Fake Fiancee Mate - Single Shift

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Fake Fiancee Mate - Single Shift Page 3

by Raines, Harmony

  She glanced at him over her shoulder. “She means a lot to you.”

  “Everything.” His emotions were raw, and he exposed himself to her gaze, feeling naked and vulnerable as she assessed him. “I’ll get the tea.”

  “Thanks,” she murmured and turned her back to him as she looked out to sea.

  Turning away from her was one of the hardest things he’d ever had to do. Each step that he took toward the kitchen put an impossible distance between them.

  “Are you okay?” Henry asked as he looked up from the cupcakes which Izzy was decorating. Her tongue stuck out of the side of her mouth as she concentrated on squeezing the buttercream icing out of a piping bag.

  “I’m fine.” He went to the kettle and filled it with water before setting it on the stovetop to boil. “Kate wants tea.”

  “Does she want a cupcake, too?” Izzy asked as she stepped back and looked at her creations in triumph.

  “I’m sure she does.” Travis went around the counter and hugged Izzy. As he held her in his arms and inspected the cupcakes, the need to protect the eight-year-old child overwhelmed him.

  He only hoped that he would never be faced with a choice between Izzy and his mate. If he was, he was certain a piece of him would die if he had to relinquish either of them.

  Kate isn’t ours yet, his bear reminded him.

  No, but she will be, Travis said confidently. All I have to do is persuade her to be my fake fiancée until I can convince her to be my real fiancée.

  Chapter Four – Kate

  Kate stared out to sea as she tried to control her breathing. There was something about Travis Cooper that unnerved her. Perhaps it was his natural good looks, coupled with his toned body and an easy smile. She could certainly see why women threw themselves at him and she had to wonder whether he was capable of keeping it in his pants or whether the images that had appeared of him leaving a motel room with a married woman were true.

  Did it matter if they were true?

  She glanced over her shoulder, but the doorway was empty, and she was alone in the room. It wasn’t as if she was actually going to be engaged to the guy. This was all fake.

  So why did her heart beat faster every time he looked at her? And why did her knees go weak every time he flashed her his smile?

  That’s what he does, he’s a showman and she’d better wise up to that if she intended to accept his offer. She had to protect her heart, she could not buy into the brand of love he was trying to sell. If she became his fake fiancée, she could not let herself believe it was real, not for one second.

  “Tea.” He was back and the hairs on her arms stood on end as if every fiber of her being was reaching out to him.

  “Thanks.” She turned her back on the view and went to sit down on a chair next to the table where he set down a tray filled with two mugs of tea and some plates.

  “Izzy will be in any second.” He glanced up nervously. “I was hoping we might have a chance to talk first but she wants to meet you and show you the cupcakes she made.”

  “Does she know about the fake fiancée thing?” Kate asked.

  He shook his head. “I just told her I had invited a friend over for tea. There was no point trying to explain any more than that since we haven’t actually come to an agreement.”

  She nodded and smoothed her hands over her black slacks. “Jon told you I’d like a contract of my own.”

  Travis half-smiled. “He did. It’s a smart move.”

  “I need to protect myself.” Kate’s bottom lip trembled but then she took a deep breath and composed herself. She couldn’t show weakness, she needed to be strong and make sure she walked out of here today with the deal she wanted. “You might be rich and famous but we’re equal in this.”

  “I won’t hurt you, Kate,” he assured her.

  “That’s not what I’m worried about. My heart is already pretty beaten up and battered. It can take a few more hits.” She gave him a wry smile. “I’m more worried about the effect this might have on my brother’s court case if it gets out.”

  “What’s your brother accused of?” Travis asked gently and when she didn’t immediately answer, he added, “We need to be honest with each other. You’ll be asked about facets of my life and I’ll be expected to know certain things about yours. Including your brother. There’s no way two people in love wouldn’t discuss this.”

  Two people in love. He said it as if they really were in a relationship and they really were about to get engaged. But this is fake, she reminded herself. Even though her heart beat irrationally fast every time their eyes met.

