Her Secret, His Heir (The Diamond Club Book 11)

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Her Secret, His Heir (The Diamond Club Book 11) Page 10

by Elizabeth Lennox

  They passed by the ambulance but Jackson didn’t stop. He was only two minutes from the hospital and, apparently, the obstetrician was talking to the emergency room doctors. As soon as he came to a halt in the emergency room entrance, a gurney was there with a crowd of emergency room personnel who immediately lifted Melanie out of the car and onto the gurney. Moments later, she was whisked away.

  The obstetrician walked over to Jackson, putting a hand to his arm. “Go inside. They’ll guide you through her delivery. I’ll take care of your car,” the doctor said.

  Jackson didn’t need to be told twice. In a flash, he was gone, rushing through the doors. A nurse was there, pointing in the direction Melanie had been taken. The nurse was explaining that Melanie was being prepped for an emergency C-section due to a placental abruption. She put him into scrubs and led him through the doorway to a surgical area where he found Melanie. She was on the table with tears falling from her eyes. When she turned her head, his heart ached for her. Hurrying to her side, he reached for the hand she extended to him. They were in a surgery room, so many nurses and doctors rushing around. A fabric screen was put up, shielding what they were doing and Jackson focused on Melanie, on her eyes and holding her hand, trying to give her some of his strength.

  “I’m scared,” she whispered. “Tell me our baby is going to be okay. Tell me that she’ll be fine.”

  “She’s going to be fine!” he repeated immediately. The rest of the room disappeared as he looked down at Melanie. She was pale and terrified and he’d done this to her. “I’m sorry, Mel. I saw you with that other man and I just…I couldn’t handle it.” The beeping sounds faded away, replaced by her soft breathing, the sound of Melanie’s beautiful voice.

  “What other man?” she asked, her lips barely moving.

  “It doesn’t matter now,” he assured her.

  Tears were streaming down her cheeks. “It does. I need to know. You just…left me, Jackson.”

  He closed his eyes, his hands tightening around her cold fingers. “I know, honey. But…I couldn’t stand to see you with that other man.”

  “There wasn’t any other man, Jackson,” she whispered as another contraction rolled over her.

  “I saw him, Mel. I saw you in his arms. I walked into your house. You’d left the front door open and I was worried.”

  Her eyebrows knitted. “When? What did he look like?”

  “Tall, brown hair. Hazel eyes.”

  Another tear fell down her cheek. It seemed impossible under the circumstances, but Melanie actually looked sadder now than she had a few moments ago.

  “Jackson, that was my brother,” she whispered. “Roy came for a surprise visit. He…” she choked on a sob. “It was my brother.” With that, she turned her head and closed her eyes, pulling her hand out of his.

  Jackson stared at her in horrified astonishment, feeling as if she’d just taken his life away when she’d pulled her fingers out of his hand. Moments ago, he’d been giving her reassurance. But now, hearing that he’d made such a monumental mistake, he needed her touch. He needed that connection with her. To know that she would forgive him.

  Then the doctors started moving faster. Something was going on and he looked up, taking it all in. “It’s a boy!” one of the doctors announced. But there was silence. A horrible, tangible silence as the doctors continued to work, doing something to Melanie.

  They took the baby away. There was no sound. No sound at all! Weren’t babies supposed to cry when they were born? Shouldn’t they slap the baby on the butt to get him to start breathing? But there was no sound.

  “What’s wrong?” Melanie sobbed, turning back to him, her eyes pleading for him to make things better. “What’s going on?”

  Jackson didn’t know. “Is the baby okay? Is Melanie...?”

  He stopped, unable to ask. If Melanie were to…no! No, she wasn’t going to…

  “There’s some bleeding,” one of the nurses explained. “The doctor is trying to stop it.”

  Jackson felt as if he were dying. Melanie? He looked down, her eyelids were drooping slightly.

  The doctors didn’t even glance his way. They all looked too serious, the nurses passing instruments to the doctors, then back again.

