Bella Baby

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Bella Baby Page 28

by Renee Lindemann

  Horatio pretended to look for someone as he walked closer to Kennedy and the two men. With trained swiftness he grabbed the man’s pocket and turned whatever was inside to face the man’s side. Realizing it was a knife, Horatio pushed and the man screamed in pain. His partner was busy groping Kennedy’s breasts to react fast enough. Horatio left the knife in the man’s side dropping him quickly to the floor. The other man was treated to a broken arm as Horatio twisted the offending appendage unnaturally. The man screamed louder than his partner as Horatio began to punch him in the face. Kennedy jumped as the money and credit cards dropped from her hands. The man he stabbed was trying to get to Horatio who stopped punching long enough to send a quick kick to the knife in his side. The man howled as casino security descended upon the group. Horatio stopped punching and threw his hands up. Kennedy launched herself at Horatio wrapping her arms around his neck.

  “I am so sorry baby,” she sobbed. “Thank you for saving me.”

  “Ma’am step back,” a casino guard yelled. Kennedy released her hold on Horatio and took a step back continuing to cry. The two men on the ground continued to wail in pain. The officer began the process of cuffing Horatio. Kennedy began her explanation that the two men were forcing her to get money from the machine. She had met them at the previous bar and they had suggested she get back at Horatio with the pictures. Eventually they suggested the current casino and she walked with them. When they were inside the guy produced the knife and made her go to the ATM machine to extract cash from all of her credit cards and bank account. She had tried to answer Horatio’s call but the guy groping her took her phone.

  Chaz and Bella were there just as they took Horatio off to the casino’s holding cell. The two men were receiving medical treatment and being questioned by the police. Bella ran to Kennedy who hugged her friend tightly. Chaz went to speak with the officers, who initially ignored him until Chaz shoved the documents into his face. The man looked pissed as he read the paper and escorted Chaz to the holding cell. Kennedy and Bella picked up her fallen items before being escorted to the holding cell area for questioning. The two men were handcuffed to stretchers.

  “We didn’t do nothing, he just attacked us,” the groper cried out. His arm was almost completely destroyed. The other man had passed out as the wound continued to bleed profusely. Kennedy sobbed feeling very stupid for allowing this to happen. She was normally so careful. She let her anger from this morning make her a target. She hated being vulnerable and loved Horatio even more for saving her.

  Inside the small police station Kennedy recounted her side of the story. Horatio remained quiet in the cell as Chaz spoke with the man in charge. The man did not appreciate Chaz pulling rank on him. Chaz yanked out his cell phone and made a quick call. Within minutes the officer’s desk phone was ringing. He listened and stood as the person on the other end spoke.

  “We need you to stick around Vegas for a few days Miss Hollister,” the officer said softly.

  “Okay we are here for the next week basically so that will not be a problem,” Kennedy replied. Bella looked up to see the office was empty and realized that things were going to happen fast. The officer had the video footage of Kennedy entering the casino with the two men and then her very scared expression when he revealed the large knife. It was a done deal as the officer called the hospital treating the two men. He issued an immediate arrest as soon as they were stabilized. Horatio walked from the double doors with Chaz and the officer in charge close behind. Kennedy bound from the chair hugging him tightly. Horatio wrapped Kennedy up in his arms, relief permeating his features. She was safe and that was all that mattered. The entire ordeal lasted about an hour but felt like ten hours.

  “Are you okay sweetheart?” Horatio asked pushing stray hair from Kennedy’s face. She nodded before kissing him. Holding her face in his hands Horatio kissed Kennedy passionately. He loved her so much and wanted to protect her from the scum of this world. He would do that as her husband.

  “I love you Kennedy. I am sorry about earlier,” he whispered.

  “I love you too Horatio. I am sorry too,” she whispered back.

  “I do not think I did it right last night,” Horatio said dropping to one knee. He produced the ring from his inside jacket pocket. “Kennedy will you marry me.”

  Bella gasped loudly covering her mouth as Chaz wrapped his arms around his new wife. He totally saw that coming. Kennedy’s tears switched to happy tears as she gladly accepted his proposal.

  “Yes Horatio, I will marry you,” she exclaimed. Horatio slipped the ring onto her finger and hugged her tightly. Bella and Chaz applauded and congratulated their best friends loudly. The officers in the station joined in on the applause. Horatio kissed his new fiancée with absolute passion. There was no doubt in his mind that he wanted to be Kennedy’s husband.

  “Excuse me sir, we have some paperwork we need you to sign,” the officer said to Chaz. He released his hold on Bella and signed the papers releasing Horatio to his custody. The two couples left the police station much happier than when they entered.

  “I hope you know I was talking about today,” Horatio whispered into Kennedy’s ear.

  “What? Wait Horatio! Are you serious?” Kennedy stopped her forward momentum. Horatio grabbed her hand pulling her out of the casino with a big smile on his face. The car service driver opened the door and the two couples piled inside.

  “You need to put your tux back on Chico. Bella you need to find a dress in like less than an hour please,” Horatio informed. Chaz shook his head in agreement as Bella looked confused.

  “Baby that was a lot to process we do not have to do this right now,” Kennedy said snuggling into Horatio’s arms.

  “It’s already done. Your dress is in the trunk and the chapel will be ready for us in two hours,” Horatio said, proudly. “It’s going down today, sweetheart. Piss or get off the pot baby.”

  Kennedy sat up looking at Horatio and asked, “What about this morning?”

