluttered closed, and for the first time in forever, I was just in the moment.

  It was a nice moment.

  I couldn’t say how long it lasted, us flush to each other and enjoying the calming sensation of it all, but then I felt warmth at my back and a cool glass being pressed into my hand.

  Craning my neck backwards, I saw that it was Samson. And then I felt that it was Samson just a breath later when his hands gripped my soft waist and he pulled me tightly to him. I was effectively sandwiched between their two hard bodies, my own soft form melding to their edges like I was meant to be there.

  “This is a nice song,” I said, just to say something. It felt like the quiet was too intense and I might just burst from the possibilities in the air.

  “Is it?” Xavier murmured. “I guess I was distracted.”

  “Charmer,” I accused. Xavier chuckled, but I jumped a bit as Samson’s full lips pressed against the shell of my

  “He always did like to lay it on a little thick.”

  “You only think that because you just have to grunt, and women are lining up to be thrown over your shoulder.”

  I shivered at that mental image, rousing a low chuckle from Samson. “Would you like that? Being flung over my shoulder and carried away?”

  “What is this, some sort of Viking fantasy?” Xavier countered before I could rouse my thoughts enough to answer that.

  “I don’t know, you tell me, you’re the blond one.”

  “And you’re the one who looks like some sort of warrior here to destroy the gods or something.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh despite how demi serious the situation was. No wonder these two had been friends for so long.

  “Boys, boys, you’re both pretty.”

  Unfortunately, that brought both of their attention to me and I could feel Samson’s gaze on me just as intensely as I could see Xaviers.

  “I don’t know,” Mr. Mannon countered in a smooth whisper. “From where I’m standing, you’re definitely the pretty one.”

  I blushed at that and tried to think of a quip to keep things going, but then his was lowering his head towards mine, eyes lidded.

  I realized that I had a moment where I could pull back. I could decide to end things right where they were, and they would let me finish my drink then take me home. But I didn’t want to.

  Not even one bit.

  Pushing up on my toes, I pressed my mouth to his and let him kiss me.

  The previous times were quite different from the tentative, exploring way his mouth moved against mine. He was tender, sweet almost. It let me ease into it, feeling almost drunk on the sweetness of it all.

  When he pulled away, I blinked up at him dizzily. He smiled, tongue coming out to swipe at his lower lip, but before I could kiss him again, a strong hand wrapped around my chin and turned my head to the side and upward.

  My eyes shuttered closed as Samson claimed my mouth next. His kiss wasn’t as soft or saccharine as Xavier’s, more bruising, more conquering, but I liked it just as much. They were almost like two halves of the same coin, complimenting each other and never letting me get used to what was happening.

  Once he pulled away, I was well and truly breathless, but I was afforded no quarter. Xavier turned my head towards him, kissing me yet again as Samson’s hand roved over my front.

  They took turns, holding me, caressing me, finding out as much about my body as they could over my clothes. I was quickly becoming overwhelmed with it all, unable to tell who was where, but instead of being terrifying, it was exhilarating. I had never felt so desired, so craved, and it was pushing my arousal higher and higher.

  I let out a little gasp as suddenly I was whirled around, pressed into Samson’s hard chest as Xavier yanked my ass right up against him. I could feel his hard length straining against his pants and pressing through the flounce of my skirt, banishing any doubt that this was anything less than real.

  Samson seemed to know exactly what his best friend wanted, hauling me up into a more intense kiss with tongue and teeth and groaning. I was making all sorts of sounds that I would normally never made, but I was so caught up in them that I didn’t even care. They worked me between them, hands sliding, pressing, exploring, mouths demanding, until I was so sexed up that I could hardly even think straight.

  Just as suddenly as the first time, I was spun to face Xavier again. This time, however, his hands reached under the multiple layers of my skirt, pulling it up until both of his hands were under each of my considerable cheeks, and then he was hauling me off my feet.

  I let out a little help and wrapped my thick thighs around his waist, locking my feet at the small of his back. My hands scrabbled for purchase on his shoulders, but Samson was right there behind me, pressing up against my back enough to give me the support I needed.

  Finally, my head was level with his and it made the kiss that he claimed different. Not better, not worse, but different. And that different was just enough to distract me from the fact that we were moving until we were all the way to the stairs.

  “Uh, I don’t think this is the best idea,” I said, looking up the staircase dubiously. While I was pleasantly surprised that he was able to heft my heavy body all the way across his penthouse, I didn’t want to test just how far his endurance went.

  “It’s fine. I can carry you.”

  “Maybe another time. We don’t need to tire you out all at once.”

  “Fair enough.”

