Jefferson: Oh.
Ishuwa: There are no sponsors.
Jefferson: That's good! And so can you…do you have a channel that allows you to see what's happening on Earth?
Ishuwa: There are some.
Jefferson: Yes? Okay. Can we revisit the mechanism by which this channeling interaction takes place? Last time we spoke about this you said, or I understood, that the landscape where you were had the ability to amplify your connection to the channel, Shaun. How do you perceive this connection is actually established?
Ishuwa: It is simply a choice to resonate at a similar frequency of conscious awareness and interactiveness and communicative ability. It is something that you can do without being completely aware of all the details behind what makes it possible. The more you then do it, then that will open the door for more of the details to reveal them-selves over time. As the details are revealed, you will be in a better position to relate to them, to understand them, to work with them appropriately. Do you understand that idea?
Jefferson: Yes. I see. Good. I also remember you said that you can remove your focus of awareness out of the timeline represented by past, present, and future and by being in the now you are able to resonate communicatively. Yes. Good. So Ishuwa, I think it's time to ask, do you have any parting thoughts or anything else you would like to share?
Ishuwa: Yah oohm!
Jefferson: (Chuckles). Yah oohm! Yah oohm!
Ishuwa: Yah oooooohm! Yah oohm! Yah oohm!
Jefferson: Yah oohm!
Ishuwa: oohm! oohm!
Jefferson: Be in joy!
Ishuwa: Yah oohm! Be in joy!
Jefferson: Good!
Ishuwa: Thank you for sharing and for interacting this afternoon of your time. It is a great joy to have the opportunity to bring forth information that may be useful for those on your world and to bring them the ability to relax into the idea that we are here, that we are brothers and sisters, that we are relatives, that we are children of your world.
Thus then it is a great joy to have the opportunity to share some of this information awakened mostly through these questions you have been so generous to take the time to formulate. Perhaps you will find new questions for our next session. Perhaps some of the questions will find their way into your awareness in new ways through the given days before the next session, maybe in your dream states again, or maybe in interactions you have with some people there that you haven’t met yet that you will find to be rather interesting and curious in a rather unusual way when you do meet them. With that said, we thank you again and we bid you a wonderful joyous afternoon and evening! Good day!
Jefferson: Good day! Thank you very much Ishuwa!!!
Chapter 6
The ETs of First Open Contact
"The Phoenix Lights is one of the ways we are beginning to present the reality into your consciousness, that yes, you have Earth brothers and sisters that have gone out into space and are now finding their way back for a homecoming with you." – Ishuwa
August 17th, 2009
Ishuwa: Delightful to be here with you in this afternoon of your time and experiencing as you choose to have this experience and create this time! How are you?
Jefferson: Fantastic! Thank you for coming back. Thank you for the sharings!
Ishuwa: Yes! It is always a delight to be here and to have this opportunity to interact with you and your society in this way and thus create a third new reality! How would you like to move forward this day of your time?
Jefferson: Ishuwa, I would like to revisit a few ideas that we spoke about together in some of our previous channeling interactions. Are there animals on your planet like horses that you can ride on for recreation or use for transport?
Ishuwa: We don’t have the transport requirement, so we don’t use animals in that form of interaction. There are animals that would allow us to share in a riding capacity and have that type of a bonding experience together.
Jefferson: What do animals that allow you to interact with them in that way look like?
Ishuwa: We have some animals that are similar to what you have in your world as a giraffe. They have stronger legs, and they can hold more weight, not that they need to because they aren’t carrying anybody around except for the occasional joy rides together. They don’t have the same type of small protrusions on the top of their skull that you would find generally on giraffes on your planet. They have a very keen sense of hearing, as those in your world do. The colorations don't tend to be the soft hues of browns and yellows that you have with giraffes in your world. These are more of an iridescent purple with some hues of white and occasionally some orange. There are a few who have a bit of a chameleon ability that can exhibit a coloration similar to the giraffes on your world. These do talk in a more audible way, not really a language as we are speaking, but they themselves converse by making certain sounds that are very clearly present and easily heard and observed. They are more abundant in the locations where we generally go to visit them.
