Night Hawk Trilogy (Night Hawk Series)

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Night Hawk Trilogy (Night Hawk Series) Page 46

by J. E. Taylor

  The pressure gripped me and I pushed with the last ounce of energy I had and suddenly it released. Jennifer wrapped the third child and smiled.

  “You have a girl,” she said and my eyes filled with tears as she handed the third bundle to me. I leaned against Raven and showed her the final perfect child. My little angel looked at me and cooed before her eyes roamed to her father.

  “Glad you could make it,” I said breathlessly meeting Damian’s glossy gaze.

  “You’ve got two boys and a girl,” Jennifer said glancing at Damian as she swiped up the afterbirth. “And you owe me a new couch,” she added with a smile.

  “Do you have names picked out?” Steve asked as he looked at his watch and scribbled down the time along with the date on the paper he had recorded the other births on.

  I met Damian’s gaze and nodded. “You pick,” I said, trusting him to pick the perfect names. I was too exhausted to think and in such awe of the miracles bestowed on us.

  “Gabriel Alexander for my first born boy,” he said and I smiled, feeling the lump form at the homage to the two fallen angels. Damian traded a glance with CJ and got a nod in response. Alexander was his father’s middle name and I knew he caught the significance.

  “Michael for the second.” I said. I needed to honor the man who saved Damian from death more than once.

  “Michael Christopher,” Damian replied, completing the homage to those who saved us from Lucifer today although I could tell CJ wasn’t as comfortable with the honor.

  “Hey, I wouldn’t have been able to do what I did without that little bit of magic I stole from you,” Damian smiled and CJ gave a silent nod looking down at the baby in his arms.

  “I guess that’s as good a name as any,” he sighed.

  “What about her?” I asked and pressed my lips to the baby’s forehead.

  “Grace,” he said before I could formulate a name.

  I glanced at Damian as Tommy handed Gabriel to him. The way he looked holding my child made me bit my lip, blinking the tears away and I glanced back at the baby in my arms.

  “Grace?” I asked and the baby cooed. I smiled at her and tried the name once more time. “Hi, sweet baby, Grace.”

  Epilogue – Damian

  The kids ran down the beach; their little legs pumping and their laughter floating on the breeze. I ran after them, pretending to be a big bad sand monster, catching each one in my arms and rolling onto my back on the sand. Gracie jumped on my chest and her little fingers found the ticklish spots on my neck as Gabe and Michael yelled for help.

  I yielded, letting them go and sitting up. All three children gave me fierce hugs and I looked beyond my five-year-olds at my wife and friends watching in amusement.

  The children ran back to the group and I sighed, feeling the blessings this life had delivered. I stood, swiping the fine grains of sand from my hands and crossed the distance, settling into the chair next to Naomi and picking up my beer.

  Five years had changed all our lives. I still held the power of the trinity as well as the magic CJ had given me. The months following Lucifer’s demise had been tough on all of us. For Naomi and me, it was more trying to juggle three infants and sleepless nights than coming to terms with Michael’s death. Even the loss of my father felt surreal, but I suppose that was more easily accepted because he hadn’t been in my life for multiple millenniums.

  Steve had the toughest time dealing with the guilt of killing Sarah. He still wonders if he did the right thing, even when I tell him it was better than the alternative. When he came back from taking us to the hospital, he said the entire place was clear. No blood, no bodies, nothing except the swath of burnt ground where I torched Lucifer. As I understand it, Sarah’s disappearance from the house in York is still an open case.

  The loss of Ty hasn’t helped him bounce back either. He took it far worse than either CJ or Tom. Regardless of how much he bitched about being saddled with Ty as his guardian angel, the man had become his confidant and best friend.

  CJ and Tom adjusted, but then again, they had other things pulling their attention away from their grief.

  I sighed, focusing on my daughter. Grace was special in a way that none of us could pinpoint and my boys were just that; wildly active five-year-old identical twins.

  Grace wasn’t a third identical twin. She hadn’t shared the same sac, only the same womb and the boys adored her. They were fiercely protective of her, just like the rest of us, and I like to think they know she has an extraordinarily rare gene. I like to think they know she’s a trinity.

  My gaze landed on the birthmark on her right shoulder blade. Doctors had given us shit for years on that, but it was natural and not a tattoo as they wrongly assumed. As she got older, the details seemed to be getting crisper, the coloring bolder. When we had checked in at Brooksfield Hospital after the births, they accused us of drawing on our baby girl. That was the first time we saw the etched details of the white winged tiger mark.

  From that day forward, whenever we have blood work done, they always tell us it’s been tainted with feline DNA. I just wonder when that tiger is going to come out. I’m hoping it won’t make an appearance, but I know that’s just wishful thinking.

  I stared at the sun-drenched ocean, the light dancing on the waves captured my attention, and I wondered how I got to this wonderful station in life and why I was so lucky.

  Naomi’s hand covered mine and I smiled, moving my attention away from the waves.

  Some other things have changed for the better, too, and I glanced at two of my closest friends. One has known me since she was born, and I couldn’t have picked a better man for her.

