Shifting Shadows (Sparks Collide Trilogy)

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Shifting Shadows (Sparks Collide Trilogy) Page 21

by Kelly, Amanda

  “So why bother with a resistance if you don’t think you can succeed?”

  “We have to try something and now that we’ve found you, we have hope.”

  I tilted my head. “I appreciate the compliment but I’m just one person, why would my help, if I agreed to it, change anything?”

  Callie scrunched her eyebrows in and Lucas and Violet exchanged glances. “Well, because you might be the most powerful witch alive.”

  Chapter 27


  The room went deathly quiet, and then suddenly Kira burst out laughing “What? I’m so sorry to be laughing but what?”

  Callie spoke up “Are you not a Beaumont witch?”

  “Yes,” she said trying to rein in her laughter. “but I don’t see how that’s relevant.”

  “Then you should have powers beyond comprehension.”

  “I’m sorry but you’re not making sense. My grandmother wasn’t any more powerful than anyone else.”

  That’s when it was Violet’s turn to burst out laughing. “Poppy Beaumont was one the most powerful dark witches in recorded history.” Callie said as if defending an idol. I looked at Kira’s face and saw two things dawning on her.

  I didn’t want to speak too much and I’d asked the pack to keep silent throughout the talk because this was Kira’s business but I had to know. “You didn’t know she was a dark witch? Did you?” I asked her quietly.

  She turned to me “No…I didn’t know that. I knew that she couldn’t stay with us because she wanted to stay and fight in the war. I didn’t know what side was she was on. Gosh, it all makes sense now. My parents almost never talked about her.”

  I pulled Kira out of her chair and into my lap, and held her. After a moment she looked up at me and kissed my cheek. She turned back around to address the room but I didn’t let go. “Until this moment I was unaware that my grandmother was a powerful witch or even a dark one at that. Regardless I’m proud to call her my grandmother. It’s important that you understand that no matter who my grandmother was, I am a different person. My name is Kira Franklin and I’ve been made to understand that my powers are average at best. I’m sorry to disappoint you guys.”

  Violet grabbed Callie’s hand on the table. “We understand. Magic genetics can be tricky and we knew that might be the case. I guess we just got our hopes up. Either way though we still could use your help. We want to end this war but if we can’t do that then we want to at least give those that want it, an option out of the war. We want to provide a safe place where witches can live in peace and practice whatever magic they want. If we’re strong enough, have enough people on our side, then we could change things. We’re certain there are others out there that don’t want to fight against their own families. We know there are witches who regret their choice of light over dark or visa versa. We want to help them. Will you consider joining us?”

  I held tighter onto Kira but she placed her hands over mine and I relaxed. “I appreciate that you tried to save me when you thought I was in danger. It shows me that you are good people, not many would care enough to save a stranger. Unfortunately, I have to take care of myself, for what family I do have.”

  “There are more of you?” Lucas asked.

  “No” she said “No please don’t ask me questions. I’m risking enough on their behalf just talking to you. Just like you, my family is precious to me. I can’t risk them. I know this may seem unkind but as long as I can stay hidden, I am staying out of the war. My family has sacrificed too much for me. I want you guys to succeed more than anything though. I want this war to end too so my family can stop watching their backs, so people like us can be free to be ourselves without persecution. I’m sorry that this is happening but I can’t risk this and right now I also can’t risk them.” She turned to look around the table to my pack and then to me. She stared at me as she said. “They mean too much to me to get involved.” She turned back to Violet. “I’m so sorry.”

  Callie’s face turned cold, Logan’s face turned empty but Violet stayed calm as ever. “I understand, Kira Franklin. I will not give up though. I will continue to stay strong for all of us. This war will end one way or another. If you ever need us, we will be there for you and if you ever change your mind you can always call. You never know how life is going to go.” She said sadly, and then dug around in her pocket for a moment. “Here is a list of emergency phone numbers I’ve purchased for separate cells under different aliases. Call them randomly and I will hopefully answer one of the calls. Don’t ever leave a message and don’t call from a traceable phone. If you call enough times, hopefully I’ll pick up.”

  I reached across for Kira and handed her the paper. “Thank you Violet, for everything. I know this won’t be any consolation but I want you to know that I wish I could help you guys.”

  “It does help to know that. It helps to know that there are others out there that feel like us, that we’re not crazy.”

  “You’re not crazy, I promise. You’re possibly the only sane witches still alive. You’re definitely the bravest for standing up for what’s right.” She nodded and Callie almost smiled.

  I spoke up “If there’s one last thing we can ask of you” I said solemnly “it’s that you keep our identities and especially Kira’s existence a secret. No one can know she exists. If you thought she was an almighty powerful witch then others will think that too and it would put her in life-threatening danger. Can you do another oath?”

  Kira turned to me, “That’s not necessary… I mean…they don’t have to do that. Oath’s are very serious, Jay.”

  “You’re life is very serious, Kira.”