  His hands loosened and he let me slide down his body until my feet were on the floor. I certainly enjoyed the journey, but I also liked having my feet on solid ground again.

  Instead of my ass, Xavier took my hand in his and lead me up the steps. We only went up a few before I realized that something, or rather someone, was missing.

  Looking back, I saw Samson standing there, my empty drink somehow in his hand. He looked a bit bittersweet, stationed there all alone, and I extended my hand to him.

  “What are you waiting for?” I asked. I wasn’t even tipsy off my drink and I didn’t think that it had done much besides make my cheeks warm. Oh well, it was better to be lucid anyways.

  The giant of a man looked past me to his best friend uncertainly. “Are you sure you’re alright with this?”

  I looked to Xavier, staring at his face so I could check every modicum of emotion that passed across it. If he looked uncomfortable, then I wasn’t going to go through with any of this.

  But the man just shrugged. “If its both or neither of us, I don’t mind sharing.”


  I opened the door to my room, flicking on the mood lights that Samson had once told me were purely for vanity, but I felt vindicated as I watched the subtle blue bloom across Tabitha’s pale skin, just enough to be borderline mystical, but not enough to make her look strange.

  But what did look strange was Samson coming in right behind her, still fully dressed and appearing a bit uncomfortable.

  I couldn’t blame him. In all our years together, we’d never shared a woman. It wasn’t that either of us had some fear of it, but it just wasn’t something that had ever interested us. I loved my best friend, but I’d never desired to see him naked.

  I still didn’t really care about seeing him naked, unsurprisingly, but what was strange was that I liked watching his kisses devour Tabitha and I wanted to see him absolutely ravish her in bed until she was messy and sloppy for the both of us.

  And if that wasn’t something, I didn’t know what was.

  I pulled Tabitha deeper into the room, taking her in once more. I swore I could look at her for hours and still find something new to marvel at. She was beautiful and perfect and everything that drew me to a woman. From her full lips, to that spark in her eye, to her husky voice, all the way down to how she was so fiercely competent sometimes and completely flustered at others.

  I drew her to me in another slow kiss, only letting my eyes flick to Samson for a moment while I gripped her hips through all that inconvenient fabric. He caught my drift instantly and approached her back, his thick fingers going right to her zipper.

  It was pretty impressive that his large, calloused digits were able to grip something so delicately and slide it down. I had once seen him win an axe-throwing contest in college and then proceed to trounce everyone who dared challenge him to arm wrestle. Yet I could feel the moment the fabric loosened, and I gently pushed the straps off her shoulders.

  It needed a little encouraging to get past the wide flare of her hips and I was instantly reminded of the time I had spent with my face buried between them. She’d tasted so right, somewhere between the salt of the ocean and the slight musk of the earth. Exactly like a woman should smell, instead of some chemical laden potpourri or some bullshit. When I tasted a lover, I wanted her to taste like a human, not a goddamn perfume aisle.

  And the sounds she had made. Dear Lord, she should come with a warning label. Although little gasps and
pants were escaping her now, they were nothing compared to the mewls and downright keening she had let out before. I wanted to have her do that again and decided that I’d definitely have to make sure I showed Samson just how appreciative she could be.

  Granted, he had a little bit of a taste of that. Between the time Tabitha had left our office and we had arranged everything for our date, I’d gathered up enough courage to ask what they did together. When he confessed that she had basically made her frot against his thigh until she came, I was way more turned on than I should have been.

  Tabitha shuttered slightly as the dress finally pooled at her feet and I couldn’t help but stare. Before I had only gotten her leggings and underwear off, her top staying on. Now I could see all of her that wasn’t hidden by her underwear, and God, she was gorgeous.

  Being in higher society, I was often inundated when what society told me I was supposed to like. Thin waists, cellulite-less thighs, and women who looked more like teenagers than women. Not that there was anything particularly wrong with women who were slender, but then just didn’t appeal to me like they were supposed to.

  But Tabitha. Now she ticked all my boxes.

  I could see the couple of places where her skin was pink from the pressure of her bra, or the waistband of her underwear, signs of plenty, of feminine wiles weighing down the garments. I could see how her soft waist flared out into wide hips, the kind that my hands could grip and grip and mark and always have something new to feel. She was bounty and opulence, and I’d never wanted to feast so badly in my life.

  Then I realized that I could actually touch her, and I didn’t have to just stand there, staring like a moron. I stepped forward once more, our lips clashing again. I was faintly aware of the shuffle of fabric and I guessed that Samson was freeing himself from his suit jacket and shirt. Tabitha’s small hands went to my own buttons, and I felt her fingers pop them one by one.

  We parted again and she pried the shirt from my body. When I looked to Samson, he was just as topless as I was.


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