Shifting Truth

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Shifting Truth Page 16

by Francheska Fifield

  Brisa raises her hand pulsing like a firefly.

  "What do I do?"

  "You can stay here and keep the Fae out of this or you can come with me to meet the werewolf council. They are some big puppies in need of an attitude adjustment. Your choice."

  She smiles and stands.

  "Let's go."

  I smile and grab my sword throwing it across my back. God I missed home. Going to other countries is great and all, but there really is nowhere quite like New England. A great blend of old and new and plenty of supernatural's needing me to kick their asses.

  "Let's go slap some noses with newspapers."

  Brisa summons some wind and it carries us where we want to go. She is definitely more powerful now. It doesn’t seem to even faze her now. Well at least there will be a bad ass chick out there when I am gone. I am so proud.

  "Oh look it’s the big bad wolves."

  Brisa blows the doors off the hinges. Well isn’t she learning to make an entrance. Growling fills the room….it often does when I am here. I have a knack for pissing off powerful people. Too bad they have to keep me alive to hire me.

  "Okay so here's the thing. I need a powerful werewolf volunteer to prick a finger and chant a spell. Or I let the demons loose in here so you can see what they are capable of."

  "Demons haven't existed for centuries. We will not fall into this trap. We have already had rampant loss of control going around. We are not jeopardizing one of our own for whatever ridiculous story you concocted."

  I turn to Brisa. She looks on the verge of laughing.

  "Try not to let them loose on the general public. Or kill these fools. As dumb as they are they hold the reins on the others."

  She nods and steps back into the doorway. The pulsing turns to flaring. It is like a star is standing in front of me. The wolves growl and squint. Bright lights and super vision don’t work so well.

  "You can turn it down a bit I don’t want them saying the demons beat them because of being blinded by your brilliance."

  She tones it down but her hands and eyes keep up the intensity. A subtle reminder she can still call the power to kick their asses. I must be a bad influence. Jason has told me she envied me, now she has the power to let herself go. Good for her.

  'Okay guys teach the doggy's a lesson…just try to keep them alive.'

  I let them take the reins. I am still able to see through the demons eyes. The puppies act like they really have been hit by newspapers. They shrink back and start to turn almost without wanting to. A natural reaction to a big bad predator. Take on your strongest form.

  "The host says we must teach you to heel. I believe she or the little Fae girl could do it, but I guess you need proof we can and will destroy this world if we do not get to go home as we were promised if we helped stop the loose Fae power from destroying the world. If only all of you could be as honorable as the host."

  They lift their hands and purple lightning blows up the bench the wolves have been sitting at. They scatter and go into pack mode. They circle the demons and I like prey. The demons chuckle with glee. They find it funny. Of course they do. My body will be dog chow, not theirs.

  "Silly little critters."

  Black plasma balls take out the pillars holding up the ceiling one by one. The wolves rush us all at once from every angle. They hit a shield and push with all their might. Despite being invisible and less solid than air it doesn’t budge. With the wave of a hand all the wolves go flying into the walls.

  Bones crack and yelping fills the air. I want to stop now, but a couple of them are getting up and ready to attack again, despite the panting and barely being able to stand. Were's have perseverance if nothing else.

  "Stupid animals. How can they not tell how outnumbered they are? Are all the wolves in this time this stupid? Have all the supernatural's chosen such stupid leaders? They were smarter and more honorable in our time. Solomon had them policing. They kept the other supernaturals in line and kept peace. They were integral and treated honorably because that’s how they acted. The golden age is over I suppose but to see how far all have fallen saddens us. Nothing for it. Perhaps we should just kill all but one and force their help in exchange for life."

  I try to argue internally, but the wolves still rush us and get thrown back, over and over, like rabid dogs. Even I am embarrassed for them. Perseverance is one thing, but stupidity is something entirely different.

  "The host wishes we keep you all alive, even if we believe the wolves would be better off picking new leaders. So we shall just make it so you need a long time to heal. See we worked with wolves. We know what stops them without killing them."

  The demons take the pieces of the broken pillars and the falling ceiling and turn it all into stones while it floats in air. Then they pelt the wolves. At speeds that make holes in their bodies. Blood splashes everywhere and bones become visible. Chunks of flesh fly from bodies. Even I cringe. How will they survive this?

  "We ask again. Can we get a volunteer of should we make sure everywhere werewolf in the world looks worse than all of you?"

  They have taken so much damage, them and their guards, they have to turn human again to conserve energy.

  "We…we can summon…someone."

  The demons are pleased. I feel a nod as they motion Brisa over.

  "Get the name and number from them. Contact the others to find what location they picked and let the werewolf and the human mage know so we can all meet their. The host wants this over with and to change clothing."

  Brisa nods and blows everything on the ground back out of the way. Only her wind magic is holding the roof up as she lifts all the human bodies out. When everyone has been floated out she steps over the threshold and lets it go. The Werewolf council building collapses.

