Wasted: Falcon Brothers (Steel Country Book 3)

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Wasted: Falcon Brothers (Steel Country Book 3) Page 20

by Mj Fields

  “Love the honesty. Now I’m gonna give you mine. I need to impress this woman.”

  He nods. “Ass is my second favorite thing.”

  “Weed being the first?”

  He smirks and gives me a fist. “You know it.”

  I bump mine to his. “Let me play that guitar and sing her a song, you accompany.”

  “Dude, I’d say yes, but I’m not sure what kind of tunes you need. We got original and some pop shit.”

  “You know “Lights Down Low” by—”

  “Max and Gnash? Hell yeah. That’s a go-to when I’m getting ready to make a lady feel beautiful.”

  “Is that a yes?” I ask, picking up the guitar.

  He starts in and nods.

  I turn around and start strumming, looking at her when I sing, “Heaven only knows where you’ve been, but I don’t really need to know. I know where you’re gonna go.”

  I walk toward her as I continue singing, and her face lights up. The stars in her eyes light up even more. She reaches out when I’m close enough, and then pulls her hand back and shakes her head as I continue singing through the chorus

  She reaches out several times to touch me, and the stops and looks at the guitar. I want her hands on me just as fucking badly as she wants hers on me.

  I turn and nod. Red Eyes nods back as I set the guitar down, then come back to Mandee as he starts singing the next verse.

  “Moonlight, mood light, moves like J-Lo. Tell me what you want from me. I’ll do it if you say so...”

  Mandee pushes up my shirt and rests her hands on the wings, her nails biting in a bit harder this time. I don’t mind, because her eyes tell me why. The stars are still there, but the clouds are coming in.

  I put my hands on her hips, and our bodies move together perfectly. I kiss the top of her head then take her hands and slide them down my body, kissing them before stepping back to get the guitar.

  When I turn around, her hands are on her mouth, and I notice the crowd gathered around us. I don’t give a damn. This is her, and this is me. This is us.

  “Oh, turn the lights down low. Yeah, now I’m feeling you breathing slow.” I walk closer and take her hand, putting it against my chest where she likes it, while I finish the song.

  When I’m done, she fists my shirt, pushes up on her toes, and kisses me.

  Now forehead to forehead, I use my own words to tell her exactly how I feel. “Been soaring high on you for years. I’m stronger now because of you, and I’m ready to land. You ready for that?”

  She nods and smiles. “Yes.”

  I kiss her head then turn to the kid with the flat rim hat as I take the guitar and set it back in the stand. I drop another twenty in the case then shake his hand.

  He smirks. “That’s a fine piece of ass you just landed.”

  “That’s the last epic ass I’ll ever need.”

  His fist comes up. “Right on, man.”

  I give him a bump then my phone. “Send yourself a text. I know someone who might wanna meet you.”

  “She got a sister? Round ass, big ol’ titties—”

  “Watch it, man. And no. I have a friend in the industry.”

  “Almost as good.” He nods as he sends a text to himself. Then he hands me back the phone.

  I turn and walk back to Mandee, grab that perfect face, and kiss the hell out of her.

  Applause erupts around us, and I feel her smile against my mouth.

  “Bother you?” I ask.

  “No, not at all.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Ferris Wheel


  Grayson positions me in front of him, his arms wrapped around me, holding me close to him, so close I can feel him pressed against me. I arch my back, and he groans in my ear, “Don’t.”

  I look up as we continue walking. “You started it.”

  His jaw clenches as he glances down at me. “We have an agreement, him and I.”

  “Is that so?”

  “He wasn’t invited to this date. Not until later.”

  “Why?” I ask as he slows down, and I turn to watch where he’s taking us.

  “Wanted you to know this has nothing to do with my dick.”

  “I like your dick,” I tell him.

  “Woman, are you trying to get fucked right here, right now?” he hisses.

  I don’t answer. I just laugh.

  Standing in line at yet another food booth, I lean back against him, and he rests his chin on the top of my head.

