Invaders of the Rokujouma!? Volume 9

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Invaders of the Rokujouma!? Volume 9 Page 9

by Takehaya

  “There’s something that I wanted to apologize to you for.”

  Koutarou, however, was the same as ever. He carried his bag with his usual carefree expression, and walked along at the same leisurely pace he always did. That threw Ruth off.


  Upon hearing that word, Ruth showed a stern expression.

  Could it be that he doesn’t want to become Her Highness’s vassal...?

  There weren’t many things Ruth could think of that Koutarou might want to apologize for. The first thing that popped into her head was that perhaps he’d finally decided whether or not he would serve Theia. And since that was a matter of utmost importance, her expression naturally turned serious.


  Koutarou nodded and began talking about what had been bothering him.

  “It’s about the arranged marriage you asked me about two days ago.”


  Koutarou brought up something that Ruth hadn’t expected.

  It’s about that...?

  At this point, she was fully convinced that he’d wanted to talk to her about something else altogether.

  “Back then, I... I didn’t think there was anything I could to say to you, but later on I realized that there was something I should have said.”

  “Satomi-sama... I...”

  Realizing the harshness had faded from her voice and her serious expression had melted away, Ruth quickly tried to recompose herself.

  “So first and foremost, I’d like to apologize. I’m sorry, Ruth-san. I hadn’t thought things through back then.”

  Koutarou looked Ruth right in the eyes as he apologized.

  “I-I see...”

  Confused, Ruth nodded her head. Seeing that, Koutarou couldn’t help smiling wryly.

  I really should have thought about us a little more. I’m sorry, Ruth-san.

  Koutarou realized how immature he was as he looked at Ruth. He could see a striking similarity between the anxious Ruth of two days ago and the confused Ruth that stood before him now.

  “This is... something I’d like you to keep to yourself.”

  As Koutarou said that, he looked away from Ruth and up into the winter sky. It was clear and seemed to spread out forever.

  “I lost my mother early on, so me and my dad lived together, just the two of us. And about a year ago, my dad’s transfer was decided... It was just after I had gotten accepted to Kisshouharukaze High, so I ended up staying here and living on my own.”

  A lone, small cloud drifted across the otherwise empty sky. That was how Koutarou had first felt living on his own in such a big city.

  “Or at least, I was supposed to. It didn’t really work out that way, because the day after I moved in, everyone attacked.”

  Four girls had shown up to claim Corona House’s humble room 106. In order to protect his apartment, Koutarou ended up having to fight. The girls had all kinds of different goals and personalities, so those were very chaotic days.


  Ruth didn’t know why Koutarou was bringing this up, but based on how he was behaving, she could tell that it was very important to him. She held back her questions and listened to what he had to say.

  “That was ten months ago.”

  Koutarou counted them out on his fingers and smiled at Ruth.

  “A lot’s sure happened since then, hasn’t it?”


  All kinds of memories flashed through Ruth’s mind when he said that. Sanae being kidnapped. Theia being attacked by Clan. The underground dwellers rebelling against Kiriha. The plays. The Christmas party and ski trip. All of it came flooding back to her in an instant, and that wasn’t even including her trivial but precious day-to-day memories.

  “And... I’ve only just realized it, but it’s all thanks to you and everyone else that I’ve really been able to enjoy these past ten months.”

  The past ten months had been all kinds of trouble for Koutarou. But it wasn’t until recently that, looking back on it, he realized that they were all fond memories. After getting to know the girls, every day he spent with them was a good one. Now he could say with confidence that they were what made his life special. They were the reason he’d been happy all this time.

  While he couldn’t say it to Yurika or Sanae since it’d just go to their heads, it was the truth. And it was that truth that had been his motivation to return home from past Forthorthe. He wanted to fulfill the girls’ wishes and protect this everyday life.


  Koutarou’s words sunk into Ruth’s chest, and her heart began racing wildly. Her mind went blank and try as she might, she couldn’t think of anything. The pounding of her heart began to break down the wall that had been built around it.

