Shifted (The Oblivion Series Book 1)

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Shifted (The Oblivion Series Book 1) Page 4

by Barb Shuler

  “Be still, my sweet boy.” I heard my mother’s soft, melodic voice before I saw her moving to Talia’s other side.

  Her eyes met mine for a moment. She had a bowl of water and a cloth in her grip. She sat everything down then looked up at me again. “She is in no danger of harm from the ones here.”

  She ran a burning bundle of herbs over Talia’s body. The tension in my father relaxed as mother’s lips moved silently. The grip father used on my arms relaxed as well. When my mother gave him a nod he removed his grip completely.

  “Let her know you’re here, my boy. She has to fight the hold they have cast upon her. You are the only one that can help her break free from this,” he said as he turned to the door. “I shall return at the rise of the sun.”

  “Do not be disillusioned, dear one. They shall be watching you.” There was a slight edge to my mother’s words, but she reined it back before she spoke again. “Take the other men with you as a precaution. I shall stay at her side until her mind is free of them. She shall not be lost as her mother was. I will simply not allow it.”

  The sudden sharpness of my mother's words cause my head to rise and my gaze to meet hers.

  She gave me a small smile before starting her old chant for a third time, this time her words were no longer silent. It was a healing prayer passed down from her father, and his father, and his father’s father.

  My mother came from a long line of Cheyenne Medicine Men. She was the first daughter to grace their lineage for over five generations. She had been a shifter, one that carried the ways of her Cheyenne heritage, as well as a strong enough will to not let anything or anyone stop her.

  She was young when my father took her as his wife. The warrior son of the chief, he was a good suitor for her.

  It was not long after they had left to start a family of their own that my father crossed paths with Trenton, Talia’s father and prince of the Vampires. My father had been in the wrong place at the wrong time and, back in those days, Native Americans were not allowed in town. The “Indians” had to stay on the reservations, or hidden in the hills.

  My father was no ordinary man. And if not for Trenton, my father would have been killed. The Prince took him and my mother in, kept them safe. During their time together they bonded, their friendship as strong as any bond could be.

  Resting my head on Talia’s small hand, I closed my eyes and let my love and warmth flow into her. She had to know that I was not letting her be taken over by anyone or anything.

  She was mine, heart, mind and soul. Forever. Or until I took my last breath, even then she would be my one and only thought.

  We were going to have a forever, dammit. I would make sure of it. One way or another.


  I don't know how long I laid in the comfort of the clouds before the pain started up once again. It swiftly burned through me, like a brush fire sweeping through a dry meadow. It consumed every part of my being. Tremors, jolts of agony, and the fire blazing inside were all too much.

  Another scream was pulled from my lips. I had to let it out, to allow this small escape from the pain. I needed my body to be free of it. The chorus of voices blanketed me as I wept. Praying to the Gods that I would soon be set free of the misery.

  One of the voices became louder to me. My heart beat in time with the cadence of the warm voice. Joshua. My Joshua. I had to find him. He would protect me and keep the pain at bay.

  “Joshua,” my voice left me and it sounded hoarse. Almost too hard for me to hear. No! How would he find me if I was unable to speak to him?

  “I'm here, love, I'm here,” came his faint voice.

  Panic set in as my body lurched upright. I was turning, bashing at the unknown assailant pulling me from Joshua. I was not going to be hidden from my Joshua. Not now, not ever. My voice cried out louder for him. They were still faint but at least I was able to hear his murmurs of reply this time. He was close.

  I could feel the warmth of him against my cold skin. I hunched into myself again as another attack started. The pulling and tearing of my soul sent a wave of nausea through me. I would not leave him. He was my anchor, my peace in the chaos the world brought to me.

  A black figure, a ghost like apparition, moved towards me and I recoiled. He would not touch me, or take me from my Joshua. I wouldn’t allow it. I couldn’t.

  “Talia, daughter of Natalie, granddaughter of Emmilene. Come to me, my child. I am here to take you home,” the dark voice loomed around me. I pushed back from it and shook my head violently.

