Spark of Truth (The Hidden Wizard Book 3)

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Spark of Truth (The Hidden Wizard Book 3) Page 13

by Vaughan W. Smith

  “What are you suggesting?” Alrion said. He didn’t like where this was going.

  “I should stay here. Rest up, and slow them down when they arrive. You can go ahead, and get to the Mystics safely. It can be my final service to you.” Alyx stared at Alrion. She looked a mixture of defiant but resigned to her fate. Alrion shook his head.

  “I don’t accept that. Not after everything we have done to get here.”

  “We’ve already been delayed getting to this point. Another day or two has to be too dangerous,” Lara said. She sounded exasperated. Alrion looked to Vincent.

  “We seem to be getting stuck on this again and again. Is there a point at which you would leave her behind?” he said to his son quietly. Alrion thought about it.


  “You would risk everything we have done?” Vincent said.

  “Yes. If I can’t save her, why should I save myself?” Alrion said. He hated having to justify his actions over and over. He knew they weren’t being callous, but he couldn’t accept leaving her behind. He had failed Falric already. He wouldn’t fail Alyx.

  “We can’t change your mind?” Lara said. She didn’t look angry, just sad. Alrion didn’t understand why.

  “No, you can’t. I admit, I’m a burden right now. I can’t help you much with anything. Especially with these new types of attackers. But I’ve taken on this quest at the cost of everything else. And I have to feel like I am comfortable with every decision on the way. And I won’t abandon anyone to save myself,” he said. Alrion looked around at them, and waited for a response. He finally rested his gaze on Alyx. She noticed him looking at her.

  “I won’t bring it up again. Beatrix, how can we accelerate my healing?” Alyx said. The Healer grabbed a lock of hair and twirled it as she thought.

  “I could make you a sleeping potion. That may make the difference. Your body can just focus on healing.”

  “Are there any dangers with that?” Alrion said.

  “None, providing I get the dose right. I’ll go work on it now,” Beatrix said. She left the room immediately.

  “So, what do we do now?” Lara said.

  “We need to prepare our defences. And no more staying at the inn,” Vincent said.

  “Good point. We have to assume they know where we are. If that assassin was a Tracker and found us, it makes sense that he reported back with the location.”

  “We just don’t know how far behind they are, and what’s coming,” Lara said.

  “Is there a way we can reverse track them? Since they can track us?” Alyx said.

  “That’s a great idea,” Lara said. She looked at Alrion for confirmation.

  “Well, we aren’t as concerned about hiding our location. Maybe there’s a chance I can do something. From everything they have said, it sounds like the method of communication they use works both ways. But it is probably harder to broadcast than it is to receive,” Alrion said. He rubbed his chin thoughtfully and pondered it further. He hadn’t really considered trying to use the Blight communication to his advantage.

  Wraith had been a big proponent of it, even when he was still Branthor. There was no reason Alrion couldn’t try something. He sat down and concentrated. He let his mind go clear, and tried to amplify the various noises that he was so used to dampening. Slowly but surely, he could hear more come through. It seemed too garbled though.

  Alrion strained harder, trying to accept and navigate through all the possible sources of communication. He remembered what he had stumbled upon before and decided to use it as focus. The word wizard.

  It took a few minutes of concentration, but slowly he started to notice something. The noise started to drift away. Like it was being blocked. And he was soon listening to nothing at all.

  What’s going on?

  He had done something, that much was clear. But he didn’t know why focusing on the word wizard would have that effect. Either way, if he could keep up this type of concentration in an ongoing fashion, at least it would give him peace and quiet.

  That would be worth it, he thought. And it would be a good way to practice exercising his Will. He had ignored it since his time at the temple, and that was probably a poor choice. He had so few tools at his disposal right now, but potentially Will was the strongest and least compromised.

  I’ll continue this approach no matter if there’s results or not, he thought. Suddenly out of the silence he heard something.

