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Champion Page 3

by Francheska Fifield

  "What about the others?"

  "We dwarves live to build, carve, create. We care little for the issues of those topside."

  "Elainne would welcome your talents, and pay you for them."

  "We care not for money. We are not dragons. We wish simply to live."

  "Then a trade for food perhaps? It must be hard to grow underground."

  He harrumphed but didn’t disagree.

  "You said firebirds and unicorns. Do they really still exist?"

  "The firebirds live in a volcano quite far away. The unicorns built their own dimension connected to this one, the way Avren did. Part of this world but not accessible without permission to enter. Likely, all will be sending missives once word travels to the council of what transpired here. All of the kings and queens of each court will invite her to visit and talk treaties."

  Wow. Elainne might not be chained up as much as she thought. Though likely this would just be another nail in the coffin. She couldn’t escape her fate now. The ancient races were involved and she could not ignore that. Nor would she. Too late to pass the throne to Aiden and walk away. I wasn’t sure if she had truly thought of it, but it would neither surprise nor shock me. Nor would I hold it against her. Her life was no longer her own, if it had ever been.

  "Boy, you are loyal to her. I can sense the blood tie. Why do you tie yourself to one of Elvin royal blood? Have the mages and Elves not been enemies since long ago?"

  I thought about it for a moment, before unbuttoning my shirt and tilting my head so he could see the scar.

  "Elainne gave me this. About a year ago she came to us with Viktor, her Kemp. His mage magic was out of control. He came into it suddenly as part of a wish from a magical orb. She wished us no harm; she didn’t make any aggressive moves. She was Elvin though, we could sense it, and so we attacked her magically. I was the one that was sent to test her. I fought her with a magical creation, seemingly safe in my home while she was on the mountain, just trying to make sure Viktor wouldn’t be destroyed by his own magic. While we battled, the others placed a curse on her that would make her breakdown and kill herself. She defeated my creation and the backlash did this to me."

  I buttoned up my shirt and pushed my hair out of my face. It was hard to admit my faults but I was trying to be a worthy champion. Elainne valued honesty.

  "Once the curse was working, three were sent to kill her. She blacked her Kemp off so he wouldn’t feel the pain of the attack inflicted on her. Her brain was shutting itself down. She did not end up dying, she was able to fight back with Viktor's help, and she entered town, allowing us to cap her magic so she couldn’t use it; trusting us to let her be while Viktor trained. His power back lashed during training and she was blamed. She couldn’t have done anything; she couldn’t touch magic, let alone draw on it and use it. She was tossed into the dungeon and tortured. When her Kemp awoke - after a week - she was dying. He tried to save her but he was far outnumbered.

  "It was Avren, the silver dragon, that saved them both. He cursed us for what we had done to her. Later, she returned and healed our land, and our people, freeing us from his curse. She asked for nothing in return and offered us an alliance. Once cursed, many innocents felt our wrath when trying to climb the mountains. She promised us immunity and a place when she took her place in the human court. She didn’t take us over, though she could have. She didn’t destroy us, though we would have deserved it. She simply asked for a mage presence at court with her to represent the alliance.

  "Rather than alternating mages in court, I offered myself as a champion. I hated her and distrusted her, and told her so. Still, she accepted me and trusted me. I did nothing to deserve it, but she granted me many honors and made me part of her family. She valued my opinions and helped me. She is worthy of devotion because she devotes herself to all those that fall under her protection. She is not like other rulers. She is truly worthy. Even Avren tied himself to her as her familiar. A dragon has never done such a thing, as far as I know."

  "Never. She is special. I could tell from the moment I felt her heal the mountain. Still, what interaction we have with her is up to the dwarven families. We are ruled by a council of the oldest families. She will have to take up a treaty with them."

  I nodded and stood, stretching. I had been sitting for hours if the darkening sky outside was any indication.

  "I must check on Elainne. She has been alone for some time."

