Sufficient Grace

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Sufficient Grace Page 20

by Jessica Greyson

  “You would think it by the way he acts, but no one really knows. He hasn’t slept since she went missing,” said Clancy.

  “They ought to be. He’s never liked another girl,” offered Jip.

  Clancy and Clem tried to silence him.

  “What? He never seemed to notice that they were around till he found Grace.”

  “That is what I thought,” said the doctor. “I’ll be taking the first watch you men get some rest.”

  “He won’t give up his post.” said Clem.

  “I know,” Replied the doctor, “he will resist me, but he can’t resist what I am about to give him. Just enough to make him sleep, he can be woken up easily enough if needed.”

  The doctor came in and offered Mitch a glass of milk. “Here drink this it will strengthen you for you watch. I have a feeling you will need it.”

  Mitch took the drink. It was strange and bitter, but he did not doubt the doctor. Slowly sleep crept upon him. He fought his heavy eyelids, but at long last, they won out, and Mitch fell fast asleep.

  Morning came but it did not wake Mitch or Grace, and it was well into the afternoon before Mitch woke and looked at his surroundings surprised and puzzled. Instantly he grasped what had happened, quickly he found the room where Grace still lay pale and motionless on the bed.

  The doctor’s daughter was keeping watch, her sewing in hand. She rocked back and forth as she looked at Grace. She glanced up at Mitch. “There hasn’t been a change either way,” she said in a calm voice. Mitch sat down beside the bed.

  “Can I leave you with her for a minute? I want to get some water. Watch her for me?”

  Mitch nodded. The moment the girl was gone Mitch slipped to his knees beside Grace taking her hand.

  “Grace, it’s me. I don’t know if you can understand me, but I know you can hear me. I don’t want you to leave. I know I am asking a lot, but your parents need you and…I don’t want to lose you, Grace. I don’t want to lose you. Fight Grace. Fight for us all, please.” He buried his face in the blanket and began to pray.

  God, if Grace is done help me to let her go. But if it is not your will please bring healing to her, break her free from this shock that binds her. Lord, help me not to be selfish. She has done so much for so many people. I just, God—I don’t know if I can let her go? I know you are enough. I know that you satisfy my soul. I know it, but I don’t want to accept it. Help me to accept it. I am helpless. Lord, you are my strength, my rock, the One who has always saved me. Oh God, she is yours, I cannot hold her here. Do with Grace as you see fit.

  Mitch took the Bible that sat near her bed. He set it beside her and paged it open. Tears were slowly blinding his eyes, but he fought them back. He read the words silently to himself.

  I said I will take heed to my ways, that I sin not with my tongue: I will keep my mouth with a bridle while the wicked is before me. I was dumb with silence, I held my peace even from good and my sorrow was stirred. My heart was hot within me, while I was musing the fire burned: then spake I with my tongue. Lord make me to know mine end and the measure of my days, what it is; that I may know how frail I am. Behold though has made my days as a handbreadth, and mine age is as nothing before thee:…And now, Lord what wait I for? My hope is in thee….remove thy stroke away from me: I am consumed by the blow of thine hand…Hear my prayer, O Lord give ear unto my cry; hold not thy peace at my tears…O spare me that I may recover my strength.

  Mitch looked at Grace. His heart still ached for her, but the burning was gone. God had let him rescue her. He has seen the terror on her face as Keats prepared to kill her. The brief look of relief. She had known him even as she passed into shock. The strain of everything had been too much for her to handle. Her parents, Keats, her own emotions had torn her apart. Right now she was safe from it all. Set free from the world’s bonds she was only waiting for the final release. He has rescued her. Had that not been his prayer to see her safe and whole? Was it not answered? But he hoped, longed for so much more.

  Mitch took her hand and squeezed it, “It’s going to be all right Grace.” He kissed her hand.

  Several minutes later the doctor’s daughter reentered carrying a tray.

  “I got a little delayed. Would you care for something to eat?”

  Mitch shook his head.

  “You really should try and eat something, just a little something to keep your strength up.”

