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Juliette Page 129

by Marquis de Sade

  “Of course. With people who are cruel in their pleasures it’s always the same story: the weakness, the frailty, the delicacy of a woman irritates them far more powerfully, their ferocity has far greater effect when pitted against helplessness than against strength; the more defenseless the object, the more violently they attack it, and as this introduces a greater portion of villainy into the deed, the enjoyment it affords is increased commensurately. Did he really hurt you?”

  “He nigh maimed me. I have confronted grandiose pricks in my day; never did one cause me so much pain.”

  Moberti awoke very shortly; scarcely had he opened his eyes when he called for food; dinner was served. We were in a cool, secluded room; everything required for the service lay ready and accessible, dispensing us from any need of domestics. It was while we were at table the brigand specified the tasks he meant to entrust to me within the framework of his criminal organization: I was to act as a cover for his thefts; I was to seek out victims for him; taking leave of Durand, I was to install myself in a house, alone, to which I would lure dupes whom he aimed to rob and kill. I immediately saw that were I to enter into this association, infinitely more danger than profit would accrue to me; and able, in my position, to disdain such mediocre earnings, I inwardly rejected this man’s proposals. But I was only too careful to conceal my true thoughts, and in order that nothing upset his illusion, I applauded his scheme warmly and promised to lend myself to it. Thus did we conclude the most magnificent repast I had enjoyed in a long time; when we stood up from table, Moberti drew me into a small chamber.

  “Juliette,” he said to me once he had closed the door and we were alone, “you have observed my tastes from sufficiently near on to have realized that I situate my major delights in murder. Can I be sure of the zeal with which you are going to undertake to multiply my victims? Have I no weakness, no remorse, to fear in you?”

  “Try me, my dear, there is no other way for you to allay your doubts,” I replied; “my conduct will tell you whether it is through enthusiasm or through a more passive complacency that I am aiding you to attain your ends.”

  And at this point the most perfidious idea arose in my wicked imagination. I had no wish to become that man’s mistress, none to accept his offers of partnership, and yet, simply on evil principle, I feigned jealousy.

  “Only upon one score do I have any reservations,” I declared. “To play second fiddle in your schemes is not much to my liking. Trust, affection, those treasures so worth possessing when they are bestowed by a person one loves, will any of that be mine? I have agreed to everything you proposed, true; but I should much prefer to be the only one to exercise this employment, and not to have, perpetually before my eyes, a rival as dangerous as your Zanetti….”

  And the knave listened to me with equal amounts of surprise and interest.

  After a moment of silence he asked me a question: “You would actually be in love with me?”

  “Ah, I would be crazy about a man whose tastes are in every point identical to mine.”

  “Excellent; not another word, everything will be arranged. You are infinitely more beautiful than Zanetti, I prefer you, and you are going to enjoy undisputed sway over my heart.”

  “But she will be in despair when she discovers this! As well, shall I not be making the very worst enemy for myself? Do you think she will ever be able to forgive me for having seduced you?”

  “Oh, were she to bother us seriously—”

  “My God, what an idea! I tremble … a woman I am devoted to, a woman whom you once loved … have you given sufficient thought to this crowning act of horror?”

  “Horror? No such thing exists, all our acts are simply what they are, all are inspired by Nature: those are elementary precepts, and I wonder that you are still at the stage of doubting them.”

  “Ah, my scruples are certain to give way ere long before the charms of having you all to myself…. But I tell you now that so long as that creature breathes I shall be uneasy: on the one hand, I shall live in fear of her, and on the other I shall dread losing you. It seems to me that while we are on the subject it would be best to settle it right away. That woman is mischievous; if you but knew all the things she told me about you…. Ah, believe me, if we do not take the necessary preventive measures she will never allow us one instant of peace.”

  “I adore you, heavenly girl,” said the Italian, folding me in his arms, “your rival’s fate is decided, you triumph, nothing now remains but to consult together upon the manner in which she is to die.”

