The Way You Love Me: A High School Bully Romance

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The Way You Love Me: A High School Bully Romance Page 10

by Lannah Smith

  Dwayne shook his head furiously. "N-No," he croaked out.

  "You sure."

  "I'm sure! They just thought it was fun to m-mess with Jim."

  Skull brought his shoe down on Dwayne's leg and he cried out in pain. "You don't fucking mess with Jim again. You understand me?"

  "I swear!" he screamed hoarsely."I swear I won't!"

  "Let's go home," Leon muttered as he went to the exit. "If I stay here any longer, I might actually kill him. And we need to find this supplier right away."

  John straightened, his hands clenching into fists.

  It was finally his turn.

  "You guys go first," he told Skull. "Someone needs to take this fucker home."

  "You sure?" Alec said, taking a step forward."We can take him."

  "To the nearest dump," Al grumbled.

  "Or to the Westerns," Ed murmured, eyeing Dwayne with distaste. "They'd definitely enjoy fucking this rich boy up."

  John stared at them for a moment. "Yeah, you guys stay."

  Leon didn't stop to see if they followed. Skull threw a suspicious frown at John before he went after him, knowing Leon was not to be left alone after every visit to the warehouse. John vowed he'd follow soon.

  He just need a few minutes alone with Dwayne Williams.

  "I... I think I need to go to the hospital," Dwayne wheezed out.

  John smiled tightly at him.

  Then John's foot connected with his ribs so hard, it lifted him straight up and turned him so his back slammed against the floor.

  "Jesus, John," Alec muttered, looking away.

  "Stay out of this, Alec," he muttered darkly. "You," he pointed at the twins, "get him up."

  With grins on their faces, Ed and Al complied and hauled him up between them. Dwayne was crying and sobbing messily, his face ashen, his hands limp at his sides.

  "I saw you," John whispered, lifting his head by the hair. "You tried to hurt her."

  "W-who?" he stuttered.

  "Terry Evans."

  His eyes widened. "She... she yours? I didn't know. Wasn't Lucas—?"

  John's answer was a kick in the groin.

  "What do you have against her?" he snapped.

  "Please!" Dwayne grunted.


  "I just heard from a friend in West that she fucks around," he answered defensively and John, fueled by rage, continuously punched him in the face until his eye was bleeding at the corner, until his nose was swollen and broken.

  "Damn it, John. Stop!"

  Alec's voice registered and he stopped short, aware that he was panting hard. He let his hands fall to his sides as he stepped back, admiring his work. Dwayne's face was battered, bruise and swollen, and he was barely breathing. He was groggy but he was still conscious.

  "Don't tell anyone about what happened in this room," John warned low and Dwayne's head jerked up."You know I'll know if you made a fucking peep. I'm not a Steele for nothing. I'll make everything worse for you and your family if you try to tell the police anything about this. And don't," he leaned in and watched Dwayne's eyes dilate with fear, "don't fucking mess with Evans ever again."

  Saying this, John whacked him across his cheek with his fist. Blood flew from Dwayne's mouth as his head lolled on his neck. He was out cold.

  The twins loosened their hold and let him fall to the ground. They all stared at him for a while.

  "Feeling better now?" Alec finally said.

  John, eyes still locked to the asshole, kept still for a long moment before his gaze dropped to his sore hands. Blood had splattered his knuckles, staining his silver rings red. He inhaled deep.

  Ah. But he was feeling better.

  Now he could go and make sure Leon was alright.

  "Get him out of here," he said on the exhale.

  Alec crossed his arms, looking at him intensely. "I'm curious. Who's Terry Evans?"

  "Isn't she the second year rep? One of the hottest and richest chicks in school?" Al said, giving John a quick glance. "Must be important to make him go berserk. Does Leon and Skull even know about this? About her?"

  "I don't pay you guys to be curious," John responded calmly, wiping his hands on a rag Ed gave him. "I pay you to do what I tell you and to shut your mouths."

  Alec chuckled. "Whatever you say..."

  John turned around and prowled to the door.

  "...young master."


  There were whispers in the classroom and I knew something had happened again.

  For a moment, I stood on the door, terrified out of mind, wondering if this was about me.

  But when no one gave me a glance or pointed fingers at me, I relaxed and headed for my chair.

  I didn't even need to ask what was going on because as soon as I was on my seat, Hannah turned to me and asked, "Did you hear?"

  "No," I answered while I took out my notebook. "But I'm pretty sure you're going to tell me."

  Mary caught my attention by holding my hand. "You didn't? Dwayne Williams was beaten up last night."

  I tried not to pull away. I disliked being touched randomly. But as soon as the meaning of her words sank in, my jaw dropped.