  Mitch nodded slowly and took the biscuit from the tray. He couldn’t eat here, not looking at pale, slowly wasting Grace. Mitch walked out of the room and into the outdoors. Outside, he was assailed by several friendly hounds. Offering the food to them, they most generously ate it, leaving him unhindered to walk into the fields and think.

  Soon Mitch saw a rider coming across the field. It was Hank, the one who had gone to send the telegram. He waited impatiently for Hank to be close enough to talk to him.

  “Any news?”

  “He is coming. How is she?”

  “Holding but no better.”

  Hank nodded. “You?”

  Mitch looked at him cryptically, “She is safe, and that is what matters.”

  Hank nodded.

  “Did he give any indication of when he would be here?”

  “He will be coming to Red Ridge hopefully late tomorrow. He works at the fort, he is the cavalry, I’ll be there waiting for him.”

  “Very good, Hank. I always know I can count on you.”

  “And we you.”

  Mitch gave him an appreciative glance “I will be back in a little while.”

  Chapter 34

  When Mitch returned to the house, everyone was surprised at his calm demeanor, at his almost avoidance of Grace. Towards the evening he entered her room once more. She hadn’t moved. He stood at the end of the bed just looking at her. Praying for her pain.

  The doctor came in and took her pulse.

  “How is it?” Mitch asked.

  “It has weakened. Hopefully, she will last long enough to see brother but once deterioration begins it is usually very swift.”

  Mitch nodded in understanding.

  “She is a fighter, but I don’t even know if that can help her anymore.”

  “May I take the next watch?” asked Mitch.

  The doctor nodded “Knock when you need relief.”

  No one disturbed Mitch and his near silent vigil. He only broke the silence when he read the scriptures aloud to her verses that he felt would mean something to Grace.

  Morning came, breaking the night but still Mitch did not leave the room. When the doctor entered in the morning to take her pulse, he shook his head and took it again.


  “I can’t tell. It is rather erratic. She is fighting, but it is an uphill battle that I am sure she will lose in the end. You can’t beat a shock like this. She should already be dead by all the books.”

  “But she isn’t.”

  “Only God knows what is keeping her alive.”

  Hank rode to Red Ridge in the early afternoon and was back in three hours with a tall, blond haired man in a blue and gold uniform. They had ridden full tilt until they reached the fence where the man in the cavalry suit pulled up his horse and ran into the house on quick feet.

  Mitch heard the doctor intercept the young man, they spoke in low voices in the hallway. Mitch caught a few of the words. He wasn’t giving him any hope.

  On whispering feet, the man entered, and Mitch stepped back towards the door. Grace’s brother sat down on the edge of the bed taking her hand in one of his.

  “I am here Grace. I am here to take care of you.”

  Mitch slipped out of the room. How can he say something like that? I am here to take care of you. Where have you been for her? What have you been to her? She needed someone, and she couldn’t turn to you. God forgive me for being angry with him. He probably didn’t know but still, it hardly takes away the pain.

  The day grew long, and when night came, Mitch allowed sleep to overtake him with the
doctor’s promise that he would wake him if there were any changes.


  The morning light streamed in through the lace curtains printing intricate shadows on the opposite wall. Grace slowly opened her eyes. Was she dreaming? There was a man in a blue and gold uniform before her. He was familiar but older, manlier than she remembered. His shoulders were broader, he was filled out. His head was resting on his hands, he seemed lost deep in thought.

  “Ryan?” she whispered, it was strange to find her voice so weak.

  His head raised a startled look crossing it. “Grace?” his voice was gentle. A smile crossed his face.

  “Are you real?”

  “As real as you are little sister,” he swallowed a lump in his throat and moved to sit beside her on the bed.

  “Ryan! I can’t believe it is you!”

  “Shhhh, stay calm, or the doctor shall banish me,” he said laying a finger gently on her lips.

  “You are here.” A tear slid down her cheek.

  “Yes, I am, now hush.”

  “Where is Mitch?” she whispered.

  “The doctor made him get some rest, he will be up in a little while.”

  “Doctor? What is going on? What made you come? How is mother? Where is father? Where am I?”

