Invaders of the Rokujouma!? Volume 9

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Invaders of the Rokujouma!? Volume 9 Page 15

by Takehaya

  “But this makes sense. You and Clan-sama traveled to Forthorthe of the past, and you came back with this sword.”

  Ruth was desperately trying to suppress her emotions. If she let her guard down even a little, they would burst forth uncontrollably and she would throw herself at Koutarou. She wouldn’t mind that, but it wouldn’t convey what she wanted to Koutarou. She wanted him to know what she was feeling right now. Just how thankful she was for this miracle.

  “And you erased the data to keep that a secret. It was to prevent Forthorthe from falling into any needless chaos.”

  Ruth looked back up at Koutarou. Her glance was filled with trust and love.

  “All of that leads to a single answer.”

  Ruth felt such bliss that she couldn’t fully express it with words. The future that she thought would be forever out of her reach was now right in front of her. The intensity of that joy made Ruth feel like she might go crazy.

  “And that is that you are the highest ranking knight of Forthorthe, the Blue Knight, His Excellency Layous Fatra Veltlion.”

  All of the clues pointed towards that. The silvery white sword, the damaged armor, his relationship with Clan, his improved skill with the sword. The puzzle pieces all fit together a very specific way, and Ruth saw the bigger picture. Koutarou was Forthorthe’s legendary hero, the Blue Knight.

  “...The highest ranking knight?”

  Those words puzzled Koutarou. Seeing his expression change when he heard them, Ruth was assured and flashed a smile of pure joy.

  “So it... really is the truth...?”


  Koutarou nodded firmly in response to Ruth’s question.

  “Oh... Goddess of the Dawn... I thank you for bestowing me with this miracle...”

  Ruth loved Koutarou. Those feelings had surpassed her admiration for the Blue Knight for quite some time now. But now that she knew that Koutarou and the Blue Knight were one and the same, her admiration for the Blue Knight merged with her feelings for Koutarou. Combined, she now felt more for him than ever.

  “...Your title... of Blue Knight... was affixed as the highest rank... after the war... by Her Majesty Alaia... in honor of your loyalty...”

  The tears from Ruth’s eyes flowed freely, and her sobbing made it hard for her to speak.

  Your Highness... our Blue Knight... is the real one...

  Her trembling hand grasped at her throbbing chest. Through the tears, Ruth did her best to continue speaking. She wanted Koutarou to know just who he was.

  “Ever since, ‘Blue Knight’ has become your personal title. There is no other knight that has inherited the title since. That means the Blue Knight is the leader of the knights. It is a higher rank than my title of Guardian Knight.”

  “The leader of the knights...?”

  Just a moment ago, Ruth had been the one confused, but now the tables had turned. Koutarou was gradually starting to understand the complicated position he was in.

  “Yes. As long as you possess that sword and go by the title of Blue Knight, you have authority in Forthorthe second only to the royal families. Not even the highest standing nobles... No, not even the royal families would have an easy time doing something against you. You are truly... exceptional.”

  Alaia had established special concessions and exceptions for the Blue Knight during her reign. Not only was Veltlion’s special territory still forbidden to enter, but the Blue Knight’s salary was still included in the national budget even two thousand years later. When it came to the law, the Blue Knight had been given special rights that not even the empress could revoke. Alaia had done so to make it possible for Koutarou to return to Forthorthe, even if it was two thousand years in the future.

  “I see... so Her Majesty did that...”

  “Yes. If you so feel like it, you could even order me to die, Master.”

  Ruth put her hand on her chest and smiled as she said that. It was as if she was saying that she’d be willing to die on the spot.

  “I wouldn’t order something like that.”

  “I am aware, Master. Heehee... Heeheehee...”

  Ruth knew that Koutarou would never give such an order. But at the same time, she almost wanted him do to just that. That was just how she felt.

  “By the way... what’s with that ‘Master’ thing?”

  “Master is Master. You are the most important knight of all, so it’s only obvious that I call you that.”

