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The Dawning of Power

Page 72

by Brian Rathbone

  Chase and Osbourne were the next to be disappointed, but then Prios laid his hand on Strom's shoulder.

  "I heard him! He said, 'Be free'!" Strom cried out and Prios nodded his head. Catrin and the others were stunned, and no one said a word. Prios continued around the room, and when he laid his hand on Fasha, she gasped. In the next moment, she underwent a transformation. First her face flushed, then she smiled, then she cried. Prios simply nodded when Kenward, too, heard his words.

  Brother Vaughn and Grubb were the only others among those left on the ship who could hear Prios. Grubb seemed more confused than excited. In contrast, the rest seemed to have nothing but questions, and Catrin sighed, knowing answers were far too rare.

  * * *

  As the hammock cradled Catrin, the motions of the ship lulled her, and she let her mind wander. So much of her world had changed, and she couldn't imagine what would come next. With the help of Prios, she had attempted to teach the others how to access Istra's power, but they had no success. The others simply seemed incapable of connecting themselves with the flow. Maybe someday she would find a way to teach others, but for the moment, she made herself think about other things.

  Images of her father and uncle and her home flooded her mind. Tears coursed down tracks that Catrin thought might carve valleys in her flesh if she cried any more, but still the tears came.

  You will see your home again. And you will set them all free.

  Prios's voice was like a whisper in her mind, and Catrin wondered if she had only dreamed it, but sleep claimed her in the next breath. His voice whispered in her dreams, caressing her, and she wrapped herself in his energy like a warm embrace.

  Sleep well.

  * * *

  In the morning light, the lookouts scoured the waters for a safe course. Retracing their route back through the massive fallen columns, they moved into slightly deeper water, and for a while Catrin felt almost safe. With Benjin by her side, the world seemed a brighter place. Sadness still clung to her for the loss of so many others, but at least he had been returned to her, as if the gods had truly shown mercy. Fasha never seemed to be far away, and Catrin wondered at the change in both of them. The looks they exchanged often spoke of more than friendship.

  Even in calm waters, there was much work to be done, and most of their time was spent assisting the crew. Weakened repairs were mended, and the Slippery Eel was once again watertight. When the end of the shallows finally came into view, Catrin felt a stirring in her stomach. She was another step closer to home, but no one could know what awaited them in deep water.

  "Get the fishing gear ready," Kenward ordered, and the crew began making preparations, all the while watching the seas for any signs of sharks. After the trawls had been dropped, everyone waited in tense anticipation. Knowing they must fish or starve, the threat of sharks had them all on edge. Kenward took no chances, though.

  "Pull in the trawls!" he commanded. "If we caught anything, there'll be blood in the water. I want to be well away from here before we drop the tubs again."

  Though the fish were biting, what they caught was small, and Kenward's precautions made the process of filling the hold painfully slow. Big sharks were sighted on several occasions, but Kenward did his best to use the wind and currents to his advantage, and they filled the hold without any attacks. Exhausted, the crew finally allowed themselves to relax.

  Catrin stood at the stern and watched the water slip away, silently hoping to see Kyrien flying on the winds. Prios stood by her side but said nothing, comforting her with his presence alone.

  * * *

  By the light of a small lamp, Chase looked at his companions and smiled. He and Strom and Osbourne had been through a great deal together, and now Prios was quickly becoming a part of their group. Chase found that he had sorely misjudged Prios. His quiet and reserved demeanor was unnerving. The fact that he had no tongue made it almost difficult to look upon him for the images it brought to mind, but Chase was beginning to see beyond those things. Slowly, Prios revealed himself as a vibrant personality with both a mischievous streak and a sense of humor.

  Though there was always work to be done on a ship, Chase liked to make certain that they all spent some time together, and their late-night talks often lasted until the sunrise. Most times Catrin would join them, but on this night she had complained of a headache and gone to her hammock earlier than usual.