  Wizard. Location. Tonight.

  Alrion was stunned. He regained his composure and focus and kept listening.

  Four. Trackers. Party. Approved.

  Alrion kept listening, trying to find out more. But there was nothing else. Before he broke the news to his companions, he tested ways to keep alert. He found that he could at a less intense level keep that kind of filter open in his mind. He might not get all, but he would get some much-deserved silence and hopefully catch other messages concerning him.

  Alrion opened his eyes and looked around. Alyx was sound asleep. Lara and his father were watching him with curiosity.

  “What’s going on?” Lara said.

  “I have news. I found a way to listen in on their communication. And it’s as you suspected.”

  “What?” Lara said.

  “There’s a team of four Trackers coming tonight. We need to prepare,” Alrion said. Lara looked shocked, and his father was similarly surprised. Alrion felt some of his old confidence coming back.

  I’ve found a way to contribute again, he thought with great relief. Now he just had to figure out how to help in the coming attack.



  Lara regained her composure quickly.

  “That’s disturbing to hear, but great that you found that out. We can prepare,” she said.

  “Alyx managed to take out one by herself, so we have a chance,” Vincent said.

  “Especially since we know they’re coming. Do we know how the other one managed to get in?” Alrion said.

  “Lara would be best placed to determine that. Why don’t you two look into that, I’ll find Beatrix and fill her in,” Vincent said. Lara watched Vincent walk off and beckoned to Alrion.

  “Let’s start here. This is where Alyx was lying. The attacker approached here, and tried to poison her.”

  “And mostly succeeded. Then they had a confrontation,” Alrion said, pointing to the carpet next to the couch.

  “Exactly. So, what are the most direct ways into this room?” Lara said. She looked around. They weren’t far from the front door, but she didn’t expect that to be the place of entry. Someone would have likely heard that. But, it was only Alyx and Beatrix. It was worth investigating.

  “Let’s start with the front door and see if we can eliminate that as an entry point,” Lara said. Alrion nodded and followed along. They walked swiftly to the front door and examined it.

  “Looks solid,” Alrion said, feeling the wood with his hands. Lara inspected the lock. It was a standard lock, and didn’t look to have obvious signs of tampering.

  “It’s not a complex lock, but it looks normal. We will have to ask your father if he found any lock picking tools on the other attacker,” Lara said.

  “Good idea. You don’t think there’s another way to open this door quietly without damaging it?”

  “Not unless they can turn their fingers into keys,” Lara said with a laugh. Alrion gave her a confused look.

  “I’m not suggesting that,” she said.

  “I don’t know what is and isn’t possible these days,” he said. Lara could understand the sentiment.

  “True, but let’s assume not for the time being.” Lara walked back the way they had come, and pointed out the staircase.

  “The staircase is not far from the room where Alyx is staying. It could be an option.”

  “Doesn’t Beatrix stay upstairs?” Alrion said.

  “I believe so. That would only make sense if the Tracker was so focused on Alyx that it snuck past
her and ignored her. It seems less likely, but not impossible.” Lara personally wouldn’t have risked that sort of approach herself. Not if there was a more direct way.

  “Isn’t that assuming the Tracker knew exactly where she was?” Alrion said.

  “Yes, that’s a fair point. But let’s exhaust this floor first,” Lara said. She pointed down the corridor and Alrion followed.

  “There’s two rooms here. Let’s try the one on the left first,” she said. Lara opened the door and stepped inside. It had a large window and was filled with shelves full of different jars. Some were full of coloured liquids, others were empty.

  “There isn’t much space here,” Alrion said. He pointed at the large quantity of tables and boxes littered throughout the space.

  “And the potential for a lot of noise if coming through here in the dark. But there is a window,” Lara said. She carefully navigated the mess and stood under the window. It could be pushed open and there was no lock.

  “It would be tricky, but you could open this from the outside,” she said.

  “So that’s an option we need to consider,” Alrion said.