  And, just as aroused by this idea as I, Moberti catches hold of my ass and flings into it without the slightest preliminary; that gigantean prick might have wrung shrieks from me upon some other occasion, but, in a fiery mood myself, instead of wilting before the dart I lunged at it, and discharged the moment Moberti’s balls danced against my buttocks.

  “What shall we do to her?” the rake demanded while he fucked away. “It must be as we are in the midst of pleasures that we decree her sufferings.”

  We did so; and the scene that is about to be described to you was the result of our deliberations. We went back into the other room.

  Moberti, eager to be at the peak of his strength, had taken care not to squander any of it in my entrails. Zanetti had been worried by our lengthy absence, and upon our return her eyes plainly announced that the demon of jealousy had begun to torment her heart. She suggested that we all remove into the room where the morning’s orgies had been celebrated; and there she presented to her lover the new objects intended for the pleasures which were to close the afternoon. Awaiting us were a twenty-six-year-old mother, seven months pregnant, and two charming little girls, one of eleven, the other of nine, whom she held by the hand. Moberti, already familiar with the merchandise, having himself negotiated for it, was thrilled to have it in his clutches at last.

  “This,” he whispered to me gleefully, “is going to bring me an atrocious erection. That woman has been induced into error: she fancies I am going to render her some great services, but the tortures I have in store for her are hideous. Well, Zanetti, let us have the doors locked once again, let silence reign, let there be no noise in this house whatever, save that which I am about to make. I would like to have the entire earth stand still when I lift my prick.”

  Moberti sits down, he bids his mistress undress Angelica while Mirza, the elder of the girls, and little Marietta are told to wait in respectful silence until the brigand issues his instructions to them.

  Zanetti, scrupulously veiling all of Angelica’s anterior parts, fetches the woman’s rump up to Moberti who, after handling it rudely, declares that before the hour is out there shall be changes wrought in the shape of this handsome ass. He pokes and prods the replete belly, pinches it lustily, and predicts trouble for it as well.

  “Ah, Signor!” says the interesting Angelica, “you have cruelly deceived me; it is now but too plain what horrors lie ahead for me; at least respect the child I bear in my womb….”

  ’Tis with gales of laughter the villain greets this speech.

  “Double-dyed whore,” he cries, raining blows upon the unlucky soul, “oh, indeed, indeed! rest assured, I hold your state in the very highest consideration; nothing, in my view, is more entitled to respect than a gravid female, and you must already sense the extent to which I am touched by your fascinating condition. Begin, nevertheless, by undressing your elder daughter for me, and bring her over here in the same way Zanetti has just presented you for my inspection.”

  All this time kneeling between the libertine’s legs, I was polluting him gently to keep his fire lighted, and he bestowed frequent kisses upon my lips. Nothing so pretty as the little girl who is led up to him, and nothing so cruel as the species of lewd caresses wherewith he overwhelms the tender thing. The younger child advances; she is dealt similar treatment.

  “Damn my eyes!” the exalted villain protests. “What a furious shame I haven’t the means to embugger the three of them at the same stroke.

  So saying, he takes the mother firmly in hand, lays her upon her back, lifts her legs straight in the air and with cords secures them thus, then bum-fucks her. Following his request, I leap upon Angelica and assume a position which places my ass within reach of the libertine’s kisses; and upon my flanks his mistress establishes herself, presenting a second set of hindquarters to the insatiable one’s caresses; with each of his hands he has at a child, whose buttocks he worries with tongs. Not content to molest those two little behinds, he begins to pluck at the mother’s with the same instruments; as for ours, he confines himself to gnawing them while we expel farts into his mouth.

  “Press down with your knees upon this worthless rascal, Juliette,” said he, “see whether you cannot, through your combined weight, crush the nasty fruit stinking in her entrails.”

