Dream Angel (Angel #1)

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Dream Angel (Angel #1) Page 27

by Jane West

  We’d reached the end of the lot, and I still didn't see his Corvette. I was starting to worry that he planned to shoot Jen and me, leaving our bodies in the sticks.

  “Hey! Where’s your car?” I called out, nerves on edge.

  Bane didn’t mutter a word. He kept his strut at an even pace.

  When he clicked the remote, the headlights of a champagne colored Rolls-Royse flashed.

  I gawked in disbelief. Talk about the granddaddy mac of all wheels.

  When we reached the car, Bane had stepped to the passenger’s side first, holding both front and back doors open. He barked, “Get in!”

  Jen and I shared a quick glance as we climbed inside the Royse. Jen took the backseat. I wanted badly to crawl in there beside her. But the steamy driver shot me a grave look of warning as he held the passenger’s door for me. Lucky me, I get to sit with the grumpy driver.

  Once the doors shut, a swirl of leather encircled me. I’d never sat in a car with such luxury. The bright red interior gave me a little dose of excitement. Discreetly, I brushed my hand across the seat. The leather was cool to the touch, and yet, smooth as a baby’s bottom.

  In the next breath, Bane’s door opened and a dim light flashed and smothered as soon as he shut the door.

  Before long, we were encroaching the outskirts of Tangi, leaving Le Diablo behind in our rearview mirror.

  My gut told me that a heated argument was on the horizon. By the hard line of Bane’s jaw and the forbidding quiet that stirred between us, I knew it was coming.

  Despite Bane’s foul mood, there was an upside to this. If Bane hadn’t shown up, Jen and I would’ve been in deep trouble. Stranded in the middle of nowhere at a bar that let just about any riff-raff come in was a recipe for danger.

  My curiosity ran with me wondering if Bane was one of the riff-raff. The bouncer knew his number. Then again, I think everyone knew Bane and his family. How is that so when they’re new to town?

  I sat in my seat, staring straight ahead at the headlights that swallowed up the road. The events of the night swirled in my head. I worried if Bane might take his anger out on Jen. Seeing firsthand how vile his temper could be, I wanted him to leave Jen alone. If I took the fall for our misjudgment tonight, he might let her alone.

  Geez! I felt like a child, getting caught sneaking out. I huffed inwardly. Despite his indifference toward me, I had to make amends.

  I started my spiel. “Look!” I gulped, mustering up the courage. “I was the one who insisted we go. If you want to blame someone, then blame me.” I glanced at his tense face.

  Jen drew herself closer, sitting on the edge of the seat, propping her arms on top of the front seats. I quickly flashed her a nonverbal cue to let me do the talking. She nodded and slipped back into her seat.

  Not that I made things any better, “Look! I’m sorry you had to come get us at this hour.”

  Bane kept his lips sealed, eyes glued to the highway.

  I continued, “We weren’t drinking… and we kept our clothes on!” I squirmed over that humiliating confession. I paused trying to read his stone face. “Thanks for your trouble but you can drop us off at Mother Blues. Our cars are parked there.” I offered, hoping it would appease Sulky Sue in the driver’s seat.

  “Don’t worry. I took care of your rides.” He growled as he quickly pumped up the volume, Mozart.

  Ouch! Apparently, he didn't feel like talking.

  I tossed a quick glance over my shoulder at Jen. She merely shrugged. Her eyes wide with worry.

  I gathered she was feeling the cold air too. I reckoned I’d just have to wait out the quiet storm.

  I invited Jen to stay with me for the night, but she declined. Jen’s aunt had called, instructing her to go straight home. The aunt would be there waiting.

  Someone contacted Aunt Betty and snitched. I had a sneaky suspicion Bane had something to do with that. And I suspected the aunt would be reporting it to Jen's parents.

  Once we pulled up to Jen’s house, I gathered by the dreaded look on her face, she might be looking at a good week's worth of grounding.

  With a heavy heart, I hugged my friend goodbye. “Man, I’m sorry!”

  Jen blew out a carefree sigh and swatted at the air with her hand. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll get extra chores and have my phone taken away for a week. A piece of cake!” Her sable eyes twinkled as she headed for her house.