  "He won't tell the authorities who did it, though," one of the guys said and my head snapped to him."But I'm fucking sure it's him."

  "It's definitely him," Cecil interjected."Who would beat someone up with no reason?"

  My cell phone began to vibrate inside my bag and I pulled my hand from Mary's grasp. Fishing it out, I opened the screen to read the message.

  An unknown number.

  Two words.

  A chill went up my spine when I read the message.

  For you.

  Chapter 8

  "Poor Dwayne. They say he's been beaten up so badly, he couldn't walk."

  "I heard he's deaf in one ear."

  "I tried to visit him. But they wouldn't let me in."

  "Oh, my God. I still can't believe it."

  "You best believe it," said a male voice with a humph. "And you best believe Dwayne Williams won't be returning to school. That's what always happens to them."

  Up in the classroom, John stretched his arms up, yawning lazily. The teacher had already left, bringing with him their answered quizzes and assignments. John slid his gaze to the window, where Leon was sitting on its ledge. His head was tilted to the side, obviously listening in to the loud chatter of the group passing below.

  "Why are they saying he was beaten up badly?" Leon muttered, his brows furrowed. "I only messed his face a little."

  "And bruised his ribs but whatever," John added, picking up his comic book. "You know how rumors are. They're usually exaggerated. It's nothing you have to worry over."

  Leon made a thoughtful noise and continued looking out the window. John glanced at him one more time and noticed he was in a contemplative mood. But he wasn't listless, not this time. He was focused. Active. Alert.

  And that was because they had a new job.

  Skull had known this would happen. That Leon would only be distracted from his shitty moods if he had something else to keep him busy. But it wasn't right.

  This wasn't right.

  John's grip on his comic book tightened briefly when he remembered last night's events. And he wanted so badly to apologize to him.

  When he arrived at Leon's place last night, Leon had locked himself up in his basement and wouldn't let anyone in. Skull and Rohan looked relieved when he saw that he had come. They were worried. And only John and Leon knew the code to the basement so they couldn't check up on him.

  When John unlocked the basement, they saw Leon hitting the punching bag with his fists. His face was ragged with grief and John immediately felt the regret flood into his system then. He told Skull and Rohan to go home, to begin the investigation on the supplier and on Sophia Gideon, and to leave Leon to him. All night he watched Leon pound the punching bag. Letting it out. Just letting it all out. He didn't try to talk to him; he was way deep into the memories of that horr
ible night years ago.

  The night his mother died after being beaten and raped.

  The night everything changed. For him. For them.

  So he waited.

  He waited until Leon exhausted himself. He waited until Leon let him touch him, let him help him to his bedroom. And let him make sure that he wasn't going anywhere and do nothing else but sleep.

  But Leon didn't sleep.

  Neither did John.

  Plagued with the memories, Leon tossed and turned all night, the nightmares driving him sometimes to scream. And all night long, John watched him, making sure he didn't hurt himself.

  When dawn came and Leon finally was able to sleep soundly, John still couldn't rest. Hands clutching his head tight, he sat on Leon's bedside, grappled with overwhelming regret and remorse.

  If only he didn't do it.

  If only he didn't care for her.

  If only he didn't lose control.

  He knew he fucked up the moment Skull mentioned the date-rape drugs and the girl named Sera. He saw the change in Leon, the building rage, the flash of pain in his eyes. The haunted expression on his face.

  John fucked up. He knew he fucked up.

  All because of Terry.

  "Let's go, John," Leon said, jerking him back out of his thoughts. He looked up and saw him slipping his phone inside his leather jacket. "Skull and Rohan are at my place," Leon went on. "They're waiting for us."

  John stared at him for a moment.

  He was acting as if nothing happened last night.

  John was too. Like always.

  "Sure," he muttered, tucking the comic book under his arm. "Let's go."


  My head jerked up. Dad was looking at me with a worried expression from the head of the table. I was sitting on his left and we were having dinner together in the dining room.

  "Are you alright?" he continued to say.

  "Yes, Dad," I replied with a tiny smile. "I'm sorry if I hadn't been listening. I was thinking about my report tomorrow."

  He smiled back, his eyes warming with affection. "It's alright. For a moment, I thought you were thinking about boys."

  My back straightened. "I'm not, Dad."

  "Are you certain?"

  "I'm certain," I insisted. "I don't have time for boys. They'll only be a hindrance to my studies."

  He laughed and patted my hand. "I believe you, honey. I was just teasing you."

  I frowned and looked down at my plate.

  Then I smiled.

  It's been weeks since I last had dinner with my father. He'd been so busy with work and travel that I barely saw him anymore. When a maid came into my rooms and told me I was to have dinner with him, I was so excited I frightened my new maid, Julie. It took her a long time to get my hair done, her hands were shaking so hard, and I almost lost my patience with her. But I restrained myself. Julie was timid and nervous around me, being new, and my impatience wouldn't help her.

