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Juliette Page 53

by Marquis de Sade

  Weary of the victim’s part, I was eager to play an active role in my turn: I intercepted half a dozen young men whose pricks attracted me for size, and who now in this sector, now in that, and sometimes in both at once, fucked me steadily for nearly two hours. At the close of that episode a venerable abbot had himself frigged on my clitoris by his niece, a ravishing creature; I sucked her cunt; and a handsome young fellow must kiss my behind while he embuggered his mother. Two pretty sisters got me between them, one frigged my cunt as the other fluttered about my ass; I discharged, quite unaware that their papa was all that time encunting them alternately. Another father had me embuggered by his son and in the meantime enjoyed the boy in the same manner; and subsequently sodomized me himself while enduring at the hands of his son precisely what he had done to him shortly before. A brother encunted me, his sister—a nun—simultaneously buried her cross in his ass…. And all these supposed outrages to Nature went forward amidst a serenity and with an orderliness such as might give a moralist pause, and perhaps turn him into a philosopher. For indeed, if one but reflects a little, one finds nothing odd in incest; Nature allows it, encourages it; only local legislation outlaws it; but may something tolerated in three-quarters of the world be truly a crime in the other fourth? Here was an enviable act I had not the wherewithal to commit, and the thought saddened me; ah, what would I not have given to have had a father or a brother, and how ardently I would have surrendered myself to the one or the other … entreated him to do with me all he wished….

  Soon I was surrounded by other objects; two pretty sisters of eighteen—they were twins—led me off to a privy and bolted the door; upon them I executed everything of the most piquant and the most disgusting lewdness can suggest.

  “Were we to attempt to amuse ourselves this way in the assembly hall,” they explained to me, “twenty of those dreadful men would soon be clustered around us squirting their horrid sperm left and right; it’s ever so much nicer to have a little privacy, don’t you agree?”

  Whereupon the little minxes confessed their tastes to me. Fastidious votaresses of their own sex, they found men unbearable even to their sight; it was their father who had drawn them into the Sodality, though distressed at having to submit to men, they found compensation in being able to have their fill of women.

  “I take it then that you have no intention of marrying?”

  “Marrying! Never. Death would be a kinder fate than that of becoming slaves to husbands.”

  As I plied them with questions, they revealed to me the rest of their principles, uncommonly firm for persons of their age; brought up philosophically by their father, they were pure of any taint of morals or religion, all that had been skillfully weeded out of them; there was nothing they’d not done, nothing they weren’t ready to do again, and their energy amazed me; such characters sorted too nicely with mine for me to keep from expressing my feelings, I overwhelmed those delightful girls with caresses; and after we had all three loosed very floods of fuck, we promised to remain in touch, and started back to the hall. A slender young man, noticing me emerge in their company, now came up to me; in an anxious undertone he requested a brief interview, and in his company I retraced my steps into the privy I had only just left.

  “Great heaven!” said he the moment we were alone, “how I shuddered to see you with those two creatures! Beware of them, I tell you, be on your guard, they are monsters—monsters who, despite their youth, are capable of every conceivable horror—”

  “But,” I put in, “is it not thus one ought to be?”

  He stared at me. “To be sure,” he nodded; “but in one’s relations with members one ought to be kindly, respectful, affectionate. Outside, why, steep your sword in blood. Of course. But not here. Believe me when I say those two bitches take pleasure only in doing mischief to their brothers; wicked, cunning, treacherous, they have every trait needed for expulsion from the Sodality, I cannot understand why the Permanent Committee does not act. Why, my dear, they amuse themselves with somebody and that’s enough, from then on their one aim is to destroy you or to enslave you if they can. Be grateful to me for having warned you, and thank me by turning your ass this way.”

  I supposed he was going to fuck it. Not at all. This odd fellow limited himself to plucking out the hairs around my asshole, and to licking it; to my protest that he was hurting me he replied that owing to his warning I would be spared far worse. After fifteen more minutes of this vexatious business we left the privy, although my young man had not ejaculated. We parted; and shortly after I learned that everything he had said about the two sisters was utterly untrue, that calumniating others aroused him, and that, so he reckoned, her profound indebtedness to him would lead any woman to endure the treatment he subjected her to.

  Sweet music was now to be heard; it was supper being announced, and I went with the others into the voluptuous dining hall. It was decorated so as to appear a forest; between the trees were countless little glades within each of which was a table set for twelve. Garlands of flowers hung in festoons from the trees, thousands and thousands of candles, disposed as skillfully as in the assembly hall, shed a soft light; two servants delegated to each table served it promptly, cleverly, and in silence. Scarcely two hundred persons were present, the rest were all in the seraglios. You chose the table you wished and there, among friends, splendidly regaled, to the sound of enchanting chamber music you gave yourself up simultaneously to the intemperances of Comus and to all the lewd riotings of Cypris.

  Clairwil, back from the seraglio, had sat down next to me; her manifest agitation betokened recent excessive behavior: the hard glitter in her eyes, her flushed cheeks, her unloosened hair floating over her breasts, the obscene, ferocious language coming from her mouth, in everything there were reflections and echoes of the transport which made her a hundred times lovelier to see; I bent toward her and we kissed.