  Lucas spoke “Of course, we’ll do one but there are a few things I’d like to say. One, Kira you’re appearance alone tipped me off, I would consider drastically changing your looks if you want to continue to go unnoticed. Two, you may think your magical skills are average but you blew my sister away without even blinking and you turned all three of us upside down in mid-air without a wand or even a heavy breath. I would think hard about whom you are comparing yourself to when you say your skills are average and find out for yourself what’s true. Three, your grandmother was an amazing woman. She is practically worshipped by both sides, even if the light side does it in secret. I would find out more about her too. It can only help you to know who you are and where you come from. That’s it. Thank you for hearing us out and I hope you’ll call.”

  I felt Kira pet my hands for a little then squeeze them, so I let go and we both stood up. The pack followed suit.

  “I will go in on the oath” Kira said. “I won’t tell anyone about you or the resistance group either. I realize how dangerous it is to have that information out there.”

  Violet heaved out a deep exhale “Thank you. That is very much appreciated.”

  They gathered in a circle and Violet said. “With our powers we swear no other will hear our secrets we shared today. With heart, with magic, with trust too, our secrets we’ll keep and never undo.” Just as before a white light flashed and the oath was taken. They broke apart and Kira hugged each of them. Then they made sure all of their magic remnants were gone from each other.

  I went over and shook their hands. “Is there anything you need? Transportation, food, money?”

  Violet smiled, “No, no we’ve had the rescue and escape planned out. We are perfectly fine. Thank you again.”

  I shook Lucas’s hand. “Thanks for not eating us.” I laughed “Sure. Nice fighting skills by the way. I was in wolf form and everything.”

  “I spelled some strength onto myself but don’t tell anyone, I want them to be impressed.”

  “No problem.” I shook Callie’s hand and she almost smiled once again. “Bye.”

  It was barely 9:00am and they were gone. I turned to my group, “We should head home. It’s time.”

  Chapter 28


  I knew Jay was right but I felt sad to leave. I was already sad to see Violet, Lucas, and Callie go. I’d neve
r met other magic users besides my family members in my entire life. The oath we made together was incredible. The magic had flowed from my hands to theirs and it had the familiarity of home but with the excitement of fresh and new magic.

  “You’re going to miss them” Jay said as he turned to me.

  “Yes. Is that totally weird?”

  “Not at all, even though we just met them you can’t help but feel for them. Plus they’re magic users like you. You probably crave that.”

  “Yeah,” I said. “Sometimes but more than anything I crave normalcy. I’m actually excited to get back to work.”

  “Now that’s weird.” Brandon said.

  I pushed him. “Oh Shut up. By the way I saw the way you were looking at Callie. You’re into the bad girls, huh?”

  He smiled but I saw the barest hint of a blush there. “You know it.”

  “I’ll see you guys in a few. I’m going to go pack. Should I set up a new ward?”

  Will answered. “Not if we’re leaving in a few minutes. I think we’ll be all right.”

  I nodded and went up the stairs with Annabella.”

  “You know Kira, if you’re considering a makeover I hope you’ll let me help.”

  I laughed, “I wouldn’t go to anyone else.”

  “Good, I was thinking you would make an adorable red-head. Or maybe we could add blonde streaks and lift your natural color a few shades.”

  “We’ll discuss it.” I said

  “Perfect, oh I’m so excited. I love makeovers.”

  “Cool. See you in a few.”

  I went into my room and it was pretty easy to grab all my stuff. The only things really out were my toothbrush, my cell charger, and some clothes lying around. I wanted to sit on the bed and think about everything but I knew we were leaving soon and I’d have plenty of time to think about it later, maybe even in the car. The only thing I could truly think about was how thankful I was to have such amazing friends and parents who cared about me. I texted my mom and dad, “Hey guys, I know I don’t say this enough but thank you for always putting me first. Hope your day is great. I’ll call you tomorrow. I love you –Kira.”

  I brought my bag downstairs and waited in the living room with everyone else for Will, Demi, and Jay to come down. When they did, they looked stricken. “Three more packs and at least two more clans of vampires were attacked today. Including the pack my Dad was visiting.”

  “Is he ok?” Trent, and Logan asked at the same time.

  “Yes, he’s fine. That was him on the phone. These attacks seem to be getting worse. We need to get home as soon as possible for an emergency meeting. We’re going to decide how best to protect the pack.”

  Jay walked over to me “And Kira, you are apart of this pack.”

  I smiled but I was worried “You take misfits in your pack?”

  “Yep, we took Trent.”

  “Hey, I can hear you, dude.”

  “That’s why I said it” he quipped.

  “Things are changing but we’re always going to have your back, you can count on that.”

  “What time is the meeting?” Annabella asked looking to her watch.

  Will answered “Sunset.”

  “My second favorite time of day” Jay said and winked at me.

  “Mine too, I hope Christina’s home. I feel like I haven’t seen her in ages.” I said.

  “Unfortunately you’ll have to wait a little longer to see her.”

  “Why?” “You’re coming with us to the meeting.”

  “Wait, what? Why?”

  “Because we need to fill my dad in on what we know and that includes you. You can help, you’re apart of this.”

  Annabella’s eyes lit up “Kira, oh my gosh. You can totally sleep over my house tonight. You’re going to love Teresa and we can dye your hair.”