  “NO! I shall not go with you. I am home. Joshua is my home,” I stuttered out the words, a whisper of sound on the wind now consuming the air I breathe. I felt as if I was choking, a small wheeze leaving me instead of words. I gasped, pawing at my throat as I tried to pull in air. I clawed, raking my fingers against my skin.

  I could hear someone shouting my name, but I couldn't stop.

  “Talia, love, stop. You're hurting yourself,” the words wrapped around my mind. “Stay with me,” the frantic tone of Joshua's voice made me stop fighting. I glared at the ghostly mass before me as it howled in anger.

  “You are MINE!” It yelled.

  “NO!” I snarled in return.

  “He can't have you. You belong to us!” it hissed out each word.

  I took a step back, my breathing ragged as I tried to regain my footing. My heart pounded as the adrenaline surged through me.

  “I do not belong to you! I. Am. His!” I growled out each word.

  My resolve started to thicken. I was Joshua's, as he was mine. I would not let this... this thing defeat me. I, Talia, daughter of Natalie would be my own woman, my own strength right now. I screamed as I threw out my hands. A jolt of pure energy shot through me.

  My knees buckled as the black cloud was hit with... something.

  I heard a thunderous crash, and shouting before there was a heavy weight pressed into me. My name filled my ears as Joshua's scent, the warmth he held inside him, filled me. I cried out in pain as the energy that was pushing its way through me left.

  I lay there panting, my chest heaving as my eyes flew open. The faint smell of smoke, and Sheri filled my nose. I took in a long, slow breath trying to get enough air into my lungs. I whimpered as the burning of my lungs matched the burning in my muscles.

  The instant the noise left me I was illuminated in light and my eyes met Joshua’s worried gaze. I reached up with a shaking hand and touched his cheek.

  “You came back to me,” he said, bewildered.

  My brow arched in question.

  “Am I not yours?” I asked, my voice a whisper between the two of us.

  “Of course you are, love,” he said in a rush.

  “As I thought. I will always come back to you,” I sighed. “Always, even if you are squishing me.”

  At my words he rolled over, pulling me against his chest. My body was hurting again, and I was covered in sweat, but nothing mattered. Not with his warmth wrapped around me.



  It had been two days since my experience. The warm days and nights; anytime my eyes were closed they were filled with dreams of dark shadows and panic. Feelings and shadows I could not fight alone. I’d wake screaming in pain only to have Joshua, Ramport or Sheri instantly at my side.

  Sheri kept up the old chants while I lay there with tears streaming down my cheeks. With each of her words, the immense pain that racked through my body was all consuming.

  Changes were happening, though. I could feel them. Something started to grow inside me. My body curled into Joshua’s warmth tighter. I was on fire… something in me was changing to become something else. I jerked in pain. I heard Joshua murmuring to me softly. I soaked in his words.

  It was only then that I felt easier, my body more relaxed, and I was able to slowly slide into sleep. A peaceful, relaxing sleep.

  Finally, I had been granted a restful night’s sleep. There was a wave of calm that stayed with me as Joshua held me wit
hin his arms.

  I woke again to soft murmurs. Murmurs that gradually grew as my awareness came back to me. With a small groan, I shifted and realized I was in bed alone. I growled in frustration when I felt the cold seeping in where my bare skin met the air around me.

  I tugged at the fluffy covers as I sat up slowly. The room spun and I gasped out a strained breath when my stomach clinched. Nausea hit me hard. I growled again as my body shifted slightly allowing me to clutch my stomach. My room door burst open and Joshua was at my bedside in three long strides.

  Tears were leaking from the corners of my eyes as I fought against the shaking that was happening inside me.

  “Deep breaths, my love. In and out,” his soft words wrapped around me as my gaze, blurry as it was, met mine. “That’s it, beautiful. In and Out. Focus on me, not the panic.”

  “W-what happened?” I rasped out. I was panting as if I had been on a long run. My throat felt like it was on fire. I winced slightly as I tried to clear my throat, hoping that might help.

  Crap, that made it worse. I whined.

  I hated the feeling that was rising into me.

