Her Russian Billionaires - The Complete Billionaire Romance Collection

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Her Russian Billionaires - The Complete Billionaire Romance Collection Page 39

by Westwood, Susan

  She kissed him. “Maybe I like my independence.”

  “We’ll buy a bigger penthouse. I’ll give you your own wing.”

  She laughed, but he knew she was teasing him. She wasn’t going anywhere. She loved him. His heart wanted to explode.

  “Okay, Sacha. Let’s all live together.”

  “We can live here until we find a bigger place, okay?”


  She smiled up at him and he pressed his lips against hers. When he stopped, he asked her, “Hungry?”

  “I am, but not for that.”


  She cocked her head, then dropped the robe. She was naked underneath. He scooped her up before she changed her mind. She laughed all the way to the bedroom. He put her down onto the bed. “You sure that you’re up for this?”

  “Just don’t kiss me on the lips.”

  After they made love, Sacha brought them bowls of macaroni and cheese to eat in bed. Kendra was propped against the headboard.

  “You really don’t mind Cliff coming to stay with us?”

  “No. You don’t mind Ethan in the mix?”

  “No. He’s your son. He should be with you.”

  Sacha was sure that he fell in love with her even more at that moment. He kissed her cheek. “Thank you. One more thing.”


  “I want to adopt Cliff.”

  Her smile lit up his room.

  “You want to adopt him?”

  “Yes. Let’s make it all legal. I’ll go from no family to two sons.”

  She laughed. “Are you sure you can handle all of this, Sacha?”

  It was an adjustment, but he was willing to take on whatever to be with Kendra. She was his love and he didn’t want her anywhere else but in his life. In his home and in his bed.

  “I can handle it. Where would you want to get married?”

  “At your place in upstate New York.”

  “Okay. We could do that. What about kids?”

  “We’ll already have two.”

  “I know, but I’m selfish. I want one with you. I want to see that baby grow inside of you. See your belly get large with my child.”

  “You really want kids?”


  She put her spoon down, leaning her head against the wall. “I didn’t even know that you loved me, Sacha. Not until you said it at the safe house.”

  “So you did hear me.”

  “I did. It kept me alive. It gave me a reason to fight Lopez.”

  “Good. Now, how many kids?”

  Kendra laughed. A sweet noise in his ears. “Can I just get used to the idea that you love me and that you want kids? I need a few days.”

  “Didn’t you ever think about having them?”

  “I never thought about getting married,” Kendra said.

  “Oh. I didn’t either, but I’ve had time to think about it, I guess.”

  She punched him. “Then give me time to think.”

  “Okay. But I’m not waiting too long to ask you to marry me. I’m in a hurry.”


  “Because I’m not going to let you change your mind once you say yes. You’ll have to meet my mother.”


  She smiled at him and his heart leaped.

  “I think I need to make love to you again. One more time while I have you all to myself. Life will get crazy with two young kids in the house.”

  “I think I’d like that. Take me now, big boy.”


  Turn the page now to start enjoying “Niko”...

  Her Russian Billionaire #3






  Nikolai Alman was not one to drown his sorrows, but tonight he was doing just that. The bar wasn’t his usual haunt since he was back in New Jersey after taking leave from the FBI in New York City. He was only in the Garden State because his father had asked to meet him. His father had something important to tell him.

  But that wasn’t why Niko had three shots of vodka in front of him. No, the death of his partner, Mark Riechert, who had died in his arms, was the reason for the vodka. Sadly, being Russian and having been raised by an old-world father, the vodka wasn’t working. He had built up too much of a tolerance to it.

  He barely had a buzz on when the mocha woman walked into the bar. She was ghetto, for sure, but wore clothing as if she weren’t. The streets stayed with a person and right now, they were following this woman to the stool three seats over from Nikolai.

  He’d bet she was a wildcat in bed. Fierce and probably took as well as she gave. How refreshing that would be after his string of skinny, white girls who were more worried about smudging their lipsticks then getting it on his dick.

  This woman had some substance to her and when she glanced in his direction, she also had green eyes. Very striking on a black woman. He nodded at her then went back to studying his shots.

  “Vodka on the rocks,” the woman said.

  Her speech was clear and concise, but Nikolai would bet one of these shots that she was from the projects at one point in her life. She had hard lines around her face. They added to her attractiveness and Nikolai’s dick came alive.

  Well, if he couldn’t drown himself in alcohol, he could drown himself in a woman. Hm. He wasn’t sure she would even be interested. She wasn’t looking around the bar. No, she was watching sports on television.

  One of the talking heads was discussing the prospects for the Big Ten schools. Her attention seemed to perk up when he mentioned Penn State. Was she a football fan or just doing her best to ignore him?

  He signaled to the bartender. “Put her drink on my tab.”

  Her head whipped around to where he sat, staring at her.

  “I don’t need you to buy me a drink.”

  “I’m sure you don’t, but I’m going to.”


  “Because in a minute or so I’m going to slide across these two stools and sit next to you. If I’ve bought you a drink you might be more amenable to talking to me.”

  “Are you drunk?”