  “Yes. Let’s try that other room,” Lara said. She weaved back through the many tables and boxes and squeezed past Alrion to reach the corridor.

  “Let’s see what’s in here,” Lara said. She opened the door and stepped inside. The room was almost empty. She saw a small mattress in the corner and another large window. The only other thing of note was a cheap rickety table pushed against a wall.

  “This has potential,” Alrion said.

  “I agree. Especially if this window is the same style,” Lara said. She walked over and inspected it.

  “Yes, it’s the same. My guess is that the Tracker came in through this room.”

  “We’ll have to ask Beatrix if this window was left open,” Alrion said.

  “And get her opinion on upstairs too. For now, let’s return to Alyx.” Lara led the way again. She found Vincent and Beatrix talking near Alyx’s sleeping form.

  “Here they are. I just briefed Beatrix on the attack,” Vincent said.

  “We think the spare room with the bed was the most likely place of entry for the Tracker that poisoned Alyx. Was the window open?” Lara said.

  “Yes, it was. I couldn’t remember if I had left it open or not. The room is rarely used so I often air it out. Sorry, I should have mentioned that,” Beatrix said.

  “That’s fine, don’t worry. This is your home, not a fortress. We are incredibly grateful for you extending your hospitality this far,” Vincent said.

  “On that point, I don’t think we should reinforce the house. In fact, we should do the opposite. We should make the entries we wish to defend look inviting. And at the same time reduce the chances of collateral damage,” Lara said. Vincent looked like he was thinking it over. She was pretty sure he would agree.

  “Don’t concern yourselves about the house. It’s just a building. Your lives are more important, and we need to stop these creatures,” Beatrix said.

  “No, Lara is right. If we do anything to give them pause they will know we are prepared and may change their plans. This is the best course. We just need to confer on how best to proceed,” Vincent said.

  “What about Alyx? Should she stay asleep?” Alrion said. Lara hadn’t thought of that, but it was a good point. They had to balance the rate of Alyx’s recovery against what she could contribute to the fight.

  “It may be too risky to let her sleep through, even though she’s not going to be expected to participate,” Lara said. She walked over and sat on the end of Alyx’s couch. She looked across the room, seeing what entry points she could observe.

  “Agreed. She needs to be alert so she can at least protect herself,” Alrion said.

  “Then let’s wake her up next time, that makes sense. Beatrix?” Vincent said, looking at the Healer.

  “In an hour or two the effects of the drink should be wearing off, that’s the best time.”

  “Let’s reconvene then,” Vincent said.

  “I’ll sit in the spare room and see if I can figure out anything more about the attack,” Alrion said. Lara watched him go and approached Vincent.

  “What do you intend to do?” she said.

  “Nothing too fancy, just set up a good defensive position. Although, I was thinking maybe we can get something for Alyx. Perhaps a crossbow. That could make the difference,” he said.

  “Great idea. She is supposed to be a weapon master after all. I’ll focus on downstairs and what we can do to alter the conditions,” Lara said. Vincent nodded and walked over to the front door. Lara left Alrion alone and busied herself making preparations for an attack.

  Beatrix ran down the stairs sooner than Lara expected.

  “What’s wrong?” Lara said.

  “There’s a presence here already. I can sense it. In the spare room.”

  “Alrion is there.” Lara felt her stomach lurch then ran towards the spare room. Beatrix was close behind. The door was closed, so Lara shoved it open and dashed inside. The room was the same, and the window was still closed. Alrion sat cross-legged in the middle of the room. He looked up in a daze.

  “I don’t get it,” Lara said, looking at Beatrix.

  “It’s you. What are you doing?” Beatrix said to Alrion. She sounded horrified.

  “I’m tuning into the Blight communication to try and get more details on their attack,” Alrion said.

  “Stop that immediately. It’s way too dangerous!” Beatrix shouted. Alrion looked over at Lara, his face a picture of confusion.

