Bella Baby

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Bella Baby Page 11

by Renee Lindemann

  “Damn dawg, every race on the planet is right there in those five women,” Horatio pointed out taking a seat next to Chaz. They watched Julie walk up and began screaming when she saw the additional women. Julie introduced her boyfriend, Erik, before he took a seat next to Chaz and Horatio.

  “That’s a lot of fine women. Damn,” Erik sighed looking at the sexily dressed women.

  “Yeah we are making dirty movies in our heads starring all the ladies, care to join us?” Horatio asked as a broad smile covered his face.

  Bella filled her friends in on her life and Chaz. They all talked about work and made sure to exchange numbers.

  “Your fiancé is fucking fine as hell,” Mia interjected. “What does he do?”

  “He owns a strip club, restaurant, clothing store, and other investments. So he is a crazy businessman,” Bella announced proudly.

  “Damn, by way of street pharmaceuticals?” Mia eyed curiously.

  “No by way of the army,” Bella replied smiling. She thought the same thing about Chaz in the beginning.

  “Horatio is his business partner, they own a strip club together,” Kennedy interjected. “Also former army.”

  “Okay so next weekend you guys have to come hang out with us at the Perfect Ten strip club,” Bella suggested as they stared incredulously at her.

  “What a female strip club?” Callie asked frowning. Bella and Kennedy nodded to the affirmative.

  “Trust me it is a lot of fun and we get the royal treatment,” Bella added. She understood their apprehension.

  “I can’t believe the resident good girls are the ones behaving badly. Talk about role reversal,” Ava interjected. Mia and Callie shook their head in agreement.

  “Um why are those two ladies and the three men looking at us like we are individual steak dinners,” Callie said nervously. The six ladies turned to look at the gawkers.

  “Best Friends calm it down,” Bella said to Stephanie and Sabrina who were gawking hard. Stephanie managed a nod of the head and pulled Sabrina to the couch.

  “Future husband and friends stop making dirty movies in your heads. You are making my friends uncomfortable,” Bella continued. The smiles on all their faces dropped. Mia raised her hand, “Uh you are not making me uncomfortable. I hope I am in a starring role.”

  The ladies laughed as Bella, Kennedy, and Julie reminded them that the men were very taken. Horatio sent a wink Mia’s way and Kennedy ignored it. He would pay for that later.

  “We have a party bus celebrating our engagement. We have another place to hit before we retire to the casino,” Bella said smoothly. When the music switched to R. Kelly urging them to Step in the Name of Love the ladies moved their group to the dance floor. They performed the well-known choreographed dance steps to the song along with other partygoers in the club. The men immediately went to the dance floor to watch the ladies move in unison with the crowd.

  “Look at all these dudes in here wishing for five minutes,” Chaz laughed. Horatio raised his hand to indicate he was among the men.

  “Fool one of those ladies is your lady. I think she is going to make you pay for that wink later.” Chaz laughed loudly.

  “She saw that damn. Kennedy doesn’t play man. I love that girl she has nothing to worry about,” Horatio admitted. When the song ended and another popular song started the ladies grabbed the three men from the sidelines. The men were surrounded by six women and loved every minute. Chaz snaked a hand around Bella’s waist pulling her close. He took a few seconds to look into her brown eyes. He loved her so much. Bella would never have to worry about his love. Chaz devoured her lips and the dancing for them stopped as their friends continued to move around them.

  “Come up for air Bella, please,” Ava falsely pleaded. Bella continued her intense kiss with Chaz. When the song ended so did the kiss. They walked back to the VIP area.

  “Bella were you sucking face on the dance floor?” Gerald asked interrupting their walk. Gerald her one time college fling stood before her neatly dressed in a tailored suit, holding the hand of a young lady that looked bored to tears. Gerald still looked pretty good, tall, dark chocolate skin, and piercing dark eyes.

  “Why yes it was me sucking face with my fiancé on the dance floor,” Bella responded smiling, “Gerald this is my fiancé Chaz. Chaz this is Gerald we went to college together.”

  “Hello Chaz,” Gerald said extending his hand, “We did a little more than just go to college together.”