  “Yes to the sleepover but let’s hold off on dying my hair.”

  “Ok, no problem. Oh I’m so excited. I’ve wanted to invite you over forever, I always feel bad going to your place all of the time.”

  I thought about it. “You know, I never realized that before. I’ve never been to your neighborhood before. Was that deliberate?”

  “Yep” Logan said “No one gets in unless you’re a werewolf. Look at you breaking all the rules.”

  “That is pretty cool, actually. Are you sure I’m allowed?”

  “Yeah, I already cleared it with my dad.”

  “Ok great. I feel so V.I.P. So are we heading into the cars now?”

  Will and Jay exchanged speaking glances and turned to the group with huge grins. Jay began, “My dad wants to ensure our safety and make sure we’re home as soon as possible.”

  “Ok…” I said, giving Jay a puzzled look.

  “So my Dad sent the Jet and two guys to drive our cars back for us.”

  “What?” practically all of us said in unison.

  “Now that is V.I.P.” Mena said.



  We grabbed our bags and headed to the place on the beach where the plane had landed. I’d flown in my dad’s private airplane tons of times but watching Kira’s excitement got me pumped too. It was weird how being with her made everything more exciting.

  For months I’d been bored with my privileged life and throw away money and then Kira comes along and suddenly every small cup of coffee is like winning the lottery. She made me see things in a new way and maybe the most important thing of all was my role in the pack. I wasn’t sure I wanted to be Alpha of the southeastern hemisphere of the United States or even a senator or governor but when it came to my own pack, I wanted to be the leader. I wanted to protect them in every way I could. Once I said that to my father, he was on board with having Kira over in Wyldwoods Estates.

  “So I know we’re only going to be on this flight for like 30 minutes but can use that time to talk about your werewolf thing because I have a billion questions.” Kira said.

  I smiled. “Sure. I promise once we’re settled in you can ask me anything but give me a few minutes. I have to talk to Mike. He’s the pilot and one of us. I’ll introduce you later.”



  We boarded the plane and as soon as the door shut, we were off. I didn’t know planes could leave that fast. Then again I’d never been on a private plane before. Everyone was sitting there strewn out across the seats and aisles laughing and talking like they were at an afternoon picnic. Jay went into the cockpit and I settled in among the guys, the pack. I perched on an armrest.

  Logan looked at me and said “What?” and raised an eyebrow.

  I realized I had been staring at them all. “Well, I was about ask if you guys are all right but that’s pretty obvious and while I’m glad, now I’m wondering how can you guys be so calm, so… normal? It’s kind of freaking me out. I mean I know it was a few hours ago but when I walked in you were all being attacked by witches.”

  Logan smiled. “What can I say? We’re a jovial bunch.”

  Trenton nodded like he understood me “I guess we’re just happy to be alive. As the incoming council, we’ve been training for this stuff for years. We’ve had to deal with supernaturals all of our lives. I mean, in the moment it can be scary as hell but you have to make yourself stay calm and focus on survival. When you achieve your goal, you start feeling pretty good.”

  I looked around at all of them again and saw that he had a point. I just wasn’t at that level yet. I almost hoped that I never would be at a level that I could be totally fine after almost being killed or watching my friends get hurt but I saw his point, with their life experiences they had to be. I’d been preparing for attacks for my whole life as well but it still scared me to deal with it face to face and this hadn’t even been much of an attack. I didn’t know what to say so I just nodded.

  Then Will spoke into the silence. “So, you’ve never seen them before, have you?”

  I knew just what he meant. I tried to sound casual. “Oh the wolf thing, no, that was m
y first time. It’s really amazing. Knowing what you are and seeing it are totally separate things. And uh, I guess you guys got to see some of my deeper magic too.”

  Brandon winked at me “Oh yes, oh powerful one and may I just say, that flying ball of light thing was freaking awesome.”

  “Glad you liked it. I hope I never have to do it again but yeah.”

  “So are you going to find out about your grandmother?” Mena asked. I shrugged. Unsure what I would do about it.

  Annabella put her hand on my shoulder, “You don’t have to talk about it. You seem really uncomfortable.”

  “I don’t know. It’s just a little weird for me, I guess. I mean, I only met her once. This is just a lot for me to take in. I’ve always known witches practiced both light and dark before the war but I never knew that my family was so strongly involved with the dark because both my parents practice light. Or at least that’s what they’ve always told me.” I winced. “That right there bothers me the most. That now after one little lie or not even a lie but by not telling me who my grandmother was, I’m starting to question everything I’ve ever been told.”

  I didn’t even want to think about my power situation. I mean yes, I was more powerful than my father but warlocks aren’t usually as strong as witches. I was as powerful as my mother but what did that tell me really? She was a Beaumont witch too. That’s the only comparisons of my magic I ever had. What if we really were stronger than most, did that even change anything?

  Logan smiled. “I’m not sure if we told you this but we’re glad you’re a witch, you know. It saved our butts today.”

  “I’m glad just for that very reason but you have to know your butts wouldn’t need saving if it wasn’t for me.”


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