Shifting Truth

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Shifting Truth Page 13

by Francheska Fifield

  The panic recedes from her eyes.

  "Beth, she left last night. They will save the world. They will save everything. It's okay. You just need to heal."

  Brisa looks at me; it is like she is trying to tell me something, too bad I never learned Morse code. If I had I might be able to interpret the blinks and winks she is sending my way. See this is where Beth would come in handy. She could interpret any type of communication (other than verbal) body language, Morse code; she has it all down pat. We have opposite skills…too bad we never seem to be in the right place at the right time.

  I can do nothing but pat her hand and tell her to rest; promising that we will return as soon as she is well, as soon as we are both well. Promising her that we are safe and that she doesn't have to worry. That Beth is back in control and she will rein in the demons. The blinking continues but at a less urgent pace.

  I step back so the doctors can look her over, see if there is anything else they can do to make her comfortable. I want to tell her to send a message to the Fae demanding help, a healer for starters and maybe someone to follow Beth and keep her safe from the demons within, but I know she won't survive them getting here…even if they can teleport. Using her power while she is this weak will destroy her chance of survival. The fact that she is conscious speaks of the well of willpower that is hidden beneath the shy girl that we met before heading out and have seen throughout the journey.

  I sit in the chair near her bedside watching as they poke and prod, give injections, and try to make her more comfortable.

  Brisa is very sweet. Most Fae are arrogant, even half-Fae think themselves above humans. She is so kind, so caring, I’m not sure how, but I know I want to protect her. I want to help her. Beth would be better at the job than I would; she always was a hard ass, the survivor. I was always the scholar…but for once I have something I am interested in saving, I can't say exactly what it is about Brisa, but I want to be there for her.

  Perhaps it is the near-death experience. Beth said that bonds you to someone. She is probably right. Too bad I am the type of person that will obsess over how Brisa is doing even after we part ways after the mission. Worry, worry, worry. All I will be able to do.

  I sigh and try to relax. Nothing I can do until the mission is over and she and I talk.

  'So how are we getting back to the Fae world?'

  The demons don't respond right away, instead they look around before they start to do something very odd. They dance. I don’t understand it. We’d been walking away a second ago, now instead of walking away we are dancing away, or in a circle. It is very strange. They push my consciousness further back so I can't question them anymore.

  I can feel my body going through motions, motions I am pretty sure human bodies aren't meant to do. Twinges, pinches, and cracks sound. I know I wilol be some kind of sore after this, still there is very little I can do about it. They are in control and I want it that way…it is safer for everyone.

  When the dancing stops they shoot their hand out at the circle they'd been making and suddenly a portal opens. Holy shit! Why couldn't they do that to get home? I mean if they want to go home that is fine, but I prefer they not take my body with them.

  I try to send them that information in a mental message. I don’t want them to feel responsible. Jason tricked me into waking them and if they found a way home they should take it. I will find another way to defeat Kyle's remains. Their answer is spoken aloud… there is no one around so it's not like they can think I am crazy talking to myself.

  "It's a portal to the Fae world. The Fae world is connected to yours, it overlaps it. Our dimension is completely different; it takes a lot for us to get home. It'll take the blood of a vampire, a shifter human mage, a werewolf, and a Fae. Because that is what Solomon was, that is what it will take to mix with our power and send us home. Fresh blood and incantations from all of them, all of those species. It is why we will never get home as they never work together."

  Well hell I can more than likely get all those together. Jason will be the shifter. I'm sure Brian would be the vampire. Is he old and powerful enough though? The Fae Prince is going to owe me one, can't ask for better than his blood. The human is really the only problem… and the werewolf. I am only friends with one werewolf and he is out for the count. Bet I can get the councils to help me send demons home…they won’t want anything this powerful around to interfere… if only we can survive.

  'Likely be a rocky ride. Brisa said that the Fae world was a mess. I have no idea what it will look like.'

  My head nods as we jump through the portal. I am glad I am suppressed for that because when we get to the other side there is vomiting. If it is rough enough for the demons to puke how would I have reacted?

  They let my personality forward so all three of us have equal control of the body. My God it is a confusing feeling. Knowing I can move my hands but so can someone else. It also puts a great deal of strain on my brain. I can already feel the headache forming in the temples. This mission has to be done fast.

  Before we can blink we are surrounded by warriors pointing weapons and magic at us. That is quite the greeting… made better by the demons readying to attack but I metaphysically put my hands on their shoulders and ask them to let me handle it.

  "I got back as soon as I could Brisa said there were problems. What happened?" The Fae Prince comes forward anger and betrayal covering his face… that doesn't bode well for me and my survival chances.

  "How did you teleport? No one has had that spell for many generations, and when I say generations I mean Fae generations not human."

  "Well I'm currently possessed by two demons who have the power to get rid of Kyle… after the mission I need the power to send them home. It's our agreement for their help. By the way I'm going to need Fae blood and some kind invocation so you're it." I need to grab those with power, not just magical but extreme will power as well. I can probably ask my grandma to do the vampire part, she is old, powerful, it'd work…I hope.