  "She is not alone. The Fairies follow her. I am sure she can sense them."

  I stood, a bit more worried now. Argyle said the Fairies wished to join her court, but that was no guarantee that they truly wished to. When I got outside she was sitting on a rock, looking up at the sky. I could feel the sorrow coming off of her. The air was thick with tension and pain.


  She turned to look at me and her pale, beautiful face was lined with tears. They streamed down her cheeks, making her look both young and ancient. It was the face of eternal youth, one that had experienced far too much from life for far too long. I went over, sat beside her, putting an arm around her shoulders and pulling her into me.

  "You don’t have to always be strong, Elainne. Let it out. Viktor, your uncle, Avren, your aunt, your father, your life. Everything has become too much and you don’t have to accept it all without breaking down. You are a queen, not a rock. You have feelings too and they are just as important as anyone else's."

  She let me do as I wish, and talk as I wished, but she didn’t respond. She just looked at the setting sun and let me hold her while tears streamed silently down her face.

  Suddenly, fairies appeared and sang. It was magical. You could almost see the elements dance harmoniously in the air around us. Colors swirled like performers, shimmering in the twilight. Argyle came and sat on her other side. He took one of her hands and held it. A branch twined their wrists and hands together. Still, she said nothing. The tears did stop though.

  "It is all right, young one. You are not the first to be pushed by destiny and you will not be the last. It is okay to hate it sometimes. Just do not let it make you bitter, so you do not blame those that have no control over it. The prophecies come from the gods. They appeared to the dragons and unicorns because they represent the magic and soul of the world, and everything in it. It was their duty to see it through. Your familiar is simply doing as the gods bid him. He is as entangled and forced as you. No dragon likes to give up his freedom and flight. He is required to do it, as the last, to ensure the future of the world. Just keep in mind - while you fight against all you have been told - that you are not the only one suffering."

  Argyle stopped talking and joined the fairies in their song. It was one of sorrow, loss and acceptance. I couldn’t be sure, but I think it was saying farewell to what had remained of Elainne's innocence. Her life was not her own, but none of ours were really. We were all being led by destiny. We were all in this together.

  "Yes. I will remember. All of those before me. I will make the world a better place, so all those after me need not worry about destiny calling on them."

  The dwarf patted their twined hands with his free one and smiled. He pulled out his magic pipe and smoked, while the fairies finished their song only to start a new one. This one of celebration and cheer. The branch around Argyle and Elainne's hands dissipated, but he didn’t release her hand. They held hands and watched the show. I kept my arm around her as well. We were here, as support, for the most important being in the world, while she gave up the last of her resistance to ruling and would proceed to become the queen she was meant to be. Maybe one day, maybe, she would be an Empress as Avren wished.

  Chapter Five


  While the dwarf - I still had to ask his name at some point - twined with me, I felt his presence inside, like a steadying force. The magic he sent to calm and comfort me was like lying in a field in summer. Warm, soft, and beautiful. Comforting like the sun beating down on you while a breeze blew your troubles away.

bsp; "Thank you."

  "You are welcome, child. When you have lived as long as I you will be equally as wise."

  I smiled down at him and squeezed his hand.

  "We haven't been formally introduced. I am Elainne, queen of the Elvin people, daughter of the former king and his deceased wife. Niece of the queen and her deceased husband, rulers of the human kingdom. And you are?"

  "Argyle, one of the ancient families of the dwarven people, and ambassador to the outside world."

  "Will you stay the night with us, Argyle? We would welcome you at our camp for dinner, at least."

  He scratched his chin and nodded.

  "Aye. I would be honored, your majesty."

  "Thank you, my lord."

  Talon jumped down and unpacked our food, starting a fire without using an incantation. It seemed cementing his power was not the only thing he had gained. I was sure there would be a story forthcoming and I was glad for it. I needed a distraction. I accepted what Argyle said, but I needed time to tell myself that sacrificing my freedom would benefit everyone. It wasn’t an easy pill to swallow, even if logically you agreed. The head and heart did not always see eye-to-eye.

