Reed's Reckoning

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Reed's Reckoning Page 2

by Ahren Sanders

  The first time I saw her studying near the Business building, I knew I had to meet her. Her beauty was radiant, but when she grinned at me, my heart raced. When I introduced myself, she shook my hand politely but didn’t make any effort to talk further. Then I realized she had no idea who I was. It was refreshing to have true sincerity in her greeting.

  It took a week for me to convince her to go on a date with me and it was a disaster. We had spoken on the phone several times, and I explained I was a football player but she didn’t care. She was honest about knowing nothing about the sport. I tried teaching her, especially since our opening game was coming up, but she zoned out when I spoke.

  That night when we sat down at the restaurant, I was so sidetracked by her; I didn’t take in our surroundings. The hostess sat us at a middle table where everyone could see. As soon as we ordered our drinks, people swarmed the table. Students, Alumni, and fans all wanted to know the game plan for the upcoming season. Even when the waitress took our order and returned later with our meals, people still hung around. Every time I looked up at Ari, she smiled encouragingly, but I didn’t see the dimples. She barely ate and as soon as the bill was paid, I whisked her out of there.

  When we got to her place, I was shocked she agreed to another date. So I spent all week thinking about what to do and came up with a plan for tonight. A quiet, simple picnic should provide the perfect environment for us to talk.

  It’s a Thursday night and our game opener is on Saturday afternoon. Coach puts us all on lockdown starting tomorrow after classes, so I won’t be able see her until after the game.

  “This is really nice,” she says offering me a plate.

  “Yeah, I really fucked up last week.”

  “No, you didn’t. It was interesting to say the least. I suppose I have to get used to all the attention you receive.”

  My heart beats a little faster because I like the fact she wants to ‘get used to’ anything with me. I don’t know what it is about this girl, but she is completely different than anyone I have ever gone out with. That’s not saying a lot because I don’t really date. I had a few girlfriends in high school and I’ve attended my share of events the last four years, but I have NEVER had a girlfriend. Too much riding on my football career to get wrapped up in the drama of commitment, but since meeting her, my feelings have done a one-eighty.

  “Yeah, well the attention comes with the territory, but l hoped to take you on a proper date.”

  “This is perfect.” She blushes a little and continues eating.

  “Ari, I wanted to ask you something. I know we’ve only been out twice, but I’d love if you came to the game Saturday. If you don’t have anyone to sit with, I can arrange for you to be with my friend Jack. He’ll watch out for you and help explain what’s going on.”

  I watch her face for any sign of interest. Nerves bundle in the pit of my stomach when she doesn’t say anything.

  “Umm, I don’t need to sit with your friend. I’m already going.”

  I don’t hide the excitement and move closer to her. “That’s awesome! Were you going to tell me?”

  “I don’t know. You hadn’t mentioned it; I didn’t want to be presumptuous.” She says shyly.

  “Of course I want you there. Are you sure you want to go alone?”

  “Oh, I won’t be alone, Luke’s bringing me. And maybe my friend Sophie.” She laughs.

  Wait—WHAT? “Who the hell is Luke?” I growl rougher than I meant. A sense of jealously I didn’t even know existed floods over me.

  She raises her eyebrows and stares. “I’ve told you about Luke, haven’t I?”

  “Nope, pretty sure I haven’t heard of a Luke.”

  “He and Sophie are my best friends. Luke loves football.”

  Great, competing with the best friend never ends well. I may not have experience with girlfriends, but I know I don’t want mine to be closer to another guy than me.

  “What are you thinking? Why are you so quiet?” she asks.

  “Trying to comprehend how I feel about you bringing a date to my first game.”

  “Oh, Reed, you have no idea what you’re talking about. Luke is like my brother. We’re really close. There is nothing there. You’ll meet him and understand.” She tries to reassure me.

  Her pouty lips tempt me and I reach up to run my fingertips over them. Her breath catches and her eyes find mine. We stare at each other a few minutes not moving but the current between us buzzes. It hits me right there in the moment—I want Ari to be mine.

