Wolf Castle

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Wolf Castle Page 16

by Heather Walker

  She wanted him. She wanted him in spite of his dragon self. She wanted him because of it. She wanted all of him. She wanted anything he was, no matter what it was.

  Chapter 22

  Callum watched the light of recognition spread over Sadie’s face. She knew. He was a dragon, and she accepted it. She wanted it. The realization erupted out of him to attack her harder than ever. Nothing held him back, now that she knew the truth. He seized her behind the neck and steered her mouth into his. His tongue swirled around hers in a sizzling hot contortion that set her nerves singing.

  All at once, he ripped his mouth away. “No, lass. Ye cinnae do this.”

  “Why?” she whispered. “I want to. I want you. Don’t stop, now that we both know we want it.”

  He indulged in another kiss before he tried to speak again. “Ye ken it cinnae be. Ye ken it as weel as I. It’s askin’ too much o’ a mon tae touch ye like this when it can ne’er be.”

  “Why can it never be?” she insisted. “Why can’t we just leave, the way you said we would?”

  “Ye cinnae leave—no yet,” he murmured. “There’s summat…”

  “Take me out of here,” she whispered. “Get me away from Lachlan before it’s too late.”

  He shook his head, but he wouldn’t stop kissing her between words. “It’s the curse. I cinnae leave ’em tae face’t alone. None o’ ’em ken’t like Jamie and I do. They dinnae ken what they’re playin’ at. They’d lose’t if I didnae defend ’em.”

  “Is that why you’re doing this?” she asked. “You have to protect them from the curse?”

  “Ye dinnae ken, as weel as I,” he murmured. “Ye dinnae ken the curse, or ye wouldnae ask me tae leave these people tae twist in the wind. I couldnae do that, no tae me worst enemy, and these’re no that by a mile.”

  She pulled back to fix her eyes on his face. “Do you hear what you’re saying? Lachlan tried to kill you, and he kidnapped me to drag me back here to marry me against his will. You’re being way too nice to them. They’ll take advantage of your kindness.”

  “They’re no takin’ advantage o’ me. Do ye no see? They cinnae. They cinnae touch me, nor Jamie, either. They’re….” He groped for the word. “They’re helpless. That’s what they are. They’re defenseless bairns.”

  She snorted. “You could have fooled me.”

  His expression softened. “Listen tae me, lassie—me own lassie. Ye’re all mine, no matter what Lachlan says, but I cinnae take ye out—not yet—and it’s naught tae do wi’ Lachlan. The curse comes from ye—from ye and yer friends. Do ye understand that? The curse is ye, and I’d take the curse wi’ me if I took ye.”

  “What’s wrong with that?” she asked. “Didn’t you say you and your brothers and my friends battled this curse and won? Why couldn’t you do that again? You’re dragons. You could just cut these vampires to smithereens the way you did today. I’m sure with all of you working together they wouldn’t cause you any worry at all.”

  He bit back a smile. “If I take ye back, we’d arrive wi’ the demons on our heels, and I wouldnae do that tae Angus. He’d cut me a second hame if I did that.”

  “So what are you going to do? You’re just going to hang around and take care of the vampires every time they show up? If we do that, Lachlan will insist on marrying me. He thinks marrying me will break the curse.”

  “I mun’ go back me own self,” he replied. “I mun’ bring ’Azel ’ere. She’ll deal tae the curse in a matter o’ seconds.”

  She caught hold of him. “Don’t leave. You can’t leave me here alone.”

  “It’s the ainly way. This Koto they’ve got’s naught but a local bampot. She kens naught aboot the curse or the thistle.”

  “I suppose by ‘thistle’ you mean me.”

  He kissed her again. “It’s naught but a way o’ sayin’ it.”

  “What makes you think Lachlan marrying me won’t break the curse? Didn’t you say Angus marrying Carmen broke the curse on your end?”

  “It didnae break the curse. Him takin’ the Phoenix Throne broke the curse—but it ainly came back. ’Azel broke the curse.”

  “Then how can it be here?”

