Minor Demons

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Minor Demons Page 19

by Randall J. Morris

  “Look, Leech. I’m not trying to baby you and I’m not worried about you getting into trouble. I know that you can hold your own. I would just feel better if you had backup. We’ve already come across angels once, what do you think will happen if I’m not here and the angels come back?”

  “Well if that Sarah chick shows up again, it won’t really matter, will it?”

  Shadow removed his angel’s short blade and handed it to Leech.

  “If that bitch comes back, kill her. Put it on the back of your belt under your cloak. Don’t let the little guy know that you have it.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I don’t need it where I’m going.”

  “Alright bro. The second it becomes more than you can handle, I want you to send for me. I’d rather lose Carlos’ soul than lose you in some turf war between Lucian and Cain.”

  “I will. In the mean time, I need you to focus and not worry about me or Lilith. We’ll be fine down there.”

  An abrupt cracking noise made both Leech and Shadow turn back around. They saw that Lilith had snapped her whip to get their attention. She walked up to Leech, wrapped both of her legs around his waist, and started to kiss him. Once Leech got over the initial shock, he gave in and started to enjoy the kiss, but she ended it abruptly, hopped down off him, and shoved him away.

  “I don’t want you to do anything stupid and get yourself killed.”

  Leech grinned mischievously and then winked at her.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Lilith walked over to Muan and stroked his chin. He closed his eyes, enjoying the experience. Once he regained his composure, he blushed bright red, stepped back several steps, and bowed to Lilith.

  “I want you to keep Leech safe. Can you do that for me?”

  “Yes, Lady Lilith, I will keep him safe.”

  Lilith turned back to Shadow and Leech.

  “He’s adorable. Just like an obedient little puppy. I want one.”

  “Take that one, Lily. I don’t want him.”

  “We’ve already had this discussion. Muan is staying here to help you. Shadow, let’s go before Leech throws a tantrum.”

  Shadow put his hand one Leech’s shoulder one final time.

  “Stay safe. I’ll send a messenger to call you down to help us if we need it. In the meantime, just keep working on Carlos and don’t die.”

  Shadow turned to Muan.

  “You are to do everything Leech tells you to do without questioning him. His father is Malcontent, a middle demon who served for a long time in our department. I also trust Leech with my life. The fact that he’s in Baal’s department shouldn’t be a problem for you. Understood?”

  “Yes, Master Shadow. I will do as you ask.”

  “I’m not kidding, little guy. If Leech dies, I will kill you myself.”


  Satisfied that he had given his all to convince Muan not to betray or otherwise cause problems for Leech, Shadow turned and left. Lilith followed.

  “I know Shadow was pretty clear with his expectations, but I get the feeling that you still don’t like me. Would you like to explain why that is?”

  “Master Shadow would not approve of me speaking ill of one of his servants. I will, therefore, remain silent on this matter.”

  “No, Muan, you won’t. Speak your damn mind.”

  There was a few moments of silence as Muan decided whether he was obligated to obey the order or not.

  “Fine then, Leech. I can respect Master Shadow and Lady Lilith because they are both born of major demons and they placed in the top three in the trials. You placed fourth and you are the son of a minor demon. You only even obtained fourth because of the armor gifted to you by General Cain. You serve General Baal and I feel like my time is being wasted by following you here on Earth. I would rather pay my dues delivering messages until I am promoted to minor demon myself. That, as requested Leech, is my damn mind.”

  Leech saw Muan grip the two bone daggers attached to his chest, as if he expected a fight. Leech laughed.

  “Wow. You seriously hate me, don’t you? Let’s clear up some things that you clearly don’t understand. First off, you aren’t the offspring of a major demon either. I’m not sure why that really matters. Technically, Shadow is the nephew of General Cain, not his offspring and Lilith’s mother wouldn’t even claim her until after the trials. Second, I’m not sure why you place such great importance on the trails. Did you even place in the top ten?”