  A dog barking in the distance causes us both to turn, breaking the moment, but desire still fills the air. I take our plates and move them away, then pull her between my legs with her back to my chest. She braces but then relaxes into me.

  “Ari, I don’t share. Granted, I’ve only ever casually dated so I’m not sure exactly what to do here, but I need to make my intentions clear. I don’t want casual with you. I want it all.”

  “How can you say that? We’ve only been on two dates. We don’t even know each other that well.”

  “I can say that because I go after what I want, and that’s you. We’ll take things slow, get to know each other. But we’ll do it knowing you are mine.”

  Her chest shakes with laughter and I lean to the side to see her face. Tears are starting to form which surprises me because I don’t see what’s so funny.

  “Mine? Did you just refer to me as a possession?”

  Her laughter is contagious so I chuckle at my caveman behavior. “Yeah, I guess I did. My possession. And I promise to take care of what’s mine.” I kiss her forehead softly and she stops laughing.

  “I didn’t think men like you existed outside of books. Hot, alpha personalities with super jealousy issues.”

  Nothing she said bothers me. “Did you just call me hot?”

  “I guess I did, huh?”

  “I like that. So how about the getting to know you portion of the evening? You start.”

  She leans back into me and tells me all about her family and friends. When I learn about her parents’ death and the role her grandmother plays in her life, my heart fills with sadness. She lost her parents about the same age as I lost my dad.

  She keeps talking and I get a better idea of her relationship with Luke. I may be a jealous fucker, but I had better find a way to get over it. He’s a part of her life not going away. We laugh at stories of her friend Sophie, who sounds much more outgoing and rebellious than Ari.

  When it’s my turn, I tell her about my family and my love of football. Then I tell her about my best friend Jack and a few of my teammates. We talk for hours and it feels so right and comfortable. I don’t look at my watch until Ari yawns and I realize it’s after midnight.

  We pack up the picnic and walk back to the car hand in hand. The whole way to her place, my mind tries to think of what to say when I leave her tonight. I already explained the football lockdown so she knows where I’ll be tomorrow night.

  Before I let her go, an idea hits. I reach around the backseat until I feel what I am looking for. I walk around to open her door then follow her to the building. When she turns to me, she’s nervous, which turns me the hell on. I feel my pants getting tighter.

  Without warning, I cup her chin and lower my mouth to hers. She wraps her hands around my neck and invites me in for more. When my tongue pushes through her lips and I taste her for the first time, I know I’ll never be the same. She matches my rhythm, and I try to go slow but can’t get enough of her. She groans when I tilt her head to the side to go deeper. The sound fills my body with warmth and I want to hear it again. She starts to pull away and I grin when I see her pouty lips even more swollen.

  “Fucking amazing. I’ve wanted to do that since the first time I saw you.” I whisper. “Now there’s no fucking denying. You. Are. Mine.”

  She giggles and steps back. “This was a wonderful night, Reed, thank you.”

  “Here,” I hand her the shirt in my hand. “You may have to wash it, but I wa
nt you to wear it to the game.”

  She shakes it out and sees it’s a jersey with my name and number. Her face lights up and she nods. I bend and kiss her quickly again then walk back to my car.

  “Ari, I’ll call you in a while. To make sure you get to bed okay.” Her expression is priceless and she rolls her eyes at me. I see her wave when I pull out and then go inside.

  All my life, I thought that insta-love was bullshit, but now I know differently. With just one kiss, one taste of her, I’m pretty sure I just fell in love with Arianna Rose Williams.

  Arianna Williams was it for me. I LOVED her. Why did she throw me away like a piece of fucking garbage? The trip down memory lane leaves me feeling empty.

  I’ve tried to forget her. Every time I smell jasmine or strawberries, it takes a minute to catch my breath. She was my touchdown. She was my trophy. She was my everything. Even after she left me, I tried to find her. I didn’t want to believe it was over.

