Invaders of the Rokujouma!? Volume 9

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Invaders of the Rokujouma!? Volume 9 Page 7

by Takehaya

  Koutarou really had no idea what the current situation in Forthorthe was like. He knew that Theia was in a dangerous position, but he didn’t fully understand the extent of that danger. He had no idea how Ruth getting married might affect that, or how her refusal might either. He had nothing to go off of in that regard. He hadn’t run through the current Forthorthe with Ruth like he’d run through it in the past with Alaia.

  “So if we tell her not to get married without considering what that really might mean, she could end up in a terrible position. And what would we even be able to do for her if that happened? Could we take responsibility after forcing Ruth’s hand?”

  What Koutarou feared was that their emotional responses to the matter would lead Ruth and Theia down an even more difficult path. Moreover, if they encouraged her to turn down the proposal, what could they possibly offer her in return? If they screwed this up, Ruth and Theia would suffer for it back home, especially in Theia’s fight for the throne. Koutarou was worried that if he spoke his mind, it might unfairly sway Ruth’s decision.

  This is for the best. Isn’t that right, Princess Alaia...?

  Koutarou’s own decision was influenced by his experiences in Forthorthe of the past. He’d seen firsthand what happened when national powers clashed. And he’d seen what effect it had on Alaia, who was caught in the middle of it all.

  Alaia prioritized the happiness of her citizens over her own. Koutarou carried her wish on his shoulders even now. The weight of Signaltin and the wooden insignia he’d brought home was far from light. He wanted Ruth and Theia to be happy, but he was also concerned for the consequences anything rash might have on Forthorthe. If anything, Koutarou had simply made the decision he thought Alaia would have.


  Shizuka’s anger now completely vanished as she came to the realization that Koutarou was being even more considerate of Ruth and Theia than she’d been. Her enraged expression was replaced by a guilty one. She felt badly for only thinking about the here and now.

  “I think of Ruth as more than just a friend. I think of her as someone important to me. That’s why I’ll support her no matter what she decides. But this is a decision that she has to make for herself. It’s her life, after all, and I don’t want her to have any regrets...”

  In the end, Ruth had to be the one to decide her own fate. Koutarou had no intention of forcing her hand in that. This wasn’t like deciding what to have for dinner. However, regardless of what Ruth chose, Koutarou was planning on protecting her and her master, Theia. He wanted to protect their futures. He’d returned to room 106 from Forthorthe in order to do just that. Signaltin and the insignia he carried were proof of that.

  It was now past 10 PM, and there was hardly any traffic left on the road. The temperature was steadily dropping, and the chill in the night air was piercing. The squeaking sound of metal rubbing up against metal could be heard from a small park not far from Corona House.


  The sound was coming from the chains of the swing that Ruth was sitting on as she absentmindedly swung back and forth. It was a horribly lonely sound that could easily be mistaken for a child’s wailing sobs at a distance. It muffled the sounds of Ruth’s own crying as it echoed throughout the empty park.

  “ I...”

  Ruth still felt like she was drowning in the sadness that overflowed from within her. It was so intense that she felt like she’d just collapse on the spot if it weren’t for the swing.


  Ruth wanted Koutarou to object to her arranged marriage, whatever his reason might be. She didn’t mind if he didn’t think of her as a woman. She would have been okay if he’d only objected as a friend, or even a companion or roommate. She just wanted him to say that he didn’t want her to leave.


  But now all that was on her mind was a strong yearning for Koutarou, and the equally strong sadness that accompanied it. Ruth had only realized that she truly wanted Koutarou to treat her as a woman after hearing his answer. She felt so strongly for Koutarou that she couldn’t help wishing for it.

  “How could I have been... so foolish?”

  She wouldn’t mind if Koutarou became Theia’s partner, but she at least wanted him to acknowledge her. She wanted him to compliment her cooking or her outfit. Anything.

  “...I can’t really say.”

