In closing (for the Dutchmen advise they are preparing to hoist sail),I am content to report that Indian commodity is readily vendable at theport of Bantam, particularly fine calicoes and indigo, and I adjudgethe Company would be well advis'd to dispatch a new Voyage to Suratupon receipt of this letter. The Monopoly of the Portugals holds nomore, esp. after their Humiliation in the late engagement off Surat. Oncondition the Company post a Gentleman of Quality to Agra (One lesssusceptable to Moorish ways than Capt. Hawksworth, and therefore, in myJudgement, like to be better respected by the new Moghul) ourSubscribers stand to enjoy great Profit in the Company's Indies trade.
So desiring God to add a blessing to all endeavours tending to thisbusiness of ours and of all that may succeed us to God's glory and theCompany's benefit.
Your Worship's faithful servant,
Geo. Elkington
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The Moghul Page 73