  “Do as she says. She ran all the way down here because she sensed Tainted. And it was you. Don’t you think that’s kind of scary?” Lara said. Alrion closed his eyes and the tension disappeared from his body. He slumped down.

  “Seriously? My one way of helping out and now that’s outlawed too?”

  “You are hastening your infection. I don’t know how to describe it, but it’s like you’re inviting it in. It’s so much worse than before!” Beatrix said. She sounded distraught.

  “Maybe we should just get it over with then,” Alrion said. Lara ran over and slapped him as hard as she could.

  “I think you have this covered, I’m going back upstairs,” Beatrix said. She left quickly and once she was gone Lara closed the door.

  “What were you thinking? Have you lost your mind?” Lara said.

  “It was just a comment. I’m not serious, I’m just so sick of being afflicted and powerless,” Alrion said. He was nursing his cheek with his hand.

  “It’s not just a comment. Saying that, and seeing what Beatrix said; it’s clear that this is affecting you deeply. You’ve already admitted to bursts of anger, some coordination issues, and now this negative defeatist thinking. This is not you!” Lara said. The exasperation was hard to contain. Because he was amongst it he was not seeing it the same way as her.

  “I’ll think about it. At the least I’ll stop occupying that headspace. It’s probably true that immersing myself in their communication and thinking, is affecting my own thinking.”

  “It’s doing more than that. You need to buy us time, not squander it. Especially since you insist on staying here with Alyx. You owe it to us all.” Lara didn’t know what to do with him. She wanted to give him sympathy and a comforting hug, but it didn’t feel like what he needed.

  “Look, it’s hard. I’m just travelling along, hoping that we find these Mystics who can help. And I’m being hounded every step of the way, with new and difficult obstacles. And Wraith himself is on his way. I don’t think I’m strong enough to escape again.” Alrion’s voice became much quieter. Lara knew she was finally getting to the heart of it.

  “He defeated you at the peak of your power. And you are scared of facing him again when you don’t even have that?”

  “Of course. Wouldn’t you be?”

  “You’re not getting another chance to face him alone. It will be different this time. You’ll be different by t
he time you need to face him again.”

  “If you insist,” Alrion said, grinning.

  “I do insist. Now let’s go see how Alyx is going,” Lara said. She held out her hand and Alrion grasped it firmly, standing with her help. He staggered a bit, and she caught him in her arms.

  “I knew you were falling for me,” she said playfully. He turned a bit red and smiled at her. She chuckled and released him, walking out of the room. Alrion followed close behind.

  They found Alyx awake with Beatrix offering another drink of some kind.

  “Why am I up?” Alyx said.

  “We’ve another attack coming tonight,” Lara said, Alyx finished drinking and nodded.

  “At least we know this time. What’s coming?”

  “Four Trackers. The same as the one that tried to poison you,” Alrion said. He walked over and stood next to the couch.

  “Sounds fun. I’d like to give them a piece of my mind. I am not impressed with the poisoning,” Alyx said. She looked over her body, a perplexed look on her face.

  “Any change?” Beatrix said.

  “No, not really. Which I suppose is to be expected. But I want to be more active in this fight.”

  “I thought you might say that. I’ve a present for you,” Vincent said from afar. He stepped into the room and held up a simple but effective crossbow.

  “Hand it over,” Alyx said. It was like a new energy had entered her. She sat up straight and started checking the weapon over immediately. The winding mechanism, the bolt placement, and strength of the structure.

  “This will do fine. I hope there’s something I can fire too,” she said.

  Vincent handed her a leather pouch full of simple bolts.

  “You know how to use that right?” Alrion said.

  “Of course. I told you I was a weapon master remember. It’s not just an empty title. I trained in and mastered all weapons.”

  “Why not just focus on the sword?” Lara said.

  “I had my reasons for needing a variety of weapons. But that aside, mastery of a weapon also helps understand how to counter it.”


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