  “I’m not all that great though.”

  “Oh, but you are. What are you saying? Goodness...”

  To Ruth, that was unbearably amusing. The Blue Knight was the most famous general in all of Forthorthe’s long history. Yet here he was, saying that he wasn’t all that great.

  “Heehee, I can’t wait for Her Highness to wake up.”

  Ruth looked at Theia resting on Koutarou’s back, and smiled through her tears.

  “Once Her Highness learns of Satomi-sama’s identity... Heehee.”

  Ruth was almost dying with anticipation to see what kind of expression Theia would make when she learned Koutarou was the Blue Knight.

  “About that... Please don’t tell Theia.”

  “Master?! B-But why?!”

  Koutarou’s words came as a surprise to Ruth. Theia would rejoice to hear the truth, so Ruth was very much so looking forward to telling her.

  “Theia’s dream will be ruined.”

  “That’s not true! Not at all!”

  “And it’s not just that. If both the Blue Knight and Signaltin were to reappear, Forthorthe would be thrown into a state of confusion. The fewer people who know about this, the better.”

  “Her Highness would keep your secret!”

  “It’s... It’s not about whether or not she’ll keep it a secret... It’s that her judgment will be influenced simply by knowing about it.”

  Koutarou trusted Theia and Ruth. They would without a doubt keep his secret. However, Koutarou believed that the fact that he was the Blue Knight and that Signaltin existed would fetter Theia’s decisions. So apart from a situation where it became unavoidable, he had no intention of revealing it on his own. Neither Koutarou nor Alaia wished for that.

  “Her Highness’s judgment...”

  Ruth understood the meaning of that as well. Learning such a big secret that couldn’t be told to anyone would only be an unnecessary risk.

  “I understand...”

  Ruth reluctantly decided to listen to Koutarou. Considering today’s events, it would be for the best to keep her risks as low as possible. Although logic dictated that was the right thing to do, Ruth was very disappointed.

  When Theia woke up, she found herself in familiar surroundings. She was in her private room aboard Blue Knight. Beside her was her childhood friend. It was the same scene she always witnessed when waking up.


  “Good morning, Your Highness.”

  “...What happened?”

  The last thing Theia could remember was being attacked by Elexis’s subordinates and resisting them. She asked Ruth about what happened after that.

  “Before Your Highness could be abducted, Satomi-sama repelled the enemy.”

  “What about Elexis?”

  “He escaped. And he didn’t leave any evidence behind.”

  “I see... So we fell completely into his trap...”

  From that brief talk, Theia had learned everything that she wanted to know. Their efficient communication was probably thanks to the two having spent such a long time together. Moving on from the attack, Theia asked her next question.

  “What about Koutarou?”

  “He is safe. I believe he is eating dinner right now.”

  Ruth had prepared dinner while Theia was asleep. Koutarou’s injuries hadn’t been anything serious, so he was likely eating dinner with everyone else about now.

  “I see... That’s good...”

  Theia’s expression brightened up upon hearing that Koutarou was safe.

  So you really
did come to save me, Koutarou... I’m glad you’re okay...

  Theia had complicated feelings regarding Koutarou, but that wasn’t his fault. She was happy that he had come to save her, and she felt relief to hear that he was safe. What it added up to was that Theia loved Koutarou.

  “Why don’t you go see for yourself?”

  “No, that’s all right...”

  Theia shook her head at Ruth’s suggestion. If she stayed by Koutarou’s side any longer, she would most likely end up making a decision that would make him suffer. Theia wanted to avoid that. Since she loved Koutarou, she wanted him to be as happy as possible.

  “Your Highness...”

  Ruth understood Theia’s feelings quite well. Just a while ago, she had felt the same way. But in the end, she chose Koutarou because she realized that she would be miserable any other way. And now that she knew Koutarou’s secret, she was convinced that she’d made the right decision. Ruth wanted to convey that to Theia somehow. She wanted her to understand that it was okay to love Koutarou.

