All That and a Bag of Chips

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All That and a Bag of Chips Page 2

by Darrien Lee

  Jarvis opened the car door for her. “I’m not going to take any chances with those chickenheads up there. You know where my heart is.”

  “Me too, baby. Love you and I’ll call you when I get in.”

  Jarvis gave her another kiss and then waved to her as she backed out of the driveway. He hollered, “Don’t be speeding!”

  She blew her horn at him and was out of sight within seconds. Jarvis stared at the ground for a moment before mumbling, “We did do the wrong thing, Niecy.”


  Venice had a six-hour drive to college, which she hoped she could cut into five. As she drove, she reminisced about the previous night with Jarvis. He definitely knew how to please a woman and Venice was really going to miss that. He made sure he sent her off to college well-satisfied. They’d been through a lot together, more than most people their age. Jarvis was definitely her boo. Venice was a little unconvinced that she wanted college to open new doors for her. She was also slightly nervous about possibly dating someone else since she’d been with Jarvis for so long. She knew she’d have to cross that bridge when she got to it.

  When she finally made it to the college, Venice was exhausted and ready to settle in. She hoped that her roommate would be friendly and easy to get along with. Venice saw all the hustling freshmen coming into the dormitory parking lot. Some were pulling trailer hitches full of school necessities. It took Venice about an hour to get her things to the room. There were boxes in the room marked “Monique.” Her roommate had obviously arrived.

  Venice plopped down on one of the beds. “I hope she’s not a nut case.”

  Venice called her parents and Jarvis to let them know that she’d arrived safely. After she got off the phone, she started hanging her clothes in the closet nearest to the bed she’d selected. By the time she made the bed, two hours had elapsed and her stomach was growling. It was eighty-thirty and she hadn’t had a bite to eat. She still hadn’t heard from Galen or met her new roommate. Venice decided to page Galen to make sure he’d made it in okay. It wasn’t long before the telephone rang.

  “What’s up, baby sister?”

  “Don’t call me that! Why didn’t you let me know you were here?”

  “I was going to call you, but I’ve been kicking it with my boys. What are you doing?”

  “I’ve finished putting up all my stuff and now I’m starving.”

  Galen laughed. “Look, I’m going to meet some of my boys over on the band’s practice field in a minute. Look for me over there and I’ll take you to get something to eat.”

  “How am I going to find the band field?”

  “Follow the music!”

  “Funny, Galen.”

  “I’m just playing. It’s over behind the track.”

  “Oh, I know where you’re talking about now. I’ll see you after I change.”

  She hung up the phone and called her girlfriend Chanelle. She gave Chanelle her phone number and told her that she hadn’t met her roommate yet. They talked a few minutes more and Chanelle informed Venice that it appeared she was going to be joining her after all. The dormitory had an unexpected opening and Chanelle was next on the waiting list. Chanelle told Venice that she’d see her in a couple of days. After they’d said their good-byes, Venice changed into a pair of royal blue shorts and a white tee, wrote her roommate an introductory note, and left out to meet Galen.

  Venice took note of all the activities for incoming freshman as she walked across the campus. A vendor was selling Dawson T-shirts and baseball hats. Venice paused long enough to finger through them. Young men were trying to flirt with her, obviously sensing some “fresh meat.” Venice’s mind was on Jarvis, though. She missed him already. Only time would tell if they were doing the right thing by cooling it. Finally, Venice heard the band’s music in the air.

  Venice reached the field and saw the majorettes, flag corp, and band members on the field going through their routines under the glaring lights that had come on automatically at sundown. As she walked along the fence, she could see Galen and a group of guys across the field. She took her time, stopping occasionally to watch the band’s dance routine.

  Galen and his friends were hanging over the fence near the majorettes, checking them out.

  One of his friends said, “Damn, look at the booty on that one! I’d love to get with her.”