  Zanetti and I bestir ourselves, and there and then come near to squeezing the life out of poor Angelica. After fifteen minutes of reaming the anus of the sorely beset woman, who uttered piercing screams throughout this abominable torture, Moberti dis-embuggered and called for the elder of the two girls, Mirza. Zanetti opened up the way, and I presented the instrument, grown more terrible still from its incursions into the mother’s ass. At the price of much struggling we finally succeeded, the Venetian and I, in inserting that enormous mass into the narrow orifice offered to its furies. As soon as Moberti notices that some progress has been made, he bolts forward with such vigor that he soon sheathes his weapon to the hilt; but the unhappy patient faints.

  “That is what I was after,” our ferocious personage explains, “I never begin to enjoy myself until my vexations have reduced them to insensibility. Ha, Zanetti! Do you hear what I am saying?” Then, to me, under his breath: “When I send her to hell, I want her to arrive there blackened by a crime of the very first magnitude.”

  Directed by the Venetian, Angelica clambers upon the back of her unconscious daughter, so that both their behinds are facing the rake; my buttocks are exposed to the right, those of the younger daughter to the left, and my friend kneels before her lover’s ass; but will you ever guess with what episode the libertine now regaled his lubricity? Biting his buttocks fiercely, his mistress had to imitate the growlings of a bulldog, while he, simulating the same animal, worried Angelica’s ass. I never saw anything so droll as this concert of canines; I must say, however, that it was far less amusing for Angelica, whose buttocks, torn by the cruel brigand, were soon hanging in tatters down her thighs. He also gave a little attention, now and then, to mine and to the little girl’s, but that was only to sharpen his teeth, which, with renewed fury, he would redirect against Angelica’s posterior flesh, soon reduced to such a state of ruination that, like her daughter, she collapsed. Moberti changes asses; the other sister is stoutly attacked, and ’tis now upon the buttocks of the one latterly fucked that he directs his fangs.

  In the meantime, Signora Zanetti is executing the orders she receives. While her lover is fucking, she, to promote his ecstasy, stabs the child he is gazing at, and the little creature falls dead, swimming in a pool of blood.

  “Scoundrel,” exclaims the Italian, “see what a frightful deed you have just committed; may the Eternal, by whose grace you shall live yet a while, grant you time to repent what you have done, for hell would be your share were you to die laden with such a crime…. Leave the corpse where it is, I shall be wanting it in a while.”

  These accumulated horrors have had their effect upon him, he withdraws now, having exhaled whole floods of sperm; this operation over with, he leaves Zanetti to keep the unhappy family company and retires with me into the room where we had held our consultation a short time before.

  “I am going to perpetrate atrocities,” Moberti declares, kissing me feelingly upon the mouth and brightening his member against my behind, “and your rival shall be enveloped in them. Would that I were able to devise something worse than what we have decided her fate is to be, would that there were some more terrible torture than the one she is to undergo; but limits there must be, and I grieve. None the less—ah, Juliette, I restiffen!—observe this treacherous idea’s influence upon my senses. What a superb ass,” he continues, fondling my buttocks, “I adore you, Juliette, you are full of imagination, in crime you possess inventiveness, in performing it facility, and if I am immolating Zanetti ’tis because I want you with me forever.”

  “But, kind friend,” I interject, “do you not forget that this woman idolizes you? I yielded to your perfidious desires in a moment of weakness; I reproach myself for it. Thus to treat a woman who is so attached to us—”

  “What the whore’s sentiments happen to be is to me of no importance; it’s my passions that are sacred, my erection that counts. Ha, the slut! She suspects nothing, this is the occasion to turn upon her. I foresee a delightful evening.

  “Here,” he went on, “clad me in this tiger’s skin. They shall be all three of them naked next door, grouped around the corpse: I shall attack them indiscriminately, I shall eat them alive; and my feelings for Signora Zanetti, you shall soon see what they are when I have my teeth in her and her mortal woes have begun. Do not fail to exhort me to extreme rigor during the scene. After that we shall terminate in the way we have planned; and if in the meantime anything more revolting occurs to you, you will include it among our resolutions; for, as now they stand, they are far from measuring up to my desires.”

  I entered and gave instructions to Zanetti. She was startled to be told to join the ranks of the others. Accustomed to commanding, she found subordination strange, and, not a little bewildered, she could not prevent herself from questioning me.

