Her Russian Billionaires - The Complete Billionaire Romance Collection

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Her Russian Billionaires - The Complete Billionaire Romance Collection Page 25

by Westwood, Susan

  “Mr. Kozlov is here,” Jeeves said. “You want me to call him?”

  “No, I can make it the rest of the way. Did you tell him where I was?”

  “No, he didn’t ask.”

  The phone rang at the desk. “That’s him now. I’ll tell him to come down.”


  When Sacha entered the apartment and found it empty, his heart raced. He called Kendra’s phone, but heard it ring in the apartment. Damn. She’d forgotten her phone. He searched the place then called down to the front desk.

  “She’s on her way up.”

  He waited by the elevator. Kendra looked bedraggled when the doors opened. Cliff was limp in her arms. He wanted to throw his arms around both of them, but that would imply an emotion he wasn’t supposed to be having. Instead, he lifted Cliff out of her arms.

  “Where am I going with him?”

  “To bed. I have to get some medicine into him before he goes back to sleep,” she said.

  Her hair was in disarray.

  “Where’s the nanny?”

  “I gave her the day off because I knew he was sick. I called, but you must have been away from your phone. You didn’t answer. He needed to see a doctor,” Kendra said.

  Sacha nodded, trusting her judgment, but that didn’t mean he liked it. She could have called his driver to accompany them. They could discuss this later. He put Cliff on the bed. The little boy yawned, but sat up. Guess he knew the routine.

  Kendra came in with a spoon and two bottles of medicine. She gave them to Cliff who then curled up under the covers. He was probably asleep before they left the room. Sacha followed Kendra to the kitchen.

  “You okay?”


  She stored one bottle in the refrigerator and one with his vitamins.

  “What happened?”

  “I put Cliff down to pay for the prescription. He was asleep on the chair. Some guy picked him up.”

  He put his arms around Kendra. “That’s terrible.”

  She sank into him. “I was so scared, but he didn’t make it out of the store before I accosted him. He just put Cliff on the floor then ran out.”

  “Well everything’s okay. I was worried when you didn’t answer when I called back. We need to have a contingency plan for times like these. Sometimes I can’t answer the phone.”

  “Sometimes kids get sick.”

  “I see that. What’s wrong with him?”

  “Ear infection,” Kendra said. She stepped away from Sacha, looked a little less weary.

  “How long does that take to clear?”

  “He’ll feel better in a few days. I have antibiotics for him for two weeks,” she said.

  “You scared me,” he said. He hadn’t meant to say it. He hadn’t meant to reveal that much to Kendra. It didn’t jive with their “no emotion” bargain they’d agreed upon.

  She looked up at him, her eyes getting misty. “I was scared. When I turned and saw Cliff gone I thought all sorts of awful things.”

  He took her in his arms again and let her cry. This was the most vulnerable he’d seen Kendra, a new side to her. “Let me go fill the bathtub and you can read or just enjoy a moment,” he said. “If Cliff wakes up, I’ll take care of him.”

  “He isn’t your responsibility.”

  “He is. It’s all part of keeping you safe,” he said. “Besides, Cliff and I are buddies. We’ve had some great talks in the morning before you get up.”

  She eyed him as if she weren’t sure if he was serious. “Uh, okay.”

  “You want some wine?”

  “It’s the middle of the day?”

  He shrugged. “Are you going anywhere?”

  “No, but I need to get some more names in my database,” she said.

  “I can do that.”

  She eyed him again as if he had two heads. “You’d do that?”

  He brushed a hair out of her face. “Sure.”

  He kissed her forehead then left her standing in the kitchen. He didn’t want to think about the affection that he was beginning to have for Kendra. He didn’t want to admit that he was feeling something for her, something odd and foreign to his heart. He liked Kendra. It was beyond how she was in bed. He liked being around her. Shaking himself, he chose not to analyze things. Best not to go there.