  “Oh, I wish I were, but I’m not,” he said.

  She didn’t look at him in disgust. That was a bonus. Her drink came and instead of drinking it daintily from the straw she put the striped, plastic tube on the bar and sipped right from the glass.

  “Why do you need to soften me up?”

  “Because I’m hoping you won’t shoot me down in a half an hour when I suggest we go to my place. I have vodka.”

  An eyebrow went up over one of those mesmerizing eyes. “You think vodka will lure me into your bed?”

  “No, I think that my charming personality and sweet dimples will lure you into my bed.”

  She laughed. She threw her head back and laughed. Not a bad reaction, so he slid across one of the stools. She glanced at him, but didn’t stop laughing. He cleared his throat as he slid his last three shots across the bar to sit in front of him.

  She sipped her drink again, the smile on her face only dimming as she touched the glass to her lips. What lovely lips. He could see them wrapped around his dick. He’d bet she could get him off and not break a sweat.

  He was already hard so it wouldn’t take much.


  “So what?” Nikolai said.

  “Charm me.”

  It was his turn to laugh. “Okay. I’ve never been put on the spot like that.”

  “So you can’t charm on demand? It has to happen organically?”

  He studied her for a moment. She was a tough woman, but she was getting sexier by the minute. Even if she didn’t end up under him, naked, he would have a good time trying to get her there.

  He downed one of his shots then put the empty glass on the bar.

  “I’m waiting,” she said.

  He cracked his knuckles then stretched his arm above his head. She
stared at him with those eyes that went right through him. And his mind went blank. What a time for the vodka to kick in.

  She smiled at him. “Better luck next time.”

  She turned away, but he put a hand on her arm. “How about honesty instead of charm?”

  She glanced down at his hand, but didn’t pull away. Her gaze traveled over him and he felt naked in front of her. Hopefully she liked what she saw, because his dick wanted to see more of her.

  “Try me,” she said.

  Her voice was husky. Sexy. A bedroom voice for sure. Despite her good diction, she’d seen a hard life up until now. Maybe he could, for one night, make her forget while she was making him forget.

  “My partner was killed in front of me and I’ve lost my zest for my job. I want to take you home, strip you naked, and do dirty things to you so I forget the vision of my friend bleeding out.”

  Her mouth dropped open slightly. Her eyes widened and he was sure he’d gone too far. Never tell the truth. Never. He should know that. He’d just given a piece of himself to this woman.

  “Well, that was honest.”

  “I could be lying,” he said.

  She shook her head. “No, I can see the pain in your eyes.”

  If it had been anyone else, he would have looked away, but this was a stranger. She could know some of his secrets because he wasn’t going to see her again.


  Many men had hit on Destiny Brown, but this man was different. She believed his tale of woe. She really could see the pain in his eyes. The three shot glasses in front of him spoke volumes to her. She’d just come in for a drink.

  That was all. She didn’t have to be anywhere until tomorrow at nine when she went into work to meet her boss’s son. The one who was going to take over the company. The one who she would have to bring up to speed.

  She had needed a drink because her boss, the man who had given her a chance despite her roots, was dying and giving his son the company. She could hope that he was half the boss his father was, but she wasn’t optimistic.

  She didn’t know what the man did for a living, but she doubted he’d run a company before. The learning curve would be tough and up to her to get him over it. She sighed. And this man, who wanted to take her to bed, was staring at her with puppy dog eyes.

  She’d never picked up a man in a bar, but for some reason she trusted him. She held out her hand. “Destiny.”


  His handshake was firm and she’d bet he was a man who got what he wanted. Well, he wanted her, and why the hell not? He was once again, going to get what he wanted.

  She downed the rest of her drink then turned to him. “Shall we?”

  His mouth dropped open. “You mean my honesty worked?”

  “Yes. Have you never tried it before?”

  “Uh, no.”

  She laughed. She couldn’t help it. She didn’t think she’d be laughing tomorrow, so why not enjoy tonight? Her grandmother was tucked into bed by her health aid. No need for Destiny to rush home.

  It had been awhile and she was itching to feel a man’s touch.

  He downed his last two shots then dropped a bunch of bills on the bar. Some of those bills were twenties. She knew the shots didn’t cost that much, nor did her drink, so the bartender would be excited about his tip.

  She was going to mention his money, but then shut her mouth. Wasn’t her business and her grandmother had taught her to mind her own beeswax.

  “You drive. That way you’ll have your car in case I turn into a raving lunatic.”

  “Does that happen often?” she said.

  “No, but there’s always a first time.”

  She laughed again. She took his hand and led him out to her car. It wasn’t much to speak of, but she was getting a new one, courtesy of an inheritance that should be in her bank in a week.

  He didn’t say anything as he climbed into her car. She hadn’t noticed, but he was a large man. Now that they were in her compact, she realized that he was all muscle. She could hold her own in a fight, but he might actually be that much stronger than her.

  “You having second thoughts?” he said.

  She licked her lips. “You’re very big.”

  “In every area, sweetheart.”

  She liked the lopsided grin on his face. The statement should have been dirty, but that grin made it funny. “Glad to hear it.”