  “Doctor Newson is one of the best obstetricians in the hospital,” the nurse told Jackson with a soothing voice. “She’s doing everything she can to save your wife.”

  Jackson didn’t correct the nurse’s assumption that he was married to Melanie. Right now, their lack of a marriage license seemed irrelevant. “And my son?” he asked, wanting to look around to see him, but there were so many people around and he didn’t want to leave Melanie. He reached out, taking her hand again. He didn’t care if she pulled away, he wanted to touch her, to connect with her. Thankfully, she curled her fingers around his and squeezed – just a barely there movement. It was the best sensation he’d ever experienced!

  Another nurse came over and put a hand on Jackson’s shoulder. “Your son is doing well.”

  “But he’s not crying?” Jackson asked anxiously.

  She smiled, he couldn’t see her mouth behind the surgical mask, but her eyes beamed. “They don’t always cry like in the movies now. His breathing is extremely good, his heart rate is strong, he has ten fingers and ten toes. He’s just a bit startled at the moment. He’s had a busy day!”

  Jackson breathed a sigh of relief, closing his eyes as he sent up a silent prayer.

  “Thank you,” he said to the nurse, squeezing Melanie’s fingers.

  “Would you like to see him?” she asked.

  “You’re doing well, Melanie,” the doctor announced. “I’ve stopped the bleeding and you’re going to be fine.”

  Melanie’s eyes were still trying to close and Jackson didn’t think that was a good thing. He started to say something, to argue with the doctor. But she squeezed his fingers again before her hand dropped limply. “Go look at our son,” she pleaded in a whisper. “Tell me what he looks like.”

  Jackson stared at her for a long moment, torn between wanting to stay with her, to protect her and not lose the connection with her. But also wanting to see his son, to make sure that he was okay.

  “Go!” she urged weakly, her lips barely moving. “Then come back and tell me that he’s just as handsome as his father.”

  Jackson laughed, shaking his head and feeling the sting of something strange behind his eyes. “You’re beautiful, Melanie,” he told her. He gave her fingers another squeeze. “I’ll be right back.”

  The nurse led him to a plastic basinet where warming lights were shining down on a baby boy. His eyes weren’t puffy like the other babies he’d seen. He looked…beautiful, he thought.

  “Eight pounds, three ounces,” the nurse told him as Jackson stared down at the tiny infant. “That’s a big baby,” she teased.

  “He’s mine,” Jackson announced softly, pride making him choke out the words. “He’s my son.” The fact that it had been Melanie’s brother released a band around his chest that he hadn’t known was there. He felt free and…happy! Damn it, he loved her! He’d been so consumed with jealousy, he’d forgotten how much he loved her.

  He never should have doubted her. Should have allowed her to explain. She’d gone through this entire pregnancy alone, probably scared, worried about how she was going to handle the responsibility of a child. A baby! And he’d pushed her away. He’d threatened her and rejected her in the most callous way. During all of it, she’d been nurturing his child. His son!

  He needed to call his parents. But first, he reached out, touching his son’s tiny hand. Immediately, those tiny fingers curled around his finger, holding tight. “You’re a strong little guy,” Jackson whispered, overcome with emotion. “I’m going to take care of you, buddy,” he promised. “I’ll teach you so much!”

  “Your wife is ready to be moved to a private room,” the nurse explained.

  Jackson turned, looking down at the woman who thought he was married to Melanie. “She�
��s uh…” he stopped, thinking about the ring he’d bought so many months ago. It was in his pocket. He’d been carrying it around as punishment, a reminder to him to not be a fool when it came to women. He’d fallen so hard and so fast for Melanie, he hadn’t wanted to do that again. He hadn’t wanted to be vulnerable.


  He heard his name and turned, watched a sleepy Melanie as she was rolled out of the surgery room. She looked as if she wanted to cry, but was too sleepy to do even that.

  “I’m here, honey. I’m not going anywhere.”

  Her eyes closed again. “Take care of our baby,” she muttered. Then she was out. Asleep.

  He looked at her, then back at his son as the nurse placed the tiny infant into a cotton blanket, wrapping him tightly. “Ready to follow your wife?” she asked with a smile.