  “Villain,” said I, “what ocean of horrors have you been swimming in?”

  “Be not envious,” she returned, “when next I plunge back into them, and it will be soon, you will be at my side.”

  The two little sisters with whom I’d been afrigging earlier in the day, two women of forty and of wit, two other exceedingly attractive ones of twenty and twenty-five, and six men made up our table.

  Owing to the studied placing of the glades there was not one table from which you could not see all the others; and the cynical spirit in which the whole thing had been framed was also evident in the fact that no lubricity here in the dining room would be any less visible to the observer’s eye than had been that in the assembly hall.

  By virtue of these arrangements I was witness to some unusual sights; there is no describing the reeling of a vicious brain at such times. I had thought myself thoroughly versed in libertinage, thought I had nothing further to learn; and that evening I was convinced I was yet a callow fledgling. Oh, my friends, what impurities, what abominations, what extravagances! Some of the celebrants were constantly leaving table and repairing to the latrines, and it was impossible to refuse to do their bidding; the desires of Sodality members were laws for the individuals they focused upon. The latter soon found opportunity to demand of others what had been demanded of them; wherever you glanced, it was masters and slaves you saw; and the slaves, steadied by the knowledge that the roles would be reversed shortly, complied unhesitatingly with orders it would be their turn to issue in a moment.

  Raised upon a throne from which she could oversee everything, the President maintained order at the supper as before in the hall; and the same calm prevailed. Conversations were held in a subdued tone; one could easily imagine oneself in the temple of Venus, whose statue, moreover, was visible inside a bower of myrtle and roses, and the foregathered worshipers, one perceived, tastefully avoided disturbing their rites by any of those rude vociferations which are proper only to pedantry and stupidity.

  Rare wines and succulent viands made the after-supper orgies even more luxurious than the preceding ones. There wa
s a moment when the entire Sodality united in a single immense group; not a member was inactive, and nothing could be heard but a deep murmur of voluptuous moans accented by the gasps and shrill cries heralding discharges. I had further assaults, terrible assaults, to sustain, individuals of every sex passed through my hands, not a spot on my body was left unsullied; and if I ended up with fearfully battered buttocks, mine also was the glory of having wreaked havoc upon innumerable others. Day dawned at last and I came away so whelmed by fatigue, so dry from delicious exertion that I had to keep to my bed for a day and a half.

  My month-long novitiate seemed an eternity; it came finally to a close, and mine now was the so hotly coveted right to penetrate into the seraglios. Clairwil, eager to acquaint me with everything, guided me everywhere.

  Nothing could be as delicious as those seraglios. And that holding boys being identical to that offering girls, the description of one will give you as well a picture of the other.

  Four large rooms ringed by bedchambers and cells formed the interior of each of these isolated wings; the large rooms were for the use of those who wished to enjoy themselves publicly, the cells for those who preferred privacy in their pleasure; and the inmates were lodged in the chambers. Taste and art presided over the furnishing; the cells especially were of the highest elegance, so many little chapels consecrated to libertinage, where nothing lacked that might be instrumental to stimulating worship. Four duennas governed each seraglio; they took the tickets you brought with you, inquired of your desires, and saw speedily to their satisfaction; also on hand, ready to offer their services, were a surgeon, a midwife, two fustigators, an executioner, and a jailer, all of prodigiously melancholy aspect.

  “You are not to think,” Clairwil remarked to me, “that those individuals there have simply been picked at random from the class that ordinarily supplies them; they are libertines like us, but less prosperous: unable to pay the admission fee, they fulfill their functions out of pleasure and just as you would suppose, the job is done better in this manner. Some of them receive a stipend, others ask only to enjoy a member’s privileges, these are granted them.”

  While on duty those personages wore awesome costumes: the jailers had on great belts whence hung rings of keys, the fustigators carried about a battery of whips and martinets, and the executioner, swart, bare-armed, fearfully moustached, had a cutlass and a stiletto at his side. Seeing Clairwil enter, the executioner rose from where he was sitting on a stool and greeted her with a kiss.

  “Have some work for me today, buggeress?”

  “Look here,” she answered, “I’ve brought you a novice. Count upon it, she’ll have at least as many chores for you as I.”

  And the wicked fellow, kissing me as he had done my friend, assured me that he was in every sense at my command. I thanked him, embraced him most warmly, and we resumed our visit of the place.

  Each of the four central rooms was reserved for a particular category of passion: in the first, you gave way to simple ones, to, that is to say, all the various forms of masturbation and fuckery. The second room was the theater of fustigations and other irregular passions. The third of cruel proceedings; the fourth of murders. But as an inmate delegated to any one of these rooms might merit imprisonment, the lash, or death, the staff of each included jailers, fustigators, and executioners. Women were admitted into the seraglio of boys and into the other of girls, men likewise could frequent either. Arriving, we found all the inmates being employed or else in their chambers waiting to be put to use. Clairwil opened a few doors and showed me some truly heavenly creatures; they were in gauze shifts, had flowers in their hair, and welcomed us with an air of profoundest reverence. I fell to toying with a lovely thing of sixteen; I was already handling her breasts and cunt when Clairwil scolded me for the delicate and unduly decent manner I was employing.

