Johnny Loves Krissy

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Johnny Loves Krissy Page 18

by KyAnn Waters

  Reaching between her legs, she scraped a fingertip over her hardened clit. She was almost too sensitive to touch. Juices slicked her fingers. Inching lower, she touched his cock as he plunged deep, her body suctioning to him. Her folds clung to his shaft as he reared back. Thick cream coated his cock.

  A long gravely groan rolled from his throat. He surged into her and froze. Krissy inched back and tugged his tightened sac with her drenched fingers.

  A feral intensity tightened his body. “Enough.” The strained words heightened her responses. He was as lost as she.

  “Then fuck me, Johnny. Hard.”

  His fingers dug into her hips. He nearly lifted her from the bed as his frenzied thrusts pushed them both over the edge. She fisted her hands in the sheets as her mind spiraled into euphoric oblivion.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Unfamiliar Familiarity

  The crisp sheets tangled around her legs, Johnny's arms circled her waist, just under her breasts. She stretched, lifting her arms above her head and then rolled to face him. She nuzzled her nose into the warmth of his chest. The inhaled scent of his skin reminded her of the passion they'd shared. Even breathing caused his sternum to lift against her cheek.

  How stupid she'd been to almost toss this away. He'd slept in her bed and held her throughout the night. She kept waiting for the familiar constriction of fear to squeeze her heart. Instead, all she felt was content— and loved.

  “Morning.” His fingers slid into her snarled hair.

  She pressed her lips to his flat stomach. “Good morning.”

  “Great morning. Coffee?”

  She pulled away and sat up. “Can't. It tastes like battery acid. My first symptom. Actually, when I started throwing up, I should have suspected. Shelby did. I thought stress made me sick. The night you left me when I wanted you to stay, I thought...I thought you played a head game on me.”

  He stretched with a growl. “We both played head games, toyed with each other's emotions. I wanted to show you we couldn't go back. Too much has changed between us.”

  He gave her buttocks a gentle swat.

  “Hey, now.” She smiled, knowing Johnny tracked her movements as she went to the dresser for a clean pair of panties and a T- shirt. “Go make yourself coffee. I should be able to handle the smell. At least, better than you'd handle going without.”

  She headed toward the bathroom. First thing in the morning was the best time to take the second pregnancy test. She closed the door and took a test from under the sink. If she got the positive result again, this would be the last pregnancy test she'd ever take. The advanced endometriosis wouldn't give her a chance to conceive again. She put her hand on her stomach. Even though she didn't feel any different inside, a baby could be growing inside her.

  Johnny tapped on the door. “Are you taking the test?” She noted the panic in his quickly spoken words. “If you are, how long before the results show? And if you're not, don't rush. Whenever you're ready.”

  “I'm taking the test, and I don't need any help.” She looked at the test tube in her hand and then at the closed bathroom door. She didn't have these nervous butterflies when it was just her waiting for the little plus or minus.


  “Go make your coffee and quit bugging me. I can't pee with you listening at the door anyway. I'll be out in a minute and we can wait for the results.”

  “You're sure?”


  She turned on the fan, hoping to drown out the distraction making coffee. Another thought crossed her mind. What did she really want in regards to living arrangements? Was she ready for real permanence? She wasn't sure she wanted one sleep over to become two, and then three. Shit, what if Johnny never went home?

  “What am I worried about?” Krissy shook off her wayward thoughts. Johnny respected her need for time alone. He wouldn't crowd her, and he wouldn't give up his apartment. Not for a while anyway. She didn't need to think about anything beyond the test in her hand. After taking care of business, she left the test on the edge of the sink and walked out of the bathroom. She didn't want to see the results without Johnny.

  She went to the kitchen to wait the five minutes for the results to show. Johnny stood at the counter with a cup of coffee in his hand. He'd put on his jeans, leaving the top button undone. Her eyes traveled the trail of hair up the hard plane of his stomach to the bare, clean lines of his chest. When her stare came to rest on his face, he looked at her over the rim of his cup as he took a sip. One eyebrow cocked, asking the question for him.

