Dream Angel (Angel #1)

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Dream Angel (Angel #1) Page 34

by Jane West

Ms. Noel smiled, eyes twinkling in the embers of the fireplace. “Babee,” she patted my arm, “Ya my angel. Of course, I will protect ya.”


  When my eyes opened, two silhouettes hovered over me. Instantly, I gasped and bolted straight up, arms flailing, fighting off blurred faces in scarlet red robes. The dream had returned with impeccable timing.

  “Stevie, Stevie! It’s me, Jen! You’re safe.” She gently shook my shoulders.

  I stopped as Jen's voice pulled me back; still, my breathing was erratic as my heartbeat. “Sorry!” My eyes were droopy and my brain just as hazy. I rubbed my eyes to try and shake off the drowsiness.

  As I lifted my gaze, I spotted a tall, slim figure standing next to Jen. My eyes widened with surprise. "Sam!"

  “Hey, Chickadee!” He busted out into a full grin.

  “What are you doing here?” I wondered if I might be dreaming still.

  Jen and Sam shared a disparaging glance.

  Surprised washed over me as I realized, they were the visitors.

  “I have to warn you!” I rushed with urgency. “Jen, Bane drugged you! He did the same thing to me too with something called angel dust.” Terror ripped through me. “And Dr. Van is Bane’s uncle!”

  She eased herself onto the couch next to me, gently resting her hand on my shoulder. “Yes, I know about Dr. Van,” She glanced up at Sam. “And the drug, angel dust. The effects aren’t as harsh on me. I gained my memories back after a couple of days.” She paused. “This may be hard for you to believe, but Sam and I come from another dimension. We have been sent here to watch over you.” She smiled oddly. “I wanted to tell you, but we were forbidden from our source to reveal our true identity.”

  I didn’t recognize this person who looked like my friend. “Say that again?” My eyebrows collided.

  Sam interjected. “We’re your guardians. Guardians of Light.”

  “Come again?” My eyes bounced from Jen to Sam.

  Ms. Noel stepped in. “Babee, listen to what they sayin'.”

  I nodded to Ms. Noel, and then directed my question at Sam and Jen. “Okay, explain, please.”

  “We’re here to protect you.” Jen softly confessed.

  “To protect me?” A dread came over me.

  Jen paused holding my gaze. “Yes. I know it’s hard to believe.”

  I interrupted. “Yeah, it is hard for me to believe.” My shock gaze bounced between Jen and Sam.

  Concern toiled in Jen’s eyes. “This may sound preposterous, but you’re not human.”

  My eyes flew open as I gawked at her. “What did you say?”

  Jen’s eyes softened. “Let me explain.”

  “Yeah, please do before I go into cardiac arrest!” I had wacko men wanting to chop my block off, and my friends spooling tales from the land of Oz. Good grief! I’m not in Texas anymore.

  All of a sudden, a streak of lightning crashed and the whole house sounded like an explosion. With no warning, darkness swallowed up the light.

  Minacious thunder rumbled as if it had a say to this madness. I jumped, with a sharp yep, clenching my chest. I settled back down, but my pulse continued to race. If it had not been for the kindling fire, we’d been sitting in the dark.

  Ms. Noel asked, “Babee, are ya okay?”

  I nodded. “As good as expected.” I pressed my lips into a smile, but it was only a mask.

  “Let me get ya something a little stronger ta drink. I save this for emergencies.” Ms. Noel hightailed it to the kitchen.

  Jen spoke up. “We don’t mean to alarm you.” She hesitated; her dark brown eyes glistened like the sea under the moonlight. “Considering everything that has transpired recently, you need to know the truth.”

  My eyes met hers. “Okay, I'm listening.”

  “Sam and I don’t have the entire details of how they created you, but what we do know is that you possess special abilities.”

  “Abilities?” I felt like I was in a tunnel, voices echoing all around me. “Like-like-like-like me blowing up the girls’ restroom at school?”

  “Yes, magick.” Jen’s face lit up. “That was you!”

  Sam chimed in. “Damn straight that was you, gul! You got some strong energy. That restroom was blown to bits!”