  The records, the history, the census. Everything the wolves treasure gone. Buried under rubble. Sirens blare in every direction. Other supernaturals, mostly wolves, come out and look at us. Brisa is pulsing like a bulb about to blow, the demons and I are covered in blood and bits of fur, and their strongest leaders are torn to pieces but somehow still alive.

  "This is what happens when you mess with demons. Next time the host asks nicely for help with sending us home listen, or we will take a body and what was done here will seem small. Clean up your people before the humans find them."

  We walk off Brisa following while talking on a cell phone. The whole supernatural world will hear of this and remember that no matter how powerful they are they are not the biggest, baddest thing out there. It will be a hard truth to swallow, but maybe the demons are right, maybe it is needed. A change is on the wind and everyone needs to learn top band together to survive.

  'Yes host. The world has changed but there is something that never does. We all need one another to live. Whether we like it or not.'

  'Do you think we could create what Solomon had? The humans outnumber us so much more now. They do not know of our existence anymore.'

  'They know; stories have been passed down. They just don’t want to believe it anymore, they do not see the magic the world is steeped in anymore. They have covered it with technology. Soon it will reach a boiling point and the world and its old gods will no longer be content to be ignored. Then all of you, human and paranormal, will have a hard new truth. You will learn, young ones, that relying on one another is the only way to survive.'

  With that they say no more and allow Brisa to take the lead and show us the way to the place where the ritual to send them home will be. They have so much wisdom but we have lost the rights to it. We will have to discover our own truths in our own way. And hopefully someday someone wise enough to lead will come around again and help the humans and paranormal blend in a successful empire bringing peace and prosperity to all once again.

  Chapter Fourteen

  "So this is where the shindig will take place?"

  I look around seeing nothing but trees, a field, and sky. Nothing to mark this pace as special.

er it's nice to see you alive and well. The tales of your insanity seem to be as exaggerated as my own."

  Grams hugs me and I am glad the demons have taken a step back when I changed so I can see my gram again before losing it.

  "I wish they were, but once the demons are gone from me it will be a different story. They have the power to control my bloodlust."

  "Then I wish they were not leaving so soon. I would love to have my scientists interview them. Perhaps with their help a cure could be found for the vampire insanity."

  "They have been here for thousands of years. Its time they go home."

  "Of course. I cannot imagine being gone for so long."

  She walks off to see to the set up of the cage. She and Brian are making sure it is well and good for me once the demons are gone.

  "Sis. It must have been interesting. The werewolf showed up shivering like a little girl stumbling over the lines I had him practice. What the hell happened?"

  I hug Jason before he goes over to hug Brisa as well. Well, well, well. Something is going on. I am glad, to be honest. She can watch out for him when he is weakened from losing his demonic partner.

  "Your sister let the demons loose on the werewolf council when they mocked her and her inane ideas that demons exist. She did keep them from killing anyone."

  "You wouldn’t know it the way that poor werewolf woman acts. She looks like a lamb being led to the slaughter. I can feel the strength pouring off her but she's terrified."

  Brisa shrugs and Jason sighs staring at me.

  "Hey I kept them from killing anyone and Brisa got the weres out before the building collapsed."

  "It shouldn’t have collapsed at all."

  I shrug. "They are demons. What's a girl to do?"

  "And your…pushy…nature had nothing to do with it?"

  "I resent you calling me pushy."

  "It's better than what I was going to say."

  He crosses his arms and Brisa walks over to help my gram and Brian laughing the whole time. Ahh sibling rivalry. It is funny to everyone else, but still no one is stupid enough to step into the middle of it.

  "Just make sure everyone knows their lines. Then we never have to worry about them hurting anyone again."

  He curses under his breath and walks away. I look around. He is right, I can feel how strong that werewolf is but she is timid as a mouse right now. That’s not the best sign. Of course after hearing about the council the werewolf population will all be on edge for the foreseeable future.


  I turn and hug Brian. It might be the last time I can so I want to enjoy it while it lasts. I can hope my grams will cure the bloodlust, but there is no guarantee it will ever happen, especially not in my lifetime.

  "I have instructions for you too. You have to keep humans and police routed away from here. No matter what they hear we cannot let anyone near this area. Speaking of…Why did you pick this area?"

  "Your gram said a ley line was here. The human mage could draw more power. She figured everyone at their strongest would be good."

  That explains why it is dark out. Lights are set up for those without night vision to see, but my gram is stronger at night, as is the wolf. Not to mention the undead prefer the night, only the oldest and strongest can stand in the sun while undead. The human mage will be stronger at the ley line. Brisa will be stronger under and open sky in nature. Jason and I are fine anywhere. Our power is within not without. And limited no matter where we stand.

  "Good. I need to get my lines and practice."

