511: Details of the release of Abu Omar, and the convictions of Lady and the other CIA officers, from Rachel Donadio, “Italy Convicts 23 Americans, Most Working for C.I.A., of Abducting Muslim Cleric,” New York Times, November 5, 2009.
511–513: The Supreme Court ruling for Rasul came in Rasul v. Bush, no. 03-334, decided June 28, 2004. For Hamdi, in Hamdi v. Rumsfeld, no. 03-6696, decided June 28, 2004. For Hamdan, in Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, no. 05-184, decided June 29, 2006. For the Algerian Six, in Boumediene v. Bush, no. 06-1195, decided June 12, 2008.
512: Details of the Military Commissions Act from Public Law 109-366, October 17, 2006, Military Commissions Act of 2006.
512: The results of the lie-detector test conducted on Ahmed and Rasul’s decision not to participate from a videotape of the documentary Lie Lab, broadcast June 2, 2007.
512–513: The sentence of Hamdan in his military commission trial from a transcript of the sentencing hearing.
513: The changes in the case against the Algerian Six from Boudella CSRT Decision Report, Exhibits D(a) to D(jj), undated. Also see Craig Whitlock, “At Guantanamo, Caught in a Legal Trap,” Washington Post, August 21, 2006.
513: The quote of Leon’s ruling from Memorandum Order, Boumediene v. Bush, civil case no. 04-1166, in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, November 20, 2008.
513: Details of the advancement in detecting anthrax mutations from press briefing by background official at the Justice Department, August 18, 2008; the Amerithrax Report; and the Anthrax Panel Report. Also see National Research Council of the National Academies of Sciences Independent Report Conducted for the FBI, “Review of the Scientific Approaches Used During the FBI’s Investigation of the 2001 Anthrax Letters,” prepublication copy, 2011.
513–514: Details of the FBI review of Ivins’s decontamination effort in April 2002 from FBI Electronic Communication from Washington Field Office Amerithrax-3, “Title: Amerithrax; Major Case 184,” May 24, 2005. Also see Amerithrax Report and Anthrax Panel Report.
514: Information about the codes from the Amerithrax Report and the Anthrax Panel Report. Some understanding of such codes can be learned from Douglas Hofstadter’s astonishing book Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid, Basic Books, 1979.
514: Findings in the search of Ivins’s garbage from the Anthrax Panel Report.
515: Ivins’s statements on his YouTube account from archived copies of the writings. Also see the Anthrax Panel Report; the Amerithrax Report; and “Application and Affidavit Search Warrant,” signed by FBI special agent Marlo Arredondo, August 2, 2008, case no. 08-489-M-01, filed in the Federal District Court for the District of Columbia (second Arredondo affidavit).
515–517: Some details of Ivins’s ravings during his group therapy session from Officer Reed Preece, Frederick Police Department, “Petition for Emergency Evaluation”; Protective Order filed by Jean C. Duley on July 24, 2008, from the FPD Victims’ Services Unit; Loumis Gene Alston, Frederick Police Department, “Supplemental Report,” OCA 2008044096, September 9, 2008. Also see the Anthrax Panel Report; the second Arredondo affidavit; and Application and Affidavit for Search Warrant, signed by Marlo Arredondo, August 7, 2008, case no. 08-497-M-01, filed in the Federal District Court for the District of Columbia (third Arredondo affidavit).
517: The list of items found inside Ivins’s house from the Amerithrax Report.
517: Details of Ivins’s purchases at Giant Eagle from the purchase log at the drugstore for July 24, 2008; and Alston, “Supplemental Report,” August 13, 2008, entry, September 9, 2008.
517: Details of Ivins’s trip to the library from the second and third Arredondo affidavits.
517: Quotes from the note left for Ivins by his wife, his reply, and her discovery of him unconscious from Alston, “Supplemental Report,” entry of August 19, 2008.
518: Details of Ivins’s emergency treatment and subsequent death from EMS Patient Care Report, Ambulance 18, Notes of Paramedic Jonathan Newman, July 27, 2008; Medical records from Frederick Memorial Hospital, first entry by Brooke Geranis at 1:55 A.M. on July 27, 2008. Also see Alston, “Supplemental Report,” September 9, 2008; and Arredondo affidavits.