  Oh no, if I listen to any more of this, I’ll...

  Ruth’s brain started to flash a red alert, but she could barely hear it over her pounding heartbeat.

  “Ruth-san, I don’t know what these past ten months have meant to you, but if you’re worried about your marriage, I want you to choose whatever you believe will bring you the most happiness.”

  Koutarou was grateful for the invading girls, including Ruth, so he wanted each and every day of her life to be as happy as his was. Whether she got married or not, he wanted her to do whatever brought her that happiness.

  “And so it doesn’t matter to me what you choose, so long as you’re happy. And to that end, I’ll support you regardless of what that choice is.”

  That was Koutarou’s ultimate decision. The way he saw it, he was simply repaying the love and kindness he’d received.

  “So do what makes you happy. Choose the path you won’t regret later. If you want to know what I think, that’s it... No, it’s what I wish.”

  If Ruth was anxious about her marriage, then he would try to think of a way to ease that anxiety. If she wanted to decline the proposal, that was fine too. If that happened, Koutarou would do whatever he could to protect Theia and Ruth. He might even become Theia’s vassal as Ruth had suggested. Or he could discuss it with the other girls and come up with a better solution.

  Since Koutarou wasn’t knowledgeable about modern Forthorthe, he didn’t want to say anything that would unfairly sway Ruth’s decision. But still, he wanted her to choose whatever made her happy. And no matter what she chose, he would respect that choice and support her. That was Koutarou’s answer.

  He also felt like this was his way of honoring Alaia’s Signaltin and Charl’s insignia. What Alaia wanted to protect wasn’t Signaltin; rather, she wanted to use the sword to protect the happiness of her people. And Charl, who also advocated the people’s happiness, had given him a handmade insignia of rank as a sign of his loyalty to Alaia and her beliefs. And now, if he was still going to uphold their wishes and honor their memories, it was his duty to protect Ruth and Theia’s happiness.


  If Ruth’s only worry had been about the arranged marriage, she would probably decline it now. Koutarou’s new answer far exceeded anything she’d hoped for when she originally asked him.

  “And what’s more, he would have to forsake his homeland to come with us. He would even have to accept that he could never have a family of his own.”

  However, Ruth remembered Theia’s words.

  If I wish to live my life with Satomi-sama, he would surely oblige me... but that would make him unhappy... and I can’t let that happen!

  Ruth wanted Koutarou to live with a smile on his face too, just as she did Theia. And that was enough to keep her from declining her marriage and pursuing what she truly wanted.

  “...Is that all?”

  Ruth desperately tried to keep her feelings from showing through and responded to Koutarou in a calm voice. She even gritted her teeth to keep herself from smiling.


  Koutarou didn’t think it was strange for Ruth to wear such a serious expression. If anything, he expected it after what he’d said to her the othe
r day. He knew he’d really wounded her.

  “Then I’ll be taking my leave. I have to make preparations for my guest after this.”

  Ruth bowed her head while maintaining her stern expression and hurriedly turned away from Koutarou. She felt like she would be unable to contain herself if she stayed with him any longer.

  Your Highness... Your Highness, this must be what you felt...

  Ruth was finally able to understand the feelings her petite master held inside.

  “Excuse me.”

  After a terse farewell, Ruth walked quickly away.

  Everything is okay... I was able to pull it off...

  Ruth felt a deep sense of relief. She’d been able to hold it together, and Koutarou wouldn’t have to be unhappy. That relief, however, distracted her just enough that she failed to pay attention to her footing. The toe of her shoe caught the lip of some cracked pavement in her path.


  Since she was hurrying along, she was walking so fast that she tumbled towards the ground a frightening speed. If she hit the sidewalk at this rate, she was going to be in for a world of hurt.

