Careful What You Wish For

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Careful What You Wish For Page 9

by Maureen McCarthy

  In fact, everything was clean and neat and perfect and there was no rubbish anywhere. Not one thing was out of place. The house itself had been painted a nice bright white with deep-red trimmings. The big backyard was as neat as a pin, surrounded on all sides by a very high, green, perfectly clipped hedge. The old fruit trees down near the back fence had gone. There were two long, perfectly manicured flowerbeds with a little path lined with rose bushes in the middle. It led down to the back gate. The huge back shed full to bursting with all her father’s bizarre inventions and her mother’s pottery studio had disappeared. In its place was a cute gazebo with towels and rubber pool toys hanging neatly on hooks.

  Ruth’s heart rate quickened with excitement and pleasure. Everything was so neat and ordered … it was all too much. Almost.

  ‘Ruthie!’ A voice sounding just like her mother’s, only softer and sweeter, came to her gently on the breeze.

  Ruth peered around but couldn’t see anyone. She walked around the pool, hoping like crazy it wasn’t all going to fade away any minute. What if it was just a dream? How disappointed she would be if she woke up suddenly and she was back in her normal house! But the bricks beneath her feet were as hard as any bricks, and when she reached out to touch a rose bush the leaves were shiny and thick. She bent to smell one of the blooms and smiled with delight, because the smell was heavy and strong. One of the thorns on the stem gave her finger a tiny prick and when Ruth brought it up to her mouth her blood tasted exactly the same too. She knew then that it wasn’t all going to disappear.

  ‘Mum?’ she called tentatively.

  ‘Over here, sweetie!’

  A strange woman was coming around the side of the house with a watering-can. The woman smiled and Ruth saw that it was her mother but that she … looked totally different. This mother was wearing make-up and high-heeled sandals, and her long grey hair had been cut off and coloured with blonde streaks. She was dressed in bright-green three-quarter pants and a striped T-shirt and she’d lost a lot of weight.

  ‘Nice little snooze?’ her new mother called gaily. ‘I’m going to fix lunch soon.’

  Ruth nodded and smiled back shyly. Something else was different about her mother. It wasn’t just the new clothes and make-up, but Ruth couldn’t work out what it was. Not that it really mattered too much, because this woman looked so wonderful compared to her old mother.

  ‘Why don’t I fix your hair so you can have a swim before lunch?’ The new mother was walking over with a big smile plastered over her face. She reached Ruth and turned her around by the shoulders.

  ‘My gorgeous girl,’ she murmured. ‘Such lovely hair.’

  Ruth tried not to feel awkward as her mother ran her fingers through her hair, eventually pulling it back into a ponytail, but … it did feel a bit weird. In fact, it took all Ruth’s willpower not to cringe when she felt sweet-smelling, warm breath on her neck. Was this really her mother?

  Back in her old life, Ruth’s mother hadn’t done her hair in years, and she never called her gorgeous girl. Still … it might be something she could get used to!

  ‘Think I’ll have a swim now,’ she stammered, pulling away.

  ‘That’s a good idea.’ Mrs Craze pulled Ruth back briefly and kissed her on the nose. ‘Then we can have lunch, okay, sweetie?’


  ‘Enjoy!’ her new mother laughed gaily.

  Ruth dived straight into the pool and ploughed up and down for a while. It was quite a big pool and it took a bit of time to get from one end to the other. She swam a few laps and then began to swim around in circles. She knew she probably looked like a demented shark, but she really needed to release some energy and take it all in.

  ‘How is it?’

  Ruth looked over, alarmed to see that her mother was standing on the edge watching her swim, still with that same big, wide smile all over her face. When she caught Ruth’s eye she gave a fluttery wave with one hand – the long, bright nails flickered like lollies in the sunshine. Back in her old life, her mother’s hands were brown and worn and the nails were bitten right down.

  ‘You need lessons, sweetie. Your style is all out.’

  ‘I know.’ Ruth turned onto her back self-consciously and floated with arms out wide, looking up at the blue sky for as long as she could. When she risked another glance she saw with relief that her mother had moved inside. Through the big glass window she could see her moving around in the kitchen. Ruth was hungry but she continued to tread water, trying to calm down and get used to the big change.