  But Koutarou’s answer was quite different from what Ruth had hoped for. It was just too much for her to take. It was too sad. It wasn’t like she wanted him to confess his love for her, but she at least wanted him to show a sign that he cared. That was all she really needed. But he hadn’t even given her that much to go on. That was why she was so devastated to hear his answer.

  As she contemplated it now, the squeaking sound of the swing grew louder. It was the sound of a second swing overlapping with Ruth’s. She was so absorbed in her thoughts that she didn’t notice it at first, but when she looked up to wipe away some of her tears, she caught a glance of something golden in the corner of her eye. Someone had taken a seat on the swing next to her.

  “Your Highness...”

  It was indeed Theia. Seeing that Ruth had finally noticed her, Theia flashed a small smile.

  “...So both master and servant have made the same mistake, huh?”

  Theia had temporarily lost sight of Ruth after leaving the apartment, but she had managed to find her by tracking the signal her bracelet emitted. And after catching up with her at the park, she decided to join her on the swings.

  With a second swing in motion, the squeaking had doubled. Strangely enough, however, it seemed less lonely that way. It eased the pain in Ruth’s heart, even if only a little. She was happy that Theia had come after her.

  “Hear me out, Ruth.”

  Theia smiled at Ruth again as she swung on her swing. It wasn’t a happy smile, but rather an embarrassed one.

  “Lately... I’ve had my head in the clouds. Somehow I’d completely forgotten that I was an alien, and I was fantasizing... about a future with Koutarou.”

  Theia would claim room 106 and make Koutarou swear loyalty to her. She would then take Koutarou back to Forthorthe with her, and they would continue about their lives there no differently than they had on Earth. And one day, she would become empress with Koutarou and Ruth by her side. At that point, she and Koutarou might even be married. That was what Theia had dreamed of.

  “I’ve... been doing the same thing...”

  Ruth had been dreaming of her future too. As she imagined it, she would follow Theia and Koutarou, one step behind them. Every now and then, they would turn around and give her a smile. And when Theia and Koutarou got married, Ruth would give them her blessing and they would continue their lives together. In the end, Theia and Ruth had the same dream.

  “However... if I’m to marry Koutarou, I would have to be prepared to discontinue the Mastir family lineage.”

  Theia and Koutarou were from completely different parts of the universe. They could both be called human, but they were completely different species from completely different planets. The chances of them being able to have a child together were close to none. It was rare enough to find even closely related species on Earth that could produce young together. And considering that Theia and Koutarou were aliens to each other, such a prospect was nigh impossible, regardless of how similar they might look. So if they were to get married, it would spell the end of the Mastir family bloodline.

  “That’s... Yes...”

  It wasn’t until Theia mentioned it that Ruth even considered that problem. Like Theia, she had simply begun thinking of Koutarou as any other normal man from Forthorthe.

  “And what’s more, he would have to forsake his homeland to come with us. He would even have to accept that he could never have a family of his own.”

  If Theia were to bring Koutarou home as a knight, it would mean giving up his home and everything he knew. And without the ability to procreate, Koutarou would never even ha
ve a family in Forthorthe. He would be there all alone.

  “No matter how strongly I feel for him, in the end, I am an alien here...”

  “So is... that why you’ve been feeling so down the past few days?”

  If Theia were to have Koutarou become her knight and return home to Forthorthe with her, she would have to accept what that would mean for him. In other words, she would have to bring Koutarou with her knowing that she’d be cutting him off from everything. In her heart, Theia knew that would be a mistake, and that was what had been troubling her recently.

  “That’s right. But Ruth... isn’t it the same for you?”

  “Yes... I forgot that I was an alien and wanted Satomi-sama to stop me like he would anyone else...”

  Ruth nodded. She was in the same predicament Theia was. She hadn’t really considered the consequences of the things she wanted most.

  I see... So that’s why Satomi-sama...