  He filled the bathtub in his bathroom with warm water and bubbles. He lit a few candles. When he turned to go Kendra was in the doorway, looking a little lost. As if no one had ever done anything like this for her.

  “It’s filled.” He took a towel out of his linen closet. “Here’s a towel. Take all of the time you need.”

  She stood in the doorway a moment more before she entered the bathroom. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome,” he said with a grin.

  He left her to take her bath in peace. He booted up her laptop in the dining room then began to type in names for her. He was just about done when she appeared in the doorway.

  “Done already?”

  “I’ve been in there for half an hour. I’m not used to just sitting around.”

  She was in sweats and she still looked sexy. How could that be? He was a goner. Good thing her stay here was only temporary. He didn’t want to get tangled up with Kendra. Not wanting a wife ever, he couldn’t imagine falling in love. What a vulnerable situation that would be, and he wasn’t that. Ever.

  “I have the names in. Did you check on Cliff?”

  “He’s sleeping. He’ll probably sleep through the afternoon and the night. He’ll wake up tomorrow very hungry.”

  “Then I’ll be sure to be up early to feed him,” Sacha said.

  “You don’t have to.”

  “I know, but I’m up anyway. I don’t need much sleep.”

  She yawned.

  “You should go take a nap. I’ll make sure Cliff is okay. Does he need medicine if he wakes up?”

  “Yes. Both bottles have instructions.” She yawned again. “You sure you don’t mind?”

  “Not at all. Go to sleep Kendra. I’ll wake you for dinner.”

  She nodded then left. When he checked on her a few minutes later she was fast asleep in her bedroom. He put the covers over her, kissed her forehead, and then left to get his own work done.


  A few days later, with Cliff on the mend and the nanny, Cassie, back on duty, Kendra wandered around the apartment. She felt like she wanted to jump out of her skin. She was up to date on putting registrations in her database. She’d picked the shirt for the race and those were being delivered in a few days so she couldn’t do anything pertaining to the race.

  Running on the treadmill in the gym for the building wasn’t doing it for Kendra. She wanted to get outside and feel the wind on her face. She’d snapped at Cliff twice. Now he and his nanny were hiding somewhere. She felt bad. None of this was his fault. She was sure he was feeling stir crazy, though the nanny had taken him to the park a few times this week. She and Sacha had agreed that it would be safe.

  Sacha came out of his office as she paced the living room. “I have a surprise,” he said.


  She’d take it. Whatever it was. Their sex had been great, of course. He was an expert lover, but part of her wished there were some emotion attached to it. He wasn’t cold, just a little distant. She shouldn’t want that, but she did. She had to remind herself that as long as she was here that this was temporary. She’d go back to her life. He’d go back to his.

  “Get your running gear on. We’re going somewhere fun to run,” he said.

  “Yeah? Where?”

  “You’ll see when we get there. The driver is waiting in the garage downstairs.”

  She hurried to change into shorts and a tank top. She laced up her running shoes, then met Sacha at the front door.

  “I told Cliff that we were going out.”

  “Thank you. I really need this, Sacha.”

  “I know.”

  They rode down in the elevator and Kendra thought she
was like a kid the day before Christmas. She couldn’t wait to find out where they were going to run. The car was indeed in the garage and she climbed in.

  The driver greeted her. She said hello back. Sacha climbed in, but he must have given the driver instructions prior to arriving since he didn’t say anything to the man. They drove out of the city. Kendra didn’t often get out of Manhattan. She didn’t have any reason. She didn’t have any friends outside the city.

  She could almost feel herself breathe better. The limousine pulled up at a beach. It wasn’t high beach season yet so there were only a few people on it. A few chairs dotted the landscape.

  “We’re running here?”

  “Yes. I figured we’d be safe out of Manhattan,” Sacha said.

  The driver pulled away.

  Kendra stretched then she and Sacha started off at a slow pace. They ran on a boardwalk at the entrance to the beaches. She loved how the air smelled of the salt from the sea. Her spirit lifted and she ran a little faster.

