A Debt Repaid (1)

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A Debt Repaid (1) Page 9

by N. Isabelle Blanco

  Teeny. Tiny. Decorated and the lace across the front was pretty, but there was less string to the back of that thong then she’d find in floss.

  Aria’s face heated and she dropped it back on the bed. She wasn’t a stranger to hot lingerie. She had a whole drawer full of racy thongs, most of which Douglas had never gotten to see her in.

  His fault.

  But the dress was Hilary’s style. Unbelievably sexy and completely va-va-voom.

  Step one, Aria. Step one, she reminded herself.

  Yes, she was only going out to have dinner with a friend, but there was no reason she couldn’t look her damned best while doing so. Hilary was right; this was what she needed.

  “Flaunt how sexy you are. Live your life. Do what makes you feel good. And trust me honey, very few things make a woman feel amazing, but looking beautiful does.”

  Admitting that Hilary was right hadn’t been easy. It was quite humbling. Aria was the type of person that admitted her mistakes. She knew that a person could only grow, from doing so.

  Over the years she’d become absorbed in the role of being Douglas’ wife. But being a wife wasn’t enough. For any woman.

  A woman needed a man that made her feel beautiful, cherished, wanted. Without that, a woman wilted. And as tempting as it was to blame herself for Douglas’ lack of interested, Aria couldn’t fully accept that idea.

  If Chase could stare at her like that…with so much hunger in his eyes, then it was hard to believe that she’d been the one lacking. At least, it couldn’t really be all her fault. Right?

  Alright. Point proven. Now stop thinking about Chase, Aria.

  With a shake of her head, she forced herself back to the present. She had no plans of dating anyone anytime soon. Not for a long, long time.

  Hell, she might never trust a man enough to have a relationship again.

  None of that mattered. Getting herself back, some sense of identity, that’s what mattered. For her, it would start tonight.

  Right. Nodding to herself, Aria spun on her heel and headed straight for her bathroom. She had three hours to finish getting ready before meeting with Hilary.

  Aria sat before her vanity staring at the woman staring back. She was wearing the strapless, black dress that Hilary had sent. It pushed up her breasts almost obscenely and she didn't want to like it, but she did.

  Her hair was styled as usual, the wavy brown strands falling down her back. She applied makeup, something she rarely did. Her eyes were now smoky, defined, and it scared her.

  She looked attractive. It was the first time in a while that she felt that way. Aria couldn’t remember the last time she’d done herself up to that extent.

  Probably back when she’d been a teenager, she guessed, staring at herself in a daze.

  I am so doing this. I can’t believe I’m going all out like this.


  Her shoulders tensed. In the mirror, she caught sight of Douglas, standing at the door to the room and looking at her with a mixture of worry and heat.

  His eyes raked over her exposed back and she shuddered. Not because she liked it, but because a strong wave of disgust hit her as he devoured her with his stare.

  Once, she would've given anything to have him stare at her like that. With undisguised hunger.

  Aria didn't say anything, just stared at him in the mirror. He took a step into the room and she tensed further, almost as if her body was offended by his very presence.

  Bitterness crossed his face. “Where are you going, Aria?”

  She didn’t bother answering his question. He’d lost the right to ask her that.

  The bitter expression on Douglas’ face deepened, twisting his face, and showing her a glimpse of what was inside him. "Did he send you those clothes?”

  Aria remained quiet, not moving from her seat. She didn’t owe him any answers. She knew who Douglas was referring to, and if he chose to believe that Chase had sent her the clothes, then that was his prerogative.

  Douglas' eyes froze on her chest. He had the nerve to lick his lips. Aria was surprised by the urge to gag that overcame her. She swallowed in an attempt to dispel it.

  His eyes trailed up and she watched as he took in her hair and makeup. "Did he instruct you on how to do your hair and makeup?"

  Did he believe that Aria was meeting with Chase? Whatever. That thought wasn’t half as insulting as the fact that he believed she wasn’t capable of doing anything of her own volition. As if she’d needed a man’s instructions to decide to doll herself up.