  But that never happened. Someone caught her before she met the pavement, and Ruth knew who it was immediately. The size of his hands, the sensation she felt being held by his arms, and the warmth coming from them... It was all familiar to her.


  “Are you okay, Ruth-san?”

  It was Koutarou. And as she stared up at him, Ruth came to understand something.

  It’s you... I knew it... You’re the only one for me...

  Ruth’s view of Koutarou’s smiling face was quickly obscured by her tears. She simply couldn’t hold them in anymore when she realized he was the one holding her. She felt like staying this way with him forever. The secure feeling of his arms, the warmth of his body heat... It all made her heart cry out for him.

  Our place is here... If I stay here, I will be happy... Her Highness surely will be too... We would definitely be happy here...

  And her heart crying out destroyed any last barrier she had set up to keep her emotions in check.

  That’s right... I don’t want anyone but him. It’s not that I hate El-sama, I just can’t live without Satomi-sama...!

  But even then, Ruth tried to get away from him. She poured her failing strength into her arms to push Koutarou away.

  “L-Let me go! Please, Satomi-sama! At this rate, I’ll... I’ll...!”


  Surprised by Ruth suddenly starting to struggle, Koutarou let go of her. And since he didn’t understand why she was crying, he stopped moving.

  “Why do you do this to my heart?! Why?! Even though I know I can’t go on like this! Even though I had decided to give up!”

  Having escaped from Koutarou’s arms, Ruth took off at full speed and didn’t look back. She knew if she did, she would make the wrong decision. The wall around her heart had completely collapsed and her overflowing emotions were now escaping through her eyes as tears that scattered with each step she took.

  Satomi-sama! Satomi-sama, I...!

  Ruth ran as fast as she could away from Koutarou, but her heart was still with him.

  Ruth retreated to Theia’s private room aboard the Blue Knight. Other than room 106, there weren’t a lot of places she could run to as an alien. In the end, she turned to her childhood friend.

  “Y-Your Highness... U-Ugh, uwaaaaaaaah!”

  “Ruth?! What’s happened to you?”

  Upon seeing Ruth barging into her room and collapsing to the floor in tears, Theia dropped what she was doing and ran to her side.

  “I’m sorry, Your Highness. I’m so sorry!”

  Her shoulders slumped, Ruth sat on the floor with her head lowered as she continued to cry. She looked like she might just huddle up into a ball.

  “Just what are you apologizing for? I can’t understand if you just cry, so explain it to me!”

  Theia knelt down next to Ruth. As she did, Ruth planted her hands on the carpet and pushed herself up to look at Theia. There was no trace of her normally kind, gentle expression in her sad, tear-streaked face.

  “I already know! Thinking of the future, it would be best for me to marry El-sama! And I know that Satomi-sama would be happiest if we left him on Earth!”

  Ruth threw everything at Theia. There was no need to hold back with her closest friend.

  “B-But I understand now! It’s not just that simple! He’s the only one for me! No one else will do!”


  Upon hearing Ruth’s words, Theia revealed a solemn smile. She was painfully aware of what Ruth was talking about. She’d been through the same thing herself.

  “Even though I know that accepting this marriage would be a boon to you! Even though bringing him to Forthorthe would make him unhappy! Even then... Even then, I...”

  Ruth’s tears dotted the carpet as she sobbed. She ran her fingers over the tiny wet spots and then fervently clenched her fists.

  “I want to feel his... I want to feel Satomi-sama’s warmth myself!”

  Reason dictated that the best choice for Ruth was to marry Elexis and leave Koutarou behind on Earth. But Ruth’s heart scorned that logic. What her brain told her was good for her and what her heart told her she wanted were at complete odds with each other, and the constant fighting between them was tearing her apart. She wanted to scream.

  “No matter what I might say, I can’t pretend like I don’t love him...”

  Theia lovingly unclenched Ruth’s fingers, one at a time, and took her hand. She held it in her own and gently stroked it.

  “Your Highness, I-I’m truly... sorry...”

