Dream Angel (Angel #1)

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Dream Angel (Angel #1) Page 32

by Jane West

  The line in Bane’s mouth tightened a fraction more. “Your mother wasn’t ever part of the Order. However, your father, Jon, was a member.”

  “Wait! My father has living relatives?”

  Bane's lip tightened. Then he explained, "Yes, he once was a member."

  “Once?” I shook my head, baffled.

  “Jon possessed a rebellious spirit. He fell in love with a worldly woman, an outsider of our kind your mother.”

  “Worldly? What do you mean?”

  “Sara is an outsider, a nonbeliever and not the Family’s choice.”

  “I don’t understand.” All at once, needles bristled my neck.

  “They refused to give your father their blessing. As a result, he defected from the Family and married your mother against the Family’s orders.”

  “My father’s family didn’t like Sara?”

  “No. The Family had someone else in mind.”

  I shook my head, appalled. “What is it with these people playing God?”

  “To preserve our bloodlines is essential to further our goals. Our bloodlines keep us strong.”

  The direction of this conversation became more disturbing by the minute. “It sounds to me that my father did a smart thing by leaving. I would’ve left too.”

  A challenge ignited in Bane’s blues. “Just how do you plan to make your get-a-way?” He smiled darkly. “You have intrigued me.” He poured himself another drink.

  Quietly, I watched him guzzle down his third glass. Then I took a long breath, calming my aggravation. “I don’t have a planned escape, but I sure as hell won’t comply with some stranger’s plan for my future.” I tilted my chin, in defiance. “I guess I'm like my father in that way.” I reached over, snatching the bottle from the ice and bypassing my flute. I tipped the bottle up to my mouth and gulped several swigs. I needed some liquid courage.

  Bane’s eyes were sharp as a double-edged sword. “Shall I order you your own personal bottle?” He wasn’t making a peace offering. Rather the opposite. I sensed he resented my independence.

  “Thanks, but I have my own.” I smiled with a smirk, holding the bottle up as though I was toasting. I bravely met his grave stare. “So, are you saying my father and your family made this arrangement?”

  “You are partially right.” His jaw twitched. “They have arranged for us to join in union. Partners, for a better term.”

  I shook my head, in question. “Partners for what?”

  Irritation painted his face. “Can you not read between the lines? Must I spell it out for you?”

  “My father was an attorney. I’m sure he knew his way around a contract. So, I’m going to ask you one more time what does the term union mean?”

  “It means that we mate and bring forth children. Marriage is only an option.”

  A soft gasp escaped my lips. “Sex and children! My father agreed to this?”

  “Why do you keep torturing yourself?" Bane sighed with exasperation.

  “I want to know!” I hissed.

  “Some things are best left alone.”

  “I disagree!” My voice rose, baring my anger. “I mean, I’m only half of the Family’s bloodline. Why me?”

  “I don’t think you are ready for the full disclosure.” Briefly, his face softened. Then the iron mask quickly returned.

  “Whether I’m ready or not, I have a right to know.” I stared at him searching anxiously for the meaning behind his words. “Can you at least tell me when I have to spread my legs?”

  Bane’s eyes narrowed as he leaned forward. “Vulgarity does not suit you, Princess.”

  I laughed, boarding on hysteria. “Oh, bring it on big man!” I narrowed my eyes wishing I could spit fire at the ice stature across the table. Instead, I attacked with words. “What are you going to do, tie me to the bedpost and have your way with me just like your family has instructed?”

  I leaped from my chair and slowly and seductively made my way to him. The wind kicked up my hem, revealing a flash of bare skin, but I didn’t care. I had a point to make, and I moved in for the kill.

  My fingers tugged at each strap of my dress one at a time, slipping off my shoulder and down my arm, shrugging the soft fabric into a red puddle on the ground. I stepped out from the satin making my way to his majesty.

  Bane’s face appeared cool as a cucumber as I moved to my bra, unsnapping it and shrugging it off to the floor into the pile with the rest. Barring only the diamond necklace and earrings that grazed the soft swells of my body, I was ready for the plucking, willing and drunk. I suddenly halted, grabbing the table for support as the ground spun underneath my black heels.