There is a world in which they are one of the primary life forms. They have quite a community there together. In a sense, it is as though it is a world of their own, sharing the physical space, the planet surface, and they have an ability to interact with us and with others in a way that lets us know they are acknowledging our presence and that they recognize we are there in a joyful form of interaction with them, a friendship. They greet us in a way that we can acknowledge as a greeting. Often times when we arrive, they will come over to us and, in a sense, catch-up on what has been going on in our world and share with us what has been going on in their world since the last we had a gathering together. It is a bit like a homecoming in that sense, going back and meeting old friends.
Jefferson: Do you have any animals that you can hop on and fly with?
Ishuwa: That isn’t really an idea that we undertake. There are, I suppose, creatures that we could have that experience with, but again, we are able to move about quite easily on our own and create the perception of flying. This might be similar to what a hawk in your world does when it floats in thermals of warm air above a cliff-top along an oceanfront.
Are you getting a bit of excitement over the idea that you can perhaps fly on a large eagle or a falcon? Is that something you would like to do?
Jefferson: Yes! That's interesting...or have a winged horse! I thought that could be an idea that somewhere someone might have a winged horse. That would be interesting! But I suppose it wouldn’t be fun if I fell.
Ishuwa: Well, in your world you do have the gravity and until you find other ways to interact with the relationship of the gravity, yes, you could fall, but you could have a parachute.
Jefferson: On your world, on the planet of the Yahyel, do you guys laugh?
Ishuwa: Yes we do!
Jefferson: When you laugh, do you move the face muscles?
Ishuwa: Yes.
Jefferson: Okay. You previously said that your eyes don’t have tear ducts, does that mean you don’t cry?
Ishuwa: Well, we do have an ability to express tears of joy in some sensing, but we don’t have a duct that is going to be flowing those types of ingredients that are in the fluids that come out of Earth humans tear ducts when they are in a state of sadness and misery. If you could analyze the liquid, the substance that comes out of our eyes and out of your eyes when we each are in states of joy, it would be similar. But if you were to take and analyze the tears or the fluid that comes out of Earth humans when they are in a state of sadness and crying, you would find substances in those drops that don't come out of our eyes. Your drops of sadness come out of a slightly different duct. We don’t have that wired in our physiology. Sadness is an experience that does not serve us and has then no longer any function in our biology and thus then it has, in a sense, just simply been placed aside.
Jefferson: Good! Do people in your society age the way humans on Earth do? Can you maintain physical youth and therefore have no wrinkles or aging marks throughout your lifetime?
/> Ishuwa: There is some recognition of age, but it generally isn’t going to be exteriorly represented through wrinkles as you would see on elderly people in your world where their skin can get a bit flabby and the muscles can be a bit droopy as a person gets on in years on your world. So those are ideas that our physiology generally will not embody, will not express visually.
There is an energetic body, an energy that we give off, and those then who are in our world can recognize, in a sense, an age classification of each one of us based on that energy that is given off. So someone that is quite young in years will have a different vibration or a different energetic body emanating from their physical body than someone of a middle age or of an elderly age that is close to transitioning out of the body and into another experience, what often in your world you refer to as dying and death. For us, the transitioning process out of the physical body is not experienced and perceived nearly the same way that you tend to experience it.
We recognize that death is a great opportunity to move into a new world, a new way of life, and to do so in appropriate timing, in an appropriate way based on what in that lifetime we had chosen to experience and express. As we get older, we more clearly understand that our time to make the transition is coming closer. In your world, it's referred to as death, dying, but for us it is simply a recognition that the time to "close that book" of life experience is coming closer. In a sense, we have read the entire book and we know it will serve us to begin preparing to set it aside with the understanding that a great new book will soon be in our presence for us to begin reading a whole new experience, a whole new form of life expression and incarnation. We can, from one Yahyelian to another, recognize an age factor, but it is usually done by observing the subtle energetic bodies and rarely the physical body. Does that answer your question?
Jefferson: Sometimes I think of aging as a mechanism that informs us it is time to lose interest in one particular focus of incarnation, in one particular reality, and move forward to explore other realities that can be more in alignment with who we actually are. What do you think of that idea?
Ishuwa: That is one of the ideas, although, there are numerous ways that the aging process provides humans with the opportunity to have wonderful types of varied experiences. The aging process does require certain changes to be made, but that isn’t really the main reason why it has been put into the genetics of the body and biology that you have all chosen to work with in this experience on Earth. There are a multitude of amazing and fascinating opportunities that can be presented to a human given the nature of the biology and the aging mechanism that you have incorporated in this experiencing, into this world, into this physical reality.
Jefferson: I see.