  I watched as Jen made her way down the sidewalk to the front door. Right before she stepped up to the porch, the light flipped on, and the door opened.

  “Yelp that’s a sure sign she’s in trouble.”

  I felt terrible and a little envious too. Jen had family that loved her. Pain tore at my insides. I thought of my home situation. I blew out a harsh breath, ready to face the reality of my life.

  With a heavy heart, I slid back in the car shutting my door in silence. Still not an utter from Bane, he remained quiet the whole way to my house. I wasn’t going to sweat it. I reckoned he’d speak when he got ready.

  I leaned back in the cushiony seat, staring out the window. I actually liked the quiet and dreaded the consequences of my irresponsible behavior tonight.

  Though I doubted, Sara would be waiting by the porch light like Jen’s aunt. I sighed longingly. I wished I could talk to Dad.

  We turned into my drive, and before the car came to a halt, I’d unsnapped my seat belt, my hand rested on the door handle ready to flee the second the car came to a slow roll. I planned to get a head start, darting for the safety of a closed door.

  As I leaned into the door, Bane’s fingers gently grasped my arm. “Wait!” he called to me softly. “We need to talk.”

  Oh, geez! He sounded like my parent.

  “Can’t it wait?” I held my hand on the lever.

  “I want you to come home with me. You can stay on the far end of the wing far away from me if you wish. You won’t know I’m there if that’s what you want. It’s just,” Bane's voice broke, “I’d rather you stay under my roof than leave you alone and unprotected.”

  “Unprotected?” My eyes collided with his soulful blues. There was a genuine concern behind his glint that grabbed my breath. “You worry about me?”

  “Yes.” His voice was filled with sincerity

  “I thought you were mad at me?”

  A moment had passed before he answered. “Yes, quite so. However, I still want you under my roof out of harm’s way.”

  I scoffed. “Who’s going to harm me?”

  Bane leaned forward, so close that his lips were only an inch from mine. Sensually, his fingers gently traced the line of my chin, trailing up to my flushed cheekbone. His blues were full of pain and unquenchable warmth that I closed my eyes fighting back the tears that threatened. When he spoke, his voice was tender, almost a murmur. “There are things in this world that most people never see and,” he paused. “They’re lucky. If they only knew the darkness that lurks amidst the shadows, it would be so terrifying that most would go insane.” Gently, his thumb grazed my lips. “I only want to protect you. Will you at least grant me this one wish, please?”

  I swallowed against the lump in my throat, knowing there was nothing simple about this man, but I’d allow him his wish. “Okay, I’ll stay one night.” I gave a faint smile. “Let me get a few things.”

  He tightened his grip, halting me. “Sorry!” His blues flickered from the moonlight. “You’re staying with me indefinitely.”

  I stared at him, gawking. “Indefinite?”

  “There is no going back to this house. You’re coming with me if I have to shackle you.” The kindness in his blues had evaporated.

  “That’s kidnapping! I can have you arrested.” Right then, I wanted to give him a bloody nose. My fist tightened on the door’s lever.

  “Go get your things.” His response held a note of irritation.

  “I don’t get a say?” I blinked back shock. “Am I your prisoner?”

  “Are we going to argue all night?”

>   “Fine!” I hissed. “You can deal with Sara.”

  “I believe I have.” He drawled with distinct mockery.

  “Whatever!” I retorted darkly, jumping out of the car and slamming the door. I couldn't wait to find Sara. I can't believe she sold me into slavery. Whata mother !

  By the time, I unlocked the door, and stepped inside; Bane was on my heels. I quickly flipped on a light and jumped with a yelp when I felt something warm and fuzzy brush against my foot.

  When my gaze dropped to the floor, I spotted a white ball of fur nestling up against my leg. “A kitty!” I sang. I gathered the kitten up into my arms. He nudged my fingers as his purr tickled under my touch. I smiled, softly hugging the kitten to my face.

  Then it hit me. I glimpsed up at Bane. A faint smile played across his face.

  My brows drew together, baffled. “You brought me this kitten?”