519–520: Some details of the conversation between Piro and Saddam from U.S. Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Baghdad Operations Center, a report by Piro on the casual conversation with Saddam, May 13, 2004. Also see several reports from U.S. Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Baghdad Operations Center: Interview Session No. 1, February 7, 2004; Interview Session No. 10, February 27, 2004; and Interview Session No. 12, March 5, 2004.
520–522: Some details of the pursuit and killing of Osama bin Laden from Press Briefing by Senior Administration Officials on the Killing of Osama Bin Laden, May 2, 2011; official transcript, “Remarks by the President on Osama Bin Laden,” May 2, 2011; Nicholas Schmidle, “Getting Bin Laden,” New Yorker, August 8, 2011; Mark Thompson, “Inside the Osama Bin Laden Strike: How America Got Its Man,” Time, May 3, 2011; Associated Press, “The Man Who Hunted Osama Bin Laden,” July 5, 2011; Jonathan Landy, “Bin Laden Raid Years in the Making, Minutes in Execution,” McClatchy Newspapers, May 2, 2011; and Caren Bohan, Mark Hosenball, Tabassum Zakaria, and Missy Ryan, “The Kill Plan,” Reuters, May 2011.
Page numbers beginning with 525 refer to endnotes.
Abbottabad, Pakistan, 520–21
’Abd al-Hadi, 493
Abdel-Rahman, Omar, 293, 550
Abdullah, Abdullah Ahmed, 254
Abdul Qadoos, Ahmed, 483
Abou El Fadl, Khaled, 534
Abu Abdullah, 219
Abu al-Hasnat, 249
Abu al-Libi, 549
Abu Hafs, see Atef, Mohammed
Abu Maali, 119
Abu Omar, 346, 405–7, 411, 478–79, 480, 511
Abu Zubaydah, 103–4, 119, 121, 562
capture of, 240, 248, 249–50, 277
CIA’s interrogation of, 278–81, 282, 284–85, 322, 337–38, 342, 344–45, 348–49, 559
FBI interrogation of, 253–55, 277–78, 279–80, 345
Padilla’s identification by, 280, 304, 305
torture of, 280, 284–85, 321, 337–38, 342, 348–49, 559
wounding of, 249, 250–51, 254, 277
Adam, Ibrahym, 86, 274
Addington, David, 58–59, 507
in Afghanistan targeting situation, 111–12
Bellinger e-mail criticism by, 80
in congressional resolution drafting, 58, 59–62
in detainee treatment policy formation, 224, 225, 227
Guantanamo visit of, 367
in Hamdi case, 259, 310, 314, 408
legal expertise of, 58, 59
in military commissions formation, 83–84, 136, 137, 140, 144, 145, 149, 150, 151, 153–54, 156, 157, 221, 246, 247
and military interrogation policy, 456
in Padilla case, 305, 307
in surveillance powers expansion, 95, 96, 105, 106–7
Afghanistan, 549
Almalki’s connection to, 85, 102, 223, 276
al-Qaeda flight from, 151, 158, 172, 173, 175, 176, 178–80
al-Qaeda’s escape routes from, 178, 180–81, 184–85, 189, 248
al-Qaeda’s harboring in, 4–5, 41, 50, 74, 220, 242, 243, 340
Blair’s visit to, 201–2
Bush’s interest in, 505
CIA presence in, 56, 60
drought situation in, 74
El-Maati’s time in, 102, 533–34
factional fighting in, 8, 14–15, 41–42, 64, 73, 87, 162, 202
historic sites in, 82, 92
Muslims’ travel to, 533–34
political status of, 188, 226, 230
suspicious White House call to, 118, 123
terrorist training camps in, 4, 74, 243, 322, 340, 547
transitional government in, 201–2
U.S. bounties offered in, 189
see also Ta
Afghanistan War:
air campaign in, 82, 113–14, 139, 141, 143, 146–47, 149, 158, 168, 173, 175, 176, 179–80, 242, 243, 253