  “Shhh, you need to rest. It’s all over now, my sweet girl,” Sheri’s soft voice made me smile. My head came up slowly as I cupped Joshua’s scruff covered cheek. My gaze then met Sheri’s.

  “I feel…” I cleared my throat and let out a small sigh. “Drained...”

  “As you will for a few days more, your body has to recuperate. You will be okay,” Sheri said, smiling as she sat down to give me a small glass of water.

  I pulled back from Joshua and took the glass. My hand was shaking slightly but I managed to get the glass to my lips and took a small sip. The coldness against the burning in my throat felt good. I took another drink and slowly closed my eyes as the lemony taste of the water wrapped itself around my taste buds.

  My body slumped into Joshua. I handed the glass back to Sheri when I had it drained. I lay pressed against Joshua for a few moments; the room was silent, peaceful even. A shiver went through me and I tugged up the covers up more.

  “I should get her something warm to eat. It’s been days,” Sheri said, sliding from the bed. “What would you like to eat, sweetheart?”


  “What about a bowl of Sheri’s delicious stew? It’s warm, and you need the protein that’s in it.” Ramport’s voice made me smile wider.

  I looked up at his tall frame win the doorway to my bedroom, smiling slightly. I nodded softly at his query. Before I could speak my stomach growled - loudly. Embarrassed, my cheeks warmed. I hid my face in Joshua’s chest as he chuckled. His arm wrapped around me tightly.

  “I think that was a yes, Father,” Joshua said, the rumble in his chest growing. I punched his leg, weakly of course. That only made him chuckle more. I let out an aggravated sigh. I felt so tired still.

  “I will get it and bring it in to you. You stay there, Talia. You need to stay warm. I will be right back,” Sheri said before she kissed my head and scurried out of the room.

  “How do you feel, Talia?” Ramport asked as he sat on the very end of my bed. I shrugged and sat up straighter. The movement made me a little dizzy, but not as bad as before.

  I met Ramport’s gaze, and gave him a small smile.

  “I’m not sure. I feel... weird, and cold,” I tugged up the blanket with Joshua’s help and let out another long sigh. “What did they do to me? Who-who was it? She…” I trailed off as the image of that face, the one I knew only from the picture on my bedside table filled my mind.

  I hid my face as the tears welled up. I was not going to cry. Not again. Joshua rubbed the back of my neck, his fingers working the tensing muscles into submission. I relaxed more as the tension washed itself out of me.

  “Did your father ever tell you about your mother’s family?” Ramport’s question made my eyes open and lift to meet his once again. I shook my head slowly, only to have to reach up and steady myself when the room turned upside down.

  “Talia?” I patted Joshua’s thigh with my free hand.

  “Fear not, I am okay, just a bit dizzy,” I said softly before I gave Ramport my attention again. “Nothing more than she had been taken away from him after they met. He found her again, with your help, of course.”

  I smiled softly as I glanced over at the picture that sat atop my bedside table.

  “I got the impression they were not nice people. But I don’t recall him ever mentioning them to me directly. He didn’t speak of her much, either,” my words trailed off in a small whisper.

  “You’re recollection of his meaning was correct. They were not nice people. It’s hard to explain, but your mother comes from a powerful line of Druids. They’re kind of like witches. They will use-”

  I said nothing as I listened to Ramport. The fog in my head was trying to pull me back to sleep… that was until his last words sank in.

  Witches? Oh, God.

  “Witches?” I screeched, cutting his next words off. I jerked away from Joshua’s side. Daddy once told me that if witches came for us to run and hide. No matter what I heard or saw. I was to stay hidden. He’d promised to not let them get to me.

  They’d kill anyone that got in their way. Panic… sheer, unadulterated panic rose. My body started to shake as Joshua pulled me back into his lap, his arms wrapping tightly around me.

  “You’re okay, love. No one will get to you,” Joshua tried to soothe me.

  “They kill people! Daddy said so. They’ll-”

  “They’ll do no such thing,” Ramport’s voice rang out.