  Then one day I saw them together. She looked like nothing was wrong in her life. Like she hadn’t ripped my heart out and pissed on the love I felt for her. I knew him as only her friend, but they were so much more. He held her close that day and I watched as he took care of her. Even if I wanted to approach her, I couldn’t. Seeing her hurt too much. Sure, I was being a coward but I saw all I needed when she leaned into him and he kissed her forehead. She looked at him with such tenderness, another piece of my heart crumbled. That was the last time I saw her on campus. After that day, I avoided her and anywhere she would be.

  It almost destroyed me. That’s why I was such an ass the last time I saw her. It hurt like a son of a bitch, but I wanted her to feel like I did. She needed to think I had moved on like she had. It took a lot of nerve to show up at my apartment that night. The moment I saw her I knew I had to do something before I begged her to take me back. Lucky for me, there was a very willing blonde available for some fun. Too bad nothing stopped my pain.

  Sitting in confusion for a while, memories consume me. When my head clears, I get out my phone. Wanting answers quick, I call the only person that can help me.

  Chapter 2


  Focus Ari! I tap the pencil against my head so hard I’m sure there’s a mark. I have a huge presentation tomorrow to the Bank President that could mean a promotion. But I can’t concentrate. It’s been two weeks since Davis ran into Reed on the beach. Luke knows Reed recognized him but thinks that he was able to get Davis away in time.

  My mind races thinking about how it could have been me that ran into Reed chasing our son down the beach. The thought makes me physically ill. If you put the two of us next to each other, there’s no denying who Davis belongs to. I’ve always felt he was a spitting image of Reed, but he has my smile.

  Looking at the clock for the tenth time since lunch, I close down my laptop and pack my things. If I’m going to be useless, might as well be useless at home. It’s too early to pick Davis up at daycare so I decide to go for a run. Living near the beach in Florida has many perks. But in a few weeks, it’ll be too hot to run in the afternoons so I need to enjoy it while I can. Also, it’ll help me clear my head and hopefully get my presentation straight when Davis goes to bed.

  Pulling into my driveway, I notice a car across the street I don’t recognize. The driver is reading through something and doesn’t look my way. I make a note to myself of the model of the car so I can watch out for it.

  I change into my running clothes and stop by my Grandma’s house to let her know what I’m doing. She’s in the back working on her garden.

  Grandma Katy is more than my family; she’s also my best friend. She knows what happened at the beach and she’s been worried about my mental state and me. When I came home to Fernandina Beach after my junior year pregnant and single, she never once judged me. She was with me every step of the way during my pregnancy until she had a stroke a month before Davis was due. Luke practically moved in with us to help with both of our care. She met Reed a few times when we were dating and thought highly of him. Even though she didn’t agree with my decisions regarding Reed and Davis, she never interfered.

  “I’m going for a run. Then once I pick up Davis, I thought I’d make us all dinner. You in?”

  “Sure. Aren’t you home a little early?”

  “Yeah, my mind is spinning over the presentation tomorrow and I needed to get out. I’ll go over my notes later tonight.”

  “Have fun, I’ll walk over around six.”

  “Great, before I go, did you notice a strange car across the street?”

  “Yes, he’s a handsome man that works for the city. He came by to do a land survey.”

  “Oh, okay, that makes me feel better.” I wave and take off my normal route.

  When Davis finally falls asleep after reading him three books, I get my notes, a glass of wine, and go to my porch. This is my favorite place in my house. I’ve worked hard to make it my sanctuary. Flowerpots filled with seasonal blooms cover every space possible. A bistro set sits on one side while a swing takes up the other. I spread my stuff out and run through the presentation in my mind.

  After having Davis, I stayed home and resumed classes at the local college. It took me a year longer than planned, but I graduated with a Finance degree and started working for the bank immediately. I’ve worked my way through several positions, but tomorrow I’m going after a job that could launch my career. With a few years under my belt, I could be considered for a vice president role.