  It was only thinking that far ahead that Ruth was able to understand why Koutarou had chosen not to say anything. It wasn’t out of indifference. It was out of concern. He’d thought the problem through even more than she had.

  “However, Koutarou still won’t stop you.”

  Theia smiled as she thought about Koutarou. It was a gentle, bittersweet smile—the kind you would only show in front of a close sibling. Right now, Theia perfectly understood Koutarou’s feelings.

  “He might say a lot of things, and he’s without a doubt an alien, but... he’s an invaluable knight of Forthorthe. He would never do anything irresponsible... He wants us to make the best choice...”


  Ruth was an alien to Koutarou. Koutarou couldn’t say anything one way or another about her arranged marriage since he didn’t understand Forthorthian culture. Anything he did say would just be dominated by his emotions. That was the response Ruth wanted to hear, but that didn’t sit well Koutarou, which was why he’d said something that had been mistaken for indifference.

  But the truth was really the opposite. Koutarou was quite concerned about Ruth and her affairs. That was why, after thinking things through, he’d chosen to stay silent on the matter. It was for her own good.

  Upon realizing that, a heavy burden was lifted off of Ruth’s shoulders. However, it was still only about half of what was weighing her down. She was still shackled by the reality that Koutarou was—and always would be—out of her reach.

  “If he was just... a little more selfish and didn’t think of the consequences... this might be easier on us both...”

  “...But if that were case, Your Highness, neither of us would need Satomi-sama this much.”

  Theia and Ruth wished for Koutarou to become Theia’s vassal because they believed he was an ideal knight, surpassing even the Blue Knight. And because he was an ideal knight, he wouldn’t ever say anything that might jeopardize either Theia or Ruth’s position. In other words, the part of Koutarou that they valued most was precisely why he couldn’t give them exactly what they wanted.

  “I guess that’s to be expected from the man we love...”

  “Yes, I’m afraid so...”

  It was a serious dilemma for the two girls, and there was no solution in sight. At a loss, they continued swinging together. Even as the clock ticked passed midnight and the rest of the neighborhood fell dead quiet, the sound of squeaking chains could still be heard coming from the park.

  The Day Without Ruth

  Wednesday, February 10th

  Today, the aroma of breakfast cooking was already filling room 106 by the time Koutarou woke up. It was the familiar smell of miso soup and broiled fish, just like any other morning.

  “Koutarou woke up, ho!”

  “He’s been getting better at waking up lately, ho!”

  “...Good morning, Karama, Korama.”

  However, something was slightly different than usual. These past few months, it had been Theia or Ruth’s job to wake Koutarou in the morning. Normally Ruth would do it, but every now and then Theia would accidentally step on him. Today, however, it was Karama and Korama that roused him.

  I wonder if something happened...

  Having just woken up, Koutarou’s brain was still only working at half power and he sleepily looked around the room. It was so natural for him to be woken up by Theia or Ruth that he instinctively scanned the room for them.

  Only Kiriha-san is here...?

  All Koutarou saw were the two haniwas in front of him, Kiriha making breakfast in the kitchen, and Sanae’s sleeping face sticking out of his chest. There was no sign of Theia, who would usually elegantly be drinking tea right about now, or of Ruth, who would be helping Kiriha in the kitchen. It wasn’t just that they hadn’t woken him up. It appeared they weren’t there at all.

  “...Where are Theia and Ruth-san?” Koutarou asked the two haniwas as he rubbed his tired eyes.

  The haniwas jumped up and down on his covers and raised their hands above their heads.

  “Theia-chan and Ruth-chan are on Blue Knight, ho!”

  “They said that Ruth-chan’s fiancé is coming, ho!”

  “Oh yeah, now that you mention it, they did say something about that...”

  It had been two days since Ruth had gotten the video letter from her parents. Normally it took several days to travel between Forthorthe and Earth by spaceship. It was such a vast distance that it couldn’t be covered in just two days, even with the latest technology. However, it seemed Ruth’s eager fiancé had departed from Forthorthe even before her parents had contacted her.