  Strangely, the debonair Aidan Bane nervously shoved his hands in his deep pockets, clearing his throat. “Yes, I thought you might like the company.”

  “When did you do this?”

  “After I left, I went to pick up a few things for the house. I ran across a lady at the market giving away a litter of kittens.” He sneezed, suddenly, covering his nose and mouth. “Anyway,” he sniffled. “I took the last one.” His blues twinkled, or it could’ve been his allergies stirring

  “You-you-you did this for me?” I stammered over my words.

  Like a veil dropped, his demeanor changed that instant, and though his voice was smooth as velvet, his tone turned aloof. “Get your things.” His jaw tensed. “We have to go.”

  Infuriated, I hesitated, holding my questionable gaze evenly to his icy stance. It was well noted that his air of authority and the stern glint of one who commanded instant obedience curled off his shoulders.

  Boy-oh-boy, I smirked to myself. He was in for a surprise. He wanted me under his rule of thumb. I had other plans. Rules were for stuffy old women in high society clubs. I preferred a more straightforward approach, fly by the seat of my pants and hope the landing didn’t smart too much. That was the new Stevie’s take in life the wayward Stevie.

  Castle Manière

  We brought my new furry friend, Snowball. I gathered by Bane’s constant sniffling, he wasn’t cotton to the idea. I figured if I had to stay at his place the same rules applied for Snowball too. We were a package deal. Take it or leave it.

  On the road to his house, we must’ve traveled twenty miles, deep into the countryside, before reaching his home. When we rolled up to a double-door gate, I nearly swallowed my teeth. Holy cow! The iron gates were like an impenetrable fortress. It reminded me of a scene out of a horror movie. Just passed the black iron, we’d find a haunted mansion.

  Bane punched a button on his key ring, and the giant gates crept open, allowing us passage. When we passed through, it wasn't long before a huge castle came into sight. Lights lined the stonewashed dwelling as if it was guarding some midcentury king.

  “This is where you live!” I nearly choked on my breath.

  “For the time being,” Bane answered curtly.

  “You live in a castle?” I felt like a misfit. This place was a palace where royalty lived and where common folk served. I reckoned I'd be the servant.

  “Yes, some call it that.” He smirked to himself. “I call it home.”

  “There’s nothing simple about this place. You live in a freaking castle!”

  “I think we established that already.” His superiority was limpid. No wonder he stood out among everyone else. He was the real deal, an aristocrat that owned the air.

  I eased back into my seat, sinking low in the seat. My palms felt clammy, and my stomach turned somersaults. “I think I’m going to be sick!” I grabbed my midriff, drawing my knees to my breast.

  We came to a halt at the back entrance of the castle. After Bane had cut the engine, he came to my side and held my door open. I guess he figured I was in shock. He took my hand and eased me out.

  He rolled his eyes over me, studying me. He barked. “When’s the last time you’ve eaten? I recall at dinner you ate barely enough to feed a bird.”

  “Huh, what day is this?”

  Bane’s brows pinched. “Seriously?”

  I opened my mouth to speak and then closed it. I rolled my eyes and skirted around his question. “It doesn’t bother me to go without food.”

  “That’s not what I asked!” He bit down, lips drawn tight, “Never mind! I’ll have Dom prepare you something.”

  We entered the side door, of course, the servant’s entrance. We passed through a short. My guess, it was the mudroom where folks deposited their soiled shoes before entering the main house. Only this wasn’t a house. This place could fit fifty houses.

  When we entered the kitchen, Bane pointed to a tall stool at the kitchen island. “Sit.” He ordered.

  The modern kitchen had all the stops. A large double door fridge, suggesting loads of delicious treats, and a gas stove built for a king King Bane.

  “I'm afraid my chef, Dom, has gone to bed. I suppose I’m all you’ve got until morning.” He forced a tight smile and twirled on his heels to the fridge. As he burrowed half his body into the oversized fridge, I watched quietly.

  When he withdrew himself, his arms returned fully loaded with food, such as mayo, tomato, iceberg lettuce and ham. I propped my elbows up on the black granite, resting my chin in my palm.