  Valerie smiled at me like she knew what I was thinking. She ran her hand down CJ’s arm and laced her fingers with his.

  He turned toward her, returning her grin before his gaze dropped to her oversized belly. CJ leaned forward, planting a kiss on the swollen skin under her beach dress.

  “How you feeling?” he asked.

  “Good, considering I’m overdue,” she said. “I swear this boy just doesn’t want to come out.”

  Tom and Raven chuckled, turning toward the squealing laugh of their three-year-old daughter. Hannah approached, her tiny hands grasping one of Steve’s and Jennifer’s. She planted her feet and then jumped, letting Steve and Jennifer swing her forward. Her giggle tickled all of us and we exchanged glances before returning our gaze to the wild redhead. She broke free and ran to our three kids, sliding to a stop and dropping into the sand next to them.

  Steve and Jennifer approached, dropping into the vacant seats nearest the kids.

  “She’s a handful,” Steve smiled.

  Tom returned his smile, nodding and signing a simple, “Yes.”

  “Have you settled on a name yet?” Naomi asked, her eyes locked on our children building a sand castle a few feet away.

  “Ty,” Valerie said, pulling our gazes to her. “Ty Alexander Ryan.”

  I smiled, scanning the horizon, wondering if Ty was finally at peace in heaven.

  Grace stood and crossed to me, taking my hand and meeting my gaze.

  “He is, Daddy,” she said, patting my hand, leaving tiny traces of sand with each pat.

  A chill drifted over all of us and I traded a glance with CJ. He could read me better than anyone here and he raised his beer in response. Grace seemed to have a line straight to heaven, one that even a trinity of angelic grace didn’t have. I gave her a soft smile, staring into those dazzling big blue eyes and ran my finger down her nose, tapping the end of it lightly.

  “Thank you, Grace,” I said and wondered just where her celestial knowledge ended. Her level of comprehension never ceased to amaze me and her insight was always frighteningly accurate, even at five.

  “You’re welcome, Daddy,” she said and turned, skipping back to the sandcastle.

  I knew someday I’d have to worry about Grace, but today wasn’t that day.

  The End


p; J.E. Taylor is a writer, a publisher, an editor, a manuscript formatter, a mother, a wife and a business analyst, not necessarily in that order. She first sat down to seriously write in February of 2007 after her daughter asked:

  “Mom, if you could do anything, what would you do?”

  From that moment on, she hasn’t looked back and now her writing résumé includes more than half a dozen published novels along with several short stories on the virtual shelves including a few within eXcessica anthologies.

  In addition to being co-owner of Novel Concept Publishing (, Ms. Taylor also moonlights as a Senior Editor of Allegory (, an online venue for Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror. She has been known to edit a book or two and also offers her services judging writing contests for various RWA chapters.

  She lives in Connecticut with her husband and two children and during the summer months enjoys her weekends on the shore in southern Maine.

  Visit her at

  If you liked NIGHT HAWK TRILOGY, check out the single titles in the Night Hawk Series:

  NIGHT HAWK (Book 1):

  Selling your soul has never been so charming and Mark throws in a little something to sweeten the pot, his girlfriend Naomi.

  Sentenced to death at the hands of a demon, Naomi Hawk has a firsthand lesson in despair and betrayal in Mark’s deal for fame with all the trimmings. Deep in the clutches of the underground brotherhood, Naomi's light is coveted for the Master's gain.

  When she slips and falls eighty stories from a precarious ledge, Naomi resigns herself to the inevitable impact and death by shattered bones. Before she can escape her demons in eternal slumber, something sinister plucks her from the plummet, stealing her out of the night to sacrifice her forever to the shadows.

  Imprisoned in bottomless darkness, Naomi thirsts for justice… and revenge.

  TIGRESS (Book 2):

  Naomi's immortality is nullified, making her vulnerable to the ones who consider her their conquest. If she wasn't already walking over the hot coals of misfortune she would be obsessed with the next ambush. The shadow vaccine is hell in a syringe, the antidote turning Naomi’s blood into a lethal elixir, rendering her toxic to all vampires, including Damian.

  Archangel Michael reveals a long buried secret of her heritage and cautions Naomi against personally triggering the apocalypse. If Lucifer discovers just how unique she is, death at his hands will become her most appealing escape.


  Mornings are a challenge with Damian being mortal, he instinctively dives for the floor when dawn's light illuminates the bed. The scald of whiskey, and the way Naomi feels, are the only constants which haven't changed. However, his mortal world begins to shine when fatherhood hits his horizon.

  Plans for a bright future disintegrate when Lucifer comes to claim their Trinity child, playing dirty by framing Damian for murder. Now, Damian and Naomi are on the run from both Lucifer and the law. They find an ally in a most unlikely source, ex-FBI agent Steve Williams and his family; a family with enough psychic energy to wage a war and realign the universe.

  With their new friends as part of the dynamic, Damian and Naomi are desperate for victory against the devil. One wrong step and they could trigger Armageddon, or worse, the hope for our future could fall into Lucifer's greedy grip.