  It sure is a lonely feeling not to be able to see the usual faces in the morning...

  Kiriha was preparing breakfast on her own. The sound of a kitchen knife striking a chopping board filled the apartment, but all else was quiet. There wasn’t the sound of Ruth’s slippers against the floor as she moved around to help Kiriha, or Theia’s tea cup occasionally being set on its matching saucer. Without them, the apartment even sounded different than usual this morning. Koutarou remarked how melancholic it felt with two people missing.

  “So you’re awake, Koutarou.”

  Noticing that Koutarou had woken up, Kiriha poked her face in from the hallway.

  “Ruth’s not here this morning, so breakfast is going to take a little longer.”

  With those words, Kiriha smiled wryly and returned to the kitchen. Koutarou wasn’t just seeing things when he thought that Kiriha looked a little lonely too. She seemed particularly invested in what was going on with Ruth.

  If Ruth-san gets married, this is probably how every day will be...

  Koutarou recalled that he’d felt something similar when the trouble with Kiriha had surfaced. Today, with Kiriha present and Ruth gone, was sort of the inverse of that situation.

  If Ruth were to vanish from room 106, there would be no one to prepare tea for everyone. And without that as an excuse, Theia would likely appear much less frequently too. It would be a sad, lonely thing indeed.

  That’s right... It’s thanks to everyone that I can enjoy each day to its fullest...

  For a moment, Koutarou imagined what it would be like to be left all alone in room 106. No ghost haunting the apartment, no freeloader living in the wardrobe, no underground passage beneath one of the tatami mats, and no glowing wall leading to a spaceship. It would be a completely normal apartment, just like when he had first moved in. But now the thought of that was horribly lonely. The day after he moved in, the invading girls had appeared one after another. At first, he spent all his time desperately trying to chase them out, but he had started to enjoy their company before he even realized it.

  In that case... There was at least one thing I should have said to Ruth...

  When Ruth had asked for Koutarou’s opinion, he hadn’t answered her. He did so because he believed that it was the right thing to do, but reflecting on the apartment without two of its regular figures, he started to think that he’d been too quiet.

  “Mmm... Koutarou, is it morning already?”

  It seemed Sanae had finally woken up too. She sat up out of Koutarou’s chest and rubbed her eyes.

  “Yeah, but breakfast won’t be for a while longer, so you can sleep a little more.”


  Sanae leaned back into Koutarou and closed her eyes again.

  “Koutarou, it’s a little colder than normal, so pump yourself up and make it warm.”

  “...I’ll see what I can do.”

  “Mmmkay... Thanks...”

  After closing her eyes, Sanae quickly fell back to sleep. Koutarou couldn’t help but smile a little as he watched over her using his body as a sleeping bag.

  “I see... So my insides are colder than normal, huh?”

  It seemed Koutarou was feeling even lonelier than he thought with Ruth and Theia gone.

  Meanwhile, Ruth and Theia were standing on Blue Knight’s landing deck. They were preparing to receive Ruth’s fiancé. Since Blue Knight was by far the larger ship, Ruth’s fiancé was going to dock with them.

  “So this is the young scion of DKI...”

  Theia narrowed her eyes like she was appraising Ruth’s fiancé as he emerged from his ship once it landed on the internal deck. He was a young man who appeared to be in his early twenties. He was the young CEO of the famous mega-corporation Dragon Knight Industries.

  Dragon Knight Industries, or DKI for short, was a company founded many years ago by a descendent of the Melcemheins. Since the founder had the scale of an elder dragon as an heirloom, it was said that he was given the title of Dragon Knight. At first DKI had started as a trading company, but as generations passed, it began expanding into other businesses, including commercial enterprises. The company eventually got into manufacturing and started producing its own goods. That significantly increased profit margins, and growth exploded as a result. Nowadays, DKI was one of the biggest and most well known companies in Forthorthe, and their empire was expanding on a daily basis.


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