  I tossed my arms in the air. “Stop it!” I snapped. “Can we do rewind? I’ll worry about my energy later. Right now, Bane and his uncle are planning to kill me.” I shook my head on the brink of imploding. “They want to extract my," I raised my hands, gesturing as if I was quoting, "powers from my body. I’m supposed to be a sacrifice or something.” I jumped to my feet, shaking off the woolies. “I don’t know! It’s all too weird.”

  I caught Jen tossing a strain glance at Sam.

  Ms. Noel returned from the kitchen with a small glass filled with a clear substance that looked something like water. “Here babee,” She handed me the glass. “This is what we here in Louisiana call hooch.”

  Sam’s eyes ignited. “Oh man! Now that’s the stuff.” He broke out into a greedy grin, nearly licking his chops.

  Ms. Noel flashed a warning glint at Sam. “Don’t you be getin' any notions, young man. This white dog ain’t to toy with.” She shook her head at the puppy-dog-faced boy. Then she turned to me. “Drink it slow, Catin. It will rest you real nice.”

  “Thank you, Ms. Noel!” I took the glass, tilting my head back and downed the clear liquid. Suddenly I began gasping. “What is this?” I choked out, my throat blazing.

  “That’s moonshine!” Sam looked like he was salivating.

  “No offense but that stuff taste awful.” I choked.

  “Take it easy. That stuff will burn holes in your tummy.” He shot me an impish wink.

  “Thanks for the warning.” My throat was still burning.

  Sam moved in closer, dropping to his knees on the floor next to me. He went on to say. “We know that Magick courses strongly through your veins. Old Blue and his uncle believe if they take your powers, they will gain supremacy over the world.”

  My brows drew together with confusion. “I don’t understand.”

  Jen joined in. “They call themselves the Illuminati. They have been in circulation for centuries, all the way back to the Knights Templar in lll9. Although the ones which exist today, unlike their former fellow brothers are not in the light.”

  “Wait! Bane said my father was a member but defected. But now I'm not sure. Van referred to a man with the last name of Collins. My dad's last name is Ray.”

  Jen spoke up. “We aren’t aware of your father. I’m sorry I can’t be more helpful.”

  “I may never know the truth.”

  Jen exhaled a long sigh and continued explaining. “What I do know is that the Illuminati are insidious creatures masterminding a massive conspiracy to rule the world. They are the elite, behind a frenzied campaign for World Dominance and a New International Economic Order. With supreme ultimate power at their beckon call, they are in the driver’s seat. They have infiltrated the government, the banking system, white house officials, every drug lord, and every organized crime from here to the land of no return. These Satan worshiping fanatics bring destruction, famine, and global war.

  Sam intervened. “Simply put, the Secret Brotherhood play humans against one another as if it’s a game of chest. They call all the shots, who lives, who dies. They are a bunch of sociopaths with big guns.”

  I sat there numb with shock, speechless.

  Sam sat back on his heels, his face drawn. “Chickadee, unless you come into your massive artillery, ammo loaded, you ain’t got much of a chance.”

  Jen snapped her head up at Sam. “Don’t say that to her!” Her eyes shot darts at him.

  His arms flailed. “It’s the truth. Why lie now?”

  Feeling a cocktail of fear, pissy and face down in the gravel, I butted in. “Why the trouble then, if I’m as good as dead.” I inhaled a sharp breath. “I might as well go back to the castle and offer myself up on their demonic altar.” I raked my fingers throug
h my hair, attempting to pull myself together.

  “Isn’t there a protection spell that will keep me safe?”

  Sam shared a quick glance with Jen and with a long look on his face, he replied. “These diabolical men are lords of the underworld. With their untold wealth and treasures, they have the power to purchase even the devil.” He stared at me, letting me digest this atrocity. “These occultists believe they are a superior. They are convinced that their destiny is to enslave mankind. They have their hands deep in the black cookie jar of magick. And as the past has revealed time and time again, they will use any means to achieve their goal.”

  I scoffed at this hogwash. “What is the Illuminati going to do? Corral everyone like cattle?” I inhaled. “Look! I won’t deny that there’s some weird freaky shit going on. But some of this stuff is from the dark ages.” I shrugged.

  Sam got this strange look on his face, an expression as if he possessed the cure to the common cold. “Chickadee,” his voice dipped down low, “Have you heard of the New Age, then?”

  “What about the New Age?”