  Eventually she got tired and rested with her arms up on the side of the pool. She looked around the garden again, feeling insanely pleased. Good old Rodney! She smiled as she remembered the rat’s instructions to find the red door first. As if she’d want to leave paradise! But maybe she should look around, just to be on the safe side.

  There was a gate right at the end of the ordered garden. Would that be it? But no, it had to be red. Never mind. He said it would be easy to find, and anyway in a couple of hours this whole new set-up would seem normal and going back to that dreary old life would be the last thing on her mind. How lucky that she had found Rodney! Here she was in her very own pool on a hot summer day. Her mum was inside getting lunch and she had on the new bathers she wanted. What more could she ask for?

  She got out of the pool and just as she was thinking that she would sit down on one of the recliner chairs nearby to dry off, her mother came flying out of the back door with two huge fluffy towels.

  ‘Shower first, sweetie?’ she said anxiously, pointing to an outdoor shower at one side of the gazebo.

  ‘Okay.’ Ruth followed her over to the shower.

  ‘Got to get that chlorine out of your hair.’ Mrs Craze pulled Ruth under the nozzle and turned on the tap. ‘Temperature okay?’

  ‘Yep. I can do it myself though.’

  But her new mother insisted on rubbing in the shampoo and conditioner and making sure it was all rinsed out properly.

  Ruth closed her eyes and tried not to mind the fussing. At last it was over and she stepped out into the sunshine.

  Her mother was holding out one of the fluffy towels. ‘Now, I’ve brought out your dress and sandals.’

  ‘Thanks.’ Ruth moved away a little and tried to take the towel.

  ‘Darling,’ her mother said gently, ‘we can’t have you dripping on the carpet, can we?’

  So Ruth stood there while Mrs Craze rubbed her hair dry and then knelt down to dry her legs and feet. She dried each toe carefully, as though Ruth was a little kid.

  Ruth was on the point of saying, ‘I’ve been drying myself for years!’ but somehow the words stuck in her throat. Maybe she was still too nervous?

  ‘Now put this on,’ her mother said, handing her a cute sundress, ‘and we’ll have lunch.’

  Ruth slipped on the dress and turned for her mother to do up the zip. She longed suddenly for all her old friends to see her new circumstances. Lou would be so jealous of this little white sundress with the red trim, not to mention the garden and pool. None of them had a pool.

  Ruth and her mother made their way into the house.

  Once inside, Ruth simply stood there staring. Without all the piles of junk, the family room looked totally different. It was huge. Enormous floor-to-ceiling windows had been put in along its northern side, so light flooded in and there was a spectacular view out onto the beautifully manicured backyard. But the interior was something else. It had been elegantly decorated in cream and charcoal, with splashes of red in the cushions and curtains.

  Above the breakfast bar was a banner that read Happy Birthday, Ruth! in fluttery gold lettering. So! She’d arrived on her birthday. What luck!

  The door leading out to the hallway was festooned with matching red and gold streamers. Everything was tasteful and lovely, and there were three unopened packages sitting on the table.

  ‘Are these for me?’ A rush of glee made Ruth lightheaded. One of the packages was slim and square and … She clo
sed her eyes. Could it be? She was itching to open the package to see if it was the slim silver laptop she desperately wanted.

  ‘Not yet, Ruthie!’ her mother laughed as she hurried over to the stove behind the breakfast bar and pulled a tray of freshly grilled hamburgers out from under the griller. ‘You must wait until Daddy arrives.’

  Daddy? Ruth winced at the word. She hadn’t called her father Daddy since she was about six. Never mind. She’d get used to all this. She’d make sure she did.

  ‘Perfect.’ Her mother was putting the meat onto the bread rolls. ‘Come and sit down.’

  ‘Okay,’ Ruth said. ‘Where are Marcus and Paul? Are they having lunch?’

  But her mother was busy in the kitchen and didn’t reply, so Ruth tried a different tack.

  ‘The room looks nice.’

  ‘Doesn’t it just!’ her mother said, pulling out a chair.

  ‘Just sit down there. Daddy will be here soon.’

  The table had been formally set for three with table napkins. They both sat down to wait, the hot food sitting enticingly on the table in front of them.