  “Oh that’s right I forgot,” Bella said pretending to be absent minded.

  “Nice to meet you Gerald,” Chaz said shaking his hand. “Bella doesn’t do much reminiscing. I keep her plenty busy making new memories.”

  Gerald ignored Chaz, “You look good Bella. The Brat Pack, all of you ladies look very good.”

  Gerald received a round of polite acknowledgments. He waited for return compliments but received none. This group of ladies knew how to hold a grudge. He had hurt one of their own, five years ago but that made no difference.

  “Well it was nice to see you again we have to rejoin our party,” Bella said politely. She could feel the anger radiating off Chaz.

  “I can see you ladies are still as close as ever. It was good seeing you all,” Gerald said pulling his date along. His date was drooling over Chaz.

  “He likes to publically dump his girlfriends so be careful young lady,” Mia yelled to the young girl. She finally snapped out of her drool over Chaz to process those words. Gerald turned to see them join the large party in the VIP area and laughed. Bella was still quite pretty but shacking up with a drug dealer, what a waste.

  “How long has this place been catering to drug dealers?” Gerald asked the bartender indicating the VIP area.

  “Chaz? He isn’t a drug dealer he owns clubs and stores. I think he is part owner of this club as well,” the bartender said confused. Gerald’s date restarted her drool over Chaz. Gerald gingerly let her hand go and ordered himself a drink. Taking his drink he walked solo to the table with his friends. Gerald watched Bella straddle Chaz and lose herself in the man.

  Instead of standing with her friends, Bella was sitting on Chaz’s lap. She didn’t want to use sex to calm his anger but he seemed peeved upon meeting Gerald.

  “Baby, are you really upset?” She whispered in his ear.

  “No! I just didn’t like that douche bag,” Chaz retorted. Chaz hoped the douche was somewhere in the club staring at Bella. He wanted the idiot to see what he would never have again. Bella huffed and folded her arms across her breasts. He had some nerves after Trinity and the other dancers mourned his sexual loss. Chaz reached up and unfolded her arms. Bella turned to face him and shrugged her shoulders.

  “So it’s okay if I am accosted left and right with your sexual past but one lonely guy has you ready to pull out your gun?” Bella couldn’t help but laugh. Chaz was not laughing as he turned her to completely straddle his lap. Chaz didn’t like feeling jealous and he disliked the fact that clown had been inside his future wife. Given the death stares from the ladies that clown had hurt Bella back in the day.

  “Just like you don’t want to meet people I have fucked. I find meeting people you have fucked just as distasteful,” Chaz said trying to quell his anger.

  “Oh really? So this one time has you coursing with rage?” Bella laughed and she could feel his anger increase with her chuckles.

  “This shit isn’t funny Bella.” Chaz was trying to maintain his anger. Bella shook her head and covered her mouth still laughing. “What so fucking funny?”

  He was trying to retain his anger but her laughter was working on him.

  “You’re cute when you’re jealous,” She cooed kissing his lips. Chaz eagerly kissed her lips and moved to her neck before dropping his head into her breasts. Chaz ran his tongue over the swell of her breasts as he gripped her ass tightly. He loved the taste of her skin and planned to do a lot of licking later.

  “I can not believe what I am seeing. This isn’t the Bella I
am used to,” Ava said astonished. Bella sat up but Chaz continued licking the swells of her breasts.

  “He really brings out the freak in me,” Bella giggled turning her attention back to Chaz. He hungrily took her mouth and allowed his tongue to make her moan. Kennedy and Horatio both laughed as the three longtime friends watched Chaz and Bella openly make out.

  “They have probably had sex like three times today and not once in their bed. And that’s just since we have been out partying tonight, so location is not an issue,” Kennedy laughed. Bella sent out an elongated finger but continued to kiss Chaz. When she came up for air she turned to face her traitorous best friend.

  “Um at the last club I did not have sex. Kennedy can you say the same thing? I remember a dark corner with you and Horatio’s name on it.”

  “Hell no she can’t, I hurt my damn back in that corner,” Horatio said as Kennedy blushed violently. Horatio wrapped Kennedy up in his arms kissing her neck.