  Strom began telling tales, and Prios seemed enthralled by his dramatic reenactments of events. After hearing stories of how Chase had trained at being stealthy, Prios made eye contact with Chase. Using his amazing ability of expressing himself with only his facial expressions and body language, he sized Chase up, smiled, and issued an unspoken challenge. Though Chase could not hear Prios speak in his mind, he had no trouble deciphering the challenge: If you are such a mighty sneak, then prove it!

  "What would be the hardest thing to steal on this ship?" Strom asked with a knowing grin.

  "Catrin's staff?" Osbourne asked.

  Prios turned his nose up, and Strom snorted. "Too easy."

  "She never takes Koe out of her pocket. I bet she sleeps with him under her pillow."

  Prios gave a firm nod.

  "Koe it is," Strom said.

  Chase smiled, put his hands behind his head, and yawned. "Is that all?"

  A sly look crossed Prios's face, and he waved for Strom to lean closer. Reaching out, he laid his hand on Strom's shoulder.

  "Ha!" Strom barked. "He says to make it a real challenge, I will stand guard at the prow and Osbo will stand guard at the stern. If either of us sees you, then you've failed."

  "And if I succeed?"

  Prios shrugged, seeming to think it was unlikely, and that just made Chase even more determined.

  "If you succeed," Strom said, "we'll all bow down and show due respect for the master sneak."

  "Good enough for me," Chase said.

  * * *

  Osbourne strained his eyes and ears, trying his best to catch Chase in the act. Though a part of him wanted Chase to succeed, it would be a true victory only if they did their best to stop him. At the slightest sound, Osbourne whipped around and ran to the gunwales. Had he heard a splash? Watching the dark water slide by, he saw nothing beyond the usual wake left by the Eel. Convinced he'd been hearing things, he returned to his post.

  No more sounds, save the snapping of sails, the creak of rigging, and the sound of the water rushing by, broke the silence. Even the crew was silent, as if they knew what was transpiring, and Osbourne found the stillness unnerving. When Strom walked around the corner, he nearly leaped from his skin.

  "Did you see anything?"

  "No," Osbourne said. "I thought I heard something, but I didn't see anything."

  Strom just shook his head, "I didn't either, but Prios came to get me, and Chase is all smiles. How do you think he got by us?"

  "I don't know," Osbourne said. "I think he may have tricked me."

  "Let's go find out."

  As they entered Chase's cabin, Osbourne was surprised to see Chase as dry as tinder. "I was certain you'd gone over the side."

  "That's what I wanted you to think," Chase said with a triumphant grin.

  "So let's see it," Strom said, his arms crossed over his chest.

  Chase just grinned and reached for his pocket, but then the color drained from his face, and his victorious bravado suddenly changed to anxious desperation. For a moment, he searched his pockets, and then he searched the cabin. "She's going to kill me."

  "You never actually stole it, did you?" Strom asked, seeming almost hopeful.

  "I swear to you: I took it, and now it's gone."

  Tense silence hung over the group, and Osbourne thought Chase might actually cry. When Prios's shoulders began to shake, the others turned to him, thinking he was overcome with remorse, but he surprised them all when he made the first sound any of them had ever heard from him. Though the gift of speech had been taken from him, he proved that Belegra had not taken
the life from him when he laughed. So pure and joyous was his laughter, that the others simply waited in silence to find out what could possibly have tickled him so.

  With a look of apology, he ended Chase's torment as he produced Koe from a concealed pocket in his shirt.

  "How did you--? When did--? Oh, for the love of everything good and right in this world, forget it. I don't want to know," Chase said, and without saying any more, he stormed into the night.

  Osbourne looked at Strom, and for the first time in a long time, they laughed.

  * * *

  "That really wasn't very nice," Catrin said when Prios told her about how he had tricked Chase. A sly smile crept across his face, yet a hint of blush shaded his cheeks. "And I would appreciate it if you would challenge him to steal someone else's things next time." Again, Prios simply smiled in response. Every day they spent together seemed to bring them closer. With increasing frequency, he showed that, in many cases, he could communicate without the need to speak in her mind. It seemed he had a talent for expressing himself without speech or words. Others, too, had made note of this talent, and Catrin was grateful for it, as it seemed to make his life aboard the ship much easier. Knowing he could communicate in other ways just made the times when he did speak even more special.