  "And then he said, how do I give her my magic? Like it wasn’t as easy as just opening yourself up to the goddess."

  I laughed as Talon blushed, and Argyle regaled me with embarrassing moments that I had missed out on while mourning.

  "It is not Talon's fault. They did not even believe gods existed. The mage's are people of great pride and accomplishment. I do not believe they could bring themselves to believe in anything but their own power, unless shown otherwise."

  "That is why they turned so bad. They have been cursed for so long. They do not know so much about themselves. They were our counterparts from the goddess, you know. We worked below the earth and them above. Two sides of the same coin, cousins, and they didn’t even know it."

  Talon and I both stopped at that. Wow. Well, now I would need an ambassador for the dwarves, and it would have to be a mage. Aiden served as a go between for me and the Elvin people, when they were particularly stubborn because of my human heritage.

  "I suggest you take your dragon with you when you visit the firebirds and unicorns. Otherwise, you might not get an audience."

  I sighed. Not what I wanted to hear. Aiden wasn’t strong enough to hold the throne on his own.

  "I cannot. I need him at home. My steward… he is a good man, but not noble of blood, so many do not support him as my fill in. Especially those unhappy with me ruling anyway. Avren needs to be there to remind everyone of my presence."

  Argyle nodded.

  "Your Kemp has the blood of the dragon, does he not? Take him. Such a mixture. Human, mage, Elvin and now dragon. He is an even bigger puzzle than you."

  At the mention of Viktor, I squirmed. I was not proud of it. I was known for my court face. I felt so comfortable with Argyle that I couldn’t hide my reaction. It had to be because of our connection earlier. I couldn’t keep myself in proper form.

  "This young one here tells me you have a Kemp and yet he is not with you. Does it not hurt to be separated?"

  I looked down at my hands, twiddling them together. "More than I can express."

  "And yet you do not keep him with you."

  "He has taken over the Elvin army, to train and make them loyal to me. He feels this is the best use of his time."

  Argyle stroked his chin and smoked his pipe, keeping his eyes on my face. Watching for any sign of emotion. I wasn’t sure why he cared or what he thought, but I couldn’t stop my face from showing the pain I felt.

  "Argyle, tell her about slapping me upside the head when I tried to talk to…"

  "Shush, boy. We speak of more important things."

  Talon was a good man, he tried to help, even after the scolding.

  "She doesn’t want to speak of it and you shouldn’t try to make her. She does outrank you."

  I could hear the snarl in his voice. He was so displeased, and all for my sake. Argyle glared at him, his eyes burning like red hot coals. I held up my hand and both backed down. Good to know I still had some presence.

  "Viktor will choose his path."

  "He is Kemp. You choose it for him. If he has taken up the army, it is because he feels he is no longer welcome by your side and he must do something to keep from thinking on it. I have seen many Kemps come and go. The meaning has been twisted in recent times, with so much conniving and trickery, but you should not be like that. He should be your Kemp in the true sense. It is a mating of the souls. You should be bound in every way possible."

  Talon had a chance to respond before I could even get my thoughts together in order to respond… not even respond. I couldn’t even wrap my head around what he was saying.

  "Are you saying they should be a couple?"

  Argyle nodded, like it was a well-known, natural thing.

  "Love has always bound the Kemps and their charges. It used to be a true soul binding. Soul mates, in every sense. Their children always bound for greatness as well. It all changed later, in more recent time. Not recent to you, I suppose, but to me. The ancient races do not measure time the same. Life is so fleeting for humans. Both of you are touched by the gods though. Life will be neither short nor easy. I do believe the gods chose wisely. Still, you should keep your Kemp with you always. It is important, it is destiny."