  “You know, I can make my own sandwich. I might be hopeless, but I’m not helpless.” My eyes followed his skillful hands, spreading the dressing and adding ham, compiling lettuce and tomato, smashed between two slices of whole grain bread.

  “Too late,” his gaze lifted, catching mine as he slid the dish over to me. “Eat while I go get that goddamn ” he paused. “Pardon me, Snowball.” He suddenly twitched his nose and rubbed it.

  “Okay,” I answered muffled, chewing a mouthful of sandwich.

  After I’d eaten and downed a cold glass of milk that I’d shared with Snowball, Bane grabbed up my bag, and we headed to the guest quarters. I carried Snowball in my arms. He was resting like a baby after drinking half my milk.

  Instead of climbing the spiraling staircase, Bane insisted we take the elevator. Elevators and castles, oh my!

  The third floor, we stepped out of the box and onto a whole floor that stretched far as the eye could see or so it seemed. Lighting dotted the limestone walls shedding a soft golden glow down the corridor.

  Bane stopped at the last door on the right and turned the doorknob.

  “Here you are home sweet home.” He glanced down at me, one corner of his lip twitched. “Ladies first.” He held the door open. I caught his gaze and smiled tightly as I stepped past him into the room.

  The suite had the feel of a man with expensive taste, dark paneling, rich gold molding, mixed with red Persia rugs. Thick fabric draped over the canopy bed, matching the autumn tones of the rugs and curtains. It had the markings of a king.

  I turned my focus back to Bane. “It’s nice.” It was exquisite but not my taste. I never cared for dark rooms even with generous lighting. I wouldn’t dare complain and offend the noble host.

  “You should have everything you need. You have your own bathroom, equipped with plenty of supplies, toothbrush, paste, soap.” He gave me a quick smile. “If there’s nothing else, I’ll leave you to your quarters and see you in the morning.” He started to leave.

  “Wait! How do I get to school tomorrow?”

  Bane tilted his shoulder toward me, partially out the doorway. “Jeffery will take you.”

  “Oh, you’re not going to school?”

  “Yes, I think it's best if we aren’t seen together in public. Especially at school.” He came off as aloof.

  His words struck a sensitive chord with me. “Oh! And why is that?”

  He shrugged. “I think for the time being, it’s best.”

  Confronting a polar bear would’ve been a piece of cake compared to him.

“You mean best for you?” My hands rested on my hips.

  “Stevie, we can talk tomorrow at dinner.” His face was tense.

  “What’s wrong with right now?” I reckoned he didn’t want to give anyone the wrong impression. Hooking up with the hired help was disgusting and yet, he didn’t mind playing grab ass with me. And then, the arrangement flooded my mind. “I want to know more about the arrangement you and my mom have made behind my back?” I held my gaze to his.

  Swiftly Bane’s fingers bit into my upper arm shoving me inside the room. As he stepped inside and slammed the door behind him, he dropped his grip, though still glowering at me. “I swear your timing is impeccable!” he hissed. “If you must know, then fine!”

  “I have a right to know.” My body trembled under his glare.

  He roughly raked his fingers through his hair, as he blew out his heated breath. After a moment, he cut his dark blues back at me. “I,” he clenched his teeth, “Do not have the arrangement with your mother, Sara,” he paused. “This union was made between your parents and my family long ago. I’m simply an unwilling participant.” His repugnant words rolled off his tongue, cold-cocking me in the face.

  I stepped back, stumbling, finding my back flushed against the bedpost. “My father agreed to this arrangement?” I barely spoke the words.

  “Yes.” He answered curtly as though he didn’t care if he hurt me.

  “Arrangement of what?”

  “I think you know the answer to that.”

  “I wouldn't ask if I knew,” I shouted, tears pooling. “I thought my mother sold me into sex trafficking for Christ's sakes!”

  Bane scrunched up his face. “What a foolish thing to assume.”

  I could see the repulsion in his eyes. He thought I was disgusting. “How could I not think that? My mother is driving a Ferrari! Hello! Where else would she'd gotten the coins?”

  “The arrangement is a marriage.” His words fell flat.

  “Marriage?” my eyes widened.


  “When is this happy event going to take place?” Sarcasm slid from my mouth.


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