Ishuwa: So the idea you presented is certainly one. Yes. And thank you for bringing that idea up.
Jefferson: Do you think we can stop or reverse the aging process?
Ishuwa: You can lengthen the time that a person lives in their body. That can be done.
Jefferson: Can we make changes to our aging and look young our entire lifespan?
Ishuwa: Yes, that is a world that can be created, but your world hasn’t collectively chosen to have that particular experience. There are a few of you that have connected to the ability to remain quite young and appear quite young and to be several hundreds of years old in physiology in your world’s time counting process, but as a collective, that really isn’t the experience that you were looking to have here. It is an experience that could be had if you were as a collective to choose to move in that direction. There simply are other ideas that humans wanted to explore more and have more experience with than that idea.
For someone to be able to reverse their age and start looking younger, to be exhibiting that level of empowerment over their world, to be revealing that level of their own Creator’s creation ability, that would make it more difficult for many people on Earth to continue accepting the age-old beliefs and predominantly desired experiences of limitation and separation and ideas that go with that, such as exploring illusions like, "you are not the ones who are creating your experience." Ideas of limitation and separation have been a primary focus on your world for a number of generations.
If you have several people reversing their age and becoming younger and then telling others they are doing it consciously, this would make it harder for those others to keep on accepting the age-old idea that humans are not the Creator of their reality and that there is someone outside of them that is "running the show."
They might start getting ideas such as, "the people in the town over there say they know how to make themselves younger and they are getting younger. If they can do it, we can learn how to do it too." As more and more people realize this aspect of their actual Creatorship ability, then the old idea that there is some almighty powerful being outside of yourselves that determines when it is your time to go just doesn’t "hold the mustard" anymore. Do you see what we are suggesting?
Jefferson: Yes I do!
Ishuwa: In a sense, in order to have your current reality or "world play" remain as the collective has chosen, it's important for it to be able to hold up in its primary thematic story lines. So there still has to be sets, and props, and definitions, and beliefs, and people who are expressing the idea of limitation to great depths in order for your awareness to keep buying into the idea of separation and limitation to begin with.
As more people start stepping out of those old ideas and instead start pointing out that you aren’t really so limited and aren't really subject to a Creator outside of yourself, then that whole set, that whole age-old "world play" begins breaking down. In a sense, the old pictures start falling off of the wall and the block walls start coming down and you're left standing in a large studio set with nothing but that green background waiting for you to decide what to put up next, what reality to create next.
There wouldn’t be the same degree of belief in limitations on your world if people were flying around on winged-horses and turning back the clock of Old Father Time and becoming younger again, and again, and again.
Jefferson: In this physical world, it seems we have people who are very knowledgeable about Existence. They are able to create the reality they prefer and enjoy, but they usually keep their knowledge to themselves in order to respect other people’s desire to continue living in the "play of limitation."
Ishuwa: Often in your history, there have been people that came forward and expressed advanced knowledge to others. This knowledge really demonstrated that humans are the Creators of your reality, but if the collective wasn't ready to go forward yet and expand their awareness of who you all really are as the Creators of your reality, then you can look at your history and see many accounts of such a person whom today is considered to be a genius based on what they in their past lifetime were teaching, and you will see accounts that reveal that that person was bombarded by the opposition of many people in their lifetime. Such "visionaries" have often encountered a barrage of opposition and angry individuals who at times even claimed that such a visionary with the gifts of expanded knowledge was somehow an evil being that needed to be removed from the surface of the planet immediately.
In a sense, they subconsciously thought the visionary needed to be exterminated in order to preserve the collective’s desire to keep their "play of limitation and separation" alive so they could keep playing hide and seek, so to speak. At times, the collective doesn't want to stop playing this game, so when a visionary or, in a sense, a parent says it's time to come inside, to "come back home," the kids may instead run away and get lost while playing outside in the darkness.
Jefferson: Yeah, I understand.
Ishuwa: So, only as the collective decides it wants to begin awakening in a particular way, fashion, form, and direction, only then will there be one or more people who start presenting, and expressing, and displaying more of your actual Creator ability. Whether it be through amazing psychic abilities, or some form of levitating demonstrations,
or being able to live on light, or being able to live hundreds of years, whatever the talent, ability, or phenomenon may be, it will begin to gain acceptance only to the degree that the collective chooses to accept it.
Avatars of the Phoenix Lights UFO: Ishuwa and the Yahyel Page 12