  Galen didn’t have much to say because he was spoken for. He’d been dating his girlfriend, Sidney, since freshman year. He did, however, laugh at the comments his friends were making. Galen hadn’t talked much about Venice during his years at Dawson. It was going to be somewhat of a surprise to his friends to find out that he even had a sister. Galen didn’t talk much about his family period to his friends because he was private like that at times. He was a little uneasy about Venice coming to college there and had tried to keep it on the downlow. When they were in junior high and high school, there were several times he had to get in the face of guys that he felt disrespected Venice. He had a pretty bad temper, but he was doing better controlling it.

  As the guys continued to yell at the majorettes, one of the guys hollered out, “Lawd! Here comes another one over there! Damn, she’s fine!”

  Another one of his friends said, “Man! That one’s going to be my baby’s momma.”

  When Galen and his friend Craig turned to see who they were trippin’ out over, Galen realized that it was Venice. He dropped his head and smiled as Venice approached the group. She noticed everyone was staring at her and it made her feel a tad bit uncomfortable.

  She walked over to Galen and put her arm around his waist. “Hey, bro! Are you ready to go?”

  Galen laughed as he saw his friends’ mouths drop open.

  One of the guys mumbled, “Don’t tell me Galen’s trying to be a playa.”

  “Nah, you trifling fools! This is my sister, Venice.”

  One of his friends said, “Negro, you ain’t got no sister!”

  Venice interrupted. “No, he’s telling the truth. Can’t you see the resemblance?”

  Craig leaned against the fence, looked her up and down, and said, “Galen wished he looked like you.”

  Venice smiled and thanked the extremely handsome friend of Galen’s. Venice sensed that he was checking her out and wondered what he was thinking. A tingle ran up her spine as he continued to ogle her.

  Craig felt a familiar yearning start to build in his gut. While he was accustomed to being aroused, a woman had never stirred him to the core like Venice did. He thought to himself, This woman is absolutely gorgeous! But…she’s Galen’s sister. Damn! Why me! Craig noticed he wasn’t the only one instantly attracted to Venice. I want to get to know you, Venice Taylor!

  Galen told his partners he’d catch up with them later. As they walked away, Galen looked back to find every last one of his friends’ eyes on Venice. Under his breath, he said, “I hope I won’t have to kick none of their asses.”

  Venice asked, “Who was the guy in the gray shirt?”

  “That’s just Craig.”

  “A friend of yours?”

  Galen unlocked the door of his car. “Why do you want to know? Aren’t you still spoken for?”

  “Sort of…we just decided to chill a little.”

  “If you two were chillin’, I’d hate to see what you thought being together was like.”

  “You just don’t understand, Galen. Our relationship’s complicated.”

  “Whatever! Really, why do you want to know about Craig? You wanna hook up with him or something?”

  “I think he’s cute, that’s all. He seems nice.” He is soul-stirring handsome, sexy and unbelievably fine, Venice thought secretively.

  Galen started up the car and pulled off. As he drove down the street, he looked at her and said, “Don’t be rushing into anything because I know how you and Jarvis are. But, I guess if you hang out with any of my friends, Craig’s the coolest one.”

  “Thanks for the 4-1-1, Galen.”

  Galen smiled and pulled int
o a local soul food restaurant. “Let’s grub, girl!”

  Venice laughed. “You’re silly and thanks for the advice because you’re right. I do still have a serious thang for Jarvis.” Then why was I shivering from being in the same air space with this Craig person? she wondered.

  “Are you listening to me, Venice?”


  “Never mind. Go slow, Venice.”

  “Thanks, Galen.”


  When Galen dropped Venice off at her dormitory, he told her that he’d talk to her later.

  She gave him a punch on the arm after thanking him for dinner and said, “I love you, Galen.”

  “I love you, too, girl. Now goodbye!”

  Venice laughed because Galen didn’t like to expose his soft side much.

