Snowbound Christmas Cheer

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Snowbound Christmas Cheer Page 7

by Veronica Tower

  She’d made up her mind. “Okay, just don’t rush me, don’t come in my mouth, and don’t get anything on my dress.”

  He’d done all three things, of course. It had made her mad at the time, but now when she looked back she didn’t really blame him. He’d been so damn excited that describing his reactions as a hair trigger seemed to really understate the facts.

  Now she was on her knees before a different penis having the potential to grow into a more impressive, more mature, erection than Myron had possessed. But she still had two of the same three concerns. “If I’m going to do this, I want you to promise two things. You won’t try to manhandle me while I’m sucking on you and you have to promise not to come in my mouth.”

  “Okay,” A.J. agreed with suspicious ease. Then he made Jo feel better by asking for clarification. “What exactly do you mean by manhandling?”

  Jo answered without taking her eyes off his penis. “I don’t want your hands on my head. If I want to pull off you, I don’t want you holding me in place. I’m blowing you! You’re not fucking my mouth. Understand?”

  “No problem,” A.J. agreed. Then he realized his right hand was already cupping her face and he awkwardly moved it. “What was the other thing again?”

  “No coming in my mouth!” Jo reminded him. The fact that she had to remind him bothered her, but once again A.J. managed to set her mind at ease.

  “That’s not a problem. Remember, you’re doing this so I can fuck you again. If I come in your mouth we’ve both blown it—so to speak.”

  Jo found herself smiling.

  Before she could grow apprehensive again, she leaned in close and sucked on one of his big testicles. The hot spray of the shower slammed down on top of them, but that was all right. It wasn’t like it was keeping her from breathing. It wasn’t that scene in the hot tub you saw in so many movies.

  She positioned herself on her knees in front of him so that A.J.’s back blocked most of the spray. His hand moved to her shoulder and she wondered if he was already getting ready to break their deal. There was only one way to find out. She took hold of his balls with her left hand and moved her tongue up to his shaft. She licked him a few times which he clearly liked, but his dick wasn’t getting any harder as far as she could tell.

  She decided to bite the bullet, so to speak, and took the whole of his soft penis into her mouth, sharing a heat more intimate than that of the shower, and swirling her tongue around the head of his cock.

  He tasted of soap and, well, A.J. None of the spermicidal fluid on the condom appeared to remain.

  His fingers dug ever so lightly into her shoulder. The other hand braced himself against the wall.

  She swirled her tongue a few more times and then tried to pump. It was more difficult than she expected because he wasn’t quite erect yet, but she pulled back away from him and swallowed again and suddenly it was undeniable that he was growing hard inside of her.

  She bobbed more easily, pushing her tongue flat in her mouth to make more room for his growing size. He was long enough now for her to pump him with her hand as her mouth rode up and down. Her thumb began to encounter thick swollen veins beneath his shaft. Above her, she could hear his breathing grow more ragged. The fingers on her shoulder began to tangle in her hair, something she felt was outside of the spirit of their agreement, even if he wasn’t quite touching her head yet.

  His knees started to buckle. He was getting closer. His meat was so thick she could hardly keep him in her mouth. Her thumb and forefinger could no longer fully encircle his shaft. Any moment now, she figured, any moment and-

  A.J. cupped her face in both hands and gently pulled her off of him. His mouth came down and kissed her salty tongue. “I’m ready now, Jo, if you are.”

  He got down on his knees in front of her, his erection poking between her breasts and he reached far out of the shower to the sink and came back in with one of the unopened condoms. In the slick spray of the shower it took him a little longer to roll the latex on than it had the first time. Then he sat back in the tub and helped Jo straddle his body, squatting over top of him as she mounted him.

  She thought it would be easier the second time, but her body groaned in protest as A.J.’s thick meat split her open again. Her thighs almost instantly began to ache with the effort of keeping herself perched above her man’s torso with his cock an inch or two inside her. She slowly eased herself down then lifted herself up half an inch before dropping herself just a little further past the place she had started.

  Sweat began to bead on her brow and her lungs began to labor. Her thighs wanted her to simply sit down but her pussy continued to scream warning against taking him too fast.

  For his part, A.J. waited patiently beneath her, his hands riding her hips to help her balance. He kept his ass glued to the floor so he wouldn’t steal back the power he’d surrendered by giving her the position on top, consciously giving Jo the time she needed to reaccommodate her body to the girth and length of A.J.’s cock.

  It wasn’t as easy as it sounded. Her pussy was sore from A.J.’s first foray inside of her and her muscles were already protesting the strain of easing herself up and down while she squatted over top of him.

  A.J. looked to be enjoying the view. Her thighs were open, giving him a clear view of her bush and his own latex-covered cock sliding in and out of her pussy. The hot spray swirled around her neck and down her shoulders, moistening her breasts and stomach, exciting her body as she searched for just the right tempo to make them both come.

