Dream Angel (Angel #1)

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Dream Angel (Angel #1) Page 16

by Jane West

  I tossed the paper towel in the wastebasket and faced both girls. “Hey, Gina,” I nodded to Sally. “What’s up?” I held my gaze, staying calm.

  Gina stepped forward. “I need to have a talk with you.” Her face hid nothing of her disdain for me.

  “I’d love to chat with you ladies, but I’m going to be late for class. You wanna try this again after school, off school campus?” I figured that if Gina and I tied into it, we could at least do this off the school campus. There was a less chance of getting suspended.

  “I’d rather get this over with now!” Her voice was sharp as thorns.

  I dropped my eyes to her fingernails and thought damn with those long things, it was gonna hurt. Those long-inch nails were a weapon. I huffed. Either way, I was screwed.

  I knew all about schoolyard scuffles. I’d had my share of fights. Most of the time, I tried to avoid them. Even still, being the new kid all the time seemed to put a target on my back. Not something, I was proud of nor cared for. It just went with the territory.

  I sighed. “Okay, shoot.” I kept my eye on the hostile blonde.

  “I heard you went out with my boyfriend, Saturday night.”

  “Are we talking about the whole football team?” Throwing shade at Gina was better than a paint-ball fight.

  Gina’s eyes went black. “I. Am. Talking. About. Sam!” She bit out each word.

  “You know, several of us had plans to go out Saturday. Your boyfriend showed up at my door alone, lying through his teeth.” I leaned against the sink, crossing my feet. “I honestly didn’t know he was dating you.”

  “Why should I believe you?” Her hands grasped on her hips. “You’ve been after him the moment you got here.” I got the impression that Gina might be a bit green with jealousy.

  “Gina, I’m not interested in your beau. When he told me he was dating you, I left his ass.”

  “You’re lying!” she growled. “Sam said you were all over him.”

  “What?” The hairs on my back pricked. Why couldn’t she go pick on the football team, and leave me alone? I rolled my eyes.

  “Give it up, Steve! You two had sex in the back of Sam’s truck. He dumped you after he got what he wanted.” Gina crossed her arms, shooting shards straight at me.

  I gawked in shock. “My name is Stephanie, and Sam’s lying!”

  “Is Sam lying?” Gina stepped into my personal space. “With your daddy issues, any attention will do won’t it?” She bared her white teeth, the kind of smile that made you want to barf.

  Okay, now the bitch was crossing the line. Pushing off from the sink, fist to my side, white knuckled. I stood toe to toe with Gina, glaring at her. “Keep my father outta your mouth, bitch!” I hissed.

  “What’s the matter?” She laughed snidely. “I thought you liked attention?”

  I leaned closer. “I don’t know. I’m not caring much for this.” I sneered.

  Her eyes washed over me as she drew back a snarl. “Sam saw you get in the car with Aidan Bane. Did you do him too?”

  “Now you’re reaching!” I scoffed.

  Suddenly jarred from our pleasantry, the door squeaked, and footsteps echoed. We all three stopped, our heads snapping up in the direction of the footfalls. I half sweated that it might be the principal, Dr. Van. He’d love to catch me fighting on campus.

  Unexpectedly, Bane swaggered in. “Hello, ladies!” He smiled wide as he wedged himself between Gina and me. “I heard you out in the hallway. Thought I’d come join the fun.” He quickly swiped his eyes over me as if he was checking for injuries.

  Gina stood with her arms folded, eyeing Bane suspiciously. Sally hovered in the corner, shaking like a trapped dog. I almost felt sorry for her.


  Taking it upon herself, Gina boldly stepped between Bane and me. She purposely kept her back to me, forcing me to have to stare at her blonde hair. I rolled my eyes and stepped back leaning against the sink, arms crossed. I was curious to how Gina was going to manipulate Bane. I was a sucker for sideshows. I fumed, quietly.

  “Aidan, you know I like you.” Gina batted her fake lashes. “This girl went out with Sam behind my back!” Gina tossed a snarl over her shoulder at me.