  As Venice got on the elevator, she wondered if her roommate was back. When she entered the room, it was still empty, but she could see this Monique person had read her note. Venice was sleepy and decided to lie down and take a nap. She didn’t want to miss any of the happenings her first night on campus. She saw a sign in the lobby about a block party in the courtyard at midnight. This gave her time to take a catnap. Lying there, she wondered what she was going to wear. Most importantly, was Craig going to be there? It wasn’t long before she’d drifted off the sleep.

  Venice was startled awake by someone opening the door giggling.

  She sat up. “Hello, you must be Monique.”

  Monique walked into the room and threw her purse on the bed. “Hey, Venice! Girl, we finally hooked up! It’s been a wild day! Are you going to the block party?”

  Excited, Venice answered, “I want to. Do you want to go together?”

  “Yeah! There are some fine men out here!”

  Monique was about five-foot-eight and was wearing some type of designer short set. She was thumbing through her closet trying to decide what to wear to the party. Venice got up and thought to herself, I think I’m going to like her. The two women selected their outfits. Venice chose a burnt orange, mini skirt set with her midsection out and matching sandals. Monique chose a red midriff blouse, which showed off her washboard stomach. She also put on some tight white jeans. Monique looked like a runway model. She was very pretty and had her hair put up in a stylish French roll. They continued to chitchat as they got dressed for the block party.

  Midnight rolled around quickly and the two women headed to the courtyard. They could hear the music filling the air. It was a warm night and thankfully not too humid. Venice was a little nervous, but glad that she had Monique with her. Once they made it to the courtyard, it was hard to see faces. Some people were dancing while others were getting their mack on. Venice scanned the crowd looking for Galen and wondered if Craig was there. Monique found someone to dance with in a hurry, which left Venice standing alone feeling vulnerable.

  As she continued to scan the crowd, a couple of guys came by and asked her to dance. She decided to take them up on their offer. After a few dances, she was no longer feeling like the new kid on the block. The guys she danced with wasted no time trying to get Venice’s phone number, but she wasn’t ready to give it out. About that time, the DJ slowed the music down. Just as another young man was about to ask her to dance again, she heard a husky, yet silky voice call out, “Venice!”

  When she turned, she saw Craig. He took her by the hand, all six-foot two-inches of him and told the young man, “I got this one, partner.”

  The young man could do nothing but stand there with his mouth open. Craig led Venice out into the dance area through the crowd. Venice knew she was looking good in her skirt and Craig was definitely admiring her. Her hair was blown straight. It had so much body that it moved every time she turned her head or the wind blew.

  Venice was a little shocked, but it was a good shock. She realized she’d been blind-sided and it was scary. Her hand in Craig’s sent a heated tingle up her arm. They finally reached a good spot where Venice was able to really check him out.

  Craig was wearing a nice pair of jeans and a white button down shirt and he smelled like heaven. The way his jeans were formed to his muscular thighs and buttocks should’ve been against the law. Venice felt herself trembling slightly but tried to keep her composure when Craig pulled her into his warm body and they began to dance. Chills started running all over her body as their bodies molded into each other. She could feel his gaze, but she dared not confirm it. She thought she would faint.

  What is wrong with me? I haven’t felt anything close to this since I met Jarvis, Venice pondered.

  She glanced over and saw that Monique was still dancing. In fact, Monique hadn’t sat down all evening. Venice tried to keep her mind focused, but it was hard. She felt his warm hands caress her bare back as they danced. Once the song ended, Craig once again held her hand and led her back through the crowd to find a seat.

  Once they sat down, he asked, “How long have you been out here at the party?”

  Venice surveyed the crowd, trying not to make eye contact. “Oh, not long.”

  Craig sensed her nervousness and smiled. “Do you like it here so far?”

  Venice finally looked into his warm, brown eyes. “Yeah, it’s nice here. Have you seen Galen?”

  Craig pointed off to the left. “I saw him and Sidney over there a few minutes ago.”

  There was a moment of silence and Venice noticed Craig was once again staring. He discreetly whispered, “Venice, you’re definitely wearing that skirt.”

  She crossed her legs and replied, “Thank you.”