  She conceded to her thighs and set her knees on the floor of the tub, driving A.J.’s cock another inch inside of her. She put one hand on his powerful chest and the other on the edge of the tub and began to slowly rock herself back and forth, easing his too-thick erection in and out of her. It still hurt a little—she hadn’t had sex in a long time and she was very sore from their lovemaking on the couch—but her body was adjusting and the action was getting smoother and more pleasurable.

  A.J. began to move against her, lifting his ass off the floor to push himself deeper inside her as she sat back against his groin.

  Jo’s eyes rolled up in her head as he brushed against something wonderful inside her. This was what lovemaking was supposed to be. Every stroke of his cock now pushed against that sensitive spot, igniting brighter and brighter sparks of joy throughout her body.

  His hands slid from her hips to her ass, squeezing tight, stretching her anus, and intensifying the pleasure within her.

  She moved her hand down through the hair covering her mons, searching for the long dick probing deep inside of her. Instead her fingers found her clitoris and she couldn’t help diddling herself. A.J.’s cock seemed to push back against her fingers from the inside and the sparks of joy blossomed into stars.

  She wasn’t coming yet, but her body could almost taste the pending orgasm. She stiffened her spine, sitting ramrod straight over A.J.’s body so she could twist herself left and right as she rode his cock up and down. Her thighs began to squeal again, but suddenly that didn’t matter to her.

  A.J. began thrusting harder, lifting her up on a bronco ride. Jo rewarded him with his own personal pole dance—or maybe she was rewarding herself because the cock stirring inside her felt absolutely wonderful.

  Her clitoris beneath her fingers sputtered on the brink of orgasm. Her free hand left A.J.’s torso to find and squeeze her own dark breast. Her eyes closed, adding a delirious element of uncertainty to her motion—up and down and around and—OH!

  She started to fall to the side, but A.J. cruelly caught her and held her in place with his strong hands. His cock continued to thrust desperately hard inside of her. Both hands were on her pussy now, trying to contain her climax even as her treacherous little fingers edged it higher and more intense.

  “That’s it, Jo!” A.J. shouted at her. “That’s it! Keep squeezing me like that!”

  The words barely registered in the conscious parts of her brain but the subconscious mind evidently
understood what her man was talking about. Muscles deep inside her vagina squeezed harder, instantly intensifying the force of her own orgasm. She fell forward breasts flattening on his hard chest, mouth bouncing once off his shoulder before a particularly hard thrust made her bite down in pain and pleasure.

  “Oh, yes!” A.J. hissed. His arms circled around her back and squeezed her tightly against him. His dick continued to pump deep into the vice grip of her pussy. Shockwaves of ecstasy continued to shoot through her body.

  He held her like that, one arm around her back and the other cradling her head against his shoulder and neck until his cock finally shriveled up inside him and the hot spray turned suddenly cold.

  Chapter Nine

  Somewhere in the darkness, the chorus of I’m Sexy and I know It began to play.

  The sound confused Jo, but A.J. groaned beneath her and struggled to extricate one of his arms from around her so he could reach to his bedside table and pick up his phone.


  Jo still wasn’t thinking clearly and she couldn’t hear the voice on the other end of the call.

  “Oh, hi Mom,” A.J. said. “What time is it?”

  The thought that A.J.’s mother was on the phone embarrassed her. She was naked in bed with the woman’s son and—damn! Wasn’t he supposed to be on a plane about now?

  “Is it six o’clock already?”

  This time Jo could hear the response. “You’re supposed to be on the plane right now and you’re not even up yet?”

  A.J. did not seem flustered by his mother raising her voice. “You do know we had like a foot of snow yesterday, don’t you?”

  Jo was awake enough to hear the woman clearly now. “The news reports say that Detroit got fifteen inches with more coming. The airports are all shut down.”

  A.J. made a strange face at Jo and she had to squelch a giggle.

  “So what are you getting all upset about?” A.J. asked his mother. “If you knew the flight was canceled-”

  “But you didn’t know the flight was cancelled,” his mother interrupted.

  “Technically true,” A.J. conceded, “but honestly, Mom, with all the snow that was falling yesterday, what was the chance that the flight would go out on time?”

  As far as Jo knew, A.J. had never even called the airport yesterday. He’d been otherwise occupied…

  “Well, this is just terrible!” his mother complained. “It’s Christmas Eve. How are you going to get home to your father and me?”

  A.J.’s arm around Jo’s back tightened a little, encouraging her to snuggle up more closely against him. She was leaning on her side in the crook of his arm with one bare breast flat against him and the other sort of resting on his chest.