  “I don’t remember you. What place did you take?”


  Leech grinned and Muan scowled back at him.

  “Now I remember. I couldn’t get a clear view of the demon that placed tenth when they announced it. It’s because you’re so short. I don’t say that to demean you, there’s nothing wrong with being a little guy. I’m a small demon myself.”

  “Is that all?”

  “No. I’m not the son of a minor demon, my father is Malcontent, the middle demon in charge of demon training and, finally, your time is not being wasted here. You’re not very good at fighting or tempting humans, so I think you could learn quite a few lessons from me if your ego allowed you to get over whatever the hell you have against me.”

  Muan laughed.

  “I could learn from you? Really?”

  “You could.”

  “Well, oh great instructor, how is it that you didn’t realize that Carlos left the room?”

  Leech didn’t turn to check. Muan was probably right about Carlos leaving the room and he didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of confirming it.

  “I am aware that Carlos left the room. We aren’t going anywhere until you get over your issues and at least have some form of respect for me. I won’t have a little guy following me around who is only following the orders of Shadow.”

  “And what do you propose we do about that? I won’t respect you based on nothing but you telling me off.”

  Leech began removing his cape and armor, careful to keep Shadow’s angel blade hidden under his cloak.

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  “Well you think that I’m where I am right now because of Cain and Shadow. So I’m going to kick your ass. I won’t be using the armor General Cain gave to me or the daggers that were a gift from Shadow. I’ll use nothing but the battleaxe that I took from the minotaur in the labyrinth during the trials. After I kick your ass, you’re going to admit that you respect me and we can move on with the temptation of Carlos.”


  The journey back to Hell took several days, as Shadow had no right to summon Charon for a ride. When Shadow and Lilith finally made it back to the gates of Hell, they were met by the Medic.

  “Shadow. Lilith. Good to see you both. Where’s Leech?”

  “I left him to continue our mission on Earth.”

  “Good call for the overall welfare of Hell but maybe a bad one for the present. General Cain needs all the help he can get.”

  “So are we actually in a full-out war?”

  “No. Not yet anyways. Lucian showed up when Malcontent was training the new recruits and attempted to kill him.”

  “Attempted? He couldn’t kill Malcontent?”

  “Well... no. He couldn’t kill him because Cain showed up and stopped him.”

  “This doesn’t sound any worse than what happened at the trials. I’m guessing one of the other major demons stepped in and stopped it? Probably Baal?”

  “Leviathan, actually.”

  “So why did my uncle call me down here?”

  “Well... Lucian actually wounded Leviathan pretty badly. Right before Lucian fled the fight, he hinted that he was in league with two other major demons who also want Cain dead.”

  “Medic, Lucian is a liar. He’s the major demon of lies. Why would my uncle believe him?”

  “Because an attempt was made on Baal’s life a few days later. Of course, Baal put the assassin down and he’s fine... bu
t it seems like three major demons have marked their targets pretty clearly.”

  “Lucian, Asmodeus, and Vixen are out to kill the other three. Wonderful. So my uncle sent for me to kill three major demons? Shouldn’t be too much of a problem.”

  Medic laughed.

  “No. Cain is dealing with the threat himself. He’s trying to convince Baal to take this whole situation more seriously and he has demons guarding the injured Leviathan.”

  “Then he wants me to do what exactly? I hope he didn’t call me down here just to waste my time.”

  “Abigor, one of Cain’s middle demons, has defected. It’s rumored that he plans on joining up with Lucian. We will need the thousands of minor demons and demons-in-training that make up his army on our side if it comes to an all-out war.”

  “What do you think, Lilith?”

  “I think your friend is insane. He wants the two of us to attack an entire army?”

  “It wasn’t me who gave the order. This came directly from General Cain. He wouldn’t send you to fight off an entire army, either. You are going after Abigor. Put him down and the army should follow Shadow. I’m sending the two of you in as assassins. If that seems like too much for you, then I should just kill you now and save Abigor the trouble.”