  “There will be plenty of time for that later. Now I want you to close your eyes and get some sleep. Everything is just fine. I will be here when you wake up. Just know that everything is going to be all right now that I am here.”


  Mitch opened his eyes. A tall figure was leaning against the doorway a saber hung by his side.

  Mitch started up. “Is she…?”

  “She came around. The doctor says that she should be fine after some rest now. She is actually sleeping right now, not in shock. I have checked a dozen times, and the doctor has taken to banishing me.”

  Mitch sagged back against the pillow in relief. God be praised.

  “She asked about you right away.” There was a puzzled look in Ryan’s eye. “Are the two of you close?”

  “Somewhat. Grace hasn’t had it easy,” said Mitch sitting up and swinging his legs over the edge of the bed.

  “I suppose. My parents never write much, and she writes so little I can never tell what is going on.”

  “She doesn’t like to let people know she is hurting on the inside. She’ll send you a signal maybe a few, and then if there isn’t a response, she shuts it off and takes it in silence.”

  “How would you know?”

  Mitch smiled and shook his head. That wasn’t the point right now. “Just do.”

  “When she first got to school she was miserable. I got sheets filled with tears. After the first few months, they got better, though. She seemed to take my advice just to try and fit in, and you will feel at home.”

  “That was your advice to her?”

  “It worked for me.”

  “I am sure you didn’t have nightmares for mates.”

  “How would you know that they were nightmares? They are girls, what harm can they do?”

  “I met three of them and three nastier girls I have never met. They all hated her and treated her like she was nothing to them. They thought she couldn’t speak French.”

  “Grace has been speaking French since she was eight years old, learned it from that dreadful Mrs. Browning and her daughter; she was a French immigrant married the tailor. She was some sort of mail order bride.” Ryan said with a puzzled air.

  “Grace was so good she had private lessons so the rest of her class wouldn’t keep her back, they all thought the reason was that she was a dunce. Grace never told them that she could, not a word.”

  Ryan abruptly changed the subject, “When are you thinking of leaving?

  Mitch looked into Ryan’s eyes. Ryan didn’t like what he was telling him. “Leaving?”

  “Leaving for the town you come from.”

  “Esperanza Springs? Clem and Jip will leave this afternoon with the news.”

  “If you don’t mind I will ride back with you. I would like to see my parents. I haven’t seen them since…” Ryan’s words fell off, but Mitch knew what he meant, Hannah.

  “I sure that will be all right with Clem and Jip.”

  “Aren’t you coming?”

  “Would you really leave your sister in house with strangers?”

  “He’s a doctor, there isn’t much I can do.”

  “I’ll stay here until she is ready to come back to Esperanza Springs. She gets into mischief too easily to be left alone.”

  “She won’t be out of bed for several days,” Ryan looked at him puzzled, “Grace can’t get into that much mischief.”

  “Just the same I’ll be staying. You’ll be staying until she wakes up again right?”

  “Yeah, I’ll will. Will you talk to them for me?”

  “Of course.”


  A few hours later Grace woke up again. Ryan was waiting for her.

  “Hello, Grace. How are you?”

  “Hungry, I think.”

  Ryan smiled. “That is a good thing. I need to go and see Mother and Father, I will be back in a few days all right?”

  “Do you have to leave?” She slid her hand under his, and she curled her fingers around it as tightly as she could.

  “I need to see them to tell them you are all right Grace. Now you rest up, and I will be back in no time. Mitch is going to stay here and keep an eye out for you.” He bent and kissed her forehead.

  “Be back as soon as you can please, Ryan.” She asked and pleaded with her eyes.

  “I will be. Now good-bye Grace,” and Ryan left.

  Grace watched him leave, and tears of slight vexation washed over her and she felt so confused. The doctor’s daughter brought her food. Grace ate and fell asleep once more.

  It was as dusk fell that Mitch peeked his head in her room. Grace’s eyes were fastened on the door with a hungry look.

  “How are you doing Grace?”

  “Good, won’t you come in?”

  Hesitantly Mitch entered and sat down.