  “Marl works for a homeless charity. He agreed to watch a backpack belonging to one of the kids. He then got a message to meet the guy and drop it off. The backpack contained drugs. The police didn’t believe his story. But I know he wouldn’t sell drugs. He’s always been a good kid. He’s always appreciated how difficult it was for me to hold down two jobs while also being his parent.” She paused and took a long shuddering breath.

  “What happened to your mom?” Travis asked gently.

  “She died of cancer.” Kate could talk about it now as if it had happened to someone else. So much time had passed, so much had happened that it was as if it had happened to someone else’s mother.

  “I’m so sorry.” Travis winced and glanced toward the door.

  “I don’t need your sympathy,” Kate told him a little too sharply.

  “You just need my money.” Travis arched an eyebrow. Perhaps he’d have second thoughts about hiring her to be his fake fiancée if he thought she was that callous.

  “No, I didn’t mean it like that.” She looked down at her teacup which she’d almost forgotten she was holding. “I mean that there’s no point focusing on my past. It’s done and I can’t change it. But I can change my future, or more importantly, I can change my brother’s future.”

  Travis nodded. “We’re on the same page, Kate. We both want this to work because we want to protect our families.”

  Kate gave a brief nod and sipped her teacup, giving herself time to compose herself. Lately, her emotions were all over the place and she needed to get a grip. If this were to work, she needed to be in complete control. “Aren’t you worried this might affect Izzy?”

  Travis inhaled deeply, his chest rising before he exhaled. “I’m worried, yes. But I’m more worried about what will happen if I don’t get custody.”

  “And that’s what you need me for, to show a united front, to make the courts believe you can provide a stable home life for her?” Kate would be agreeing to a lie. A lie that would have serious repercussions for a child. She didn’t know if her conscience would let her go through with this.

  “Her father. Harmen Collard.” Travis dropped his voice to a whisper and glanced sideways at the door once more. “He was never around during Annabella’s pregnancy. He wasn’t there at the birth. Henry and I were left to pick up the pieces.”

  “Where was Harmen?” Kate asked.

  “I don’t know. Annabella hooked up with him a year or more before Izzy’s birth. The relationship was rocky at best and ended in the usual way.” Travis eyed Kate nervously. He was spilling his guts to her. He trusted her. “Then he suddenly came back into her life. But even then, with a baby in their care, their relationship was volatile. They were like poison in each other’s veins.”

  “Did Annabella love him?” Kate asked. That would explain why she was willing to let him back into her life when he’d let her down. And not being there for Annabella when she was carrying his child was about the biggest letdown possible.

  “I don’t know. Maybe. Annabella never talked about him after he left. Never spoke to Izzy about him.” Travis choked with emotion. When he composed himself, he said, “Izzy’s mom left him when Izzy was only a couple of months old. She raised Izzy alone. The guy only came out of the woodwork when he heard that her mom’s fortune was held in trust.”

  “Oh!” Kate’s brows knitted together. “That’s terrible.�

  Travis nodded. “I’ve been there for all of Izzy’s birthdays, I’ve picked her up from school when her mom was too…sick.” His jaw tightened and he looked down at his hands which were clasped together tightly. “If I thought that giving the father money would make him go away for good, I would. But I believe he’s the kind of parasite that would keep coming back until he bled me and then Izzy dry.”

  Travis’s heated words struck Kate squarely in the chest. No matter what his faults, whether the photos of him and the married woman were real or fake, there was no doubt that his love for Izzy was real.

  “I’ll help you.” She said the words without thinking.

  “Thank you.” His voice hitched in his throat. “She’s coming.” He dashed his hand across his eyes and stood up shaking his hands, shaking off the tension in his body before he went to the door.

  Kate took a couple of gulps of her tea, wishing it was something stronger as she prepared to meet the child she was going to lie to. That was the hardest thing about the situation. The idea of Izzy getting hurt was repellent but if what Travis said was true then there was little choice. Izzy was much better off here with Travis than with a man she didn’t know. A man who was just after her money.