  A quick kiss and I am over by Jason practicing Latin. The demons try to convince me to let them imprint the knowledge to speak it correctly. I am not really sure how to feel about that. Until they offer to make it temporary. It will burn up when they leave. I’m not happy about the potential brain damage, but there is no other way. The demons speak the words in my mind…

  We exorcise you, every impure spirit, every satanic power, every incursion of the infernal adversary, every legion, every congregation and diabolical sect

  Therefore, accursed dragon and every diabolical legion, we adjure you,

  Cease to deceive human creatures, and give to them the poison of eternal damnation

  Begone, demons, inventor and master of all deceit, enemy of man’s salvation,

  Humble yourself under the mighty hand of God, tremble and flee when we invoke the Holy and Terrible Name which causes hell to tremble

  From the snares of the demons, deliver us, O Lord.

  We exorcise you, every impure spirit, every satanic power, every incursion of the infernal adversary, every legion, every congregation and diabolical sect

  Therefore, accursed dragon and every diabolical legion, we adjure you … Cease to deceive human creatures, and give to them the poison of eternal damnation

  That Thy Church may serve Thee in secure liberty secure, we ask Thee, hear us.

  I hear it in English but they assur me when I speak it will come out in Latin.

  'There's a whole lot of church and lord talk. You guys are not actually weak against God's power are you?'

  'It is more about the belief and power than the words. These are the words Solomon used so it's best to keep them the same for our purposes.'

  'Very well.'

  "Alright everyone time to set up the elements and prepare to bleed. Does everyone know the chant?"

  Everyone more or less nods. Great. Hopefully they don’t have to say it in Latin. I know as the leader of the ritual, like a coven of witches, that I have to do it all the right way. But they have to repeat the chant over and over. If it was in Latin that would suck massively. I will barely get it out once…can they do it on repeat while bleeding?

  "Great. Should we do a practice run without magic?"

  "Good idea."

  We set up things while chanting. I give it a practice run and find it is easier than I thought.

  'What will this entail? I mean what should I expect?'

  'We need to talk to the one watching. The male you mate with so we can give him instructions. You will know then what to expect.'

  I let the demons take the reins again. They walk over to Brian who is setting the computers up for monitoring and keeping track of the humans around the area.

  "We have something to discuss with you vampire. We need you to get a substance here for all those involved. We know not what they require to heal, but their wounds, the places they will bleed for this ritual, will not heal at supernatural speed. It will be slow and their powers drained. They need immediate feeding and healing."

  Brian looks into the demons eyes.

  "Alright. I can easily get bottles of water and some sandwiches here. I will run back and grab some blood from my fridge."

  "The host will need to be put in the cage as soon as the ritual is over. She insists."

  He nods but says nothing. Brian is turning into the demon's informant and errand boy. I feel bad, but he isn’t complaining and I can’t be picky right now.

  'I partly want to get this over with and partly am loath to do it.'

  'We understand host. We, especially Samigina, wish things were different for you. But at the same time we wish to be home.'

  'As soon as Brian gets back with things we will get started and get you guys home.'

  The demons pull back so I am in control of the body, but I feel their power reach out. They are summoning the others. As our worker bees continue the set up I sit and allow the demons to be summoned from wherever Solomon has banished them too.

  It hurt. The burning as they fill my body. My brain fractures causing the personalities I hold within to splinter, including my own.

  I can feel cracks appearing in my skin. I am not built to hold so many demons at once; I can barely keep control of my own personality holding two. The body, even though I am not a normal human, isn’t built for this.


  I open my eyes and despite my personality being in control Brian flinches.

  "We hav
e to hurry. I cannot hold them for long. No one ever said being a conduit was so painful."

  "You are breaking…literally. You are cracking."

  I look down and blood is seeping from the cracks. My skin is drying up. I look like a stony desert.

  "We are ready."

  I look over at Jason and the others as they take their places at the elemental points. They all slash their wrists and let the blood flow. Time for our homeward bound to get home. They chant in English, lucky bastards, while I start it in Latin.

  "Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica

  "Ergo, draco maledicte et omnis legio diabolica, adjuramus te,

  cessa decipere humanas creaturas, eisque æternæ perditionìs venenum propinare

  "Vade, satana, inventor et magister omnis fallaciæ, hostis humanæ salutis,

  "Humiliare sub potenti manu Dei, contremisce et effuge, invocato a nobis sancto et terribili Nomini quem inferi tremunt

  "Ab insidiis diaboli, libera nos, Domine.

  "Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica' "Ergo, draco maledicte et omnis legio diabolica, adjuramus te … cessa decipere humanas creaturas, eisque æternæ perditionìs venenum propinare "Ut Ecclesiam tuam secura tibi facias libertate servire, te rogamus, audi nos[CB10]."

  I slit my wrists and let the blood flow from the center to each point of the sigil where it mixes with the ones that are also bleeding. I feel like I am in a frying pan. I can smell the smoke coming off me.

  Finally, wonderfully, a portal sprouts from the power of the demons, myself, and the paranormals gathered here. The demons leave me one by one, the weakest first so they won’t be destroyed, and float through the portal.

  Looking through I can see why they wanted home. It is beautiful, it is shining. It feels…pure. Clean and crisp. The looks and freshness of spring with the crispness of fall. It feels so wonderful. I can feel the warmth spreading through my body.


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