  “I dinnae ken, and tae tell ye the full truth, I dinnae care. I want this whole thing dealt wi’ and out the windae. I dinnae dabble in curses. I’m a mon o’ the steel and no else. I leave the curses tae the witches and wizards, and the ainly ones o’ the bunch I trust are Ross and ’Azel. I dinnae ken where Ross is and we dinnae ha’e the time tae hunt him up. ’Azel, on the other hand, I ken where she is, and I ken for certain fact she’d come if I asked her. That’s the surest way tae get shut o’ this curse, and that’s what I mean tae do.”

  Sadie sighed. “All right. If that’s what you mean to do, you better do it, just so we understand you’re taking me with you when you finish.”

  He folded her in his arms. “No mon’ll lay a finger on ye, lassie, but me alone. Understand that now.”

  She closed her eyes, and they collapsed into luscious kisses. She melted in his arms, and her flesh radiated her warm desire into him. How easy it would be to take her right now. She breathed into his nose, all ripe for the picking.

  He couldn’t bear the aching need any longer. He picked her up off the floor still locked against his mouth. He carried her back down the landing to the bedroom across the hall from Jamie’s. He kicked the door open and kicked it shut behind him.

  The minute he got inside, he put Sadie down and backed her into a corner behind the door. He crammed his body against her and dug his throbbing manhood into the folds of her dress. He needed her now more than anything, and she was right here. She was in his room with the door shut. Lachlan wouldn’t come looking for her. She was all his.

  He gave vent to the molten heat pouring out of him. He ground his hips between her thighs until she sobbed in his mouth. Oh, she sounded so good! Her mouth tasted fruity and divine. Her legs rubbed against his crotch until he couldn’t stand the tension.

  She raised her chest to press her breasts into him. He circled her corseted waist with both arms and crushed her into him. He had to have her. He had to make her his own right now. He could never walk away until he did.

  She never held back. She kissed him in maniac hunger, and the more he drove his spike into her, the more she answered with gyrating movements of her own. She rode down on his pulsing shaft to encourage him.

  He grabbed her skirts and lifted them to her waist. He dove his hands down to her choice round buttocks and found the moist crevice where all her desires boiled to the surface. The wetness on his fingers drove him mad. His head spun, and his brain screamed to release the mounting intoxication brewing in his deepest being.

  He fingered her a little lower. She mewed and squirmed on his hands. He worked her from both directions, and she answered every move he made. She panted and whined into his mouth. Her eyes smoked there beyond his lips. She sagged under his weight in anticipation of his towering domination.

  He couldn’t contain himself a second longer. He dropped on his knees in front of her and burrowed under her skirts. She stood petrified for an instant until he found his way into the dark forest under her skirts. He nosed into the fragrant steam between her legs, and she collapsed back against the wall in blissful submission.

  Callum crawled into the nest of dreams waiting for him. Her hands closed around his head and guided him between her delicate petals. Her aroma enveloped him in majestic ecstasy. Her sighs and moans drifted to his ears through layers of rustling skirts.

  She opened her legs and let him in. He gripped her hips and devoured her for all she was worth. Her cries and groans pierced his brain. He never believed it could be like this, or that any woman would accept him the way she did.

  He stirred her foamy cauldron with his fingers while he teased her to raging delight with his mouth. He covered his mouth and face in her juices. She smashed his head into her burning flesh and bucked against his chin. God, she tasted so magically delicious, he could
devour her every day and never be satisfied.

  All at once, she seized his head in bone-crushing fury. She kicked her hips hard against his mouth, and her screaming cries echoed through the room. Her knees buckled, and he had to hold her up in the throes of ecstasy.

  When he came out from under her skirts, he found her slumped against the wall with her eyes closed. She hugged him and kissed him when he came to her, but she wouldn’t stop sighing in cataclysmic fulfillment. She glowed all over, and her ivory skin radiated a halo of orgasmic rapture all around her.

  He swam in her kiss. Her smell still filled his nostrils, and he wanted her more than ever now. He lifted her off her feet and carried her to the bed, where he laid her down. She didn’t resist when he arranged her limbs in a comfortable position. He sat down next to her.