  In the next wave, I fell into Bane’s arms as he shielded my naked body with his jacket. “Princess, I appreciate the offer, but maybe when you are more yourself.” Amusement flickered through his voice, as his eyes locked with mine.

  My words slurred, even still, the effects of the alcohol didn’t waver my heart. I desired Bane in the worst way. I craved his touch, his flaming kisses, and most of all, I wanted, I needed his love.

  Through the haze of drunkenness, I whispered three words of doom, “I love you!”


  I’d awaken in my suite, blinking at the pink rabbit wallpaper and Snowball curled at the foot of the bed, purring. A lamp still burned giving the room a soft hue of light.

  My mouth felt like sandpaper. I groaned, sitting up. I felt like I’d gotten an ass kicking.

  Until I threw off the covers and swung my feet over the bed, I realized someone had changed my clothes. Men’s pajamas, I presumed by the looks of it. The black garment swallowed me up, several sizes too large, but thanks to the drawstring, tied around my waist, the pants hugged to my hips.

  I sniffed the fabric and recognized Bane’s scent. Spice and a woodsy mix penetrated my senses.

  Then the flood of the night charged through me. My brain might’ve been hazy, but I’d never forget the most embarrassing night of my life. The dinner ended with my weak attempt at sexy. “Shit! I can’t believe I used those three words!” It was one thing going the full Monty but coupled with three little words that were so profound and utterly mortifying, made me loathed myself. “What the hell was I thinking?” I dropped my head in the palm of my hands. I was the most pathetic virgin ever. “Geez! How will I face him after last night?”

  I stumbled to the bathroom in search of ibuprofen. The buzz of alcohol had gone, and in its place, a killer headache had taken residence like a nest of rats. I searched through the medicine cabinet and found nothing. I looked in every nook and cranny throughout the suite only to come up empty-handed. I huffed, wondering where else to look.

  I spied my cell, sitting on the table in the foyer. I snatched it up and checked the time. Three in the morning! I laid it back down on the dresser. Maybe I could find something in the kitchen.

  Bane might not approve of me wandering the castle at the wee morning hour, but tough titty! This kitty needed drugs.

  I marched to the door and gave it a good tug. I frowned like I’d bitten into a rotten apple. Just as I’d expected, locked. My first impulse was to kick it down, but then I had a better idea.

  I spun on my heels rushing to the bathroom. I began digging through the drawers until my fingers clasped around a tiny Bobbie pin. I remembered Jen using it to unlock a door. For the life of me, I couldn’t remember why we were breaking into school’s property.

  Another hole in my brain. I hope I wasn't falling in the footsteps of Sara and her illness. I didn’t even want to go there.

  Focusing back to the present, I hurried back to the door. I twisted and pulled at the small wire until it was one long strip of metal, exactly as I remembered watching Jen. I bent down and eased the wire into the keyhole. I twisted it and poked around until I felt something click. I quickly gathered to my feet withdrawing the Bobbie pin. I held my breath as I grabbed the knob. It gave under my grasp. It worked! I bounced on my feet, clapping my hands together. Then I realized noise
carried in these hollow halls. I quickly stilled.

  I had to be careful. No telling who might be lurking outside. I listened for any noise. Nothing. I checked under the door for any shadow passing. Nothing. Slowly, I cracked the door open, just enough to peek through. I saw no signs of life. I opened the door just enough to stretch my neck out, passed the threshold. The corridor was empty.

  Barefooted, I quietly crept out into the hall. My heart pounded in my chest. I eased the door closed behind me, careful not to make a sound.

  I tipped toed to the elevator, eyes sharp and ears open.

  Before I knew it, I’d entered the elevator reaching to punch the black button to first floor, but stopped. I bit my bottom lip, feeling a rush of mischief. Two words came to mind, second floor.

  Throwing caution to the wind, I punched it.

  In the next breath, the elevator stopped following a sharp ding, and the doors parted ways. I eased my head out, sweeping my eyes in both directions, left and right. Bingo! No sign of a soul in sight. I nearly squealed with euphoria. The rush of adventure coursed through me pumping my blood with excitement.