  “Damn it Erik, what did we miss? What club did you all go to?” Julie said urgently. Stephanie found this moment to be her cue to talk to the group of beautiful ladies.

  “We went to a swinger’s club. Priscilla’s Playhouse.”

  The three friends turned to look at Bella and then to Kennedy.

  “Kennedy and I did not swing! I didn’t even have sex,” Bella explained to their shocked faces. Kennedy was rendered speechless from embarrassment.

  Stephanie went on to explain more as Sabrina joined.

  “It’s a regular nightclub but it caters to couples who swing. You do not have to partake but it’s fun to people watch too. Geez you are all so beautiful.”

  Sabrina nodded her head in agreement. The ladies offered thanks and tried to process the information.

  “In college we were the wild ones and these three were the nerds. We had to drag them to parties on campus and make them kiss boys,” Mia informed the current audience. Callie interjected, “Remember the Alpha wet t-shirt party?”

  “What happened at the wet t-shirt party? And can we have one right now?” Sabrina asked quickly. Stephanie nodded in agreement with Horatio who stopped when Kennedy spanked his hand.

  “We convinced Bella and Julie to enter the contest. Julie actually won and that guy ran up to Bella and started sucking her nipple through her shirt. She had to fight him off and she cried all the way back to the dorms.”

  “That wasn’t funny some dude took a picture of that and posted it on Facebook. I had to get them to take that down,” Bella said horrified. “Let’s not forget when we went to that foam party.”

  Mia and Ava jumped up and tried to cover Bella’s mouth as the remaining ladies laughed hysterically.

  “I want to hear this story on the bus. We are getting the hell out of here,” Chaz said loudly. Mia, Ava, and Callie rode in one car and after Chaz had a word with the manager they put her car in a nearby parking structure returning the keys to Ava.

  As they were leaving the club, Gerald made his way over to Bella while Chaz handled the car situation.

  “It was great seeing you Bella. You look very happy with um Chase,” Gerald said.

  “His name is Chaz and I am very happy. Have a nice night Gerald,” Bella said dryly. Walking out the door Gerald followed. The large party bus was in front of the club and they began to board resuming their original places.

  Gerald reached into his pocket and removed a business card, “Here take my card. I am a lawyer now. You never know when you may be in need of a good lawyer.”

  Chaz walked out balling up a napkin. He used his fingers to flick the card to the ground laughing.

  “Man get out of here with that nonsense. Bella has a team of lawyers at her disposal. If she needs legal representation, her man, which is me, will handle that okay Jerry.”

  “Wow! That was unnecessary! I am sure you will need legal counsel soon,” Gerald laughed. Bella pulled Chaz to the bus fearing for Gerald.

  “Didn’t you have a chance back in college? I am taking good care of Bella now Jerry so you can keep your legal counsel to yourself. But here in case your little friend in there didn’t give you her number she gave it to me,” Chaz responded putting the crumple napkin in Gerald’s hand. “Your girl offered to blow me, but I got that covered too.”

  Gerald looked to his hand and then to Chaz as Bella pushed him onto the bus.

  “So it’s thugs that do it for you, huh Bella?” Gerald yelled to her retreating back.

  “It most certainly isn’t lawyers Jerry,” she laughed and climbed the stairs. Chaz pulled Bella into a seat as the friends opened the window. They were laughing at Gerald and pointing.

  “Say hi to little Jerry,” Ava said giggling as she eyed his crotch.

  Chapter 11

  On the bus Bella recounted the story of the foam party they had the first week in the dorms their sophomore year.

  “Ava and Mia decided to wear these flimsy dresses they found for like five bucks. We told them they looked chintzy but they didn’t want to listen,” Bella explained.