allies in, 73, 78, 80, 81, 87, 90, 91, 114, 184, 240
al-Qaeda intelligence gathered in, 163, 242–43
al-Qaeda pursuit in, 162, 173, 175, 176, 178–80
bin Laden’s movements in, 150–51, 158–59, 162, 172, 177, 179, 180, 183–84, 186, 250, 543
British involvement in, 114, 137, 142, 180, 202, 240
CIA’s role in, 56, 64, 73, 78, 86–87, 137, 138, 143, 146, 149, 162, 169, 171, 175, 176, 177, 180, 184
Defense Department’s role in, 56, 78, 81, 82, 111, 137, 146
detainee treatment in, 175, 213–15, 217–18, 219–20, 224–27, 229–30, 232
Eastern Alliance in, 162, 177, 178, 179
enemy bomb-making operation in, 296, 297, 298
first U.S. casualty in, 171
ground operations in, 138–39, 140–41, 143, 147, 149, 151, 158, 159, 166–67, 175
Guantanamo intelligence used in, 296, 297, 298
horses in, 138, 147
initial predictions about, 65
legal reviews in, 81, 82, 111–12
logistical problems in, 80–81
military’s role in, 56, 64, 73, 74, 78, 79, 80, 81, 87, 137, 146, 149, 159, 173, 177, 180, 181, 184
Northern Alliance’s role in, 56, 64, 73, 87, 114, 137–38, 139, 143, 146, 147, 149, 151, 158, 159, 162, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 174–75, 186
Operation Jawbreaker in, 87, 138, 143, 162, 175, 176, 177, 184
Pakistan’s role in, 73, 80, 91, 177
political uniqueness of, 225
POW status in, 186, 187, 188, 217–18, 220, 226–27, 230, 232
Predator drones in, 64, 73, 141
prisoners taken in, 167–71, 174–76, 186, 189
religious concerns in, 82
Rumsfeld’s opinion of, 89, 146, 149, 177
strategy dispute in, 74, 137, 146, 149, 177–78
target selection in, 81, 82, 111–12, 113–14
U.S. strategy in, 64, 71, 72, 73, 74, 78, 79, 137, 138, 142
warlords in, 143, 150, 151, 162
Agency for International Development, U.S., 74
Ahmed, Ruhal, 174, 512
Air Force, U.S., 455
in Afghanistan War, 80
SERE school of, 330
Air Force One:
on 9/11, 30, 34, 38–40
as terrorist target, 91
Albania, al-Qaeda plot in, 7
Alcatraz, 195
Aleutian Islands, 196
Alfi, Hassan al-, 546
Algerian Six, 135, 205, 206, 215–16, 217, 511, 513
see also Boumediene, Lakhdar
Ali, Hazrat, 162
Ali, Nadir, 169
Ali Riza, Shaha, 506
al-Jam’a al-Islamiyyah al-Muqatilah, 193
Al Jazeera:
al-Qaeda’s 9/11 admission to, 257–58, 267–69, 308–9
bin Laden’s use of, 114, 268
Allen, Belinda, 397, 399
Allen & Company, 505
Almalki, Abdullah:
Arar’s relationship to, 125–26, 370, 371, 375, 379, 380, 388, 389, 390, 510, 539
Canadian intelligence’s interest in, 85–86, 101, 102, 272, 274–75
El-Maati’s interrogation about, 162–63, 165, 227, 272
Mounties’ suspicion of, 102, 126, 222
release of, 510
Syria arrival of, 271–73
Syrians’ arrest of, 272–74
Syrians’ torture of, 274–77, 349, 370, 375, 379–80, 389, 510
al-Odah et al. v. United States, 311, 318, 335
in Afghanistan conflict, 8, 14–15, 42
Afghanistan flight of, 151, 158, 172, 173, 175, 176, 178–80
Afghanistan’s harboring of, 4–5, 41, 50, 74, 220, 242, 243, 340
Afghanistan War prisoners from, 169, 186, 189
al-Libi’s intelligence on, 208
American public interest in, 505
anthrax attacks’ linkage to, 128, 128n, 129, 133, 222
anthrax development program of, 128, 166, 204, 222, 492
bin Laden opposition in, 52, 179, 180, 208