  “What happened Mitch? Why am I here and why do I feel so tired? I have tried to remember but I can’t.”

  “If you can’t remember it, you are fine. Nothing happened worth remembering. There was an incident, and you need time to recover. It was a bad scare that is all.”

  Grace looked at him quizzically. “Are you sure.”

  “If you don’t remember Grace it is a blessing, not a curse.”

  With a satisfied sigh, Grace smiled and closed her eyes. She was still so tired.

  Chapter 35

  It was the middle of the night when Mitch awoke startled. The scream had been blood curdling. Instantly he was on his feet pistol in hand, running towards Grace’s room. It was her voice that screamed in terror.

  Opening the door, he knew instantly that everything was all right. She was alone, but a shivering heap on the bed said that the fear still existed.


  “Mitch? Mitch!” Grace sat up in bed, tears streaming down her face.

  He was beside her in an instant. “What is the matter, Grace?”

  “I remember. I remember,” she said, covering her face with her hands and rocking back and forth. Mitch sat down beside her. She reached out for him, and he pulled her close.

  “It’s okay, Grace. It is all over. You are safe. They are both dead and buried. They can never hurt you or your family again.”

  “I am still so scared. It was all so horrible, Mitch.”

  She shivered in his arms, and he held her tighter, unable to stop her crying, the tears soaking into his shirt.

  In a few minutes, the doctor came in and handed Mitch a glass. “Have her take this. It will calm her down.”

  It took several sips to get it all down but in a quarter of an hour she was sleeping again, and Mitch returned to his room.

  It was late morning before Mitch checked in on Grace. She was laying propped up in be
d, aimlessly twisting the fringe of the shawl about her shoulders.

  “How are you, Grace?”

  She gave a slight start and paused before answering. “Good I think, after last night.”

  “That still on your mind?” he asked sitting down in the rocking chair.

  “How could it not be? Is it really all over, Mitch?”

  “Over and done with Grace. He will never come again.”

  “Then why do I still feel so afraid? Like something deep down inside of me is frozen with fear and I’ll never be able to move past it?”

  “I don’t know, Grace. I do know you are safe that he can never come near you again. Ever.”

  “Is that why my brother came? Keats?” she shivered at the word, tears coming into her eyes.

  Mitch nodded. “You nearly died.”

  “Died? But I am not wounded or anything.”

  “A lot more things other than wounds can kill a person.”

  “What happened Mitch?”

  “I think that is too much for you to handle right now. You are still weak.”

  “Mitch, I need to know what happened. I can’t move on until I know.”

  Taking a deep breath, Mitch began. “Clem didn’t notice you were gone until shortly after dinner. A search party was started, and they found your tracks and the tracks of two other people. It was evident what had happened. We rushed to get a posse of men together, and one man ran down to give your father the news.” How do you tell a girl her father had a heart attack without telling her?

  “He became violently ill. So ill we had to move on without him.”

  “That is why you never got the note.”

  “What note?”

  “Keats wrote a note for my father to come alone or else.”

  Mitch turned pale. “Alone or else?”

  Grace nodded.

  “No man could have tracked him down alone, though.”

  “I know. I was wondering how we would ever be found. We went upstream all night.”

  “We sent riders in both directions, searching on both sides of the river bank. We were afraid we had lost the trail until we found if so much further up the river than we thought. Near noon the men took a small break. We had been going since you had left, but I couldn’t stop. I knew the trail had to be followed and I knew that they would catch up sooner or later. Coming up to the ridge I heard gun shots. I thought I was too late Grace. That you might be gone forever and then when I saw him and you, my only thought was to make him go away. I didn’t have a clear shot, so I aimed for his feet. I didn’t want you in the middle of the gun battle. That tree wasn’t big enough to hide behind, and I hoped with the larger boulder nearby that he’d take shelter behind it. When at last I had him down I went to see how bad it was. He was mortally wounded but still he had that gun in his hand trying to load it. I fired and made sure he would never use it again. Then I came to you.” Mitch stopped and looked at Grace, tenderness glimmering in his eyes, “I have never seen you so scared.”


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