  “I don’t mind. I understand those feelings all too well...”

  Still embracing Ruth’s hand, Theia gently smiled at Ruth the same way she did for her when she was sad. Theia continued to sit with her just like that until she stopped crying.

  “Still... I am a little envious of you.”


  Ruth instinctively looked up upon hearing those words, and her eyes met Theia’s. She was surprised, but Theia was smiling. This was quite a reversal of their usual situation.

  “You already have your answer. All that’s left is to make the leap. But... I can’t take such a bold step myself. So... I am a little envious of you...”

  Ruth was born to a distinguished family of knights with a long history, so continuing that lineage was important. But it was even more serious in Theia’s case. Choosing Koutarou as her partner would mean the end of a royal bloodline. And Theia’s family—the Mastir family—could be traced back even to before the time of the Silver Princess, making it the oldest in Forthorthe. Their lineage coming to an end would be considered a grievous loss to the country. As such, Theia still couldn’t bring herself to commit to making a decision.

  “But it’s all about perspective. If you choose to live with Koutarou, it wouldn’t be such a bad future for me...”

  “Your Highness...”

  Upon her birth, Theia was given the golden shackle that was a princess’s crown. Though it was golden, it still weighed heavily on her.

  Even after she dried her tears, Ruth didn’t return to room 106. Facing Koutarou would still be too painful for her. Her dinner with Elexis was also delayed until the next day as she had been unable to make any preparations. So without much else to do for the night, Ruth headed to Blue Knight’s hangar. She was planning on performing maintenance on Koutarou’s armor.

  Ruth had now made up her mind about the arranged marriage. She knew she couldn’t go through with it. That said, it wasn’t like she could just decline it. She would have to meet with Elexis’s parents and apologize to them personally. It wasn’t something that could be settled by sending a single message to her own parents. So regardless of how this worked out, Ruth would at least temporarily be returning to Forthorthe.

  That left a question of who would protect Theia. Ruth wasn’t just Theia’s retainer;
she was also her bodyguard. So though temporary, while Ruth was gone, there would be no one to watch over Theia. Since she couldn’t allow that, Ruth was planning on finishing up the armor’s maintenance and asking Koutarou to take the job. In the end, he was the only one that Ruth felt comfortable entrusting her princess to.

  A blue set of armor was standing upright in the maintenance section of the hangar. It kept its balance and posture thanks to the onboard computer, and standing there on its own, it didn’t look too much different from how it did while Koutarou was wearing it.

  The Blue Knight’s armor, huh...? If only Satomi-sama were the real Blue Knight...

  Ruth let out a small sigh as she looked over the armor. To her and Theia, Koutarou was someone who exceeded even the Blue Knight. The legendary Blue Knight probably would protect Theia’s life too, but Koutarou also protected her heart. Ruth didn’t think any other man could be trusted with that. Theia clearly felt the same way, evidenced by the engraving on the front of the armor: “Theiamillis’s Blue Knight.”

  However, that was just between Theia and Ruth. To the people of Forthorthe, Koutarou was just an alien. Since he was from a less developed planet, they would regard him as a Neanderthal, just like Theia once had. That said, if he were to properly become Theia’s vassal, he could be accepted into the Pardomshiha family as their adopted son.

  But they wouldn’t be so accepting of marriage. It would shake the entirety of Forthorthe if Theia were to marry a Neanderthal from a backwater planet like Earth. There was no telling what kind of backlash it might bring. While he didn’t have to be the Blue Knight, things would have been so much simpler if Koutarou had at least been from a family of knights.

  “No... In that case, Her Highness probably wouldn’t have fallen in love with Satomi-sama...”

  Ruth shook her head as that realization set in on her. Theia had fallen in love with Koutarou because they were rivals on equal standing. It was because they could go all out with each other and hold nothing back that Theia had come to love Koutarou. So if Koutarou had been from a family of knights, that likely would have never happened.


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