  I darted off to the left, padding lightly through the dim corridor.

  A sudden burst of thunder roared, and a streak of lightening spilled from the beveled-pane windows. I jolted, throwing my hand over my mouth to smother my squeal. After a minute, settling my pulse, I moved on.

  The floor didn’t look any different from the other two floors. I saw nothing out of the ordinary or extraordinary about second floor. Bane had all the doors locked. “All this for nothing.” I murmured under my breath. I wished I’d stayed in my room and called for room service. My headache had intensified.

  The adventure turned out to be nothing, and the excitement had vanished. I just wanted to find some ibuprofen and go to bed.

  I headed back to the elevator. I thought I’d try the kitchen. I might find a bottle there. At least, I could get a snack and something to drink. My stomach was starting to sound like The Star Spangled Banner.

  Without warning, the elevator doors dinged, and I froze. Who’d be up at this hour? Quickly, I ducked into a dark corner. My back flushed against the wall, holding my breath.

  I watched as footsteps approached. When the obtruder coiled the corner, I felt my face go ashen. I blinked back shock. It was Dr. Van, the principle! What was he doing here? I quietly watched as he passed by nescient to my presence. The stench of his cigar filled the hall. I quickly clasped my palm over mouth to hold my gagging.

  He came to a halt at the last room at the end of the corridor.

  Knocking echoed down the hall. The door opened, and a stream of light poured onto the hallway. I heard a familiar male voice. Then in a split second, the door shut with Van disappearing inside. Voices muffled.

  I leaned back into the shadowed corner, easing air back into my lungs. If I were smart, I’d high-tail it outta here! Forget that this night ever happened. Which one did I want to pick, A: smart or B: reckless? I took a quick glimpse down the hall, biting my bottom lip. Of course, I chose B.

  I crept to the door where a thin wafer of light dappled the floor from underneath. I had a nagging feeling that something was up with Van’s visit. It seemed suspicious that the principal would be visiting a student at this hour.

  So, like any savvy eavesdropper, I quietly leaned into the door and plugged my ear to the cool Mahoney wood. It was like an acoustic. I could hear everything.

  “I hope you have just cause for getting me out of bed at this ungodly hour! It’s a shit-storm out there.” An older male’s voice growled as he moaned, following the swish of a cushion. I assumed it was Van.

  I heard a different chair squeak, perhaps wheels rolling across the floor. That had to be Bane sitting in an office chair, possibly behind a desk.

  Suddenly a deep voice, young and velvety pierced through the door. Bane!

  “Sorry to disturb your beauty rest, uncle but this couldn’t wait. I didn’t want you seen.”

  “Ah yes, one of many secrets, we must keep.” I recognized Van’s voice. I recalled the sarcasm in his tone far too well.

  “Shall we get down to business or are we going to argue all night over semantics?” Bane’s voice was forceful, sending shivers down my spine.

  “No argument here.” The older man wheezed. A heavy smoker, I presumed. “I do need to chat with you over my man, Zak. You didn’t have to kill him. He’s been a loyal servant to me.”

  “Loyal, you say?” Bane's voice sounded angry. “That bastard nearly killed the girl. I simply gave him what he deserved.”

  “Oh, lighten up! Zak was having fun with the hybrid.”

  “Lighten up!” Bane snapped. “If that spineless Crypt had succeeded where would your plans be today?”

  “Perhaps I trusted him too much." I heard Van puff on his cigar and blew out the smoke. “No need to cry over spilled milk. The hybrid is fine and ripe for the picking.”

  “She’s not fine! In order for me to clean up that Goddamn mess, I had to dust Miss Ray and her friend, Jen Li. Do you know the long-term effects of Angel Dust?” Bane roared.

  “So what if you wiped her memories! Soon, she’ll be dead, and we’ll have her powers!” Van laughed wickedly. "Problem solved.” The older man’s cavalier attitude sent a cold deep to my bone.

  “If you had taken care of the crime scene, I could've spared both girls and convinced Stevie that she had a bad dream.”

  “You worry far too much, nephew. This is all insignificant to our cause.” Van drew in a raspy breath. “Let's move to the real reason you sent for me.”