  I’m proud of what I’ve achieved, considering I never thought I’d be a single mom working on her career alone. When Reed and I were together, he asked me to follow him wherever the NFL drafted him. He was a year older than me, and we talked about me changing schools when he landed in a new city. But that never happened.

  Seeing him dredged up feelings I pushed away a long time ago. Even with the briefest glance at him on that beach, he was gorgeous. His body was more toned and his hair longer, his muscles were much more defined, but he was still the Reed I remember. Tall and tan with light brown hair and mesmerizing crystal eyes. His eyes could penetrate right through me, making my defenses dissolve. This man had once owned every beat of my heart. Even with the distance between us, I could see his aqua blue eyes staring into me. After all this time, the gaze had an effect on me I couldn’t explain. But then again, I look into those same eyes every day in my little boy.

  My phone rings and I see it’s my crazy best friend calling for my daily check in. Luke and I never go a day without talking. I’ve tried to step back after my talk with grandma, but he won’t hear of it. We haven’t mentioned it since that day, but I know he’s worried about me seeing Reed. He was with me four years ago when Reed shattered my heart.

  “Hello, honey,” I greet Luke.

  “Babe, how’s my favorite girl tonight?”

  I smile at his usual question. “Oh, you know, kicking ass, taking names, ready to move up that corporate ladder tomorrow.”

  “Let’s hear it; I’ve got all night to help you nail this thing.”

  There’s a soft noise behind me, but when I turn around, there’s nothing or no one there. I sip my wine and proceed to go through my presentation with Luke. He gives me pointers that boost my confidence. By the time I go to bed, my nerves are settled and I’m prepared to rule the boardroom tomorrow.

  Reed fills my dreams, but instead of being devastated, these are pleasant memories. I wish I could hate him, but a piece of my heart still belongs to him. It always will.


  Fuck! Just hearing her voice on the phone had my dick hard. She still has the most beautiful voice I’ve ever heard. I used to ask her to help me study just to hear her read my notes back to me. Because of her, I aced almost every test my senior year. She definitely raised my GPA.

  When she mentioned the big presentation, I couldn’t find it in myself to surprise her last night. Even with the thick envelope in my hand that gave me every detail of her life for the last four years, and the pr
oof I have a son, I didn’t want to hurt her chances at impressing her boss. I sat back in the shadows and listened to her on the phone for an hour talking to Luke.

  Now, I’m standing at her door, hoping to God that she lets me in. The shadows through the windows let me know she’s home. I knock and wait. When she opens the door, her face goes from happy to complete shock. Tears fill her eyes and I reach out to steady her arm when she sways.

  “Reed,” she barely whispers.

  “Arianna, we need to talk.”

  Chapter 3


  “Wha-wha-what are you doing here?” she asks.

  “Well, that’s a very loaded question. Where should I start? Maybe with the fact that I have a son living in this house that I just learned about, or maybe the fact that you ran out on me pregnant and kept it a secret. There’s a lot more Ari, but let’s start with those two.”

  She regains her composure and her expression turns angry. Fire shoots from her eyes and she hisses at me. “You have some nerve. How dare you?”

  She’s angry? No fucking way. She doesn’t get the right to be angry. After the shit she’s pulled, I’m the one livid. “How dare I? Shouldn’t that be my line? How dare you?”

  She doesn’t get a chance to answer because a little voice from the other room calls, “Mommy!”

  I look over her shoulder and see him standing there in Batman pajamas, staring at us in the doorway. His eyes are wide and curious, and he’s holding books in both hands.

  “You pwomised two.”

  Her lips turn up in a fake grin and she nods her head back to him. “Of course, go get in bed and I’ll be right there.”

  He looks at me one more time and then runs across the room, disappearing behind a doorway.

  “Reed, now is not a good time. I’m not really sure why you’re here at all considering what you did to me.”

  “I’m not leaving. We’re talking tonight. You go do what you need to and I’ll wait.”


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