  “Here we are.” Henry entered the room with a pretty girl who must be about seven or eight. She wore a pretty dress, Kate would guess it was a party dress put on for the occasion. A pang of sadness hit her hard. She remembered being that age. She remembered the pretty dresses her friends wore while she had to make do with jeans and sneakers because her mom couldn’t afford to buy nice things.

  “Hi there.” Kate lifted her hand and waved. “These look delicious. Did you decorate them?”

  Izzy smiled shyly, her cheeks pink with pride as she placed the plate filled with cupcakes down on the coffee table. “Henry helped me.”

  “Hi, Henry, good to see you again.” Kate had met Henry a couple of days ago at Jon and Melinda’s. Why did she get the feeling he’d been there to check her out?

  This was confirmed when Henry didn’t meet her gaze. “Good to see you, Kate.”

  Travis glanced at Henry and then his eyes fixed on Kate. He could sense the slight tension between them. The guy was perspective. “Henry looks out for me and Izzy, doesn’t he, Izzy?”

  Izzy beamed at the older man. “Henry helped me make the cupcakes because Travis can’t cook to save his life.” She giggled as Travis gasped in shock. “You know it’s true.”

  “I do.” Travis held out his hands, accepting the judgment. “But you don’t have to tell all my secrets.”

  Izzy held out the plate of cupcakes to him. “Here, this will make you feel better.”

  “Thank you.” Travis took one of the cupcakes and bit into it. “These are good.”

  “Izzy measured out the ingredients and mixed them herself. I was just there because the oven was hot.” Henry backed toward the door. “I’ll go clean the kitchen.”

  “No, stay,” Travis told him. “Come and sit.”

  Henry shook his head. “You have not seen the kitchen.”

  Izzy giggled. “The flour kind of exploded.” She placed the plate of small cupcakes down on the table and clapped her hands together. “Puff.”

  Kate hid a smile. Izzy might have been through hell after losing her mom, but she seemed resilient. “These cupcakes are delicious. Maybe I could help you bake something one day. My brother always likes my chocolate brownies.”

  “Yes!” Izzy said excitedly. “I think when I grow up, I want to own a bakery. Cupcakes always make people happy. My mom used to like butterfly cakes, you know, where you slice the top off and put icing inside before you make wings. I used to decorate them with sprinkles.” Her expression faltered for a moment.

  “I remember. I also remember the birthday cake you and your mom made for me. You made a guitar and music notes out of icing.” Travis had a history with Izzy, and he talked openly about her mom. Kate’s admiration for the rock star grew. Often when people passed, memories were put in a box and hidden away to help stem the pain of loss. But Travis had kept Izzy’s mom alive.

  “Oh, it’s your birthday soon. Can I make a cake? Maybe Kate can help me decorate it.” Izzy looked hopefully at Kate.

  “I’m out of a job,” Henry said with mock sadness.

  “Oh, you can help, too.” Izzy went to Henry and slipped her hand into his. “There’s room in the kitchen for all of us.”

  “I know, honey.” Henry squeezed her hand and smiled down at her fondly, his expression filled with love. If Kate had any misgivings about lying to help Travis adopt Izzy, this encounter had swept them away.

  Izzy belonged here. Kate just feared the longer she stayed here, the harder it would be to leave. That she would grow to love being Travis’s fake fiancée so much she’d want it to be real.

  A thing that would never happen.

  Chapter Five – Travis

  “Would you like to take a walk?” Travis asked his mate. They were alone. Izzy had gone to help Henry finish cleaning up the kitchen and put the rest of the cupcakes in a container to keep them fresh.

  “Sure.” Kate eyed the ocean view. “I could fall in love with this view.”

  “This is where I come when I need a time out,” Travis confessed. “Which is more and more lately.”

  “Don’t you enjoy your rock star life?” Kate asked.