  They look like they don't give two damns about what I think, want, or know. The thing that used to be Kyle has apparently done a number on their world, as I look around I can see the how of it. I can see how the glamour is gone, but things are not the dangerously perfectionist beauty they were before. It looks like a war zone.

  I can see magical fires smoldering at the bases of trees, or what had once been trees. I can see holes that were caused by exploding magic, the air is not crystal clear pure oxygen that you can just breathe in and instantly feel revitalized. It is smoky, dusty, things float around. Pieces of what once lay everywhere.

  I take a deep breath, I have to swallow the smart ass to deal with them, otherwise we will never get this done.

  "Look ,Brisa didn't tell me the details. She just told me that most of the air Fae were wiped out and that Kyle had escaped. Well, we kinda knew he escaped since he attacked us right before she contacted you. I just mean after she contacted you we knew something was wrong, we didn't know what or how bad, she wasn't really able to talk much." Technically Jason told me when we met up again and were both conscious, but I don’t really want to get into all that right now.

  "And where is she? Why has she not accompanied you? You left with three, you return alone…with demons in your possession."

  Well that is a loaded comment if I’ve ever heard one. "The demons are inside. I'm in control, I give them control if it feels like my blood lust might take over, they don't keep it. We have an understanding. Brisa was injured, as was Jason, you probably would already have more details about their injuries than me if you kept in contact with your accountant. They are after all paying the doctors bills with your money."

  That got me thinking. I need a human, they know about the Fae; no reason they can't know about the rest of us and just say simple invocation, put a drop of blood on the silly little glyph, and be done with it.

  "Brisa and Jason are still being treated. If you could send a healer over to them it would go faster. Rig
ht now it's a shifter and werewolves…there's only so much they can do."

  "Shake hands with this tracking Fae and think of the place you were healed, where they are healing. He will get the healer there."

  I close my eyes and the demons and I all concentrate on what we remember of the town, the doctors themselves, the building, the surrounding land Jason and I walked around and everything while shaking hands with this Fae man that seems to hide in the shadows, even in the absence of them.

  "They've given me more than enough. As soon as I touch ground on the land it can be found on I'll be able to find the place."

  The Prince nods and the Fae leaves. I am guessing the short pudgy woman is the healer. She certainly doesn't look scary or intimidating. More like a grandmother, someone that you can just go up and hug even if you don't know them. Someone you need to tell all your problems to, you can just sit at her feet and curl up around her legs rest your head on her lap and let your troubles melt away. Definitely a healer Fae.

  "So can I talk to Brian? He should have some information for me. As long as you guys did your job."

  Prince boy nods and beckons. He says nothing so I worry about a trap, the demons must have agreed because they prepar their magic, ready to take over at a moment's notice and blow some shit up. Oh the Fae and demons are going to get along great I can tell.

  Chapter Eleven

  The second I open the door Brian looks up and basically flies at me. He lands wrapped around me without actually smashing into me. For a nerdy vampire he has some good reflexes…and control.

  "We hadn't heard from you in so long. Do you have any idea how worried I was?"

  The demons are shocked and awed. I am trying not to take it offensively that they find it unlikely someone can stay with me for a long period and not smash their head through a wall.

  "We had some troubles, but it will all be over soon."

  "Jason and Brisa?"

  "Still in Iran. At a shifter doctor treating them for wounds sustained."

  "You look better than I have seen in a long time. More rested."

  I smile and open my mouth to try to explain why when the demons force me back and take control. I have to hand it to Brian, he knows the second it is no longer me; despite not knowing I am possessed. If they are doing the abyss eye thing, I’m not surprised.

  "She smells different…what the hell is going on?!"

  "We have taken control of the body. We know more about what is needed to banish the entity she refers to as Kyle than she does. Show us what you have. You can welcome her back after the mission is complete. I will also need you to find a way to send us home. We have a fairly good idea, but we need to contact the councils of every race and Beth thinks you are able to do so. We will explain later. They each need to send a volunteer, the most powerful of their clans they can. For now we will attend to the Fae problem. Show me what you have gathered."

  Brian's eyes go red and the teeth elongate. Well this is going great. I push forward promising it is only for a moment to explain better. Luckily they let me.

  "Sorry I didn’t get a chance to tell you. Jason set me up to be possessed by demons. Two of them. They will summon Kyle back and banish him. Or I will with their power. In exchange I promised to find them a way home. Solomon summoned them here against their will in exchange for the power and wisdom to rule and expand his empire. Wait ‘til we have free time and I will tell you how he was brought down by vaginas."

  Brian looks confused, relieved and about a hundred other emotions at once.

  "You are okay with this? You don’t seem upset."

  "They keep it at bay. Everything I haven't been able to control…honestly it's likely the best thing that’s happened since…"

  I don’t finish but Brian doesn’t need me to. He knows what I mean. Since my kidnapping nothing has gone right and I am a time bomb hovering on that last second. Once the demons are gone I am going to lose it. I know it and now so does he.