  I sat back and nibbled on some of my leftovers, to avoid responding. Destiny. I hated that word, and I loved it. I always wanted to make a difference, and here I find out that’s what I was born for. Still, I hated others not having a choice, having to go along with what the world decided for me… for us. Even Avren, as powerful as he was, was powerless to stop it. We were all caught in the cog of time and we couldn’t escape. Viktor and I had been through so much and we had a long way to go if I truly accepted my destiny. Would I be able to do it? Could I forgive and accept him? Could he truly accept me? I loved him still and I hoped he still loved me, but some part of me hoped he didn’t. I didn’t want him sad or angry. If what Argyle said was true, we would be miserable until we were together in every sense of the word.


  Elaine avoided responding by going back to the food she had forgotten more than half an hour ago. I didn’t blame her. Things were tense between her and Viktor. Argyle, while he meant well, was not helping. She could defend herself, I had seen the verbal spars between her and Avren, but I didn’t think she truly wanted to. It was no secret that she was in love with Viktor; at least, Avren, Aiden and I all knew. I was fairly certain Aldamon did as well.

  "Elainne, we should rest. We have a long journey back. I will take the first watch. My magic is energizing me right now and you have done so much magic today, you should rest."

  She smiled and stood, patting my head.

  "You worry too much, Talon. I will accept your brotherly concern without argument this time. Wake me when it is my turn to take watch."

  I nodded; Argyle and I waited until she was asleep before saying anything else. She had forgotten to bid him goodnight, which meant she was truly disturbed and troubled by his talk.

  "Argyle, I know you mean well, but please do not mention Viktor again."

  "How did they come to not be one anymore?"

  I sighed. I wasn’t sure how she would feel about me sharing, but I had a feeling, if I didn’t tell him, he would ask her, and that would be worse.

  "He confessed his love to her when she faced him about his betrayal. Then he told her that, despite his feelings, he was willing to throw them away to make her the empress that Avren says she is destined to be. She confessed she only wanted a life with him and he made it clear her feelings made no difference.

  "She didn’t send him away. He took over the army without her consent or even her suggestion. He abandoned her. It has not been easy for her. She has been forced to take over the Elvin kingdom, destroy her father, and ignore her aunt's pleas for her to return home. All this, only months after defeating
the merpeople who invaded her new home. This was only her home after her mother died and her father sent her away.

  "Her life has already been too hard, so when I say not to mention Viktor again, I mean it. Do not add any more stress to her. She deserves a little break. It’s the only reason I let her travel with me, when I knew it wasn’t entirely safe for her to be around me or out of the palace."

  Argyle nodded. I sighed in relief.

  "Will you camp here tonight?"

  "I will return home. I need to gather the council. They will wish to know what I have learned of the new queen and the state of affairs on the surface. I have learned much from you, Talon. Thank you. Do not let your queen make you a spy, however. I now know her Kemp is a weakness for her and that you are loyal to her feelings, not her best interests."

  I glared at him. "You won't betray our confidences, I am sure."

  "You feel at ease with me because of my magic, but you know nothing of me personally. Yet you both opened up and told me everything I needed to know. Avren and Viktor are what she needs. Calm, logical heads to balance out your and her bleeding hearts."

  I tried to protest, but he held up his hand and I was powerless to ignore the silent command.

  "Do not misunderstand, I am glad she is kind and caring, but it also leaves her open to influence and traitors. You take care of her heart, but let them take care of her. She needs strong people with her best interest in mind around her. She is strong, to survive so much and not be bitter. She is also weak for allowing others to have an opinion on her rule. Everything you do and do not want in a ruler. She needs the balance. The scale will have to tip in favor of the logical sometimes. You need to learn when to push them away and when to let them win. Do you understand young mage?"

  I nodded. I didn’t entirely, but I had a feeling that experience would teach me more. I would learn over time. I would be better. I knew he was right, too much emotion would get us both killed, but I also thought it unfair that everyone would be happy and get the life which they craved, except her. Argyle seemed to understand that, because he smiled and shook my hand.


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