  Though I look forward to seeing you reunited with your family and your homeland, I must admit that I am afraid.

  "Afraid? What are you afraid of?"

  What if your people do not accept me? What if your family does not like me? I'm not certain my story will give them reason to trust me, and I fear I will only make things worse for you.

  With his shoulders hunched and his eyes cast down, Catrin could feel his pain and anxiety. Though she tried to put herself in his position, to understand how he must be feeling, she found it impossible. The circumstances of his life were just too far from anything she had ever experienced, and though she could sympathize, she knew she would never completely understand. "Once they come to see your true nature, they will come to feel as I do."

  And how, exactly, do you feel about me?

  Though he did not truly speak, it was as if Catrin could hear the tremble in his voice. Something in his emotion was betrayed to her, and she sensed his fear and anxiety. In that moment, she realized the courage it had taken for him to ask. "I think . . ." she hesitated, and he raised his eyes to meet hers. In them, she saw not only fear, but hope as well. "I think I love you."

  * * *

  When land was finally sighted again, Catrin could barely contain her excitement. All of them had known the Slippery Eel was too small to make the journey to the Falcon Isles safely, but they had unanimously chosen expedience over caution. Storms had chased them and rogue waves appeared without warning, but somehow they had survived. The Falcon Isles were the last stop Catrin planned to make before she returned to the Godfist, and she did not intend to stay long. Nora insisted they take a week to make proper repairs, but Catrin hoped the job could be done in less time. Each day seemed longer than the last, and she wasn't certain how much longer she could stand the anticipation.

  As the smaller islands slid by, Catrin moved to Nora's side. Fasha and Benjin stood not far away, and they turned when Catrin addressed Nora. "Will you leave from the Falcon Isles to go back to the Trader's Wind?"

  "A big part of me wishes to do just that, but I know I would only spend my days worrying over your fate. I've come too far to leave you just now. I must see this to the finish. I wish to see you reunited with your family, and only when you are safe will I return to my ship," Nora said with a firm nod.

  "Thank you," Catrin said. "I owe you and your family a great debt. I only hope I can find a way to repay you someday."

  "Nonsense," Nora said. "We've only done what was right. You owe us nothing. Given the chance, I'd do it all again."

  "Trade vessel ahead," the lookout called, and the crew gathered at the gunwales, anxious to see another human face. It was thrilling to see someone besides her shipmates, and excitement ran through her as the ship slid by. The crew of the trade ship eyed them with suspicion, but a few were brave enough to offer a wave. There was the chance that hostile ships would also be in the area, and most kept their eyes to the seas, but there was still an air of celebration aboard the ship. Grubb prepared a special meal using spices and stores normally kept under strict ration, and many a tale was told. Catrin smiled and laughed more than she had for a very long time, and when some of the crewmembers began to sing, she danced.

  * * *

  Straining under the weight of the planks she carried, Catrin asked Benjin to stop so they could rest. The walk from the lumber mill to the docks was not long, but the way was crowded and it took effort to weave their way through. When a man passed by whom Catrin thought she recognized, she assumed she must be mistaken.

  "Things have changed," Benjin said, reading her face. "That was Kenmar Wills. You know him because he used to live in Harborton. It would seem there are many people here from the Godfist. This entire town has grown up in the time we've been gone. I can only imagine what we'll find when we return to the Godfist."

  Catrin tried not to let his words dampen her excitement, but beneath her desire to get home was a petrifying fear that things had changed too much, that her home no longer existed. With a grunt, she lifted her end of the planks, and they began walking back to the Eel.

  "That's the last of it," Benjin said when they finally reached the deck.

  "Take the rest of the day off," Kenward said. "We've got the materials we need now."

  "I need to go look for someone," Catrin said after retrieving her staff.

  Benjin frowned. "Nat Dersinger?"


  "If you must," Benjin said with a sigh. "I don't want you going alone, though. Take Chase with you."