  Once we get to the order counter, I look up at the sign. “Popcorn?”

  “Not just popcorn. Johnson’s popcorn.” He winks, and I arch my back again.

  His eyes widen in surprise.

  “What? I know what a Johnson is.”

  His head falls back on a laugh, and then he looks at the guy at the counter. “A gallon of your Salty-n-Sandy please.”

  “In the can?” he asks.

  Gray’s chest rises with a silent chuckle. “It’s our first date, so yeah, I’m thinking the can may be a bit much.”

  I elbow him, and he looks down.

  “It’s a great souvenir,” the guy says, holding up the can.

  “No doubt it would make this even more”—he laughs—“member-able.”

  Oh, my God, I think when the guy at the counter doesn’t seem to get the innuendo.

  “What do you say, beautiful, you want it in the can?”

  I turn around and bury my head in Gray’s chest so the poor guy doesn’t see me laugh.

  “Mandee, babe, do you want the memory of taking it in the can on the first date or no?”

  I bite his chest and, as luck would have it, I catch his barbell in my teeth and give it a good tug.

  “Yeah, she wants it in the can,” he says.

  “Coming right up.”

  He looks down at me, and I look up. “I won’t force the issue, not tonight.”

  My mouth opens in surprise, and he mimics me.

  “If, and I mean if, that happens, you will be a heck of a lot gentler than you are with, you know.”

  He leans down and whispers in my ear, “Your pussy?”

  I feel my face flush and warmth pooling.

  He closes his eyes and whispers what sounds like a prayer, “Stars and clouds.”

  “Here you go. That’ll be twenty-nine ninety-five.”

  Gray opens his eyes then leans down and kisses me chastely, causing me to smile...everywhere, before he hands him some cash. “Thanks, man.”

  I start to move, but he stops me.

  “You invited him. Now your can is gonna be his shield.”

  Laughing, I turn around to find him holding the tin can while wrapping his other arm around me, making me feel loved and adored.

  I see the Ferris wheel and get excited for a much different reason, because he’s smiling like a little boy.

  “You excited?”

  He nods. “Hoping you’re afraid of heights, too.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “Sit closer, of course.” He smiles.

  “How many girls have you gotten to sit closer on here?”

  “One, and she’s one hell of a woman.”

  The way he’s teasing me makes me laugh.

  He wrinkles his nose up. “Mags.”

  “I know,” I tell him.

  “Not even a little jealous?” he asks, eyes squinting a little.

  “We don’t make each other jealous,” I tell him, and he nods once. “I mean, unless you want me to do that, too.”

  Walking up the ramp, he leans in and says one word. “No.”

  He hands the attendant our tickets, and then we get on. Sitting close, one of his arms is around my shoulders, the other holding mine, I lean my head against his shoulder and look up at him. He closes his eyes and lets out a slow, deep breath.

  “You scare the hell out of me. Terrify, actually.” He opens his eyes and gives me a small smile. “I know this feeling.” He holds my hand to his chest. “I know it, and I
’ve never known it before, not in this way.”

  He closes his eyes tightly and shakes his head. “So afraid I’m not gonna be everything you deserve, everything I want to be with you. But more afraid to miss the opportunity to be with the girl I know I love than not to be with her at all. I love you.” He smiles then rolls his eyes. “I love you, and I promise you I will never be like him. I swear to you, I will be all those things your mom told you. And I am promising without even knowing what the hell it all entails.”

  He laughs again. “I was a hundred percent sure this would make me uncomfortable. I’m happy to tell you it doesn’t, not one bit. I should shut the hell up and let you say it back, because I know you want to, but I can’t. I just want to make you every promise I can, to make sure you know that you’re it for me. You have been, before I even knew who you were, and I know I am for you, too. I don’t give a damn what anyone says about us. I’ll shut them down, Mandee. Cut them off at the knees. I will—”

  “And I’ll do the same. You aren’t alone in this.”