  Lilith struck with her whip and the Medic caught it in his hand. He then yanked on the end in his hand to pull her closer and delivered a roundhouse kick to Lilith’s face. He removed a knife that was covered in a green liquid from his belt and moved in to stab her. Shadow was there before he had the chance and he lifted the Medic into the air with one hand choking his throat and Shadow’s other hand bent back the Medic’s wrist until he dropped the knife. The Medic was able to choke out a few garbled noises and then Shadow threw him on the ground.

  “What was all that about?”

  Shadow waited while the Medic recovered enough to talk.

  “I don’t like the way your girl was talking to me. She should show General Cain some respect and leave the thinking to demons much smarter than her.”

  Shadow looked at Lilith. She raised both eyebrows back at him.

  “I told you he was insane. I guess I just underestimated how insane he was.”

  Lilith jumped back on her feet and then retrieved the knife that the Medic had almost stabbed her with.

  “What did you put on that thing, Medic?”

  “It’s a new form of poison. Angel’s blood mixed with some... other things. The demons I used it on didn’t last very long when I was developing it. One to two days at the most... and that was before I developed this batch. The knife is a gift that I was planning on giving to you for your mission.”

  “Have your plans changed?”

  “No, Master Shadow, they have not. I was merely overtaken in a moment of rage. Please express my apologies to your... er... follower.”

  Lilith looked like she was about to say something in response but Shadow held up a hand to silence her.

  “Sheathe the dagger, Lilith. You’re going to carry it.”

  Lilith sheathed the dagger on her belt and then stomped off, clearly still annoyed. The Medic grinned.

  “I won’t pretend to understand why you decided to let her travel with you, but I also don’t plan on questioning your decision. I really am sorry for attacking her.”

  “I’ll let it go but I don’t plan on tolerating demons attacking Leech or Lilith anymore just because they’re from a different department. If you were someone else, I would have simply killed you. I’ll let it go this once, Medic, but control your temper around my team in the future.”

  The Medic removed another dagger from his belt coated in the same green liquid and presented it to Shadow.

  “Each of you should carry one. It’s the quickest way to put Abigor down, especially considering that he has powers far more advanced than either of you. The daggers were taken from a middle demon before I coated them in poison, so they should be able to pierce Abigor’s armor.”

  “Thank you, Medic. I will bring back Abigor’s head.”

  Shadow turned and followed after Lilith.

  “Well? I said I’ll fight you with just my minotaur axe?”

  “Shadow said he would kill me if I killed you.”

  “That isn’t going to be a problem, Muan, because you have no chance in hell of killing me.”

  “Your pride will be your downfall.”

  Muan quickly removed the blowgun from his back and launched a dart at Leech. Leech was able to jump away but the dart grazed his arm. Muan grinned and then began a rapid attack with his two bone daggers. Leech was able to block the stabs with his much larger weapon until he was able to duck under a wild swing and Muan left his stomach wide open for a brief second. Leech brought the butt of his axe sideways into Muan’s stomach and then landed a roundhouse kick to his chest. Muan flew backwards through the air crying and squealing like a pygmy. Leech didn’t see where he landed because a sharp pain started coming from his arm where Muan’s dart had grazed him.

  The world started spinning and everything in Leech’s vision started to blur. Leech’s legs gave out and he fell to the ground. The blurred shapes and images in front of him were quickly interrupted by a shape that looked vaguely like Muan attempting to drive his two bone daggers into Leech’s chest. Leech caught the strike with the haft of his axe but Muan continued to press down. Leech was able to roll Muan off of him and then he took advantage of the situation by delivering a punch at what he hoped was Muan’s face. Muan grunted and fell over unconscious. Leech fell back on the ground and waited for the world to stop spinning.