  “Five minutes.”

  He nodded and took another sip of coffee. All at once, the fresh brewed scent hit her empty stomach, causing it to roll and churn. She hurried to the couch and lay down before she threw up.

  “I can't be sick.” She didn't want to go into the bathroom for five minutes. Every plan she formulated ended in disaster. Damn it, she wanted to follow through on this one. With eyes closed, she took shallow breaths. She wanted to ask Johnny to time the test, but she was afraid to open her mouth.

  “Can I do anything?”

  She shook her head.

  “Do you want a bucket?”

  “No,” she whispered. “In...” She cracked one eye, glancing at the clock above the door. “...three minutes and forty seconds, I'll throw up. We're going to look at the test together. I can make it.”

  He stood there, staring.

  “Go drink your coffee in the other room.” Without opening her eyes, she pointed to the kitchen. “Watch the clock for me.”

  Johnny moved out of the living room but didn't lose sight of Krissy. She really was pregnant. This wasn't faking. God, his parents were going to shit. The six- pack would shit. He wiped his clammy palms on the front of his pants. He'd spent the night with Krissy, woke with her in his arms, and planned to make love to her before he took her to his parents to tell them.

  Krissy had blurted the news to enough people last night that he couldn't put off telling his mom. If she found out from anyone else, he'd pay for it until she had the baby in her arms.

  He wasn't worried about their reaction to Krissy's pregnancy. His mom was ready for Grandma- dom. It was the need to tell her there wouldn't be a wedding that struck fear in his heart. Sure, his parents loved Krissy. However, they also knew he'd carried a torch for her since puberty. They would blame her for his unmarried status, and he wouldn't allow that. He'd play the bastard if necessary.

  Glancing at the clock, he realized the five minutes had passed. He took a deep breath, wanting to wait one more minute. After they looked, life immediately changed. He took a hesitant step into the living room. Krissy rested with her arm bent over her eyes, her chest rising and falling with her breathing.

  He bent and tenderly kissed her lips. “Ready?”

  She sat with slow deliberate movements. Then she jumped from the couch and rushed down the hall. When Johnny followed her into the bathroom, she leaned over the toilet emptying her stomach. He glanced at the counter. The white, plastic test waited. Should he look first or wait?

  He went to Krissy and gathered her hair. She pushed him away. “I'm fine.”

  “You're throwing up.”

  “Look at the test, Johnny. I don't need to. I'll be fine once I throw up. Not that the test is really necessary. I think my throwing up is all the confirmation we need.”

  He picked up the test while his heart raced. His gut clenched, skin tingled, and his vision blurred. However, not before he'd read the results. Krissy was going to have a baby. His baby.

  She rinsed her mouth, took a drink, splashed water on her face, and dried it on a towel. “You're crying,” she said, glancing up. “Johnny?” She took the test from his hand, looked at the plus, and tossed it into the garbage. “We're having a baby.”

  Her fingers were on his cheek, wiping away his tears as she cried, too.

  He took her hand, smiled, and pulled her from the bathroom. “Am I an ass because I want to make love to you? Are you still feelin
g sick?”

  “Not at all. Please, I always feel great after you fuck me.” She smiled coyly and wagged her brows.

  “After I make love to you, we're going to spend the day together. First stop, my parents. And then I think we should get the gang together at Drew's.” He fell onto the bed, pulling her with him. “I want to tell everyone.”

  He laughed running his hands over her back, finally cupping her bare ass. He couldn't help smiling. Thong underwear were made for an ass like Krissy's. He ran his finger under the thin string and traced the crease between her cheeks.

  She arched her back, inviting a deeper exploration. “Did you ever expect it to be this good between us?” She moaned her pleasure when he found her heat.

  He rolled her onto her back, snapping the thin string of her panties.

  “Hey— ” She stopped speaking when he thrust his middle finger deep into her hot, wet channel. He flicked a few times, slowly withdrew, and then slid in two fingers. The walls of her sex tightened, grew wetter, coating his hand in a wash of her cream.