  “But you don’t have to pretend anymore. I will make damn sure you’re happy.”

  “Neither do you,” I tell him.

  His eyes narrow, and he stiffens a bit.

  “Gray, I love you.”

  He smiles, his head falls back, and he raises his fist in the air in victory. It’s so endearing. It’s also telling that the discussion about what I overheard the night of the wedding, and what I witnessed earlier, is not one we will have. Not tonight.

  He’s never lied to me. He’s never given me false hope. He’s tried to do what he felt was right by me, for me, when we both knew immediately that there was something deeper between us.

  He’s fought and won a battle. He’s decided to be happy. I will be his biggest champion in that win and all those to come.

  He made me a promise, and he hasn’t broken it. Thinking back, he really hasn’t broken any. More importantly, he’s made me another promise I know he won’t break. The most important is that he loves me, and I love him. Love doesn’t die, I think of my mom’s words and lean in even closer.

  We are at the top of the Ferris wheel now, looking out over the ocean, two lovers, two people who love each other, and I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else with anyone else but him.

  “Mandee,” he says, looking down at me.

  “Gray,” I say his name back.

  “I’m gonna love you forever.”


  He nods. “Yeah.”


  Leaving the pier with s’mores crepes and caramel corn in hand, we walk to his bike. He straps the items on the back then puts a helmet on me, fastens it, pushes my hair out of my face, and looks at me in that way.

  He wants me.

  I bite my lip to stop the stupid smile that comes with feeling stupidly happy, truly happy, for what may be the first time in my life.

  He lets out a frustrated breath. “Gotta get you home,” he says, strapping his helmet on. “You have to work tomorrow?”

  “Just until five. New schedule.” I grin.

  He nods. “Gonna have to find a job myself.”

  “ ’Cause you’re broke?”

  He smirks and shakes his head. “I’m not broke.”

  “But Gage said—”

  “I’m not broke, Mandee, and we’re on a date. Table it, okay?”

  I nod.

  “Gotta get a job because I’ve finally landed.” He swings his long, thick, strong leg over his bike. “Let’s get you back.”

  “You’ll stay with me.”

  “I will.” He nods as I get on.

  I wrap my arms around him and squeeze. “I wasn’t asking. I was telling.”

  To that, he laughs out loud and starts up the bike.

  I lean in and hold him tighter.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Long, Hard Ride


  Her grip is getting looser. I knew this three-hour trip back was a bad idea. Not everyone can stay awake for days at a time. Another mile, and we will be at a gas station and halfway home. We can stretch our legs, get some coffee, make out, I think and laugh to myself.

  I’m in love. I admitted it. The world hasn’t ended, and life has just begun, because I am choosing her, Mandee Carlin, over everything else. It feels good.

  Really damn good.

  When we pull in, she leans back as I skate us up to the pumps and climb off, removing my helmet. When she climbs off, I take hers off, too.

  “Tired?” I ask as I set them down.

  “Exhausted,” she says as she covers her mouth and yawns. Then she asks, “You?”

  “I’m good. Could use a cup of coffee. Think you could, too.”

  “I’ll go grab us”—she smiles—“some.”

  She starts to turn when I grab her elbow. “Could use a kiss first.”

  She does that thing with her hands, pushing them under my shirt, running them up my abs, and leaves them on my chest.

  “What would you do if I did that to you every time I wanted to?” I ask as I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her in.

  She giggles and looks up.

  I bend down to kiss those lips, and she replies, “Probably like it.”

  “Oh yeah?” I say with my lips against hers.

  “Uh-huh,” she answers breathlessly.

  “Right here?” I pull her bottom lip out, keeping it between my teeth and running my tongue across it.

  “Uh-huh,” she moans.

  “Right now?”

  I’m about to just go for it when a car pulls up. She starts laughing when I let go of her lip and groan.

  I sigh and kiss the top of her head.

  “Be right back.” She turns and walks toward the gas station while I pull my wallet out, swipe my card, and pump the gas.