  Bane’s face twisted as if he was confused. “Hmm, on what night?” He braced one arm by the elbow against his chest, the other arm raised, finger tapping his lips. He reminded me of Sherlock Holmes unlocking a murder mystery.

  “Steve talked Sam into standing up Sally. They went to the carnival together.” Another round of bullets shot over her shoulder at me. “Your girl exchanged sex for cash. They did it in the back of Sam's truck.” Gina batted her lashes, placing her manicured fingers on Bane’s arm. “Didn’t she leave with you that night?”

  This bitch has spun her last web. I jumped up, snatching Gina’s arm off Bane and spinning the lying blonde about face to confront my fist!

  When I was about to cold-cock her, Bane jumped between us, taking my shoulders in his hands and gently but forcefully planting me flat against the wall.

  I gawked at him. “She’s lying!” I hissed through gritted teeth.

  “Back off!” He ripped out the words impatiently.

  “This is my affair! I got this.” I tried pushing past him.

  Dark snappy eyes darted at me as he replied. “Do you?”

  He turned back to Gina. “There’s been a misunderstanding.” He spoke with quiet emphasis. “Sam has misled both you and Stevie.” Bane cut his eyes at me and then back to Gina. “Sally set this entire charade in motion, pitting the two of you against one another. Perhaps, you should grill your BFF instead of Miss. Ray.” Bane’s poise was perfect. He performed like a king delegating authority.

  “I don’t believe that for a minute! Sally’s not a back stabber.”

  I almost choked on air. I spoke up. “Gina, Sally set this up. I heard it straight from the sleaze bag’s mouth himself, Sam.” The intensity in my jaw was unbearable.

  She turned her fiery eyes on me. “I don’t believe lying whores!”

  I swallowed a slew of curse words. “Obviously you do!” I fired back, cutting my eyes to Sally.

  Bane stepped up, gently pushing me back once more while he flashed me a black layered look. “Quiet!” he warned.

  Hands in the air, I eased off, but not before, I cast him an eat-shit-and-die glare. With a sharp huff, I jerked away, anger boiling.

  Bane glared back at Gina. “I don’t understand why you are so upset. Were you not with one of the football players under the bleachers Friday?”

  Gina’s jaw nearly hit the floor. “That’s a freaking lie!” Her heated eyes assaulted me. “Did you tell him that?”

  I opened my mouth to protest, but before I uttered a word, Bane interjected.

  “I hate to disappoint, but Stevie has nothing to do with your, let’s just say extracurricular activity.”

  Gina, for once, was lost for words.

  A faint smile tainted my lips.

  Suddenly, Bane’s attention shifted to the shivering girl with the shifty eyes, coiled in the corner, Sally. “You should come clean and tell the fucking truth for once in your miserable life.” Sally only cringed in the corner, not mumbling a word.

  The word coward came to mind.

  I, on the other hand, found myself astounded by the direction this hoedown had gone. Bane’s radar was starting to come in handy.

  Gina drew me back from my moment of triumph. Her eyes bounced between Bane and me. “What goes between Sam and me is none of your business.” She hissed. “Come on Sally, we’re late for class.” Gina tossed a snarl over her shoulder at me as she left out the door. Sally ducked behind Gina like a frightened mouse, scurrying away to a hole in the wall.

  I inhaled a nervous breath, as my temper seemed to simmer down. I leaned back on the sink, brushing back my hair. I waited quietly for Bane to say something first.

  After his eyes had finished roving over me, he asked. “Are you all right?”

  It was a common q
uestion he seemed to be asking me a lot lately.

  “I guess.” I shrugged.

  “You didn’t tell me you were with Sam.” His brows drew together in an ireful expression.

  My gaze flew up at him. “You didn’t ask,” his abrupt change in mood confused me.

  “I believe I did. You lied to me.” The bridled anger in his voice startled me.

  “I didn’t lie.” Then I rolled my eyes. “Okay, I skirted around the truth.”

  Bane’s left brow rose a fraction. “Uh hmm. Go on.”

  “By the time I ran into you, Sam had split. I didn’t see the point in rehashing my night.”

  “Didn’t I tell you to stay away from Sam?”

  “You’re not my mother!” I bit back.