  She started her car and he gave her directions to his house. Fifteen minutes later she pulled into a gated driveway. The gate opened and she drove through.

  “My cottage is around the back.”

  The house was huge. She must have gasped.

  “It’s only temporary. It’s a friend’s house and he lets me stay in his cottage.”

  She pulled up in front of a building that she wouldn’t describe as a cottage at all. It had two stories and three dormers sticking out the front. The porch wrapped around the two sides she could see.

  She turned off the engine. Nikolai climbed out then opened her car door for her. She hadn’t been waiting for him to do it, she’d just been staring at the house illuminate by several floodlights that had turned on when she parked.

  He held out his hand. “Milady.”

  “How gallant of you.”

  “It’s the least I could do since none of the rest of what I’m going to do to you will be less than gentlemanly.”

  She stood then looked up at him. “Promise?”

  He laughed. “Promise.”

  He unlocked the door and held it open for her. The foyer was one of those two story deals with a large window. The moonlight cast a Cheshire Cat-like smile on the floor. Nikolai turned on a light.

  “You need anything to drink?”

  She almost said she did, but she might chicken out if she waited too long. This was her first one-night stand and she had no idea of the protocol. Was she supposed to spend the night? Was she supposed to sneak out so he didn’t have to face her over breakfast?

  Better to have sex and then scoot out of here.

  “No, I’m fine.”

  He still held her hand. He stared at her for a moment. “I’m going to kiss you, Destiny. Is that okay?”

  “Uh, sure.”

  He put his hands on her face, tilted his head then brushed her lips gently. Her lips tingled at his touch. She pushed herself closer to deepen the almost-chaste peck. He kissed like a man who’d been kissed often.

  She hoped she was doing okay. He didn’t pull away in disgust.

  When he did pull away, he leaned his forehead against hers. “You’re good at that.”

  She didn’t know how to answer that, so she remained quiet. He stepped away, tugging her with him. “My bedroom’s upstairs.”

  His bedroom was done in hues of blue. That was all she had time to notice before he pulled her into a kiss again. His hands roved over her body, igniting fires as they went. They stopped on her breasts, holding them as if he were weighing precious cargo.

  She tugged his shirt out of his pants, then unbuttoned it to reveal a chest with just enough hair to make a girl’s heart go pitty-pat. She liked men with hair. She stuck her face in it and rubbed, like a cat.

  A chuckle rumbled out of him, and she pulled away. “I liked it, Destiny.”


  Nikolai had to admit that her rubbing her face on his chest was one of the sweetest things he’d ever seen. One night stands were about dirty, monkey sex and she was just adorable. Why couldn’t he have met her when he was ready for someone in his life? Not now with all the turmoil he was experiencing.

  Damn. He couldn’t catch a break.

  Her wide eyes stared up at him. He put her hand on his chest. “It’s okay. Whatever you do is fine.”

  Her face relaxed and she stepped closer to him. He undid her blouse, slipped it off of her shoulders. Her skin was soft and warm. Her bra was simple, but held her breasts so they had some cleavage between then. He kissed right above that cleavage while he undid her bra. Once that was on
the floor, he could pay some attention to her tits.

  They were large and supple and he could see himself getting lost in them. He knelt down in front of her. His hand played with one nipple while his mouth sucked on the other. She inhaled sharply. She was enjoying this. Nothing sounded better than a woman enjoying herself.

  Nothing made him harder than being the one to make that woman sound like that. He didn’t understand selfish lovers. Why? What was the point? He found that if the woman enjoyed herself, then he enjoyed himself.

  She tasted like apples, his favorite fruit. Her hands fisted on his shoulders as he switched his hand and his mouth. Her nipples came to stiff peaks when he let them go. Her head had fallen back and her eyes were closed.

  He couldn’t help but smile. He still had it.

  He stood, her eyes opened, her hands rubbed down his chest. She began to work on his pants. Her breath was quicker. His heart beat rapidly in his chest. She undid his pants, shoving them down his legs. He stepped out of them. His erection tented his boxer briefs. She rubbed her hand down his shorts, making his body jolt.

  “That might just go off before you’re ready.”

  “I’m sure you’d be ready again in a few minutes.”

  “Damned straight.”

  He didn’t want to waste any erections, so he pulled her hand away from his and kissed it.

  “Your turn,” he said as he undid her pants.

  They ended up on the floor moments later. Her panties were purple and silk. He could smell her arousal. He knelt back down and started to take off her panties with his teeth.

  “Your stubble tickles,” she said, a little giggle coming out.

  “My intention isn’t to tickle you, but laughing during sex is always good. As long as you don’t do it when my underwear comes off.”

  She laughed. “I doubt it.”

  He pulled his underwear off. She didn’t laugh. Her eyes widened and she clapped her hands.

  “I’ve never received an ovation for my dick,” he said.

  “Well, you should have. It’s impressive,” she said.

  “Wait until you see what it’ll make you feel.”

  Her smile widened, her eyes twinkling with it. Oh boy. She was someone he’d probably never get tired of looking at. But she’d be gone by morning. Bad timing.


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