  Ruth could barely contain herself. She was starving.

  ‘When will he be here?’

  ‘Any minute.’

  Ruth gulped. The smell was making her mouth water like crazy.

  ‘Could we start?’ she asked in a small voice.

  ‘Now, that wouldn’t be very nice, would it?’ Her mother wagged her finger playfully.

  ‘But maybe he’s been held up,’ Ruth said hopefully.

  ‘So we wait,’ her mother said, frowning. ‘Now don’t fidget, darling.’

  Ruth had been mucking about with her knife to take her mind off how hungry she was, but she pulled her hand from the table and put it on her lap.

  I could eat a horse and chase the jockey. She heard Marcus’s voice in her head and suppressed a chuckle. He was always saying gross things like that. I could eat the crutch out of a low-flying duck … She wondered again where the boys were, but before she could ask her father walked in, whistling and carrying a smart new briefcase in one hand and some very colourful glossy brochures in the other.

  ‘How are my two favourite girls?’

  He was exactly the same, except fatter and his hair was now jet black. The grey had gone completely.

  ‘So you managed to get away then, dear.’ Mrs Craze was smiling frantically, as if she might be worried about something.

  ‘I’m in charge now, remember?’ Mr Craze said with a jovial laugh. He kissed Mrs Craze on the top of her head and then turned to Ruth. ‘Did you have a swim, Ruthie?’

  ‘Yes,’ Ruth answered carefully.

  ‘Did you enjoy it?’ Her father sat down opposite her.

  ‘Yes,’ Ruth said with a smile. ‘It was great.’

  ‘Her style needs work.’ Mrs Craze’s expression was suddenly grim as she leaned across to serve Mr Craze some food. ‘Time we got her some private lessons, dear.’

  ‘Really?’ he frowned. ‘But the Crazes are excellent swimmers.’

  They were? Ruth had never heard this before. But she was too hungry to care. She looked from one parent to the other expectantly. When could they start eating?

  ‘On a more positive note,’ her mother gushed, ‘doesn’t Ruth look nice?’

  ‘She certainly does,’ her father replied. ‘New dress?’

  They prattled on as they salted their food and took sips of drink, but Ruth was so hungry she had no idea what they were talking about. Unable to hold back any longer, she picked up the burger in both hands and took one enormous bite, and then another. When she looked up, her parents were both staring at her and frowning.

  ‘Oh, darling.’ Her mother looked stricken.

  ‘You’ve forgotten your manners,’ her father said sternly.

  ‘Sorry.’ Ruth flushed and put the burger down.

  ‘Well,’ her father said dryly as he picked up his knife and fork, ‘you must be hungry.’

  ‘I am.’ Ruth’s face was red. ‘Sorry.’

  She watched her father cut off a small, neat piece of meat, pop it in his mouth and begin to chew slowly. Her mother did the same, and Ruth, feeling almost sick with holding back for so long, tried to follow suit. It was hard at first not to swallow quickly, but after the first couple of bites she got better at it.

  They ate in silence for a while. Ruth gradually grew calmer. After all, there were bound to be new rules in her new life and it was probable that she would occasionally stuff up. She’d get used to it all soon enough. Hadn’t she always complained that things were way too lax at mealtimes? She had hated the way her brothers snatched and grabbed and burped and elbowed each other at the table. Learning proper manners would be part of her new life and she was going to … embrace it. She was. Definitely.

  ‘You got the movies for Ruth’s party, I take it?’ Mrs Craze asked her husband.

  ‘Sure did.’ Mr Craze reached into the briefcase he’d put down beside his chair and pulled out a couple of plastic DVD cases. A party? Ruth felt a flicker of panic but was too nervous to ask any questions, the main one being who would come?

  Perhaps she had a whole lot of new friends that she hadn’t met yet.

  She turned the plastic cases over so she could see the movie titles. She’d heard of one but not the other. The idea of a party was playing havoc with her stomach. She felt queasy, as though the food she’d just eaten had morphed into a lump of granite inside her. She wasn’t at all sure she’d be able to manage a party.

  ‘That is the one you wanted, isn’t it?’ Mr Craze asked. ‘The other I thought you might like.’