  "Don’t. We don’t have time to worry about that right now. I need you to contact my grandmother and update her one everything going on. Tell her to get IT ready. She will know what I mean."

  He nods and pulls out his computer leaving the room. The demons want to stop him but just this once I hold on so tightly they can’t.

  "What he gathered is over here?"

  One of the Fae that has been helping him, he looks like a librarian anyway, nods and takes me over to piles of papers and books. Organized chaos. That is so Brian.

  "Tell them everything and make it fast. They hate wasting time."

  I take the backseat and willingly let the demons take over. It is their time.

  After contacting Beth's grandmother and having her promise to do whatever it is Beth wants her to do and quickly once this mission is done (along with my promise to bring Beth to her as soon as possible) I find out where Jason is and contact the place. It sounds legit, and from the information I have gathered via my spy network it is as Beth said. A supernatural safe haven with medical services.

  "Jason what the hell were you thinking? Do you know how unstable she has been? Why would you add demons to the mix?"

  "You can only defeat power with something more powerful. Beth wasn’t going to be able to do it on her own Brian. She's powerful, but not enough. She doesn’t have the right kind of energy."

  "You infected your sister with two demons without her knowledge! What the fuck kind of brother are you?"

  "Before we left Beth said she knew you would have done what she wanted and had everything ready for when she woke from her mini coma because you knew it was what she wanted. Beth wants to stop Kyle because she killed him in a way they couldn’t release his energy back into the hill and prevent this from happening. It's not her fault, but she blames herself and I knew she would do anything to correct that lapse in judgment. This was the only way and she would have wanted to be the one at risk. Not Brisa, not I. Her. I did what she would have wanted. Nothing more or less. It's not about one person it's about the fate of all of existence. He can throw the entire world off balance. I made a choice, even if it's Beth I would make it again."

  Our conversation ends because I crush the phone. Logically he is right, about everything. Beth wouldn’t want others to take this on and she would rather die than let the world be thrown off balance. Still, despite everything, my mind knows my heart is more powerful. Jason will come home and be right back in the hospital for all the broken bones I will give him.

  I smash through everything in the room I am in before I calm down enough to go back. For now I will accept this, but I won’t take it lying down for long. I will bide my time. Promise or no promise I am not sacrificing Beth for those demons chance to go home…or for the whole world. It can go to hell in a hand basket for all I care. As long as she survives.

  An hour later the demons are caught up and Brian and the librarian are waiting for further instructions.

  "We can accomplish this. The only problem is the energy. It will have to be released into a container. Something strong enough to contain it. Or at least long enough for it to settle. The container will most likely get destroyed. It would be best if it were someone that was willing to die and thus when the Fae do the ritual to return their power to the land the containers power and this Kyle's power will go. That would be the least destructive way."

  "Someone dying is the least destructive way?"

  The demons in control shrug my shoulder. I wonder if it looks different from when I do it.

  "Otherwise it will be a battle of energy. It will cause even more destruction and death than its escape. Our power is not easily contained. It also increases the chances we will burn this body out. If someone is willing to die it will be easier to deal with than a battle that will kill dozens. This body's personality prefers not to sacrifice others, but it admits one is preferable to many. She also wishes to keep her promise to us. She hopes to die as herself I believe. Still in control of her sanity."

nbsp; Brian's face twists in pain and anger. Did they have to say that part out loud? They need to learn to filter.

  "Everyone but Beth out, now."

  Even the Fae don’t mess with the face Brian is wearing now. The demons are not afraid. They don’t know enough to be afraid.

  "I don’t care what she promised you. When this is over I will pay every supernatural in the world to exercise you from her. I don’t give two shits about her promise to you. Beth will survive this, even if I have to smash her promise into a million pieces to ensure it. Do we understand one another?"

  The demons push me back further so I can’t respond and just stare at Brian pondering the likelihood of him being able to actually accomplish what he says.

  "You care for her. We have seen love over the centuries. We also know it can destroy as well as build. You will destroy her trying to save her. She cannot hold her own sanity anymore. We had to hold her back during feedings and while she slept so she did not kill those helping her. If you do save her from us you will doom her to killing those she loves not knowing what she's truly doing. We are all that’s keeping her from destroying herself right now. I will get the others so we can formulate a plan."

  They leave Brian sitting there completely crestfallen. I wish I could shield him from it, but they are right. They are keeping me contained now and despite what Brian wants it has to happen this way.

  "Please come in we need to finalize our plans."

  When the demons open the doors Brisa standd there as well. At my behest the demons ask after Jason.

  "The Fae wouldn’t heal him. He is still in Iran. They are still paying his medical bills though."

  Brian mutters something about lucky for him and I am fairly certain I will need to find a new keeper to care for Brian once I die. Perhaps gram will adopt him.

  "You are the Fae that was with the shifter who tried to attack me. If you interfere I will kill you."


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