  Once Leech was able to get back on his feet and not fall back over, he realized that Muan was no longer lying where he had left him knocked out. Panicked, he scanned the room for him. He eventually saw Muan kneeling with his head bowed by one of the couches in the waiting room. Leech’s armor was neatly stacked in front of Muan and his cloak was neatly folded with his daggers resting on top of it. When Leech approached, Muan looked up.

  “My apologies, Master Leech. You clearly pack more of a punch than I gave you credit for. While I still think this is an... odd... situation, I will no longer fight you or insult you.”

  “How long were you out?”

  “Not very long. Maybe a few minutes. You were still stumbling around and hallucinating when I woke, so I decided to make myself useful and gather your belongings.”

  “What the fuck did you shoot me with?”

  Muan grinned with what Leech recognized as a small amount of pride.

  “It was a mixture of a hallucinogen and some mild poison. It would have been a lot more effective had I done more than graze you with it. It also isn’t near as potent as anything my father can make.”

  “And your father is...?”

  “His name is Bifrons.”

  “Never heard of him.”

  “Well he’s heard of you. He said you would make a great addition to the department of murder once you served for a while as a demon-in-training with Master Shadow.”

  “I get it. You’re annoyed that I got a minor demon offer when I only took fourth place in the trials. That doesn’t normally happen.”

  Muan remained silent.

  “Is that your problem with me?”

  “...Yes. I don’t mind serving as a messenger demon for a while to earn my place. I don’t know if it was... Never mind. Let’s just go find where Carlos is.”

  “No. Finish your thought.”

  “I don’t know that it was wise of General Baal to let you become a minor demon so quickly. Your fighting is still very sloppy compared to someone like Master Shadow or even Lady Lilith. You haven’t refined your skills yet.”

  “You realize that I just kicked your ass, right?”

  “I’m not a minor demon and I’m not claiming that I should be one yet. I want to learn from demons that actually have something to teach me. I’m still not convinced that you are one of those demons, but I am true to my word. I will follow you without any more problems.”

  Leech finished securing his armor and reattaching his daggers to his belt before he shook his head at Muan and started walking back towards Junior’s room, where he assumed Carlos would be waiting. Muan followed. When he entered the room, with Muan trailing closely behind him, he saw Carlos sitting in a chair with his head in his hands, crying.

  “Shit. The kid died.”

  Muan looked like he was going to say something but Leech gave him a threatening look and he thought better of it. As Leech considered his possible options, a bright light opened in the ceiling and a glorious being of light descended. His armor was made of white diamond and gold and it reflected a large amount of light. Leech and Muan had to shield their eyes with their hands and back up several paces to endure his presence. When his eyes rested on Leech and Muan, his kind blue eyes turned to a fierce white. The creature spread his wings and drew his broadsword from his belt.

  “My name is Ambriel, a middle angel of protection under the direction of the Archangel Uriel. I was told that several minor demons have been bothering this man in his lowest hour. I will tolerate it no longer. Prepare yourselves for death and then feel free to draw your weapons.”


  “Lilith, wait up!”

  Lilith didn’t stop or slow down. She continued to angrily march herself deeper and deeper into the desert where Abigor was hiding with his army. Shadow continued to sprint after her. When he finally caught up and was able to match her pace, he put his hand on her shoulder. She removed it.

  “I understand that you’re mad. What do you want me to do? Kill the guy? He was loyal to my father and he’s been loyal to my uncle for hundreds of years.”

  Lilith wouldn’t even look at Shadow as she responded.

  “The same uncle that threatened to kill you?”

  “Yes. Obviously that’s the asshole I’m talking about.”

  Both corners of Lilith’s mouth arced upwards but she fought hard not to smile.

  “Come on, Lilith. Forgive the Medic. He gave you a snot-stained dagger to say he was sorry.”

  Lilith couldn’t fight it anymore, she burst out laughing. Shadow joined in and they both stopped to have a good fit of laughter at the edge of the desert. When they were done, Lilith punched Shadow in the arm while grinning at him.


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