  “That’s not the way you behave with this trash,” said she, “they don’t even deserve the honor of being selected for our consumption…. Command, they obey.”

  I altered my tone at once, and my orders were responded to with blindest obedience and inspiring alacrity. We entered other chambers: the same charms everywhere, the same beauty, everywhere the same submissiveness.

  “You know,” I confided to Clairwil, “we really must not go away without leaving our mark.”

  The thought occurring to me while we were in a chamber occupied by a thirteen-year-old girl, pretty as Love herself, by whom for better than a quarter of an hour I’d been having my cunt and asshole tongued, I immediately chose her for my victim; we summoned a fustigator; a duenna led the child off to one of the torture chambers; and there, having roped her fast, we bade the specialist perform upon the little miss and frigged each other while the blood streamed down her body. Clairwil, perceiving the fustigator to stiffen, developed his erection and snapped his device into her cunt while, at that libertine’s request, I bestowed upon him what he had just meted out to our young victim; the scoundrel withdrew from Clairwil in order to stuff me, and then we returned to whipping the little girl, who when we were finished with her was in such a sorry state as to have to be conveyed to the hospital the following day. We removed to the seraglio of males.

  “What have you a mind to do here?” Clairwil wished to know.

  “Get my hands on a lot of engines,” was my reply; “I like nothing so much as to squeeze a prick, for me it is a delicious activity, the gathering of human fuck. I love to glean it, harvest it, to see sperm spurt, to feel myself wet by it, to wade and bathe in it—”

  “Well, go ahead then,” said my friend, “do as you like; for my part I require a stronger diet. May I make a suggestion? It’s an arrangement I sometimes come to with a lady of my acquaintance: as I dislike having pricks unload in my body, I can nevertheless warm them in my cunt and, when they are hot, turn them over to you; which will spare you the bother of tedious preliminaries.”


  We installed ourselves in the first of the main rooms and were sent fifteen lads aged between eighteen and twenty; we ranged them in a line in front of us and then sprawled on couches; then by way of defiance Clairwil and I struck the lewdest possible attitudes. The most poorly endowed of those boys had a mechanism measuring seven inches long by five in circumference, and the best, twelve by eight; one by one they moved forward, roused by the ardor we kindled in them; Clairwil met each, dallied a little with it, then shunted it on to me; I made them flow over my breasts, between my thighs, my buttocks, on my neck and face; reaching for the sixth, I felt such a furious itch in the neighborhood of my anus that from then on I presented my behind to everything which emerged from Clairwil’s vagina: they filled out in her cunt and emptied in my ass; the tempo quickened, they redoubled their efforts, but one’s hunger, so to speak, grows from eating, there is nothing quite like a woman’s temperament when excited, it is a sort of volcano you only further inflame in your attempts to appease it. We called for more men; a fresh batch of eighteen arrived; for this second round we changed roles; these pricks, and they compared very favorably with the fifteen we had just exhausted, caught fire in my cunt and died out in the ass of my companion; but we divided the task of frigging; and more than once it befell that, the order we had established upset by the excessiveness of our desires, we found ourselves with six or seven either in us or exploding all around us.

  When finally we got to our feet, spattered with fuck and puddles of it on the couches, like Messalina rising from the bench after her lewd bouts with idiot Claudius’ guards, we had each been tupped eighty-five times apiece.

  “My bum itches,” Clairwil declared. “Whenever I’ve been grandly fucked I always feel an incredible need of whipping.”

  I admitted to the same longing.

  “We had better send for a pair of fustigators.”

  “Let’s have four,” said I, “my ass has simply got to be made a hash of this evening.”

  “Wait,” said Clairwil, nodding familiarly to a man who entered just then, “we
can perhaps make something dramatic out of it.”

  She went over to the newcomer and conferred with him in an undertone; he smiled, adopted a threatening air, called to the fustigators. “Seize them,” he cried; we were seized, our hands were tied, and we were both beaten while this man looked on, palpating his engine and fondling the buttocks of our assailants; when once the blood was fairly flowing down our backs we presented cunts to our tormentors who, monstrously pricked, fucked each of us twice.

  “And now by way of reward for my cooperation,” said the master of ceremonies, “I merely ask you to hold one of these lusty fellows while I give his bum a taste of meat.”

  We comply with his request, he sheathes his weapon; the others flog him while he ass-fucks; and we, in seventh heaven, suckle the whippers’ pricks.

  “I cannot stand it any longer,” said Clairwil, when we found ourselves alone; “libertinage leads me fatally to cruelties: let us immolate a victim…. Did you notice that pretty lad of eighteen who kissed me so feelingly? He was as sweet as an angel to behold and gave me all sorts of ideas. Into the torture room with him, I say, we’ll cut the little dog’s throat.”

  “Fie, Clairwil!” said I. “Why didn’t you propose something like that when we were in the female seraglio?”


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