  The anger in it brought me up short and I whimpered, hiding my face in Joshua’s chest. “Your father was right, they do kill, but I will not allow them to harm anyone in my family. That includes you, sweet girl. You’re safe.”

  His words now held a controlled growl. He trailed off and stood, his foot falls loud against the hardwood floor.

  “I’m sorry they got to you. They must have dream-walked into your psyche. I did not sense them. No one did. That is how they work, sneaking in like the maggots they are,” he muttered. “That was how they found your mother, too. I should have expected they’d hit once your shifting took place. Your inner power has strengthened you. They would be able to sense it, just as we do.”

  “My...mother?” I whispered as it took time to sink in. I had a power? “My w-what? What is in me?” I asked, blinking in confusion.

  “Your power, sweetheart,” Sheri said as she came in, her head nodded to Joshua and he settled me back onto the bed, my back against the headboard. He tugged the covers up and helped her place a tray across my lap. The smell of the stew hit my nose and I took a deep inhale.

  My stomach growled loudly once more. I used the spoon on the tray to stir the stew, allowing it to cool for a moment.

  “I’m a vampire that turned into a big black panther…” I said looking up at Ramport and Sheri, my lip curling up slightly.

  I was enough of a freak already. I didn't need anything else to add to that jar of crazy.

  “That is no power,” I grumbled. “It’s a pain in the butt. I have no control over it. I don’t like it. I was stuck on all fours for days,” I whined. Wincing at my own words, I decided to fill my mouth with stew instead of continuing on with my whining.

  “It’s a gift, and I have a feeling the power we feel coming from you is only the beginning. It started with your ability to shift, but there is more. Your mother was gifted, as was your father. It makes sense that you would have some of those same abilities. Maybe a mixture that is new, seeing who your parents were,” Ramport said.

  I looked up as I chewed the bite I had in my mouth. His eyes were distant as he stood at the window in my room and stared out into the night.

  “Some gift,” I muttered before once again filling my mouth.

  I was starving. It was not enough. When I hit the bottom of the bowl I made a face and grunted. “Is there more?” I asked, hopefully. Joshua, who had not left my side chuckled and too
k my bowl.

  “I’ll get it,” he was up and headed to the door as quickly as I had asked. I turned my gaze back to Ramport who had not moved from the window.

  “What.. what does this mean? Can they take me? I don’t want to put anyone in danger,” I wrapped my arms around myself as I rocked slightly.

  Deep breaths rolled into my lungs as I tried to not panic. I moved the tray away and slid to the edge of the bed.

  “Don’t think I will allow you to leave our protection,” Ramport snapped as I shoved my feet to the floor. When I looked up I met his gaze. I stood, albeit too fast and had to let the room stop spinning.

  “My being here could get you all killed,” my words faltered slightly.

  His growl seemed to spark a weird surge of energy through me. I growled in return, my body once again shaking as I delved into it. I let the anger push me forward.

  “Talia,” Joshua’s warning came from behind me. Ramport stared at me, not moving as I moved a few steps closer. I could feel Joshua entering the room. Ramport’s raised hand stopped his movements.

  “What would you have us do?” he said as he stepped closer to me. His hands balled into fists. “Should we let you loose into the wilds alone? Do you think your father would appreciate me abandoning you after I gave my word, the word of my family, and of my people to keep you safe?”

  Ramport’s words rolled through me.

  I was shaking with anger as I stepped closer to him, my finger stabbing him in the chest. Alpha or not, I was ticked.

  “My father left me!” I shouted. “He gets no say in what I do to keep my family safe!” My muscles tensed. Ramport’s eyes glinted as his lips curled into a grin. I snarled at him.

  “He is a coward. He left me alone, abandoning me to fight this new… whatever it is, alone. I can’t allow you to get hurt for me.” When I was finished I was breathing hard. My body was shaking from the exertion and anger.

  “Is your tantrum over, Natalia?” Ramport’s words made Sheri gasp. My eyes snapped back to him, a growl building in my chest. I could feel a pull from inside me. I winced, my body shaking. There was a pain, and I doubled over. In a blink I was on all fours again. Snarling, I felt my tail twitch and I looked to the window.


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