Savior Bear (Bear Creek Protectors Book 5)

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Savior Bear (Bear Creek Protectors Book 5) Page 9

by Harmony Raines

  A jolt of jealousy threaded through her veins. Jealousy because Janine was looking at Rob. What was wrong with her?

  She sat down in the leather-backed chair and crossed her legs, letting her jealousy dissipate as Janine returned to her duties. Rob stood a couple of feet away, positioning himself at an angle so that he could see all around the reception area, while also watching if anyone approached along the corridor leading from the elevator.

  Madison wanted to snap at him and tell him to come and sit by her side, but she didn’t. He was doing his job, just like they’d agreed. If he was going to pretend to be unattached to her in public, then she was going to have to live with other women thinking he was fair game.

  But he wasn’t fair game. He was hers. Ensnared by love at first sight. Did that make her a believer? Her heart fluttered up to her mouth as she pictured the way his eyes crinkled at the corners when he smiled at her.

  Yes. She was a believer.

  “Madison, you can go through now, Holly is expecting you,” Janine called Madison forward and Rob followed. Once more, Madison was aware of Janine watching Rob. What would she do if Janine asked for his number?

  What would Rob say? Would he keep up the pretense of being unattached and hand over his number, or…

  “Are you okay?” Rob asked as they approached the door leading to Holly’s office.

  “Yes, why wouldn’t I be?” Her sharp tone was unnecessary.

  “I don’t know, I thought I could see steam coming out of your ears.” Rob arched an eyebrow at her. He’d seen it all, the way Janine looked at him, the way Madison simmered as she witnessed the receptionist practically drooling over Rob.

  “Is it that obvious?” Madison paused before knocking on Holly’s door, she had to compose herself. If Holly, who was middle-aged but incredibly attractive, thought she could stare at Rob, too, Madison might just end up blowing her job here at Holly and Jones. Her self-control slipped with Rob so close.

  “Relax.” Rob leaned forward and placed his hand on the door, ready to open it for her. “There will never be another woman for me. We are meant to be together forever.” The last word was a warm breath caressing her neck as he leaned forward and turned the door handle. She turned her head to watch him and he smiled up at her, his ice-blue eyes sparkling. “And I am not the one who needs a little more persuasion on that front.”

  The door swung open and Madison walked into Holly’s office. “Madison!” Holly looked happy. Really happy.

  “You liked the photo shoot?” Madison asked, all thoughts of jealousy gone. She was proud of her work. Madison didn’t want her relationship with Rob to consume her and take away everything she’d worked for. Life needed a balance. Shouldn’t she have learned that from her mom?

  “Liked them?” The normally calm Holly gushed. “I loved them! Maurice worked his magic, but you provided him with the perfect model to work with. He’s even asked to be commissioned for the autumn shoot.” Holly came around her desk and hugged Madison. “And I’ve never heard of him asking for a job.”

  “He was wonderful to work with. He should take all the credit.” Madison took hold of the photo Holly handed her. It was the pretty checked summer dress. “This is his favorite, and I’d have to agree.” She turned around and took a couple more photos off her desk. “But I’d like to use these two as well. The bathing suit and the shorts and floral top.”

  “You want to expand the campaign?” Madison asked.

  “I do. I think we have a unique opportunity here to do something good for women and their perception of themselves. I’m going to bring in a couple of other models and widen the campaign but keep you as our figurehead, so to speak.” Holly brimmed with enthusiasm. “I was thinking of an older woman. To show age is no barrier to beautiful clothes.” She frowned. “That needs some work, but you know what I mean. Women should feel comfortable with themselves and in fashion whatever their age, body type or ethnicity.”

  “I agree.” Madison nodded. “This is a tremendous opportunity, and I’m so proud to be a part of it.”

  “And I’m proud to have you onboard.” Holly looked up at Rob for the first time. “Shall we have coffee, and you tell me all about your day yesterday? Maurice told me you had a bodyguard.”