  He nodded. At least, he thought he did. He wasn’t completely sure.

  Chapter 11

  “You just have to do everything before me!”

  Jackson turned at his brother’s teasing voice and laughed, relieved to see his family rushing down the hallway towards him.

  “Thanks for coming!” he hugged his brother, slapping him on the back.

  “As if I’d be anywhere else!” Jake replied with equal fervor. “Congratulations.”

  Megan was next, but since she was eight and a half months pregnant, it was harder for him to hug her. He embraced her gently, careful not to hurt her. After this morning’s experience with pregnant ladies, he was wary of even touching her!

  His mother was next and she glared up at him, and smacked his shoulder. “Why didn’t you tell me that you were going to be a father!” she demanded, and threw herself into his arms, hugging him and sobbing. “I’m so happy for you!”

  “Thanks Mom,” he said, feeling better in his mother’s arms.

  His dad followed, beaming with pride. But before Sebastian hugged his son, he put a hand on each of Jackson’s shoulders, looking him in the eye carefully. “You’re going to marry this woman, right?”

  A lump formed in Jackson’s throat. Just thinking about marrying Melanie made his whole body ache with the need to get it done! To get his ring on her finger! “As soon as I can,” he vowed.

  “Good man.” Sebastian hugged Jackson, then pulled back. “This is the woman you’ve been in love with for the past year, correct? The reason you’ve been such an ass?”

  Jackson laughed, feeling generous now that he had Melanie back. “Yes. She’s the reason I’ve been so unbearable lately.”

  Chloe followed and hugged him as well, although how she’d flown from Cordaire to get here so quickly was a mystery he’d delve into later. “I should have made more pancakes,” she teased.

  Jackson rolled his eyes, feeling too good to give his sister a proper set down for her pancake comment. He was going to get Melanie back and…hell, they would be a family. A family that lived in her tiny house because there was absolutely no way he was going back to his tan place. He hated that house. He hated every brown and tan inch of it. He wanted flowers and yellow kitchens and…Damn, there was so much to do!

  Turning to his family, he looked at them with determination. It was time to take charge! “Can one of you get over to Melanie’s house and see what she needs? I have no idea about baby food or diapers. She mentioned something on the way over about the crib not being put together.”

  His father stepped in. “Don’t give it another thought. We’ll take care of everything,” Sebastian assured his son.

  His mother, Deni, leaned into him and he wrapped his arm around her. “We’ve got you covered, Jackson.”

  “Thanks!” he said with feeling. “Want to meet your newest grandson and your future daughter in law?”

  “We’d love to,” Deni replied with a smile.

  Jackson turned and poked his head back into the hospital room. “My parents would like to meet you and…” he glanced over at their son who was in the bassinet, sound asleep after drinking a bottle.

  Melanie looked panicked as he came inside, closing the door. “What’s wrong?”

  “I can’t meet them like this!” she gasped, trying to sit up in the bed, but the stitches from her C-section hurt too much and he rushed over, helping her to sit straighter. “I can’t…”

  “Hey,” he said, cupping her cheek. “They’re normal people. They’ll love you.”

  She started to shake her head, then looked behind him at the door. “Fine,” she sighed resignedly. “What do I care what they think of me anyway?”

  He laughed and leaned forward to kiss the top of her head. “You’re beautiful, Mel. Don’t worry.”

  “Says the man who…” she didn’t finish because he was pulling the door open, amusement lighting up those unforgettable silver eyes.

  The door opened up and in came a group of tall, intimidating men and several shorter women that were so achingly beautiful, it made Melanie shrink back against her pillows. There was a woman on a man’s arm that looked to be just as pregnant as she’d been yesterday, holding onto a man that looked exactly like Jackson. Another woman walked in, with blond hair and the most beautiful smile Melanie had ever seen.

  The older couple was more intimidating, but only because Melanie grasped that these were Jackson’s parents. The woman had fine lines around her green eyes and a look that announced to the world that she’d lived a happy life. The man had silver at the temples, but looked so much like his sons it was unnerving.