  ‘Oh, thanks,’ Ruth muttered, trying to smile. ‘Looks fantastic.’

  ‘Could I have some more soft drink?’ Ruth asked. Mrs Craze turned and looked at her severely.

  ‘Could I or may I?’

  ‘May I?’ Ruth said in a small voice.

  ‘I’m not sure if that is a good idea, dear,’ her mother said softly. ‘You’ve got your party this afternoon, remember.’

  Ruth nodded as though she totally agreed but what did that have to do with having another drink? She tried to smile but she could feel the heat rising into her cheeks.

  Her mother was smiling at her. ‘You don’t want to overdo it now, do you?’

  ‘No.’ Ruth shook her head.

  They were both looking at her now, just as though she was a greedy little girl half her age who needed to be told how much she could eat.

  Lunch over, her father folded up his brochures. ‘So, when does the party start?’ he asked cheerfully.

  Ruth looked at her mother, who was clearing the table, and tried to stay calm. It was just that her real father never took the slightest interest in parties. Come to think of it, Ruth couldn’t remember there being a party at their house ever, so this was all still very new.

  ‘Like a coffee, darling?’ Mrs Craze asked her husband from the kitchen.

  ‘I’ll have it in the study, thanks.’ He pushed his chair away from the table and smiled down at Ruth and ruffled her hair. ‘I’ve got some catch-up work to do. You have a lovely time with your friends, Ruthie, and I’ll see you later for the birthday tea.’

  ‘Dad?’ Ruth was determined to catch him before the opportunity slipped away or she lost her nerve. ‘What happened to all your inventions?’

  Both her parents stopped and looked at her, puzzled frowns on their faces. Their polite smiles unnerved Ruth further but she tried not to show it.

  ‘What are you talking about, Ruth?’ Her father frowned as though he was trying to remember something.

  ‘You used to work on them all the time,’ Ruth went on gamely.

  ‘Oh, that!’ Her father gave a dismissive wave and laughed. ‘I gave up that rubbish ages ago! It wasn’t getting me anywhere. It was costing money, not making us any. I finally got sensible.’

  ‘What about you, Mum?’ Ruth said tentatively. ‘Are you still making pots?’

  Mrs Craze threw back her head and laughed hear
tily, except that it didn’t sound like a real laugh.

  ‘Goodness me, no!’ she said. ‘That time was so long ago I can hardly remember it!’

  ‘And the boys?’

  The smiles suddenly disappeared. They were both staring at her in a hard way, as though they were challenging her to go on.

  ‘Who? ’ her mother said coldly.

  ‘My brothers?’ Ruth whispered.

  For a few moments there was a heavy silence. Her parents continued to stare at her stonily. Ruth knew that she’d said the wrong thing and part of her wanted to backtrack, but somehow she couldn’t. Then something quite weird happened. Mrs and Mrs Craze turned to each other and began to laugh.

  ‘Oh my goodness!’ Mr Craze had to get his hanky out to wipe his eyes.

  ‘Oh, isn’t she sweet!’

  ‘Bringing them up!’


  Ruth tried to smile because they were finding it so funny.

  ‘You are a funny one,’ Mrs Craze chuckled, coming around and smoothing Ruth’s hair out of her eyes.

  Being up close to her new mother, Ruth could see what was different about her. There was no light in her eyes at all. She looked over at her father and a shiver of alarm ran through her because … his were the same. It was as if their eyes were made of something else. Something dead, like stone or … Her breath caught again. Calm down, Ruth. Calm down.

  ‘Ruth, what is it?’


  ‘Your face has gone white, dear.’ Her mother’s concerned, smiling face moved even closer. ‘Aren’t you feeling well?’

  ‘I’m fine.’ Ruth gulped. ‘Really, just a bit …’ ‘A bit what, dear?’

  Embarrassed, Ruth shrugged and turned away. Their eyes were making her feel strange. But she couldn’t say that.

  Mrs Craze took Ruth’s arm. ‘What about a little rest before the others come over?’

  Ruth couldn’t remember the last time she’d had a rest in the middle of the day, but she let her mother help her up from the table. Maybe it would be nice to have some time on her own. She needed to calm down a bit and … get used to things.


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