  Her lily-white breast rose and fell in deep breaths. Her cheeks flushed red, and her eyes glazed over when she gazed up at him. He kissed her long and slow. His body screamed for her, but he would take his time and do this right.

  He stroked down her sides to her hips. He caressed her thighs through her skirts. He traced the delicate curve over her corsets up to her heaving breast. The instant he touched her there, she arched off the bed. She exploded into responsive cries at his slightest touch.

  Her eyes registered none of the intelligence he long recognized in her. She was pure animal instinct, and her raging passion blasted out of her toward him when he touched her.

  He massaged her breast through her bodice. She writhed and moaned, and she put out her hands to take him. He let her pull him down into her kiss, but he didn’t stop touching her. He found the delicate nipple under her clothes, and he tormented her to whimpering sobs. She mewed into his mouth, and her ravenous hands went to work on him all over.

  Chapter 23

  Sadie gave herself over to the intensity of her release. She ripped Callum’s shirt out of his belt, and her hands glided over his back and around to his chest. For the first time, she allowed herself to fully comprehend how much she wanted to touch him and excite him and fulfill him. She wanted it since that first time she saw him with his shirt off. She just never let herself feel it until now.

  She pulled his shirt over his head and grabbed his belt buckle. He stretched out on the bed next to her. He kissed her and touched her while she undressed him. “Oh, ye’re a wanton wee lass, aren’t ye?” he murmured, but he didn’t try to stop her.

  He rolled onto his side. His chest and shoulders rose above her in one massive wall of muscle, all the way up to his face. She would have him. She would make him her own, the same way he would make her his own. Once he put his mark on her, no one would dare touch her. She would be his forever.

  His hands on her breasts and sides and ass infected her with wicked craven lust. She unleashed all her unbridled passion on him, and she sighed and wept harder than ever when he touched her.

  He tossed her skirts up and trailed his fingers up her legs. She moaned and spread her legs to his touch. Her juices already stained her thighs and ass and the engorged lips where he drove her to climax. She wanted so much more than that. She wanted all his dragon self inside her.

  She ran her fingers through the hair on his chest. Her mouth watered to take bites of that flesh and make him moan the same way he made her moan. She wanted to see him climax and hear his broken cries.

  More than anything else, she wanted to see him as a dragon. She wanted to see him fly the way she saw him earlier that day. She wanted to gaze up at him from the ground and know in her heart he was all hers. Nothing else would do.

  He found the saucy opening where he just tormented her to screaming rapture. He teased her there while his tongue swirled around her mouth. He inserted his fingers to tickle her hidden pleasure spots. She convulsed on his hands in undisguised desire.

  All at once, he tore himself away. He flipped her over on her stomach and jumped on top of her. He pinned her down on the bed and buried his bristly face in her neck. He growled in her ear and bit her neck hard from behind.

  “I’m takin’ ye, lass,” he purred. “I’m takin’ ye back tae me own people. Is that what ye want? Ye want me tae own ye and make ye mine? Say ye want that afore I’ll do it.”

  She whined into the pillow. “You know I want it. You know I don’t want anything in the world but to be yours.”

  He squirreled his hand into her from behind. He hooked his wicked fingers into her puffy pink flesh and milked the slippery honey from her font. “Is this what ye want? Ye want me there? Say ye want me, lassie. Say ye’re all mine tae take away wi’ me.”

  “I’m yours,” she squeaked. “I’m all yours. Oh, God, yes, that’s what I want. You know I want it so bad.”

  He eased off and flicked the buttons of her dress open. He exposed her corset laces underneath and ripped them free. Her ragged breath broke loose, and she couldn’t hold back her cries any longer. He spread her clothes aside to expose her naked back.

  She heaved and tossed, but he wouldn’t let her loose. He slipped his big hands inside and scooped around her chest to the pendulous breast lying heavy and ripe under her clothes. His fingers closed around her nipple, and the blazing lightning of his touch scorched down her belly to her crotch.

  “Mmm, aye, lassie,” he growled in her ear. “Aye, that’s me lassie. Oh, aye.”