  “We get to the party and it is a party in what looked like a giant inflatable swimming pool. The rest of us wore shorts and t-shirts with sports bras underneath. These two wore nothing but thongs under their dresses,” Kennedy said as the entire bus listened to the story. Julie picked up the story as if they had rehearsed it. “The guys of course where trying to touch girls boobs in the foam. So we spent most of that time either fighting off random hands or trying to get out, which was even harder to do. The foam people just kept pumping more foam into the inflatable pool and it was so slippery. It just became a nightmare. It was everywhere. I could see Kennedy and Callie, we managed to get out but I scraped my knee trying to fight off some dude’s hand down my shorts. None of us had our original shirts, just our sports bras. We start screaming over the loud music for them to get out.”

  Callie finished from her perspective. “I saw Bella and tried to grab her hand. I am pulling for dear life and this guy, Mark Coswell, has his hand firmly up her shirt holding on to her boobs. Bella was screaming and kicking and the damn inflatable pool starts to deflate. Everyone started falling onto everyone else. It was a nightmare, the operators were frantically trying to get the pump working again.”

  Mia interrupted, “So long story short when we recovered Bella she had been thoroughly molested and covered in scratches. The dresses we were wearing had basically disintegrated.”

  Chaz and the others started to laugh as they saw where this was going.

  “Oh no you don’t,” Bella said cutting off Mia. “We had to walk back to the dorm, three blocks. I lost my shirt and had to hold my sports bra to keep it from exposing me as Mark had ripped it. Mia and Ava were in thongs and high-heeled shoes. No one would give them a jacket or shirt to wear and they had to walk almost two blocks with their arms covering their boobs. Guys were taking pictures of them and cheering them on as we walked. Finally, campus police pulled over but not before having a long look and gave them an emergency blanket to share.” The bus erupted in lots of laughing.

  Ava shook her head recalling the memory.

  “That was so fucking humiliating. Since our asses were out guys were throwing dollars at us. The next day the hallway was covered in pictures of us walking nearly naked back to the dorm. I mean someone made like a million copies of the pictures, they covered our room door and everything.”

  “I wish I went to that school,” Horatio stated laughing. All the men and the two lesbians nodded in agreement.

  “I would have given you my jacket,” Ace said with a wink, “and then helped you to get to bed.

  “When anyone would offer them a jacket the guys would take it and throw it. They couldn’t move their arms. We tried to help but then they started attacking us,” Kennedy explained. “I was already traumatized.”

  “I bet you were real popular after that,” Chaz said knowingly. Ava and Mia exchanged glances and the group of friends laughed at what could only be a private joke.

! I want to go to that school,” Horatio said as Kennedy pinched his arm.

  “Let’s just say it ended with a vibrator being super glued to our dorm room door. Maintenance was super slow to remove it so it became a running joke to pay homage to the vibrator. People would cut it on as if it were a doorbell when they came to our room. Ava and I had a pretty full dance card after that,” Mia said recalling the crazy times.

  “I love college sluts,” Horatio said, “No offense.”

  The six ladies erupted into laughter and tears upon hearing those words. Callie managed to squeak out past her laughter, “No offense taken, trust me.”

  “What school was this? Did any of you do any learning?” Myra asked laughing.

  “Believe it or not we all graduated, some of us with honors,” Julie replied.

  “Some of you graduated with dishonors too,” Horatio added. The laughing and conversation continued as the bus neared the next stop in their night. The bus pulled up to the afterhours spot that Bella and Chaz had visited during their first weekend together.

  “Alright this is my spot right here. Do not go in here and act a fool. These are my peeps,” Chaz explained loudly. “There is dancing, drinking, and girls in the front room. The other rooms have gambling, enter at your own risk. The basement has an area for fucking for those of you that are interested.”

  “Talk to Lonzo, he will take care of you, and keep you safe,” Bella added. Chaz threw her a look and smiled. Bella bit her lip and stood ready to exit the party bus. Mia bumped into Chaz as she tried to exit the bus. He caught and helped her to stand upright. She giggled and shrugged her shoulders as she walked into the building. At the front door all the men were searched except Chaz and Horatio. The three friends looked on as Chaz and Horatio dropped six hundred dollars for their party.

  Inside the afterhours joint the guys seemed pleased with Chaz for bringing such a large party and some single ladies. It didn’t take long before everyone had drinks and was either dancing or experiencing the rest of the party.


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