  When she comes out carrying two cups, one in each hand, smiling, I am wheeling the bike toward the side of the gas station.

  “Running away?” she teases.

  “Nah, just moving out of the way.” I kick down the stand and let her down nice and easy. Then I take a cup from Mandee.

  I walk toward her as I take a sip, and keep walking so she has to back up.

  “What are you doing?” she asks when her back is against the wall.

  I take her coffee and set it down on the ground beside us. “Thinking about feeling you up.” I grip her waist with one hand, looking into her eyes as they get cloudy. “Or down.”

  I push my hands down her shorts, and she gasps when my fingers hit under her panties. I spread my two fingers apart and squeeze her little lips together. Her eyes flutter and she moans. I bring them down until I hit her taint, and her eyes widen.

  “Tell me no.” I don’t wait for her reply. I push one finger between her soft, little lips and drag it up her seam. She breathes out a gasp when I reach her clit.

  I pull my finger out and descend again, two fingers squeezing her together, and then ascend with one finger just inside her lips that are getting slicker.

  I take a drink and move my body to the side, blocking her in case a car pulls in. No one gets to see her like this. No one but me.

  I repeat the same moves, moving my fingers down, inside, then I move up. Her moans deepen, causing me to move faster down, pushing in deeper, as I move up and take a drink.

  I do it over and over again, until I’ve finished my coffee. Then I drop the cup, grab the back of her neck, and pull her in, kissing those fucking lips.

  When her legs clench together, I pull back and watch her start to crumble. Her pussy is soaked, and she whimpers my name. “Gray.”

  “I got you,” I tell her.

  “Gray!” she cries out, and I push two fingers inside her and put my lips over hers as I move them in and out, hard, fast, and deep, until she comes all over my hand, crying out my name in my mouth.

  Afterward, she leans against me, spent, and I slow down the thrusts until she stops quivering around my fingers.

  I step back and
watch her sag against the brick wall. Then I pick up her cup and hand it to her.

  She smiles with her eyes still closed, and then opens them.

  I put my fingers in my mouth and suck her juices off. “You forgot the creamer. Had to get it myself.”

  She smiles and laughs, then takes a sip of her coffee. “I’ll make sure to forget it from now on.”


  Half an hour into our ride home, she starts loosening her grip again.

  She needs to wake the fuck up.

  At the next light, I undo my pants and pull my cock free. Then I take her hand and wrap it around.

  I look back over my shoulder. “Don’t fucking let go.”

  She bites her lip and squeezes my dick while she nods.

  Thirty minutes more, and I’m going to come.

  I pull over at a turn around and step off the bike, leaving it running.

  She looks at me funny.

  “Move up and turn around.”

  “Why?” she asks, yet she does exactly what I asked of her.

  I sit facing her and push up her shirt, then pull her bra down so her tit is bare to me. I push my other hand slowly up her shorts and find her pussy hot and wet.

  “What got you going?”

  “You in my hand,” she answers

  I reach up and rev the engine. Her eyes widen, and then I push my finger inside her.

  “Feel the vibration?”

  She nods.

  “Good.” I cup one of her tits and rub my thumb over her clit.

  “Oh, God,” she moans.

  I pull my finger out of her and pop her other tit out of her bra, squeezing hard and rubbing my thumb over each nipple. “Love these tits,” I groan. “I’m gonna need a little something from...” I stop when she grabs my dick. “Give it a kiss.”

  She leans down and licks around my rim, and I lean back so she can take more.

  “Mmm...” she moans as she flicks it with her tongue.

  “Suck my cock. Take it deep.”

  She does, and I have to concentrate really hard so I don’t burst right here, right now.

  “Tell me what you want,” I hiss, feeling selfish as fuck.

  She looks up at me, mouth full of cock, and pulls back, still stroking me.

  “Tell me what you want,” I repeat, and she shakes her head. “Tell me, dammit.”

  “Lick me,” she whispers.


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