  His mouth closed over the pearly skin of her back. He gnawed down her spine to her rump. He sank love bites to the cleft where her clothes stopped him.

  He shifted off to undress her a little more. She turned over to face him and hold him, but he had other ideas. He took her off the bed and stood her on her feet on the floor so he could give her clothes his full attention.

  Sadie watched him through the haze of lust-fueled passion. She studied his face while he slipped off her dress and bustle. He peeled off one layer after another until she stood bare in front of him.

  He got to his feet and stood in front of her. She couldn’t keep her hands off his bare chest. His hardened shaft protruded under his kilt, and it called to her. She couldn’t keep her hands off that, either.

  She crawled her hands down his back and lifted his kilt to grope under it. Callum froze when that thick serpent materialized in her hands. His features hardened, and a deadly glint came into his eye. He watched her face while she stroked him under his kilt.

  She gazed up at his smoldering face. She wanted him. She wanted to give him as much pleasure as he gave her, but he didn’t look very happy about it. He clenched his jaw, and his muscles strained when he tried to breathe.

  He grasped his belt tongue and gave it a violent yank. His belt loosened, and his kilt fell over her hands. She let him go long enough to let the heavy wool drop to the floor. The next thing she knew, he grabbed her in both arms. He tumbled back on the bed and pulled her down on top of him.

  For a moment, all their arms and legs and parts got tangled up in a frenzied mix of exquisite excitement. Sadie knew only the mind-blowing sweetness of his kiss, his fingers threading into her hair and tugging it free, and his body welcoming her into the blissful softness of their skin together.

  Oh, how she longed for his skin touching hers! She rubbed her breasts over his bare chest and her stomach over the hard lance laying against it. She caressed him all over with her bright skin. She could never get enough.

  His breath caught in his throat. Then he stiffened harder than ever. He flexed his muscles to crush her in his embrace. He angled his manhood between her legs, but he didn’t plunge in to fill her to bursting. He stroked it between her saturated leaves to spread her juices over his shaft.

  She rode him to whimpering ecstasy. She wanted him inside her, and his slow, methodical strokes drove her out of her mind. He guided her breast into his mouth and sucked it until she couldn’t stand it. She grabbed his shaft. In one desperate move, she crammed him inside.

  He spasmed all over like he’d been shot. His midsection contracted, and his body pulsed inside her. She didn’t care. She needed him. She
couldn’t live another instant without this. She sat down hard on it to push it all the way inside. It filled her to her aching limit. It satisfied a bottomless hunger nothing else could fill.

  He tore away from her kiss to stare up into her eyes. What did he see? His eyes widened in wonder, but she didn’t care. Her happiness shot out of her every pore. His energy rushed into her through her deepest insides, coursed through her veins, and rushed out of her eyes and hair and skin in all directions. It filled the whole universe with the radiant satisfaction he gave her.

  She rode him to her limit. Every rhythmic beat of her hips sent another torturous spasm through him. He jerked off the bed, and his chest stretched the muscle fibers under his skin. She traced their contours with her fingers, but she couldn’t put his agonized convulsions together with her own movements. The moment blended into one cosmic experience beyond the bounds of thought.

  She arched her hips against him. He filled her up to bursting. She moaned to the bottom of her soul at that endless fullness. Nothing could feel so right. She wanted all of it and more. She dug her fingers into his chest and kicked her hips against his pelvis. His shaft glided on a glistening film of wetness, and her juices saturated his hair and his balls.

  He pawed up her chest to her breasts. His face tightened from the strain, but she wouldn’t stop now. She would never let him go. She would mark him with her primal essence so all the world would know they belonged to each other.

  He fought for every breath, but when she screamed out her longing and her climax to the skies, he refused to lie still any longer. He lunged off the bed and threw his arms around her. He pumped her full of himself. The rocking waves of ecstasy crashed over her. She tossed in his arms, but he wouldn’t stop thrusting. The more he knocked into her, the higher she launched into the stratosphere.

  Was this what it felt like to take flight and to dominate the world as a dragon on pointed wings? She saw the world spread out below her from the heights of space. He took her there and left her suspended in the stars.


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