  He stood from the bed, dropping his jeans. “Scoot down.”

  Krissy slid to the edge of the bed until her legs dangled and her ass nearly fell off. She laughed as Johnny took her ankles and brought them to his shoulders. Lubricating the head of his cock with her juices, he eased into her body.

  In this position, he watched his cock disappear into her cunt. Sliding in and out, glistening, wet. Hot. Smooth. He held on to her thighs, slightly lifting her body to give him deeper penetration. He banged against her sweet spot with each thrust. The mind numbing smell of their enflamed bodies, coming together, their essence mingling, made his cock harder, his need greater.

  His balls slapped against her ass when he increased the tempo. Blood surged into his shaft. Pressure tightened his balls. “As for your question,” he said between bursts of energy. “I never considered any of this a possibility.” He drove into her. “I want you to come.” He slowed his tempo, let go of one of her thighs, and touched her swollen clit.

  “Oh, god, Johnny.” She arched off the bed, her body instantly contracting. Her unexpected orgasm brought a smile to his face.

  “I've elevated my position from king to god.”

  “If you take me like this every morning, I'll gladly go from pledging allegiance to your cock, to worshipping it. Oh god!” Her knuckles whitened as she gripped the bedding.

  Johnny spread her legs wider, letting them fall from his shoulders to bend at the knee in the crook of his elbows. “You feel so good.”

  He didn't want to tell her how much better if felt knowing she wanted him every morning. Hearing her speak of the future made him happy. Smooth muscled walls in her sex encasing his cock in a blissful pleasure. He'd make love to her for breakfast, fuck her for lunch and dine on her sweet pussy for dinner. Then at night, before they went to sleep, he'd gently rock into her until they were both satiated to the point of sleep.

  Thrusting faster, harder, deeper. She was his. He threw his head back, clenched his ass and exploded.

  Krissy needed to sit on her hands, but that would just alert Johnny to her nervousness. She sat hip to hip with him in his truck as they crossed town to his parents’ house. Johnny spoke as if they were the prize patrol for the Publisher's Clearing House. She suspected more likely, they'd meet with the warm reception due an IRS auditor.

  The truck came to a lurching stop. “You ready?” He gave her thigh a pat. “No use putting it off.”

  “I'm scared shitless. We didn't think this through. Your mom is going to freak, and your dad is going to wonder why you didn't wear a rubber after all the boxes he bought you throughout high school.”

  “Mom was too young to be a grandma then. We've grown up and they've grown older.”

  “You said it might give your dad a heart attack. Are you sure we should risk his health?”

  His face became solemn as he glanced at her. He took her hand in his. “You're right. Maybe we shouldn't tell them. Dad's health, Mom's moral Christian upbringing, we'd be fucked all the way around. And maybe we've done enough fucking.” His eyebrow cocked as if in thought. “I admit I'll miss the fucking. No more morning wood for the wood girl.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Shut up. Let's go.”

  He opened the driver door, and she scooted out after him. “I can't wait until you tell my parents you've knocked up their only daughter.”

  “And I'll have to tell them it wasn't my fault. You seduced me.”

  She let out an exasperated sigh. “They'd believe you, too.”

  Johnny wrapped his arm around her shoulders as they walked to the door. She let the warmth of his hold seep into her. It proved to be a beautiful Saturday morning, but she still felt a little clammy and gooseflesh broke across her skin.

  “Would it help if I told you I love you?”

  “Fuck you.”

  He laughed. “You did, and that's why we're here.”

  He knocked once and opened the door.

  “Oh, look everyone,” Johnny's dad hollered. “Johnny and my pipsqueak are here.”

  Krissy groaned. “Great, the whole family is here.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Krissy? Jealous?

  Johnny nearly bit his tongue off. Laugh, scream, or ignore what happened? Krissy sat on the passenger seat. Not hip to hip but pressed against the passenger door, nose to the window, staring at the blur of trees passing her by. So his mom got a little exuberant, his dad a bit presumptuous. Johnny didn't have the balls to tell Krissy his parents were right. She was in a mood and clearly not ready to hear anything about the benefits of marriage.