  I heard boots slide across a hard surface and then drop to the floor. Bane must’ve had his feet propped up on the desk and then planted them heavily on the floor. “I’ll just get right to the point.” Bane exhaled. “I do not wish to extract the girl’s powers. It is against the Family.”

  Van scoffed. “Fuck them and their Order! Do you prefer to be bound to this girl for the rest of your immortal life?”

  There was a shift in Bane’s tone; the same tone I heard when he attacked Francis. “Don’t worry about whom I’m shackled to when we have bigger concerns.” Bane paused. “I think it’s in the Family’s best interest that we stick to our original plans. We only get one shot.”

  “You can’t back out now! We’ve already committed treason.” Van’s voice exploded with rage.

  It sounded like a fist slamming onto the desktop and a chair on rollers, crashing against the wall.

  “Dear uncle, I am not the traitor!” Bane hissed. “I have merely followed orders.”

  “You’re a yellow-belly coward!” Van fired back just as fiery.

  Bane laughed darkly. “Now who’s calling who names, Edward Van Dunn? You are the one wanting to take the girl’s life as if she’s the sacrificial lamb to be bludgeoned on the altar.”

  “Isn’t that what she is?” Van pointed out sharply, “The lamb that our brotherhood has created. Is she not the one?”

  There was a brief silence. Then I heard Bane speak. “Yes, she is the Family’s creation.”

  “Du Pont, if we back out now, we are dead men. I want ” Van’s voice swirled with desperation. “I need her powers.”

  “I don't understand why you are hell bent on taking the girl's life.”

  “Her death won't even be worthy of a notch on your belt. For fuck's sake, don't you see the bigger picture here?”

  “You think it’s going to be that simple?”

  “No, of course not, but in the end, we will have concurred our most valued treasure. We can do this. I feel it!”

  “What you feel is a hard on, uncle.”

  “Don’t worry about my jollies. You owe me, Du Pont!”

  “Uncle, I know you’re hungry, but there is more at stake here.”

  “Oh, good God, man! What is more important than having the wheel of power at our feet?” Van argued.

  “It’s difficult for me. I feel Stevie's powers increasing every time I touch her and my des
ire to mate with her is growing. She’s in my head. I can’t stop thinking about her. Jesus! Our fucking hearts beat as one!” Bane exhaled sharply. “I don’t know how much longer I can hold out.” I detected disgust in Bane’s voice. “I can’t take her life. Do what you want to me but I won't do your dirty work.”

  Van shouted. “She’s our fucking ticket to freedom!”

  “Those are your words, not mine. I do not wish to be a party to your diabolical scheme, and I wouldn't be if you were not blackmailing me." Bane paused. "If she ever comes into her full abilities, she could eliminate this whole galaxy. Hell, you know as well as I, there was no gas leak in the girl’s restroom. Stevie did that all by herself. I’m telling you; she is one powerful hybrid!” Bane hissed. “It would be wise not to show your claws to her.”

  I heard Van laugh. “You’re in love with that little twit.”

  “Don’t be absurd. The only one I’ve ever loved is myself.”

  “Then why do you care what happens to her?”

  “It’s biological. She is my mate for life. Since her powers are developing, so have her pheromones. It’s near impossible for me to reframe from my natural urges.”

  “Good God, Du Pont! Don’t blow this. If we are to extract her powers, she has to be a virgin.”

  “Don’t you think I know that, you fucking pervert!” Bane’s voice was harsh and angry.

  Van blew out smoke as he sighed. “Have you given the vessel her installment?”

  “Yes, Sara has been paid.” Bane snapped.

  “Have you told the hybrid who killed her father?”

  Silence fell between the two men. Then I heard Bane exhaled heavily. “I haven’t told her yet.”

  “Goddamn, Du Pont! We have to do this on Halloween. You need to get it together and quick!”

  I heard footfalls back and forth. A light flickered under the door. Bane was pacing.

  “Then you know what you must do next.”

  “Yes. I am thoroughly aware of what steps I must take next. You act as if you’re my master. Have you forgotten that I’m older than you?”


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