bin Laden’s Afghanistan abandonment of, 172, 179, 183, 184
bin Laden’s funding of, 546, 547, 548
Canadian hunt for, 102, 131, 147, 163; see also Almalki, Abdullah; Arar, Maher; El-Maati, Ahmad
Cheney’s beliefs about, 76, 96–97, 128, 128n, 129
communications system of, 5, 96, 97, 99, 117, 243, 248, 250, 351, 482, 483, 546
FBI interrogations of, 278
financial network of, 93–94, 95, 97, 119, 132, 243
founding of, 4
global presence of, 74
Guantanamo Bay interrogations of, 238, 332, 339–40, 444, 520, 549; see also Guantanamo Bay, al-Qahtani’s interrogation at
Heathrow plot of, 475, 491–92
hideouts of, 4–5
interrogation policy on, 192, 193–95, 209
Iraq’s suggested ties to, 208, 219, 233, 234, 343–44, 345, 383, 401–2, 494, 504
Jemaah Islamiyah’s ties to, 165–66, 347, 394, 415, 492, 493
KSM’s intelligence on, 491–93
library of, 549
Manchester Manual’s mistaken linkage to, 128n, 193–95, 194n, 282, 293, 301, 544–52
in Massoud assassination, 56
membership requirements for, 547–48
news footage of, 6
9/11 admission by, 257–58, 267–69, 308–9
9/11 celebration by, 51
9/11 evidence against, 33, 40, 41, 45–46, 50, 53, 54, 242, 324–25
9/11 plans of, 12, 16, 63–64, 242, 325, 340
operational methods of, 491, 547
organizational structure of, 340, 344, 348–49, 547
Padilla’s designation as, 305
Pakistan arrests of, 185, 185n, 207, 239–40, 247–50, 351, 361–63, 482–84, 492, 493
Pakistan escape routes of, 178, 180–81, 184–85, 189, 248
political status of, 60, 98, 187, 188, 217, 217n, 218, 225–26, 230, 232
post-9/11 intelligence gathering on, 96–97, 98, 99, 102, 117, 118, 119, 147, 163, 192, 203, 204, 208, 219, 221–22, 227, 233, 238, 240, 242–43, 248, 250, 253, 254–55, 272, 276–77, 281, 282, 309, 322, 325, 332, 340, 344–45, 348–49, 351, 361, 363, 372, 403, 422–26, 475, 482–84, 491–93, 509, 510, 544
post-9/11 plots of, 147, 208, 325, 345, 475, 491, 508, 562
pre-9/11 attacks by, 5, 63, 97, 103, 104, 345
pre-9/11 intelligence on, 7–9, 97
recruitment methods of, 322
recruitment success of, 449
Saudi connection to, 117, 150, 243
Shura Council of, 344
Sunni fundamentalist doctrine of, 185
thwarted attacks by, 7–8
training camps of, 4, 74, 243, 322, 340, 547, 548
U.S. bounties offered for, 189, 245
U.S. retaliation against, 41, 42, 56, 64, 72, 73–74, 78, 79, 81, 91, 143, 162; see also Afghanistan War; war on terror
videos by, 104
weapons possessed by, 5, 548
weapons sought by, 3, 5, 128, 233, 279, 402, 494, 548
Western recruits to, 491
Zawahiri’s role in, 243, 551
see also bin Laden, Osama
Al Udeid Air Base, 498
AMEC, 164
American Airlines flight 63, 189–91
American Airlines flight 77, 26, 33, 46, 237, 503
American Enterprise Institute, 506
American Family Association Journal, 131–32
American Media Incorporated, 128
American Society for Microbiology, 231
Annan, Kofi, 328, 366, 487
anthrax, 68, 76, 128n
al-Qaeda’s work on, 128, 166, 204, 222, 492
Ames strain of, 228
biological fingerp
rint in, 232, 513
effects of, 108
Fort Detrick contamination with, 161–62
Iraqi production of, 469
Ivins’s work on, 108–9, 115, 166, 185, 489
vaccine for, 109, 115, 166
anthrax attacks:
al-Qaeda’s mistaken linkage to, 128, 128n, 129, 133, 222
500 Days: Secrets and Lies in the Terror Wars Page 77