  NIGHT HAWK (Book 1):

  Sentenced to death at the hands of a demon, Naomi Hawk slips and falls eighty stories from a precarious ledge, resigning herself to the inevitable impact. Before she can escape her demons in eternal slumber, something sinister plucks her from the plummet, stealing her out of the night to sacrifice her forever to the shadows. Now, Naomi thirsts for justice… and revenge.

  TIGRESS (Book 2):

  Naomi's immortality is nullified, making her vulnerable to the ones who consider her their conquest. If she wasn't already walking over the hot coals of misfortune she would be obsessed with the next ambush. The shadow vaccine is hell in a syringe, the antidote turning Naomi’s blood into a lethal elixir, rendering her toxic to all vampires, including Damian.


  Damian’s mortal world begins to shine when fatherhood hits his horizon, but plans for a bright future disintegrate when Lucifer comes to claim their Trinity child, playing dirty by framing Damian for murder. Now, Damian and Naomi are on the run from both Lucifer and the law. One wrong step and they could trigger Armageddon, or worse, the hope for our future could fall into Lucifer's greedy grip.

  You might also like J.E. Taylor’s other titles, including the Steve Williams Series (available in a full boxed set as well as individual titles):


  A sadistic killer stalks the secluded college town of Brooksfield, New Hampshire. With bodies piling up and rumors of the murders being part of sacrificial hazing rituals, the FBI plants Special Agent Steve Williams in a fraternity at Brooksfield University. His investigation takes a ninety degree turn into the bizarre when he’s introduced to Jennifer, a clairvoyant co-ed who swears the killer isn’t human.

  Steve considers the plausibility of the extraordinary, the unspeakable, even the inconceivable, when his notebook starts bleeding cryptic messages. Messages that indicate Jennifer is at the heart of the darkness in Brooksfield.

  When she describes her latest vision, a trail of violent deaths, including his, Steve asks the million-dollar question:

  Is Jennifer trying to help... or is she actually the one responsible?

  “J E Taylor writes a thrilling and engaging paranormal horror, “DARK RECKONING”. The absorbing, fluid plot builds slowly towards its divergent terror-driven climax. I do love a great horror story, so I’m adding this beauty to my ebook collection. Marking it for a repeat read too.” Pamela Jenewein – Romance At Heart Reviews

  "J.E. Taylor has penned a tale of terror worthy of Lovecraft. The strong characters, edgy atmosphere, and unflinching narrative hooked me from the first and kept me riveted all the way through to its horrifying conclusion - a solid piece of storytelling!" Ty Drago, Editor of Allegory and author of PHOBOS

  “I loved DARK RECKONING - always had a soft spot for demon type horror/thrillers and this is fabulous. Just the right mix of terror and calm so I didn't have a heart attack while reading but came close! Excellent read for anyone who loves horror and a good love story.” Cat Connor author of killerbyte and terrorbyte

  VENGEANCE (Book 2):

  Living large in New York City as a corporate lawyer for the most savvy drug lord on the East Coast, Special Agent Steve Williams carefully plots Charlie Wisnowski's downfall. His plans go to hell when his wife Jennifer survives an attack by a serial killer. With her life in jeopardy and his undercover guise threatening to unravel, he orders Charlie’s arrest. But the sting goes woefully wrong and Steve becomes the target of a mafia assassin hired by the biggest crime boss in America.

  Escaping from the city, Steve and Jennifer settle back into their quiet life on the banks of Mirror Lake. Their peaceful existence shatters with a crippling loss and Jennifer’s visions escalate, forecasting a brutal assault on their family.

  Armed with scant details from her dreams, Steve trudges through a litany of past connections, searching for the key to stop the course of fate.

  What he uncovers chills him to the core - a brother with a grudge, a serial killer and a mafia assassin are all on his trail. The hunt begins...

  “VENGEANCE follows FBI agent Steve Williams deep undercover inside a cocaine ring. With each chapter the tension mounts as Taylor turns the screws using multiple and excellent techniques to grip the reader. It’s a great crime thriller – an excellent read, it moves at a frenetic pace with multiple character threads woven through it to culminate in an explosive ending. I recommend it as a gripping read you won’t be able to put down.” Poppet – author of Darkroom and Seithe


  When Kyle Wi
nslow escapes from custody and targets everyone Special Agent Steve Williams cares about, a turn of fate brings Steve face to face with Ty Aris – a criminal mastermind topping the FBI’s most wanted list.

  Torn between justice and vengeance, Steve must make a decision.

  Join alliances with Ty, or arrest him and lose his best chance to catch the bastard who destroyed his family.

  "Unstoppable, breath stealing, and terrifying all at once." - Cat Connor, author of killerbyte, terrorbyte, and exacerbyte.

  "Hunting Season goes where few venture, mixing a compelling crime thriller with supernatural forces. The action and drama is thick and fast and I guarantee you will not be able to put this book down." - Poppet, author of Seithe and Darkroom.


  Special Agent Steve Williams, still reeling from the death of Chris Ryan and his unexpected inheritance, isn’t ready to step back into the line of fire. Relations with his wife are strained at best, and now he’s saddled with a new partner and a not so silent guardian angel.


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