  They were all beaming, excited to greet her son and Melanie wasn’t sure what to do. She was painfully aware that she was naked underneath the hospital gown. The medicine was helping to keep the pain from her incision at bay, but the achiness was still there.

  Jackson stepped in front of the crowd coming into the room. “Guys, I’m thrilled you’re here, but Melanie is still in a lot of pain and needs to rest. So only about fifteen minutes, okay?”

  “Absolutely!” the older woman said and extended her hand. “I’m Deni Hughes. It is a real pleasure to finally meet you, Melanie. And I’m truly sorry for bursting in on you like this. But we were surprised by the news!” Melanie took the beautiful woman’s hand, shaking it nervously. Deni Hughes covered their clasped hands with her free hand, smiling graciously. “And please know that we’re here to help in any way we can. Just call us and we’ll be there for you.”

  The comment was startling in both the generosity as well as how relieved it made her feel. Her parents were thousands of miles away and would be on a flight in a heartbeat if she needed them. But knowing that someone was close by who could help was comforting. Not that she would ask, she told herself.

  The older man was much more intimidating, even when he tried to smile. It wasn’t that he was taller or bigger than Jackson. He was just…scarier somehow. Perhaps it was the way he looked at her with those grey eyes, as if he were assessing her soul and Melanie felt like she came up lacking. Or maybe it was how he moved, sort of stiff and formal.

  Either way, she forced a smile when he greeted her, but was grateful when he stepped back and spoke to Jackson as the other couple came forward to introduce themselves.

  “I’m Jake, the handsome twin,” he said and was immediately smacked by the woman who looked like she was ready to give birth a week ago. “And this is my beautiful wife, Megan,” and he wrapped his arm around her pregnant waist.

  For the next fifteen minutes, they all cooed over her son and gushed about how handsome he was. But they also left promptly, giving her the impression of a whirlwind coming into her life and then leaving, but without the destruction.


  Jackson turned when the last of them left and looked at her. “They can be a bit much,” he apologized in general.

  “They are lovely. But thank you for the brief visit. I’m horrified that I met your entire family looking like this,” she told him as she pushed her hair back, knowing that it was limp and unwashed after her ordeal. She wasn’t allowed to shower yet, but the nurse said probably th
is afternoon, once all of the tubes were disconnected.

  “You’re gorgeous, Mel.” He put their son down and pushed the bassinet closer to the bed, sitting down next to her himself. “I’m so sorry,” he told her, looking directly into her eyes.

  Melanie knew what he was apologizing for. “It’s okay.”

  He shook his head. “No. It isn’t okay. I should have talked to you.” He reached out to touch her hand but she pulled it away, not wanting him to touch her.

  “Any ideas on a name?” she asked, changing the subject because she didn’t want to talk about the past. It was over. Done with. She had moved on and now had a beautiful baby boy to love and cherish. Jackson would be in her life, but on the periphery now. There was no way she’d let him become the center of her world as he’d been before that horrible night!

  Jackson wanted to pull her into his arms and hold her, show her how deeply he regretted the way he’d treated her. He’d been an ass. A complete and total ass.

  Seeing her now showed him just how jealous he’d been. Jackson berated himself for his reaction, both at the time and afterwards. But he knew how much he loved her. How much he needed her in his life.

  So, he was going to win her back. He knew he couldn’t live without her. Over the past several months, he’d existed. It wasn’t until he’d seen her again, when he’d given in to his need this morning and come to the plant sale, that he fully understood how much he needed her.

  He knew that he’d have to convince her that she needed him too. Because obviously, she’d been doing just fine without him. While he’d been wallowing in fury and jealousy, she’d been nurturing their child.

  Damn, his stupid reaction had cost them both so much!

  A nurse came in at that moment, distracting them.

  “How are you feeling?” she asked.

  Melanie smiled slightly, but Jackson knew that she was in a lot of pain. He could see it in her hazel eyes and the way she moved. Or the way she wasn’t moving, he corrected.


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