  “Thank goodness I am not!” A melancholy frown flitted across his features.

  “Are you going to accuse me of sleeping with Sam too?”

  “Do I need to?” his expression held a note of mockery.

  “Actually, asshat, you don’t have to ask crap! Then I don’t have to lie!”

  Sudden anger lit Bane’s eyes as he stepped closer forcing my back against the wall. He leaned in, his breath hot against my face. “Is there more to this story of you and Sam?” His accusing voice stabbed the air.

  I began to shake as the fearful images built in my mind of his violent behavior with Francis. Bane was no one to test. He was a savage, cold, calculating and deviant.

  Despite this known fact, I let my temper get the best of me, and I lashed out. “It’s true! And guess what?”

  “Pray tell!” his curt voice lashed at me.

  “Sam is a much better lover than you’ll ever be!” I sputtered. I wanted to hurt him, so I lied.

  There was a flicker of pain behind his glint. “Then there’s truth to the rumors?”

  The swell of despair was beyond tears. I’d gone too far. I needed to end this between Bane and me. “Believe whatever you like!”

  “What I like is for you to start behaving like a young lady and stop these childish tizzies.”

  All of a sudden, his blues blazed like a lit match. “Your eyes are on fire!” Sheer black fright swept through me.

  “Never mind about me.” His voice was harsh. “Do we have an understanding?”

  “What?” My mind reeled with confusion.

  “I said do we have an understanding?”

  I was jolted back to the present argument. “I’m sorry! I don’t respond well to threats.”

  All at once, things became blurry. It was like an out-of-body experience. A strange sensation percolated inside me, a deep burning down to my core. It was like a presser cooker, surging to the surface.

  Like an earthquake with the wrath of God, it shook the ground underneath our feet. From that point on, everything went haywire. The stall doors slammed back and forth, ripping off its hinges. Pipes burst, water spewed and windows shattered shards of glass everywhere.

  When it stopped, I looked up disoriented. I was in the arms of Bane. Soaking wet, we were lying in the middle of the football field. As my eyes washed over the grounds, I realized we were alone. For the life of me, I had no idea how we ended up in the middle of an empty field unscathed.

  Immediately, I kicked and shoved at Bane. “Get off me!” I shrieked.

  He rolled over on his back, propping himself up on his elbows. I quickly saw the shock in his eyes.

  “What just happened?” I puffed out short breaths, shivering.

  “The fuck if I know,” Bane half-whispered.

  I jumped to my feet, legs a bit wobbly. “Stay away from me! I mean it,” I bellowed, breathless, scared and pissed. I stalked off, heading straight for my bike. I needed out of here and away from Aidan Bane and his bag of tricks.


  I went straight to Ms. Noel’s house. If Sara had decided to bless me with her good company, I wanted to avoid her like a cat avoids water. After that horrible altercation in the front yard last evening, the tiff with Gina and now blowing up the girl’s restroom, I was on my last leg before diving off a fifty-foot ledge. I couldn’t take it anymore.

  Exasperated, I climbed two steps at a time, rushing to Ms. Noel’s door. I knocked three times. The door crept open, and there stood Ms. Noel smiling as always.

  “Hello, Catin! I didn’t expect ta see ya until after school.”

  “May I come in, please?” My voice trembled. For some stupid reason, I kept glancing over my shoulder as if someone was tailing me.

  “Come in, babee.” She stepped aside.

  Quickly I stepped past Ms. Noel as she shut the door.

  I twirled on my heels, unable to wait. “The girls’ restroom exploded, Aidan Bane is a sociopath, and Francis carries a switchblade.” I rushed my words.

  “Chile, ya ringing wet!” Her eyes washed over my dripping clothes and hair. I must’ve looked like a drowned rat. “Come sit down by the fire and let me get ya some hot tea.” She squeezed my shoulder, pointing to one of the rocking chairs.

  As I seated myself in one of the rocking chairs, Ms. Noel disappeared to the kitchen.

  I soon felt the warmth of the fire. The weather had taken a vicious bit, and I was chilled down to the bone, shivering. I bent over, palms stretched out, letting the heat loosen my stiff fingers.