  Aria rose, watching as his eyes fell to take in the dark blue pumps she was wearing. She kept her face and tone nonchalant as she walked toward the nightstand and grabbed her purse. She also made sure to pick up the ring next to it. “No.”

  Douglas’ eyes flew up to her face and flashed with anger. "No?"

  Aria ignored him. She wasn’t going to spend time explaining anything to him. She was done. Without saying another word, she walked right past him and out of the room.

  She heard him take off after her. His heavy footsteps followed her the whole way down the stairs.


  She ignored him again as she reached the first floor.

  "Aria, I'm talking to you!" Douglas yelled.

  She continued walking toward the door. "And I am not talking to you. You’re not even supposed to be here.” He had no concept of the term “we’re over and this is my house.” The damned locks were going to have to be changed, obviously.

  Douglas’s hand wrapped around her upper arm, stopping her. She didn't turn to him. Aria couldn’t stare at him while her body was busy rejecting his touch, shocking and making her nauseous all at once.

  For a moment, she had to wonder: how could things change so much in a matter of mere weeks?

  He’s been sleeping with God knows how many women while you stayed here, cooking, cleaning, and waiting for him.

  Oh, right.

  "You want this, don't you? You went through all that trouble of looking like that, when you've never done it for me,” Douglas spat, venom coating his every word. “Is it because you want to fuck him? You little who—"

  Aria turned around, her hand connecting with Douglas’ cheek so loud it echoed all around them.

  His hand flew up to his cheek, his shocked gray eyes connecting with hers.

  Anger pounded through her, making her feel like an animal. "Fuck you. I'm the whore? Me? Fuck you, Douglas Colton. "

  He stared at her, mouth wide open.

  All the fury that she’d held inside popped into her blood vessels at once, making her want to lash out at him in any way possible.

  So, he believed that she was meeting up with Chase? That she’d dressed up for him? Well, good. She’d allow him to continue with that train of thought. "If I decide to fuck Chase tonight, it is none of your business. You made damn sure of that." She turned to walk away from him.

  "I'm your husband!"

  The nerve. Aria exhaled, trying to control the wild, raging animal inside her that wanted to claw her ex’s eyes out. "And you won't be for much longer. I already had my lawyer start the paperwork this morning. When I come home tonight, I want the rest of your shit gone."

  "This is my house, too!" Douglas exclaimed, still in shock over her actions and words.

  "No, Douglas. I paid it off this morning, in full. This house is mine and you better not be here when I return.”

  “Aria, please—”

  “No. Not this time. And if you even try to demand it in the divorce, I’ll have Chase give me every bit of proof he has. I’m sure any judge will be interested in knowing how you’ve spent your time these last few months."

  The last part was an utter lie. She had no idea if Chase had that kind of proof, but Douglas had proven that he wasn’t above lying. Therefore, when it came to her freedom and happiness, why should she be any different?

  Her heart felt like it was bleeding. Aria placed her wedding ring on the hallway table, in plain sight for him to
see, and walked out of the house without another word.

  Without looking back.


  She’d been the one to end everything. Aria had done the right thing and stopped what was happening between them before it spiraled out of control. More than it already had.

  Yet, she hadn’t been able to delete that message. Not only that, but she’d replayed it. A couple times. Maybe five.

  Way too many times.

  With that one message, she now had the power to hear his voice on command.

  She’d heard the message enough times to know that there was emotion behind his tone, she just didn’t know what kind. And said tone was like a drug to her. Every time she heard it, she got a hit somewhere deep. It was satisfying, yet left her yearning for more.

  She was a junkie on the drip, constantly hitting the button for more.

  God. She was turning into a slut for a man she was never going to see again.

  You’re fault.

  “I’m going to kill Douglas if I keep catching that miserable look on your face.”

  Oh, God no. Damn it, why couldn’t Aria be one of those people that could put on false airs of happiness? “Hilary, please.”