  “So do you want to go home? I still want to go to Drew's.”

  She faced forward. “At least there I won't have to get grilled about my obligation to you and the baby. Ryan does the only grilling, and that's on the barbecue. The last thing our friends are going to encourage is marriage.”

  He didn't let the statement take root in his mind. At the beginning of this craziness, she didn't think they could risk a relationship. They'd come a long way. Sharing a bed, baby, their friendship, it wasn't a far jump into permanent commitment. Maybe if he had a judge do the service and not mention until death do us part or any other reference to long term, she might go for it.

  “It isn't that I don't want to get married.” She glanced at him. Her eyes narrowed with an accusatory glint. “Why are you smiling?”

  “What's not to smile about? Our friends are going to be happy for us. If Shelby and Ryan were having a baby, what would you say?”

  “Congratulations.” Her tentative smile widened. “You're right. Who knows what's going to happen in the future. I certainly don't want to wonder for the rest of my life if you married me because of the baby. If we decide— later— not now.” She put her hand on his arm. “Please don't say anything now.” She giggled. “You'll totally ruin anything wonderful you would have said, if you say it now. If you ever want to say anything, say it when I'm not expecting it. Am I babbling?”

  Johnny pulled along the curb in front of Drew's condo. “Yes.” He touched her cheek and then trailed his finger down her body until his hand rested on her stomach. “Today, all we need to talk about is the baby. My parents spoke without thinking. They're happy for us. Do you want to tell them the true nature of our relationship? I don't. They also know that I— that we've— always been friends.”

  Krissy scratched her fingernail into the upholstery of the cab seat. “We aren't where we started anymore.” She spoke quietly.

  “No, we're more than friends, but we're taking it slow.”

  “I don't want your parents to think I'm a slut.”

  “You aren't and they love you. I'd never let anyone get away with saying anything derogatory about you.” He took her hand and pulled her close. “Can I still call you my bitch?”

  “Only if you smack my ass at the same time.”

  He swept her mouth with his tongue. Like every time he touched her, his body responded. Before,
he had to hide. Not any longer. He hummed his pleasure, deepening the kiss. Her hand touched his chest. Covering it with his own, he slid her fingers to his crotch.

  He willed his pounding pulse to slow and took even breaths. “Just so I don't fuck up— ”

  She giggled. “You can fuck up, down, or sideways.” She kissed him again.

  “Can I touch you whenever I want?” His hand went to her breast when she leaned in. “Can I kiss you in front of our friends?”

  He cupped the back of her head with his palm and sealed their mouths. Her silky hair tangled in his fingers. Her velvet tongue slipped between his lips. He enjoyed the taste of her. Hot and cool. Gentle suction of her mouth zinged straight into his cock, hardening his shaft. If she were wearing a skirt, he'd lift her and settle her back down on his lap.

  She smiled. “You know, once my belly gets big, the whole world will know we've been fucking.”

  “Making love.”

  She snorted. “So if I tell you to make love to me right now, or whisper, Johnny, fuck me, which one makes you hotter?” She lowered the zipper on his fly. His erection strained against the thin cotton fabric of his boxers.

  His eyes glanced from Drew's front door to Krissy. Her fingers slipped into his boxers through the slit in the front and wrapped around the swollen girth. “Ah, fuck.”

  She kissed his lips. “That's right. Fuck, not make love.” She pulled her hand out of his pants, slid across the seat, and opened the passenger door. “Come on. They're probably wondering what happened to us.”

  “You're going to leave me like this?” His cock stood proudly out of his pants. She licked her lips. “You are a...brat.” He lunged for her, but she slammed the door.

  “That's not what you really want to say,” she said through the open window. She lifted a brow. “But I am your bitch.”

  Johnny laughed while he adjusted his cock so he could zip his fly. He caught up with her at the front door. Even though she'd told the entire bar about her pregnancy, they were confirming it— and the truth about Mr. Perfect.


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