  My mind was running wild over the events that had recently transpired. It seemed trouble followed me wherever my feet landed. Maybe I should forget public school and home school instead.

  Then I crossed that off my list. Running from problems never worked. Sooner or later, they'd catch up with you. My lips tightened. I really wanted to kick something.

  Before long, Ms. Noel returned with a piping cup of hot tea. She handed me the drink. “Thank you,” I whispered. My voice ached from screaming at Bane. I grasped the cup in both hands. Its warmth felt good to my fingers.

  Ms. Noel sat on the couch as she let out a slight groan seating herself. “Now start from the beginning and tell me what’s got ya so rattled.” Her faded blues were soul searching.

  I lifted my eyes to Ms. Noel. “It started yesterday.” I began telling her about the fight with Sara, Bane wrestling Francis to the ground, ending the story with the explosion at school. When I finished, I took a hearty sip of my tea, waiting for Ms. Noel’s take on the situation.

  “Lord have mercy, Chile!” she preached. “Ya been working over time.”

  A short laugh escaped my lips. “That’s what I’m saying!” I shook my head. “Can you explain any of this wacko stuff to me?”

  “This feller who brought ya home, he’s the blue-eyed boy, right?”

  “Yes, Aidan Bane.” My stomach churned just saying his name.

  “Have you met this young man’s folks?”

  “No. He said his parents are out of the country a lot. Then again, he hasn’t invited me over to his house either. Besides, I’m not the type of girl he’d want his parents to meet.” I set my cup down on a small table next to the chair.

  “Mrs. Noel’s gray brows collided. “Why do ya say that, Catin?”

  I shrugged, staring at my cup. “Rich folks like Bane prefer their own kind.”

  “Catin, money got nothin’ ta do with a person’s worth. It’s the heart that makes a person good.”

  “I reckon.”

  “Bane, where have I heard that name?” Ms. Noel asked.

  “He's new to town,” I answered curtly.

  “He can't be that new. I think he’s the son of your landlord.”

  I perked. “Are you sure?”

  “I can't say for sure, but it seems that my nephew works for folks named Bane. Jeffery’s been workin’ fer them fer years. They just moved ta town. They came from New Aw-linz.”

  “New Orleans?” I asked. Ms. Noel’s accent at times was a little thick.

  “Yes, babee. That’s where they at.”

  “Can you ask your nephew?”

  “I don’t mind askin’ but doesn’t your mom’n’em have that information.”

es, but she won’t tell me.”

  “Lord have mercy, Chile! Ya shouldn’t have ta worry about such things.”

  “I really don't have much choice.” Talking about Sara wasn’t a subject I wanted to harp on. I couldn’t change her. But I could change the subject. “Ms. Noel, I think there’s something off about Bane. I mean, every time I’m around him, weird things happen. Things that can’t be explained.”

  “I haven’t told ya this but with all that commotion goin’ on last night like ya said, I didn’t hear a thang.” The worry lines around Ms. Noel’s eyes deepened. “I think that young man has the touch.”

  “Really? How can you tell?”

  “It’s something I sense. His magick is thick and dark.” All of a sudden, a wry expression crossed Ms. Noel’s face.

  “What is it?” I leaned in closer.

  “Do ya think there is any chance that this young man is the faceless boy in your dreams?”

  Man-oh-man, Ms. Noel just put it out there. Chills slithered down my spine.

  “I don’t know!” I shook my head. “I think he’s someone not to cross.” I exhaled a long sigh. “When he tackled Francis to the ground, he moved so fast that I missed the whole thing right before my eyes.”

  “Catin, maybe you should avoid that boy for now. Let me talk to Fannie.”

  “Okay.” I paused, thinking. “What about the explosion? Are you getting any kind of a vibe on that?”

  “That one has me puzzled, Chile. I’ll talk to Fannie about that too.”

  “I appreciate everything you’ve done for me.” My eyes became misty as I rose to my feet and hugged my dear friend. “I gotta go home. If you need me to go to the store for you, let me know.”

  “Thank you, Catin. I’m good for now. Don’t need ta make any grocers today.” Her eyes sparkled. “Don’t you worry none. We’ll figure this out.”


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