  “It has everything to do with dark magick disguised as the light.”

  Ms. Noel interjected. “Evil has many faces, Catin.”

  My attention fell upon Ms. Noel. “Do you believe there’s a conspiracy?”

  “I believe evil lurks everywhere, babee. And it seems this young man who has watched over you appears to be up to no good! Whether he’s part of a secret brotherhood or he’s the devil himself, I think you might want to keep your distance.” Ms. Noel never wavered from telling the truth, and I trusted her but...

  My gaze dropped on Jen and then to Sam. “Is there a solution?”

  Sam sprinted to his feet and started pacing vehemently. With each striking pace, he mumbled incoherent words. I flopped back down on the couch and gaped in silence, wondering if Sam had gone mad. Clearly, he was struggling internally.

  “Are you okay, Sam?” Jen got to her feet padding over to Sam.

  He stopped dead in his tracks. His face strained with torment as he glimpsed up at Jen, and then slid his gaze at Ms. Noel and stopped on me. His fist cuffed, raised to his lips, his eyes shifty, nearly black. “I have an idea that might stop the Family from coming after you. Or at least keep them from killing you.”

  I sprinted to my feet. “Anything Sam!” I pleaded.

  “You might change your mind once I let the black cat out of the bag.” His lips tweaked into a skeptical frown.

  There was a calm dread that singed every nerve in my body. I had a hunch that he probably was right. Keeping that in mind, what other option did I have? My balls were to the wall, hypothetically speaking, of course. “Just tell me how to get Vanzilla off my back!” I buried my head into the palm of my hands, inhaling a few breaths for round two.

  “I’m gonna just say it.” He paused. “You and Aidan both have a similar genetic make-up.”

  “Whoa!” my heart stalled. “Are you saying we are related, like blood kin?”

  Sam’s lopsided grin encroached upon something dark. “No, not blood-related. More like altered egos. You are each other’s separate self, an exact deputy the two of you. That's why your hearts beat as one.”

  “Wait! How did you know?”

  Sam just shrugged and flashed an eerie grin.

  “Never mind.” I started chewing my nails.

  Sam rubbed his stubble on his jawline as he silenced momentarily. “I do have an idea. But I'm not sure you will like it.” He made his way over to me and dropped down to his knees, grabbing my gaze. “If you sleep with him on Samhain by the stroke of midnight, you will become infused; your essence with Aidan’s spirit will unite as one. This act will bind your powers, but you will be bound to him forever, and forever is a very long time.”

  I scoffed. “You mean I have to do the deed, sex?”

  “You are still a virgin, right?” Doubt blanketed his face.

  A sudden rush of heat coated my cheeks. Embarrassed, I rolled my eyes. “What do you think?”

  Sam blew out a long wind of breath. “Good thing, Chickadee! That’s your free ticket.”

  “I don’t understand how me having sex with Bane will you know!” I folded my arms, holding my gaze to Sam. This intervention was nothing that I’d expected.

  Sam flashed a lopsided grin. “Have you ever heard of sealing the deal?”

  “Okay!” I waved my arms, feeling a surged of unease. “How is having sex with Aidan Bane going to save me?”

  “If you merge yourself with Aidan, the two of you will become untouchable. You know, joined at the hip.” He smiled with an arrogant glint.

  “Why do I get the feeling that there’s something you’re not telling me?”

  The glint in Sam’s eyes appeared strange. I held my breath as a sinking feeling washed over me. “The catch is that lover boy ain’t exactly an angel.” Sam grabbed one of the rocking chairs, dragging it over in front of me and seated himself. He lightly groaned as he propped his elbows on his knees, leaning closer to me. “Aidan’s lineage traces back centuries. He’s actually part of the Malchut Beit David, meaning Kingdom of the House of David. Most know it as the Davidic Line.”

  “David in the Bible?” my brow arched.

  Jen placed her hand on Sam to halt his answer. She interjected. “You are correct. Although, the story doesn’t stop there. Histories reveal that dark magick runs deep in Aidan’s family on both sides.”

  My eyes narrowed, full of skepticism. “The Davidic Line was the bloodline of Christ.” I shook my head. “I’m not sure I’m buying this.”