  In a weird way, Venice felt like she was cheating on Jarvis. They’d been together for so long that it felt strange hanging out with another guy. Especially one who was making her body loose control the way Craig was.

  Galen and Sidney found them not long afterwards. Monique also finally came over to take a breather. A few minutes later, Galen’s other friends, Spoonie and a couple of other guys, joined them. Venice introduced Galen, Sidney, and Craig to Monique. Galen also introduced his friends to everyone. As they talked, everyone began to get to know each other better. They danced and laughed together and Venice felt great that her first night on campus was so cool. Galen’s other friends seemed to admire Venice and Monique very much. Craig knew them and, in a sly way, made sure they didn’t get too friendly with Venice in particular. He didn’t mind them dancing with her. He just made sure there weren’t any one-on-one conversations. He’d made up his mind that he wanted Venice for himself.

  A couple of hours passed and the party began to wind down. Sidney told Galen that she was tired and ready to go. Monique was still macking with several of the guys. Craig socialized with several friends who’d returned for the new school year. Galen asked Venice if they needed a ride back to their dorm. It was about two-thirty and getting a little cool.

  Craig spoke up. “Galen, if Venice doesn’t mind, I’ll drive her and Monique back to the dorm.”

  Venice was taken aback by his forwardness.

  Galen asked, “Is it okay with you, Venice?”

  “It’s fine with me.” She glanced at Craig. “I don’t want you to have to go out of your way.”

  Craig stood up and said, “I don’t mind.”

  Monique was talking to Spoonie and the other guys. She seemed to be having a great time with them. She came over and said, “Roomie, I’ll see you a little later. I’m going to hang out a little longer.”

  Venice responded, “Okay, Monique. I’m headed to the room. I’ll see you later.” She stood and turned to Craig. “Well, I guess we can leave.”

  Galen and Sidney walked in the same direction as Venice and Craig. When they reached the parking lot, Galen leered at Venice. “Page me when you get to the room.”

  Craig laughed. “I’m not going to kidnap her, man. You don’t have to worry about her. I’ll take special care of Venice.”

  Galen jokingly said, “Don’t make me have to put a cap in your ass.”

  Sidney hollered, “Galen, unlock the door! Venice
, don’t pay your brother any attention. You know he’s crazy. See you later, Craig.”

  Craig opened the door for Venice and said, “Goodnight, Sidney.”

  Venice was feeling nervous once again. She realized that she was going to be alone with Craig. She wanted to act mature and not make a fool of herself. Craig had a very nice sports utility vehicle. Venice complimented it by saying, “Your truck’s very nice.”

  Craig pulled out the parking lot and grinned at her. “Thank you.” He reached down to turn on some music and slightly brushed her leg. “Excuse me.”

  She smiled at him. “No harm done.”

  “Do you like jazz?”

  Venice looked straight ahead and answered, “Yes, it’s my favorite.”

  “So, Taylor, are you hungry?”

  Venice shyly said, “Not really.”

  He turned down one of the streets on campus. “If you are, I don’t mind taking you to get a bite to eat. There’s a place just a few blocks from campus that stays open all night.”

  “Maybe another time. I’m a little tired tonight, with the long drive and moving in the dorm and all.”

  “I understand.”

  The rest of the ride was silent. It only took about five additional minutes to reach her dorm. When he pulled into the parking lot, they noticed people sitting outside socializing. Most of them had also just left the block party.

  Craig turned the truck off and got out to open Venice’s door. “Do you mind if I walk you to your door?”

  Venice blushed. “No, I don’t mind at all.”

  Craig walked slightly behind Venice to admire her beautiful figure as she walked ahead of him. Her outfit looked as if God Himself had made it especially for her shapely curves. Venice could feel Craig’s eyes, along with a weird stirring in her stomach. He finally got beside her and they walked slowly toward the entrance to the dorm.

  Once they reached the porch, Venice turned to him. “Thanks again for dropping me off.”


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