  Her friend, Hilary, flipped her blond hair over her shoulder and glared back at Aria.

  A host was leading them. As they passed the rows of tables, people turned their heads to watch. Or men, rather. Hilary had always been too beautiful. Demanded attention.

  Hilary was wearing a cream colored dress that was sleek all the way down. It was an almost replica of Aria’s, strapless and stopped mid-thigh.

  The waiter led them to a table by the wall. There was a canopy above the table; thick red curtains hung to the floor. The curtains were tied so that parts of the restaurant could be seen on all three sides.

  Even the light-blue table cloth seemed to be made out of real silk.

  Oh, Hilary.

  “I brought you out tonight so that you could begin to live again,” Hilary said once they’d been seated. She opened her menu with a little huff. “I didn’t come out with you for you to be depressed over that piece of shit that we all told you not to marry.”

  First off, Aria was not depressed. No way. Secondly, Hilary would’ve had a heart attack if she found out that Aria’s preoccupation had something to do with another man.

  “Aria, it’s me…Chase.”

  She closed her eyes for a moment, trying to hold back her shiver. Goosebumps broke out all over her.

  His voice…there’d been hunger in there. She’d tried to pretend that she hadn’t recognized it, but every single inch on her had.

  Her rhythm was still pounding to the tone of that voice.

  She’d ended it. It was over. He was gone.

  And she was hungrier for him than ever.

  You fucking moron.

  Letting her lids slide open, she caught sight of Hilary.

  “Wait a second,” the blond said.

  Aria cringed. No, no. She knew that tone. She so did not like that tone.

  “You don’t look heartbroken. Well, you do, but it’s more…isn’t it?”

  Intuitive Hilary struck again. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Why had Aria agreed to go? “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” As primly as she freaking could, she opened the menu, and set about pretending that nothing was wrong.

  “Aria, it’s me…Chase.”

  God. Damn. Him. Aria hoped Chase enjoyed what he’d done to her. It was his fault she was a pathetic mess.

  “You’re getting horny thinking about someone, aren’t you?”

  Aria should’ve known better than to think Hilary would buy her lie. Throat tight, she lifted her glass and took a sip of the water, hoping the cold liquid would help her. “Don’t be stupid. I told you, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “Oh my God!” Hilary’s soft exclamation was interrupted by the waiter asking if they wanted something to drink. Hilary gave him a large smile, oblivious to how the poor man seemed to go catatonic at the sight of it. “Let me get a vodka on the rocks. We’re celebrating tonight.”

  Oh, Lord.

  The waiter scribbled something onto his pad without looking down at it. No, his eyes were locked on Hilary, his skin turning redder by the second.

  “I’ll have the same,” Aria said. What the hell? Hilary wasn’t going to let it go, and if she was going to be pushed into confessing, she sure as hell was not doing it sober.

  Maybe it was high time for a drunken night. She hadn’t allowed herself not even one since the whole issue of her life collapsing had begun. Who cared if it wasn’t healthy? Sometimes, it was necessary.

  If any situation warranted it, she figured it would be hers.

  “Oh my God, drinking vodka now.”

  “Stop sounding so amazed,” Aria grumbled.

  The waiter finally snapped out of his Hilary-coma, mumbled something unintelligible, and hurried away.

  Aria just hoped he’d get their order right.

  “Tell me, Aria, that this doesn’t have to do with Douglas.”

  “In a way, yes, it does.”

  Hilary’s expression fell. “What the hell? I’m sorry, but did I miss something? So you are lusting after your…your…I can’t even say it.” Her friend took in a deep breath, before continuing. “I’m going to gag. Since when did you actually fall in love, lust, or anything with that’s asshole?”

  “I loved him.” Aria scowled, feeling defensive. She had. Once. Maybe not recently, but he’d meant a lot to her.

  “When you were sixteen…maybe seventeen, I’ll give you that. And maybe, for about four months into your eighteenth year, but after that? No way, Aria.”