  “This is Rob. My mom hired him.” Madison cringed as she said that, as if she were underselling Rob in some way. “He’s been a great source of reassurance since the attempted kidnappings.”

  “Kidnappings. Plural?” Holly asked with concern as she poured three cups of coffee. “Help yourself to cream and sugar.”

  “Yes, after the kidnapping attempt here I went home, and someone tried again. My mom had already hired Rob. He arrived just in time,” Madison explained.

  “He rescued you?” Holly asked, her interest deepening.

  “Madison rescued herself,” Rob corrected Madison. “I just happened to be there at the right time and called the police,” Rob accepted the coffee from Madison. “Thanks.”

  “You know how he likes his coffee, I’m even more intrigued. You know, there is something incredibly sexy about being saved by a man.” Holly grinned wickedly.

  “I didn’t save Madison,” Rob repeated.

  Holly held up her hand. “I am fully aware that women can save themselves.” She sighed theatrically. “But please let me have one fantasy where a woman is not expected to save herself. There is something to be said for those old-fashioned movies where the woman gets swept off her feet by a man. Instead of having to be his equal in all things.”

  Madison chuckled. “Is this conversation supposed to stay in this room?”

  Holly rolled her eyes. “Goodness, yes, you are sworn to secrecy. If Jones gets wind I want to be swept off my feet by a man, he’ll think he has more say in the partnership than me. I have to keep that man on a short leash.” She sipped her coffee and looked at them over the rim as she said, “Literally.”

  Rob burst out laughing, his shoulders relaxing. “My lips are sealed.”

  Holly approached him, her head tilted to one side. “And what lips they are.” She folded her arms across her body. “You know, if ever you want a career change, I could make some phone calls.”

  “Thanks, but no thanks. I like my job just fine.” Rob drank his coffee, under the scrutiny of Holly. But she wasn’t looking at him as eye candy, she was assessing his bone structure and how he would look in a camera lens. When Madison had first met Holly, she’d assessed Madison in the same way.

  “Well, if I can’t tempt you, my work here is done.” Holly signaled the end of the meeting. “We can talk again in a couple of days. But I suggest you go home and rest.” Holly fixed her stare on Madison. “You look tired.”

  “The charity gala last night,” Madison explained.

  “Oh…” Holly pointed at Rob. “So this is the mystery man Miranda was asking about.”

  “She was asking about Rob?” Madison asked, wincing at her misjudgment. “I told her Rob was my date.”

  “Good for you.” Holly walked them to the door. “If I had a man like Rob watching over me, I wouldn’t want her to get her grubby little hands on him either. And anyway, you two do make a good-looking couple. Oh, the children you would spawn.”

  With that, they found themselves on the other side of Holly’s door. Madison managed to get her senses together to say goodbye, while her mind followed the train of thought started by Holly where she and Rob made beautiful babies.

  “Want to go make beautiful babies?” Rob asked as they exited the building and walked to his car. “Or maybe you’ll settle for me buying you lunch.”

  “Lunch would be great.” But not as great as making beautiful babies. She kept the last part of her thoughts to herself. “Although I should be starving myself to lose a couple of pounds since my mom is due in tomorrow.”

  “You look incredible just the way you are,” Rob complimented her as they got in the SUV. “Doesn’t she see you for you?”

  “Oh, she sees me for me. That’s the prob
lem. Growing up she’d have hidden me away in a closet if she had the chance. But everyone knew she had a daughter, so I was made to attend all the events that needed my mom to present a happy family image.”

  “And your family wasn’t happy?” He gave her a sympathetic smile.

  “No, not one of us. But we learned to deal with it for the most part.” She pointed out of the window. “There is an amazing pizza place a mile down there.”

  “Then let’s go and eat pizza.” He swung the SUV down the street and headed in the direction Madison pointed. As they drove, she thought back over her childhood. All her happiness revolved around her interactions with Joe. Her happiest memories all included him.

  Had her mom also found happiness with her bodyguard? As she glanced sideways at Rob, it occurred to her that if that was true, history was repeating itself. Because Rob made her happy. Not that she wasn’t happy before he entered her life. But since she’d met him yesterday, she’d enjoyed his warmth and charm. He magnified her happiness, made it more vibrant.