  “You’re right. History doesn’t always paint the full complete truth. It is imperfect man keeping the accounts. Some histories got lost in transition. In this account, the House of David, there were others connected to the Davidic Line that took another path, a much more sinister path.”

  I sat back on the sofa, leaning my head back and rubbing my temples from throbbing headache. I think killing myself would be easier than sitting here listening to this hocus-pocus bullshit. “Just get to your point, please.” I bit out. “I’m not sure I can take much more of this.”

  Jen jumped in. “Yes, of course!” She quieted for half second and then proceeded. “On Aidan’s mother’s side, the Davidic line, David had a distant relative born at a much later time, after Christ’s birth Anne Montchanin.”

  “What does an ancestor have to do with what I’m facing?”

  “Bear with me.” Jen smiled, though her eyes appeared depleted. “Anne was a medium. She consorted with the spirit world.”

  I shrugged. “Ms. Noel’s a medium. She’s the purest person you’ll ever know.”

  “I absolutely agree. But Anne didn’t consort with the light. She summoned evil. She was barren and wanted children. As an act of desperation, she sold herself to the darkness.” Jen wrung her hands, swallowing hard. “This is Aidan’s linage.”

  “Wow!” That’s startling. I didn’t want to ask, but an inner voice nagged. “And his father’s?”

  Regret smothered Jen’s face. “They say on his father’s side the bloodline runs all the way to Beelzebub.”

  I gaped at Jen and then at Sam and Ms. Noel. “Isn’t that the ”

  Sam jumped in before I finished my sentence. “Old Blue’s blood is so badly tainted, Chickadee, it traces all the way back to the Prince of Darkness.” Sam squeezed between Jen and me on the sofa. He grabbed my arms so that he could force me to look into his face. “The Illuminist is tainted with insidious blood, devil blood.”

  “Hold on a damn minute! My father was a member of the Family. He was good.” He was going to take that back or else he was getting a black eye.

  Sam cocked an eye. “Was he? From what I’ve heard, he’s done some pretty low life things that made him a real hardnose dick.” Sam’s words stormed at me with a flurry.

  I sprinted to my feet, fist white knuckled to my side. “Take that back, Sam!” I railed. “That’s my father you’re attacking.”

Sam bolted to his feet, meeting me toe to toe. “Why should I? It’s the truth. If he had not defected, none of this would be happening.”

  “How can you say that?” I gaped. “If my father hadn’t met my mother, I wouldn’t be standing here.”

  Sam hovered over me at least a head taller. “That’s my point. We wouldn’t be in a war fighting to protect you.”

  I fell back, nearly stumbling, but I gained my feet. “Are you saying this is all my fault?”

  Sam took a step forward into my personal space. “Inadvertently, yes.”

  Whata dickweed!

  Jen stepped in between us. “Sam, we didn’t come here to argue over who did what!” Jen placed her hand on Sam’s arm to calm his temper. But instead, he flung her arm off, all awhile he kept his heated gaze on me.

  I slid my gaze to Jen. “It’s okay. I’m leaving. I’m suffocating.” Without a glimpse in Sam’s direction, I sidestepped him and reached for Ms. Noel, giving her a hug. I smiled. “I need to go find Sara. I should at least warn her that she’s in danger too. Can I leave Snowball with you until later?”

  “No, problem Catin. You be safe!” she hugged me back. “Let me know where you at. I’ll worry.”

  “I will!” tears welled.

  I started for the door. When my eyes lifted, Sam was standing at the door.

  “We’re not finished.” Sam’s eyes had taken on a predatory expression.

  “Oh, we are finished.” My words were stern and precise. I tried to step past Sam, but he halted me by grabbing my upper arm.

  “I said we ain’t finished.” This time, he spoke in a low grunted tone.

  I was on my last nerve as my temper started to boil.

  Then suddenly Sam jerked his arm away like he’d touched a hot burner. He held the palm of his hand as seeping blisters popped up. “Mother fucker!” His gaze snapped up at me. “You burnt me!” His eyes were wide with shock.

  I shook my head, freaking out. “I didn’t do that to you!” I half shouted.

  I tossed a glance over my shoulder, and I saw Ms. Noel with a cloth filled with ice-cubes. I felt a little better knowing she’d take care of Sam. But this hostile person who looked a lot like Sam wasn’t on my friend list.


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