  Travis shook his head. “It was never really about the lifestyle. I wrote music and made records because it was like a need.” He put his hand on his heart. “A way to express myself.”

  “That sounds kind of corny.” She grinned. “And very rock starish.”

  He chuckled. “Say it like it is, Kate.”

  “I’m sorry.” She covered her smile as he went to the large window and slid it open. “It sounds like something a rock star would say to get a woman into his bed.”

  “Ouch!” He winced. “That hurts.”

  “I want our relationship to be based on complete honesty.” She breathed in the salty air, her breasts rising and falling as she inhaled and exhaled, and Travis had to fight not to stare. He longed to touch her, to stroke her skin and kiss her lips.

  “I agree.”

  So, you’re going to tell her you are a shifter right now? his bear asked.

  Yeah, I’m going to shift right here on the beach where everyone can see me, Travis replied.

  You know what I mean, his bear huffed.

  I’ll tell her as soon as I can. But right now, we just need Kate to agree to be our fake fiancée. We have to take one baby step at a time, Travis told his bear.

  “Do you really think it’ll make a huge difference to your adoption chances?” Kate asked as they walked along the deck area immediately outside the house and made their way through the sloping grounds that flanked the house on all sides. The edge of the grounds was bordered by a wooden fence with a security gate set into it. On the other side of the gate was the soft sandy beach.

  “Yes, I do.” He led Kate along the winding path that led through the tall grasses that rustled in the sea breeze. “If I didn’t, I wouldn’t have agreed to Jon’s plan.”

  “And the ongoing case against my brother won’t hurt your chances?” Kate asked as she trailed her hands through the soft fronds of the grasses. “This is beautiful.”

  “Would it spoil my rock god image even more if I told you I planted it all myself?” he asked with a grin on his face.

  She cocked her head to one side. “I would never have guessed you had green thumbs.”

  “It helps me relax,” he admitted. “When I clear my mind and focus on the plants and the earth, I often get the inspiration for new songs.” He entered the security code into the gate and pulled on the handle. “The rolling waves and the haunting cry of the sea birds have a rhythm of their own.”

  “You are a romantic at heart.” Kate stopped in her tracks as their eyes locked together. Did she feel the connection between them?

  How can she not? His bear rocked ba
ck and forth on his legs. It’s as if we are perfectly attuned to each other.

  Travis ducked his head and swallowed down his need to grab hold of her and pull her close. He wanted to nuzzle her neck and inhale her scent before he picked her up and carried her across the sand where he’d lay her down and make love to her while the ocean washed over them.

  “I am a romantic, I admit it.” He held his hands up as if in surrender. “When I write songs, it’s that well of romance I delve into.”

  “I listened to some of your songs on the drive over here,” she admitted. “I figured it might give me an insight into the kind of man I was going to get engaged to.”

  He frowned as they walked across the sand toward the ocean. “Does that mean you aren’t familiar with my songs?”

  “Not really.” She laughed as he looked hurt. “Sorry. I still play songs from the eighties.”

  He laughed. “I’ll try not to be offended by your honesty.”

  “Good, I suppose I could have lied.” She put her hands to her cheeks and gasped. With bent knees, she ran around him breathlessly saying, “OMG, are you Travis Cooper? I have all your records. Can I take a selfie?” She held her phone up and leaned in toward him. “Please.”

  Travis chuckled. “Don’t tell me you have never done that before. Is there a reason you like eighties music? Did you have a crush?”

  “Now, that would be telling.” Kate regained her composure and grinned.

  “One day, Kate, you’ll tell me all your secrets.” He stopped walking and simply stared at her. She stared right back, her brows knitted together with uncertainty. “We’re similar people, I think. We could help each other out.”

  She tilted her head back and sighed. “I meant what I said. I’ll do it. I’ll be your fake fiancée, and not just for my brother, but for Izzy, too.”

  “Thank you.” His relief was evident. Too evident. She wanted her own contract and if she saw how desperate he was then she might drive a harder bargain than he was willing to make.


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