  “Race you?” Sacha said.


  “To the next gazebo.”


  She took off at a good sprint. He didn’t catch up right away. He must have been surprised by what she’d done. She could be pretty competitive, so when she heard his footsteps behind her she sped up.

  He caught up and passed her, running backwards when he got in front of her. “Slow poke.”

  He turned then ran faster. There was no way she was catching up, but she was enjoying what her body could do. Sacha lounged in the gazebo when she got there. She was out of breath, but she laughed. “That was good.”

  She plopped next to him on the bench. He rubbed her neck, a very affectionate gesture for a man who had been avoiding her for a few days. Guess she’d been pretty cranky.

  “You in a better mood?”

  “I am.”

  She smiled. He’d known what she’d needed. He knew that in bed. He always seemed to realize when she needed it fast or slow. He was intuitive that way. How had no woman caught him yet? He’d make a great husband.

  Just not for her. No husband in her future.

  “The day is perfect,” Sacha said. “I wish we’d brought a change of clothes. We could have gone for a meal or something.”

  “Mm. That would be good, but we didn’t.”


  He eyed her for a moment and she felt naked. He could do that to her with just his gaze.

  “Next time. I promise,” he said.

  “Sounds good.”

  “You need more running?” he asked.

  “No, but I’m not ready to go back to the penthouse,” she said.

  “We have to walk back anyway.”

  “You mean your driving doesn’t have a GPS tracker for you so he knows exactly where to pick you up?”

  Sacha laughed. “He might like that, but no he doesn’t have one. We need to meet him where he dropped us off.”

  They walked back, and Kendra could not have been happier. She’d gotten to be outside. She’d gotten a good run in. Endorphins were pumping through her. She could almost believe she was in love or something when she felt like this. She truly appreciated that Sacha had brought her here.

  “Thank you for getting me outside. I’ve missed running outside. I did it most days before this all happened.”

  “We’ll do it again. I promise.”

  He looked at her and she wondered what exactly she was seeing in his eyes. She hadn’t seen it before. Was that an emotion? Affection. He looked to be wrestling with something, then he looked away.

  The driver was waiting for them at the right spot.

  “You communicate telepathically?”

  “No, I told him a specific time to be back.”

  “Okay. That makes more sense.”

  They climbed into the car. She put a hand on Sacha’s. “Again. Thanks. I really needed that.”


  Sacha’s phone rang while he was in the shower. Kendra had opted to use her own bathroom. He would have liked to have her in here with him, but he doubted much cleaning would get done. No, they’d have shower sex. Not that he’d complain. He liked shower sex.

  Drying off, he looked at his phone. He missed a call from his private investigator. Damn. He’d hoped for some news. Seeing Cliff everyday just reminded Sacha what a mistake he’d made giving up his child. The boy should be with him, though at this point he couldn’t imagine upsetting his child’s life. If he were in a good home, he’d leave him there. He just wanted to be able to see his son. He wanted to watch his son grow up. Having never told his family about his offspring, he didn’t know if he would now. This was assuming that the boy would be found.

  Sacha dressed in jeans and shirt before he called the private investigator back. He sat on his bed and dialed the number.

  “Larken Associates.”

  “Tim, it’s Sacha.”

  “Sacha. I have some news. I might have tracked down the birth mother.”

  Jessica. That name evoked so many different emotions in him. He’d loved her, with all of his heart. Then she’d slept with his best friend. He’d found them in his bed; years later that still hurt. He’d vowed never to fall in love, never to let emotion get in his way. He’d kept that promise all these years. That’s why he’d signed the agreement with Kendra so readily. It didn’t involve emotion.

  “Where is she?”

  He didn’t really want to see Jessica, but he might have to. She’d taken care of the adoption after paternity has been proved. Sacha had not gone to see her or his child after the birth. How could he could be? He’d been in too much pain from her betrayal. Now he wished he had at least gone to see his son, but that was water under the bridge. He couldn’t change that. But he could find the boy and, if necessary, give him a better life. If not, he could just be part of his life.