  I really should tell her... I feel so sorry for Her Highness this way...

  After thinking the matter over, Ruth decided to speak her mind. She sat down on the chair next to the bed and faced Theia.

  “Your Highness, there is one thing I wish to tell you.”

  “What now? And why so formal?”

  Realizing her childhood friend was behaving differently than normal, Theia straightened herself up and turned towards Ruth. As a result, they ended up looking directly at each other.

  “I am well aware of how you’re feeling, Your Highness. And I will say this knowing that.”

  Ruth looked straight into Theia’s eyes and spoke with slow, assured words. They were overflowing with her desire for her childhood friend to be happy.

  “Your Highness, do not hesitate to choose Satomi-sama. Living with him is not a sin in any way. He will surely be of help to the people of Forthorthe.”


  Theia looked at Ruth with earnest eyes as she realized what Ruth was telling her and what it meant. She also knew painfully well how Ruth must have felt to say those words.

  “How can you say that? I myself... can’t find any reason for it...”

  But even with Ruth’s encouragement, Theia couldn’t make her decision. It was already a matter of fact that Koutarou was special to Theia and Ruth, but that wouldn’t be enough to convince the citizens of Forthorthe that he was worth ending the Mastir family bloodline over. That’s what Theia was thinking of.

  “I believe in Satomi-sama. He will surely leave behind a greater legacy than even the legendary Blue Knight.”

  Ruth knew that Koutarou would contribute to Forthorthe even more than the Blue Knight. In reality, he already had. Since Koutarou was the Blue Knight himself, he had already contributed more to Forthorthe than the legends told of. He was even more than qualified to serve as Theia’s partner. If anything, Theia might not be qualified enough for him.

  However, Ruth felt like Theia’s feelings towards Koutarou needed to be developed even further before she learned the truth. If not, she would surely regret it. Based on Theia’s personality, if she were to choose Koutarou because he was the Blue Knight, she would surely regret later that she hadn’t chosen Koutarou because he was Koutarou.

  “Do you believe that Satomi-sama is inferior to the Blue Knight, Your Highness?”

  “Of course not!”

  Theia emphatically shook her head. She believed that Koutarou was the greatest knight. That he surpassed even the Blue Knight. And she wanted everyone else to believe that too.

  “But... But you know he’s an alien! Even if we were to marry, we would never have children! I can never give him a new family!”

  That greatly pained Theia. Since she had grown up with a single parent like Koutarou had, she had very special feelings about the significance of family. But if she married Koutarou, she wouldn’t be able to give him one. Theia thought it would be a tragedy to tie him down that way. A sin.

  “I don’t care if it’s Kiriha or Yurika! He needs to marry a human from Earth to be happy! I can’t do that for him!”

  Theia shouted through her tears as she grasped at her bedsheets.

  Why an alien...? Why couldn’t you have appeared to me as a man of Forthorthe...?

  Theia had never begrudged being an alien this much. The fact that they could never become normal lovers was exceptionally painful for her. And that pain manifested as large tears that rained down on her sheets.

  “Then you only need to give him double the happiness. Happiness comes in more than one shape, you know.”

  Ruth spoke out in a gentle voice as, one by one, she uncurled Theia’s fingers grasping the sheet. And once her hand was free, Ruth held it gently.


  Ruth’s warmth and words sunk into Theia’s chest.

  A happiness greater than having a family... A different shape of happiness...

  Theia and Ruth weren’t related, yet they shared a great happiness together. So the same should be possible between Theia and Koutarou. That was what Ruth was trying to say.

  “And you believe I can do that?”

  “It’s not a matter of believing. I know you will do it. It’s not like everyone can have children anyway.”

  Infertile couples existed even in Forthorthe. There were all kinds of reasons, be it genetics, injuries, or anything else. But even then, they chose to love each other because they believed that they would be happy together. Ruth wanted Theia to do the same. She was sure she could do it. She believed in Theia as much as she did Koutarou.