  “You are deep in thought.” Rob pulled into the small parking lot outside Papa’s Pizza. It was where she came when she wanted good, delicious comfort food.

  “I was thinking of my mom and Joe. I was wondering if she had found happiness at last.” She half turned to Rob as she unbuckled her seatbelt. “I don’t think I can pinpoint a memory where I could say she was happy. Isn’t that sad?”

  “It is. But maybe she’s changed, maybe her relationship with Joe evolved into something new. You said your dad left, so maybe that gave them the space to identify their feelings for each other and act on them.” Rob’s suggestion made sense.

  But it still didn’t answer the question of why they were coming to visit, and why Evan tried to kidnap Madison.

  She would just have to wait and see what tomorrow brought her way. In the meantime, she was simply happy fate, or whatever force was responsible, had brought Rob into her life.

  Because when she looked back, she would pinpoint today as one of the happiest in her life.

  Chapter Fourteen – Rob

  “Hey, how are you?” Rob asked Ray as he sat down on the sofa in Madison’s apartment. She’d gone to wipe off her makeup and change into something more comfortable.

  “I’m okay. You know.” Ray didn’t sound okay.

  “And the boys?” Rob asked.

  There was a long silence, but he didn’t push Ray to talk, he let her have the time she needed to tell him what was wrong. “They miss their dad.”

  “Did something happen?” Guilt swept over Rob. He should be there for them.

  “We went hiking in the mountains, and there was a father teaching his kids to climb. I could just see it in their faces, how much they want Colm to be the one who does all that kind of dad stuff.” She sniffed loudly. “I know I’m as capable as anyone to teach them this stuff, but it doesn’t make it any easier. It doesn’t make us miss him any less.”

  Her words were running on as if she couldn’t stop them and Rob wanted to reach down the phone and hold his sister. “I’ll be back soon,” he promised.

  “How is your job going?” Ray asked, switching the conversation onto Rob.

  “Good. Really good.” How could he talk about how wonderful it was to finally meet his mate when Ray was mourning her own true love? “I was supposed to protect a model from a kidnapper, but as I arrived, she was dealing with it herself.”

  “Sounds like quite a woman.” Ray paused. “So she’s the one. Your mate.”

  “She is.” Rob should be sharing his joy and excitement with Ray. They had grown up close, never really arguing like so many of his high school friends argued with their siblings. Ray was as much his best friend as his sister. Yet he could not share this with her. Not yet. Maybe not ever.

  Ray let out a long breath. “I’m so happy for you, Rob.”

  “Ray, I…”

  “Don’t you dare apologize,” Ray said fiercely. “If anyone deserves happiness, it’s you.”

  “Thanks, Ray.” He wanted to tell her he could never truly be happy while she was miserable. But that wouldn’t help his sister. She had enough to deal with without Rob adding a dollop of guilt on the side. “I’d love to meet her.”

  “I’ll bring her to Bear Creek as soon as I can.” He looked over his shoulder and lowered his voice. “She doesn’t know about shifters. She doesn’t know about the mating bond.”

  “Does she know how you feel about her?” Ray’s tight voice hid her own anguish.

  “Yes, but we talked about it as love at first sight.” He sighed. “She has enough going on without me telling her I can shift into a bear.”

  “She has something more important in her life than you telling her you two are mates and you will love her for eternity?” Ray asked, an edge to her voice Rob had never heard before.

  “She was nearly kidnapped yesterday, twice,” Rob said, wanting to defend his mate, but not hurt his sister.

  “I thought you said that was dealt with?” Ray’s voice still had the same edge. Rob wished he was there with her so he could talk to her face to face and explain things properly.

  “The who is dealt with, but not the why,” Rob explained. “And so her mom is coming to visit tomorrow.”

  “Her mom. Who is the person who hired you?” Ray’s voice seemed more interested than hostile now.