  Though she wanted to go alone, Catrin didn't argue. She'd considered asking Prios to come along, but what she truly needed was time to talk to Nat--alone. Chase seemed to agree with Benjin and followed her down the gangplank. "It'll be good to have my feet on solid ground for a while," he said, and despite his casual tone, Catrin knew he would come whether she wished it or not.

  Though solid, the land itself created feelings of uncertainty, as there were still signs of devastation everywhere. It seemed unfathomable that an eruption so very far away could cause so much destruction. A distinct line stretched from coast to coast, showing how high the water had gotten. It was a wonder anyone survived. The docks and the buildings that stood were apparently new construction using materials recovered after the water receded.

  Most of the people they passed were busy with their own tasks and paid no attention to Catrin and Chase. A few cast suspicious glances; others hawked their wares. Catrin stopped to look at some sausages, knowing how Benjin loved them. She bought three varieties, and after she'd paid, she asked the man if he knew of Nat Dersinger. The man's face turned from friendly to sour, and he just pointed to a place at the end of the docks, where civilization ended and the forest began. Catrin thanked him, but he seemed eager to have her away from him, and she and Chase began walking toward the end of the docks.

  When she saw birds take flight from behind a nearby building, Catrin wondered if word of her coming were already on its way to the Godfist. If it were, there was nothing she could do about it, and she just kept walking.

  "We're not going to be able to find anyone out there," Chase said, but then he stopped short when a tall man stepped into their path. A skirt of reeds covered his loins, but the rest of his body was covered in red paint, with white and black markings painted strategically to make him look better muscled than he actually was. Atop his head was a crown of vines, and the black paint around his eyes gave him an angry appearance. He leaned on a simple wooden staff, but only when he spoke did Catrin recognize him.

  "Greetings, Catrin."

  Chapter 16

  Evil often hides beneath a veil of righteousness.

  --Fetter Bains, agnostic

  * * *
  "Come," Nat said, and he led them to a narrow but well-worn trail that wove through the rotting mass and into the forest. "It's not far."

  "Why are you dressed like that?" Chase asked.

  "I have joined the Gunata, a tribe native to the islands. I married the daughter of a chieftain, and I have become a leader within the tribe."

  "You're married?" Catrin asked, and Nat smiled. Despite the paint he wore, it was the warmest smile she'd ever seen from him. There was a light in his eyes, and the fear fled from her; all that remained was the desire to meet the one who made Nat so cheerful. "That's wonderful. I'm so happy for you!" Charging forward, she hugged him, getting his paint all over her clothing.

  "Come. I must bring you to the elders. They've been waiting for you."

  "Waiting? How did you know we were coming," Chase asked, suspicious.

  "I had a vision," Nat said without hesitation. Chase rolled his eyes but said no more. Beyond a turn, they came to a place where the trail emptied into a lush meadow. The land rolled gently and was blanketed in thick grasses. In the middle was a large fire surrounded by the silhouettes of people, most of which stopped and turned to watch them approach.

  Speaking in a tongue Catrin did not understand, Nat announced them. None of the Gunata spoke or approached; they simply watched as Catrin and Chase followed Nat to a massive log. Here he sat and gestured for everyone else to be seated. Catrin sat next to Nat and Chase beside her. From the crowd of Gunata, one woman approached. Dressed in a wrap of woven palm adorned with flowers of every description, she came straight to Catrin. Going to one knee, she kissed Catrin's hand. "Thank you," she said in a thick accent, but the look in her eyes effectively conveyed her message.

  "Catrin, Chase, this is my wife, Neenya," Nat said. Neenya wore a warm smile, but her eyes were timid. Catrin returned her smile. Neenya sat on the other side of Nat, and now the entire group was seated in a circle around the fire. "When I arrived here, the Gunata seemed to be waiting for me, just as they have waited for you. I tried to communicate with them, but they only pointed to the mountain. Neenya took me there. The way was difficult, but what I found there was worth it. Atop the mountain is a sacred place, a place where the visions are much stronger and clearer. I must take you there. That is what they are waiting for."


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