  "You mustn't overtax yourself with school, Terry," Dad said. "The party is in three weeks. You mustn't get sick."

  "You don't have to worry, Dad," I replied. "I never get sick."

  He nodded. "Be it as it may. Your presence is important so you have to take care of yourself. I've canceled your lessons with Mr. Cameron in the meantime. So do what you ladies have to do. Set appointments to the salon and spa. Pick a nice dress. You have to be at your very best at this party."

  "I will," I lied, knowing that I was likely to forget to buy a dress when I'll be so busy making sure the preparations for it were done.

  "That's my girl." He reached out and gently smoothed a lock of my hair from my cheek. "You don't need to work that hard with your studies anymore. Just enjoy school."

  My fingers twitched. It was difficult but I managed to keep the smile on my face.

  Why? Because you won't let me work for the company? I bitterly thought. Because I'm a girl? A chattel that you'll marry off to a wealthy heir someday, just like what my mother's parents did to her?

  I quickly got rid of these miserable thoughts. Dinner with him was a rare opportunity. I needed to enjoy this.

  Feeling parched, I reached for my glass.

  "Oh, by the way. Haru is coming to the party."

  It was miracle I didn't drop it.

  "He is?" I asked, gripping it so tight it too was a miracle it didn't shatter. "That's good news."

  Dad's smile broadened. "I know you miss him, Terry. He'll be here for a while so you two can catch up. He told me he's taking you somewhere the day after the party."

  "What?" I narrowed my eyes in surprise. "Where?"

  His grin turned sheepish. "He said it's a secret. I think he wants to surprise you."

  Surprise? Another surprise?

  I kept a tranquil expression on my face, even though I was beginning to worry.

  What the hell does he want with me now?

  "Is... Is Okaasan coming too?" I asked, already dreading the answer.

  His smile evaporated, replaced by a frown of concern. "Haru said she hasn't been feeling well. I'm going to Japan tomorrow to visit her."

  Thank God.

  I knew I should be feeling bad about the fact that she was sick but I couldn't help it. I didn't have nice memories of her. None at all.

  Still, it didn't help ease the painful knot in my stomach.

  "I want to come," I said, playing the dutiful daughter. "But..."

  "I understand, Terry. You have school. Don't worry about your mother. She'll be alright."

  "And we're still going to Japan for the holidays, right? I can be with her, then."

  "Yes, we will." Dad was smiling once again. "We'll all be celebrating Christmas with all of your relatives on your mother's side. It's been a long time. I'm sure they miss you."

  A genuine smile made its way to my lips. "I miss them too. Especially, Ojiisan."

  "Ah, that cranky old man?" he muttered as he sliced his steak, drawing a quick laugh from me. "I hope he doesn't make you hurt yourself in his dojo again."

  "I won't be hurt," I assured him. I would be, of course. But I enjoyed sparring with my grandfather and his pupils, nonetheless.

  We finished our meal and I successfully changed the topic to business and to the places where he had been. Despite the happiness I felt eating with him, I barely touched the food. It worried Dad but I told him the excitement had taken away my appetite and he believed me.

  I continued to play the dutiful daughter. It was my job and I did it both publicly and privately. But with him, it was easy. He loved me, I knew that. But it wasn't enough. Still, I played the part of being loving and being loved, even though he didn't care enough to know what went on his house whenever he was away as long it didn't ruin our name.

  And through the years I never had the courage to get on my father's bad side, even if I wasn't certain what he was capable of if I spite him. Being abused by my own mother in secret had made me a coward. I didn't want to find out if he'd side with me if I ever revealed what his wife had done to me because I was afraid he wouldn't. It would devastate me.

  "How was dinner, miss?" Julie asked as I entered my rooms, her voice shy.

  "It was alright," I muttered. I sat on a stool by the window and let her pull the accessories from my hair. "Dad seems well."

  "You have a text message, by the way," she informed, handing me my phone. "And a call."

  I looked at the screen. Both the missed call and unread text were from Hannah. I opened the inbox and read the message.

  Can you email me a copy of your report? Please? I'm not going to copy, I swear!

  I snorted. Like heck, she wouldn't. I was about to turn the display off when my eyes strayed to the unknown number in my inbox and the message underneath.

  For you.

  Closing my eyes tight, I inhaled in a deep breath.

  1.0079, Hydrogen.

  4.0026 Helium.

  6.941 Lithium.

  I continued to recite the chemical elements by atomic number i
n my mind, desperate to think of anything else but that message.

  "You look like hell, John," Skull commented with his usual wide grin, looking at home on Leon's couch.


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