  A.J. continued speaking. “I’m sorry, Mom, but I don’t think I’m going to be able to make it home this year. I know it’s important, but the weather just isn’t cooperating.”

  A.J. didn’t actually sound very upset about missing the holiday, but his mother certainly did. “What will you do?”

  “Well actually, I’m hoping to swing an invitation to my girlfriend’s house this evening and then join her family again tomorrow for the big shindig at her grandmother’s.” He lifted his eyebrows in query to Jo and she answered him by kissing his cheek very quietly. She didn’t know exactly how her family was going to respond, but she’d love to bring A.J. home with her.

  “Your girlfriend?” his mother asked. She sounded more agitated about this than she did about him missing Christmas dinner. “When did you get a girlfriend?”

  “We met at a Halloween Party last October,” A.J. told her.

  “And you didn’t mention her until now?”

  A.J. rolled up on his side so he could look directly into Jo’s eyes as he answered his mother. “I wanted to be certain that this one was a keeper, Mom. And she is. In fact, she’s pretty damn wonderful all around.”

  Jo kissed him again, very tenderly, pushing the phone away from his mouth so his mother wouldn’t hear.

  His mother continued talking without any idea that her son had just become otherwise occupied. “Well this is unexpected…but I…well what’s her name?

  A.J. reluctantly pulled his lips away from Jo’s to answer his mother. “Jo Taylor, she’s an oral hygienist.” He ground the receiver against his chest for a moment and whispered to Jo, “Which means she’s really good with her mouth.”

  “Well I-” his mother started.

  “Mom, it’s still really early,” A.J. interrupted. “Do you mind if I call you back in a couple of hours?”

  “Of course, not,” his mother said. “Just…we’ll talk later.”

  “Merry Christmas, Mom,” A.J. said and hung up the phone.

  “I don’t think your mother likes me,” Jo told him when she was certain the call was finished.

  A.J. rolled on top of her. His penis began to stir between her legs. “She’ll like you just fine. She’s just shocked by the idea that I’m feeling serious enough about a woman to want to spend Christmas with her family.”

  “And are you that serious?” Jo asked. She knew in her mind that it was a little early to be getting that serious about each other, but in her heart the idea felt perfect.

  “I think so,” A.J. told her. “I admit I’m curious what a big family holiday looks like, but mostly I just want to find some mistletoe and keep kissing you.”

  He proceeded to show her just what he meant, sliding his tongue into her mouth and exploring thoroughly.

  When he finished, he rolled off of her. “Uggh, it is early in the morning, isn’t it? But since we’re awake, let’s go to the bathroom and get some breakfast.”

  Jo watched A.J.’s tight ass as he got out of bed. “What do you have to eat?”

  “Eat?” A.J. asked. “I was thinking about finishing the eggnog and brandy. It’s Christmas Eve, isn’t it?”

  The End

  If you enjoyed this story, why not see how the other relationships in the Snowbound Series began:

  Kara and Ron: Snowbound Christmas

  Kara is flying home to spend Christmas with her family after a disappointing visit with her boyfriend. She’s not thinking about romance and is completely uninterested in the handsome young white man sitting next to her on the plane. But when snow keeps her flight from leaving, Kara begins to discover that the stranger is mighty interesting indeed. What begins as an innocent bet over whether or not their plane will take off, quickly transforms into a captivating night of fiery romance and covert excitement as the two struggle to get to know each other better amidst the chaos of thousands of people stranded at the airport. Was it bad luck or serendipity that Kara must enjoy a Snowbound Christmas?

  Liz and Travis: Snowbound Vacation

  Liz Brennan is angry! Her boyfriend, Daryl, dumped her on the eve of their romantic holiday forcing her to lose her deposit or take the vacation without him. Liz takes the trip but that doesn’t mean she’s in the mood for romance. So why does she keep smiling every time she bumps into handsome Travis Lawton? And why does she follow him into a blizzard when she should be heading back to the lodge? Liz’s inner conflicts come to a head as they huddle for warmth trapped by the snow in a deserted building on the side of the mountain. Will she open herself up to a chance for love or continue to push him away. Either way, it’s going to be a memorable Snowbound Vacation.

  Thea and Nick: Another Snowbound New Year

  Thea doesn’t remember how she let her cousin, Kara, convince her to go out with her on New Year’s Eve. The weather looks terrible and her mother is up in arms over their plan to ring in the New Year at a local bar. It would have been so much easier to cancel the plans and stay in for the night as she’s done every year since she moved in with Mom to take care of her. So why is she out now while the snow begins to fall drinking beer and playing pool with her cousin? And why does she keep making excuses to talk to the bartender with the long blonde hair and the dreamy blue eyes? Could he really be interested in a woman more than ten y
ears older than him? If the snow keeps falling, she may just build up enough nerve to find out.




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