  “But... I’m scared.”

  Theia could understand what Ruth was saying. That much made sense, but it wasn’t the only thing that was bothering her.

  “Just what does a princess of Forthorthe have to fear?”

  “I’m terrified! I shouldn’t have that kind of power over someone’s fate! This is the first time I have ever been this frightened!”

  Theia’s tears overflowed from her eyes, and she tightly clutched Ruth’s hand.

  “Your Highness...”

  Theia’s hand was shaking. Ruth squeezed it to help stop the trembling, but it wasn’t enough.

  “I am terrified of seeing Koutarou regret his decision!”

  What Theia was scared of was what might happen after she took Koutarou back to Forthorthe with her. She feared that although everything might be fine at the start, as time passed, he might come to regret his decision to come to Forthorthe. Of course, he would probably never admit to it even if he did regret it. How could she ever know his true feelings? That thought frightened Theia.

  “I don’t want to see him feeling lonely! I don’t want to see him looking up into the starry sky, longing for Earth! I alone won’t be enough to save him from that solitude...”

  The image of Koutarou looking for his home among the stars—a tiny planet he would never find—drifted into Theia’s mind. It was something she often did herself. When she looked up at the night sky, she couldn’t help looking for Forthorthe even though there was no way she could see it. Theia had come here of her own accord, so she didn’t mind that. But what about Koutarou? And if that actually came to pass, what would she do? Theia didn’t think there would be anything she could do to help him.

  “Then let us search for a way together, you and me, Your Highness.”


  Ruth had suggested the unthinkable, leaving Theia at a loss for words.

  “If Your Highness alone can’t save him from his solitude, then the two of us together might be able to. We might be able to find a way.”

  “The two of us...”

  Theia had been surprised at first, but as it sank in, she felt Ruth might be right. She felt it might be possible if she and Ruth worked together. Besides, both Koutarou and Ruth were big parts of Theia’s ideal future. She also knew of Ruth’s feelings for Koutarou. With that in mind, she began to think that the two of them supporting Kout
arou together might be the correct choice.

  “...Ruth, be honest with me.”

  However, Theia had a single doubt regarding what Ruth said. Still holding on to Ruth’s hand, she flashed her usual challenging smile.

  Your Highness...

  That smile alone was enough to tell Ruth that Theia had made up her mind. That she would walk together with Koutarou, no matter how difficult that path may be.

  “You’re just planning on using me for your own happiness, aren’t you? I won’t be mad, so just be honest.”

  “But of course.”

  Ruth nodded firmly, but the gesture that followed held more meaning than her words did. The two girls tightly clasped each other’s hands.

  “My happiness is on the other side of Your Highness’s happiness, after all.”

  “...That’s one way to put it. But you’re being reckless...”

  Theia sounded like she was amazed, but that was only on the surface. The feelings conveyed in her words held a very different meaning.

  “That’s because you can’t go after him without being reckless.”

  “...Ha, you’re right.”

  And so like that, Theia was finally able to make her decision.

  I will live together with Koutarou and Ruth...

  As an alien, she still had her worries about the future. She knew that there would be hardships. But she would overcome those hardships, even if they seemed impossible. All to obtain a future that would make them happy. A future that would be valuable not just to them, but a great many people.

  “Still... so that’s how it is...”

  Ruth smiled.

  “What is?”

  Theia tilted her head and looked at Ruth.

  “I was just remembering something you said, Your Highness.”


  Both Theia and Ruth’s expressions were exceptionally bright. The gloomy feelings they had been carrying for these past few days now seemed fleeting.

  “Just a moment ago, you said ‘I shouldn’t have that kind of power over someone’s fate.’ I believe those are wonderful words from a princess of Forthorthe.”

  “That’s true. But it’s thanks to my coming to Earth. The past me was so foolish.”

  With their emotions now clear and united, the bond between the two girls was strengthened even more.


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