  “What is he going to do?”

  “You shall see,” was my chilly reply. And I went back to Moberti.

  I found him masturbating, inspired by the execrations in the offing; catching sight of me, he heads toward my ass, submerges it beneath caresses: bending me forward, the mischievous fellow slides his stave into me, swearing that in all the world there is nothing that affords such pleasure as my behind. He sawed away for quite some time, during which we exchanged thoughts upon the forthcoming tortures, improved upon them, conceived horrors at which even the most savage animals would have shuddered.

  “That should do,” said the rake, withdrawing, “I feel sufficiently aroused.” And, dressed in his tiger’s skin, its four paws armed with monstrous talons, and its muzzle so arranged as to permit the wearer to bite anything within reach; thus disguised, I say, and with me following in his train, naked, and wielding a huge cudgel for use in the event he showed signs of laggardliness, we made our entrance.

  Zanetti is the first upon whom he leaps, with a blow of his claws he carries one of her breasts away, and sinks his teeth so deep into a buttock that blood gushes forth at once.

  “My God!” cries that unfortunate, “I am lost, Juliette, and ’tis you who have undone me! Ah, I ought to have known—what lies in store for me now? This monster, whom I loved so dearly, what horrors has he prepared for me?”

  And each of her lamentations was answered by fearful abuse. Moberti, however, gave his victim a minute’s breathing space while he assailed the other objects surrounding her. Angelica and her daughter attempt to flee; but what escape is there from this fury? The libertine contemplates them; but there is another target he wishes to have at first: the corpse preoccupies him, he fastens upon it, his carnivorous fang ravens for a moment upon the poor creature’s inert remains, which he then abandons to pursue the two living objects cowering in a corner. He overtakes them both, martyrizes them with the same unabated fury; and it is precisely upon their fleshier parts the villain is happiest to batten. His prick is at an extraordinary stand. I am obliged to chase after him, sometimes thwacking him with all my strength, sometimes to frig him from underneath or to suck his behind: an operation I accomplish by raising the tail of the tiger’s skin.

  His cruelties move gradually in the direction of refinement. He traps his mistress and signals to me as he leaps upon her; I aid hi
m; we tie the wretch hand and foot, secure her to a wooden bench. He crouches upon her and with his sharp claws scratches out her eyes, tears off her nose, her cheeks: and he was kissing her, the brute, while she screamed; and I was frigging him as hard as I could.

  “But for me,” I was saying to myself, “but for my treacheries, my perfidies, my counsels, he would never have undertaken this horror: I am its sole cause.” That delicious thought cost me a spasm; and he, pursuing his abominations, continued to kiss the doomed woman’s lips so as, said he, to lose not one of the precious gasps of the agony racking a mistress he had cherished! He turns her over, lacerates her behind, and has me pour molten wax into the wounds; at last, gone quite berserk, he pushes me aside and, while I frig him, the monster tears, assassinates, rips to shreds the woebegone object of his erstwhile passion, whom he finally leaves lifeless upon the floor.

  Drunk from rage and lust, he turns upon the other two victims. With his claws alone he snatches the child out of the mother’s womb, smashes it against that poor woman’s head, hurls himself upon the surviving girl, chokes, rends, massacres them both. Thereupon he speeds like an arrow into my ass, ’tis there the maniac, along with his fuck, rids himself of the murdering fever which has reduced him to the level of Nature’s most dangerous animals….

  And we speed back to Venice, promising to meet again at the earliest opportunity in order to settle the final details of the association into which, from the first, I had no desire whatever to enter.

  I spent a sleepless night. Ah, ye gods! how I tossed and turned in my women’s arms as they frigged me and as I dwelt upon the crimes wherewith I had just soiled myself. It was then I realized that among the pleasures life offers us, none is so violent as that of murder; and that once this passion has stolen its way into the heart, there is no possible dislodging it. Nothing, no, nothing bears comparison with the thirst for blood. Only taste it, and thenceforth, insatiable, you exist solely through the destruction of victims.


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