  “Uh-uh. Please don’t tell me that now that you two are separated, you’re missing him like crazy, and all that bullshit.”

  Hilary’s dark brown eyes were wide, as if the mere thought alone was worthy of more horror than anything else she could think of.

  “You’ve always hated Douglas,” Aria couldn’t help but point out.

  “Not true, not always. I started hating him when he showed me who he really was. When he showed you, or did you forget about Stacy?”

  “He was eighteen.” Aw, hell. Had she just defended Douglas? Falling back on old habits, I see.

  “Old enough to know better, and you shouldn’t have given him another chance.”

  The waiter arrived with their drinks right then, hands shaking as he placed them on the table. Probably because his eyes were busy trying to drill a hole through the front of Hilary’s dress.

  “Bring us two more. We’re going to need them,” Hilary told him right before swallowing half her drink in one shot. “Can’t believe you.” She shook her head at Aria, still believing that Aria’s lust was for Douglas.

  No, it isn’t, you annoying woman. It’s for someone even more dangerous.

  It was something Aria had always known, and something she was more convinced of now than ever. Chase had it within his power to do things, things that frightened her.

  Like turn me on and drive me insane with it.

  “Would you like to order anything to eat?” the waiter asked.

  “Later.” Hilary practically shooed the love-struck guy away.

  Aria shook her head. “You’re horrible.”

  Hilary almost sneered with her disgust. “And you’re gross, Aria. You fell in love with Douglas all over again?”

  This was going to be a “fun” night, she could already tell. Giving in, Aria swallowed half of her drink, breathed through it for a few seconds, and then finished the other half just as fast. Placing her cup back on the table, she took a deep breath and went for it. “It’s…it’s about Douglas, but not about Douglas.”

  Thankfully, the waiter returned right then, their drinks in hand.

  “Nothing to eat yet, hun. We’ll let you know.” Hilary turned back to Aria, the expression on her face almost comical.

  Almost. Hila
ry didn’t even know half the story. Once Aria told her—AmI going to do this? She grabbed her new drink and took a large gulp.

  Yes she was.

  “Aria, my self-control has limits.”

  Well, at least her friend was self-aware. “Fine, but you have to promise me not to make a scene here.” When Hilary gave her an offended look, Aria pointed at her. “Promise me.”

  “Fine. Who?” Hilary brought her drink up to her mouth.

  “Douglas’ ex-boss.”

  Hilary gave a little cough, holding herself back from choking. “Douglas’ last, last job? Or the one he just got fired from?”

  She was scared of telling Hilary the truth. Both outcome scenarios filled her with dread. One, Hilary thought the same thing Aria thought. The situation was a mess in the making and Aria needed to stay far, far away from Chase. Hearing that from Hilary would prove that she was an idiot.

  Then there was the second scenario. The scary one. Hilary could react to everything the way she normally would. She’d have Aria convinced that trying something—anything—with Chase was exactly what Aria had to do.

  Bad. Real bad. Even worse, Hilary would be convincing Aria too late. Aria had been very clear with Chase, hadn’t she?

  A man that looked like that? No doubt he’d moved on already. For all that he’d supposedly had issues with feelings, it hadn’t stopped him from wanting sex. Lots of it, if the pictures she’d seen online were any indication. They’d bothered her on sight. If there was one thing Chase had never lacked, it was some form of female companionship.

  She hadn’t given the pictures much mind, though, because she’d been sidetracked by the story of his mom. She’d let sympathy overwhelm her, and had ended up feeling…something more toward him.

  Because she was “protective”. Hah. Defective was more like it.

  “Aria.” Hilary slapped the table. “Answer me.”


  “Chase Blaine? Oh…oh God,” Hilary groaned. “I’d give up being single for a man like that between my legs. Give him a horde of children, too. Can you imagine those genetics mixed with mine? Perfect human evolution. My bloodline would be set.”

  Yeah, that about summed it up. Another female that knew how attractive Chase Blaine was.


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