  “She’d in upstate New York, if you can believe that.”

  “Is she married?”


  “Her new name?”

  “Jessica Peterson. She’s married to—“

  “Jake Peterson.”

  “How did you know?”

  Because that’s who she had cheated on him with. They’d broken up at one point, but Sacha guessed that hadn’t lasted. Would he have to face Jake also? Maybe all of this could be taken care of over the phone. He hoped. He didn’t want to see Jessica.

  “You have a phone number?”

  Tim gave it to him. “I’ll send you an e-mail with all of the information in it. I can contact her if you want.”

  “No I’d better handle this part. If I can get the name of the adoption agency out of her, I’ll pass that on. Then you can take over the investigation again.”

  Sacha walked into the kitchen. His stomach was rumbling.

  “Okay, Sacha. I’ll be waiting to hear from you.”

  “I’ll probably call her today. Might as well get it over with.”


  They disconnected. Kendra was in the kitchen. Making fried chicken.

  “Where did you get the fryer?”

  “You had it in your cabinet.”

  “Oh, maybe an old girlfriend had left it,” he said.

  She looked at him with a raised eyebrow. “I hope you don’t mind I use it. I had a hankering.”

  Cliff appeared. “You making fried chicken?”

  “I am, little one.”

  Cassie the nanny appeared with bags in her hand. “I’m done for today. He’s a smart boy.”

  “Thank you, Cassie,” Kendra said.

  She left. Sacha leaned on the doorframe to the kitchen, watching Kendra move about his favorite room in the house. No, the bedroom wasn’t his favorite room. He really liked his kitchen. Having Kendra moving around it as if she owned it made him feel something. He didn’t want to feel anything. He frowned. Between the call and Kendra cooking, he was a bundle of emotions.

  “Call me when it’s ready.”

  He mus
t have said it with a sharper voice than intended because both Kendra and Cliff gave him an odd look.


  He escaped to his office. He didn’t have work to do. He could pay some bills, but that was it. Instead he looked at some cat videos on YouTube. What a way to pass the time.

  “Sacha?” Kendra was in the doorway. She hadn’t sent Cliff? He never would snap at the little boy.


  “It’s ready, but I wanted to see if everything was okay. You were a little short with us.”

  Of course Kendra would call him on it. She was sure of herself and her place in the world. Most of his girlfriends would have come in here and given him a blowjob by way of apology. Not Kendra. She knew she hadn’t done anything wrong.

  “Just a phone call that means I have to face something from my past.”

  “I see. Never a good thing.”


  She waited. “You in a better mood or do you want dinner in here?”

  “In other words, lose the attitude or don’t eat with us?”

  She laughed. “Something like that.”

  “I’ll be out in a moment.”

  She left and he dialed the number his investigator sent him. No one answered, but he knew that Jessica wouldn’t call back so he didn’t leave a message. Instead he went to have dinner with what passed as a family today.

  He and Kendra were not in love. Nor was Cliff their child. No, this was an odd-blended, twenty-first century family. He would take it and briefly wondered if he’d miss them when they were gone. He shook his head. Might be nice to have his place back to himself; no one to hog the covers, no one to eat his food or get Cheetos dust on his carpeting.

  Sure, he’d miss them. A little.


  That Monday started for Kendra like a whirlwind. After a calm weekend, even with Sacha being in a bad mood, she wasn’t ready for this. With Cliff feeling better, he was running around the place. She’d had to stop him several times. She’d suggest that the nanny take him to the park today.

  Her phone rang. Crap. She was holding onto Cliff’s arm. “Stop running. We have people below us.”

  Sacha was in the shower so he hadn’t heard it, but he wouldn’t be happy. Cliff was particularly rambunctious this morning. He looked up at her with sad eyes as if he couldn’t help his behavior.


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