  “Yes, I get the feeling there is something in her past that triggered the kidnapping attempt on Madison. Something Madison doesn’t know. Her version of events is different from the guy who tried to kidnap her.” Rob ran his hand over his short hair. “When did life get so complicated, Ray?”

  “Yeah, if only we could turn back the clock to when we were kids. Everything seemed so easy…” Her voice hitched and she stifled a sob. “But my kids don’t get to live that kind of innocent life, their childhood, their lives, will always be marred by what happened.”

  “I think that mirrors Madison’s life, too. Her mom is a diplomat who didn’t have time for a child. She was too busy going off and playing politics to see her daughter needed love and attention.” Rob hadn’t realized how much he blamed Madison’s mom.

  “Are you going to tell her that when you see her tomorrow?” Ray asked.

  “You want me to tell Ambassador Singer exactly what I think of her?” Rob asked lightly. “I’d likely kiss my job goodbye. She might be Madison’s mom, but she’s also a client.”

  “Ambassador Singer. Mrs. Singer?” Ray asked.

  “You know her?” Although Rob couldn’t think of where his sister would have met a woman like Mrs. Singer before.

  “I spoke to her after…after Colm.” Ray could hardly say her mate’s name.

  “She spoke to you about Colm? About the explosion?” Rob asked, his attention fixed on every word Ray spoke.

  “Yes, she said she was sorry about what happened and that she would make sure the children and I were looked after.” Ray took a deep, shuddering breath. “I remember asking her if they were certain he was in the vehicle…because, you know, he might have…”

  “And she said yes?” Rob asked.

  “She said she’d studied the footage of the explosion herself. One of the soldiers in the vehicle behind had a body cam. She said there was no sign that anyone got out…alive.” Ray broke down and sobbed.

  “Hey, Ray. Come on, please.” His voice caught in his throat as he tried to comfort his sister. “Did you ask if he…did you ask if there was any chance something flew out of the vehicle?”

  “How could I?” Ray asked, her heartbreak tangible. “What if they thought I had gone crazy with grief and they took the children away?”

  “I understand.” Rob looked up, he hadn’t realized Madison had entered the room. He’d been so caught up in talking to Ray he hadn’t sensed her approach. How much had she heard?

  “You’re talking about my mom.” Madison came around to sit in the chair across the room from him.

  “I’m talking to Ray, my sister. She’s just tol
d me your mom spoke to her after the… After her mate…husband was killed in an explosion while serving in the Special Forces.” Rob watched Madison’s confused expression.

  “My mom is involved with the Special Forces?” Madison asked. “Are you sure?”

  Rob nodded. “I should go, Ray, I’ll call you again tomorrow.”

  “Okay, Rob. And congratulations. No matter what, I am happy for you.” The call ended and for a moment, Rob simply stared at the phone, not sure what to say or do. The news that Madison’s mom was involved with Special Forces operations had come as a surprise to Madison, but the connection shocked Rob.

  “What’s going on?” Madison asked as she pushed herself out of her seat and came to sit next to Rob. “Is this why you are here? You wanted to use me to access my mother?”

  “No.” Rob shook his head and took hold of Madison’s hand. “I had no idea Ray had spoken to your mom until a couple of minutes ago.”

  “And I had no idea my mom was involved with Special Forces until a couple of minutes ago. I guess we’re even.” She pressed her lips together, looking upset. “She always told me she hated war and that’s why she did the job she did, to try to prevent war. It was the one thing I respected about her.”

  “Sometimes we have to go to war,” Ray said gently.

  “I understand that. But I could forgive her not being there for me because she was out trying to save the world, trying to find diplomatic solutions.” She pulled her hand away from Rob and stood up. “It makes me wonder what else I don’t know about my mom.”

  “Hey, I’m sure there is a solid explanation.” He followed her into the kitchen.

  “I need coffee.” Her hand shook as she picked up the coffee pot and began making fresh coffee.

  “Your mom has access to the images of…” Rob didn’t really know where he was going with this. Madison was already upset about her mom, was it right to ask more of her?


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