  Horatio took out his phone and passed it to Kennedy. She pushed it back but he insisted she look at the phone. Kennedy scrolled through the phone’s text messages. One by one Horatio texted or called the women in his phone.

  Horatio: The impossible is now possible. I am happy to report that I will soon be a married man. I am sorry if this news upsets you. I apologize if I have hurt you at any point and hope you will forgive me one day. I wish nothing but the best for you. H!

  Miranda: Good luck Horatio and Kennedy! Call me, if it doesn’t work out but good luck and shit! Smiley face!

  Carmen: I am fucking sad to read this Horatio. I guess this is goodbye for now.

  Lisa: Fuck you Horatio! You will be back, remember my lunch breaks are at 8pm if you get lonely.

  Kennedy immediately erased Lisa’s texts and phone number from his phone. She really didn’t like that bitch. Horatio laughed and showed no sign of anger at her action. Kennedy turned to Horatio burying her face in his neck as he hugged her.

  “I love you Horatio,” she murmured.

  “I love you too. Now let’s do this,” he replied.

  In less than two hours Bella located a purple ball gown and Chaz was back in his wedding tux. Horatio had decided against informing the remaining members of their party. This would be a very intimate ceremony involving the four best friends. The ivory one-shoulder gown looked beautiful on Kennedy. The ruched mermaid silhouette accentuated her curvaceous figure. Horatio did an excellent job of picking out the dress and she appreciated his attention to detail. She was sure the embellished shoulder strap flattered her large breasts and was probably his favorite part of the dress. Bella helped Kennedy as she had done for her the previous evening.

  “You look so beautiful Kennedy,” Bella cried. The two friends hugged with a very emotional exchange. They had come so far together and were closer than most sisters. Many times over the years they had saved each other, many more years they would continue to do so. Kennedy held Bella’s hands tightly as she cried, �
�Thank you Bella. Really thank you.”

  “We are there for each other, no thanks needed,” Bella replied through a litany of tears. It took a moment for them to collect themselves. Inside the small dressing room they finished getting ready. The knock at the door indicated it was time. Kennedy wanted Bella to walk her down the aisle. Bella took her place at Kennedy’s side and they entered the chapel. Horatio, like Chaz, was unable to contain his emotional response upon seeing his bride. Chaz offered him the same reassuring shoulder squeeze. He too had to wipe a few errant tears, as Kennedy looked simply gorgeous in the gown. Kennedy took her place next to Horatio as they were united in holy matrimony.

  Horatio happily took Kennedy’s face in his hands as he kissed his wife, for the first time. Chaz and Bella cheered through tears as the couple cemented their marriage with a beautiful kiss. The quick ceremony ended with the signing of marriage licenses and they were back in the car. Inside the car the two couples engaged in a full but separate kissing session. Horatio and Chaz were the happiest men on the planet right now. They eagerly kissed their new brides.

  “You look gorgeous in this dress,” Chaz murmured against Bella’s lips. He appreciated how the convertible dress barely covered each of her breasts before wrapping around her waist ending in a bow in the back. Chaz slipped an appreciative hand inside the material massaging her breast. Bella gasped into his mouth as he continued to kiss and touch her tender flesh. Horatio was enjoying the response of Kennedy’s nipples as he caressed the soft fabric of her dress. He was going to enjoy his wedding night with his wife later. The car whisked them to a famous chef’s restaurant where Horatio treated them to a decadent dinner.

  “This is just perfect,” Kennedy cooed as she fed Horatio a piece of the chicken on her plate. Horatio accepted the proffered fork then kissed his wife.

  “I did good?”

  “You did great baby although Julie is going to be pissed. I am glad it was just the four of us. This was as it should be,” Kennedy replied.

  “I know she is going to be mad but I needed these two and you of course. I wanted it to be intimate. I didn’t want it to scare you by being too much.” Horatio didn’t want to risk rejection. He knew Kennedy only wanted to be the center of attention to Horatio and in the boardroom. She shied away from the center spot, no doubt a byproduct of the drama in her younger life.

  “Congratulations we are so happy for you two,” Bella chimed. Chaz had one hand protectively wrapped around his wife as he ate his food.

  “I am sorry, we were not trying to hog your wedding week but it was kind of a two for one opportunity,” Horatio explained.

  “You didn’t hog our day Horatio. Your valiant rescue of my best friend and sister culminated into this very beautiful moment,” Bella replied.

  “I agree our day was yesterday, today belongs to you two. Besides after this dinner I would like to have a few drinks and get back to honeymooning,” Chaz added. He put kisses on Bella’s neck as she nodded her head in agreement. Chaz reached her lips and kissed his wife passionately for a few minutes. A few individuals watched the couple openly make out.

  “I love you husband,” Bella uttered, feeling extremely turned on. She looked forward to Chaz peeling her out of this dress later.

  “I love you too wife.” Chaz couldn’t believe his luck in finding Bella. Horatio and Kennedy were practically joined at the hip they were sitting so close. Horatio, like Chaz, kept a protective arm around his new wife. Bella took out her phone snapping lots of pictures of the new couple. Kennedy took the phone from Bella snapping plenty of pictures of Chaz and Bella. A few text messages popped up on her screen.

  Juanita: Is Marcus with you and Chaz?

  Julie: Hey where is everyone?

  Ava: Sorry to interrupt your incessant fuck… I mean honeymooning. Are you two going out tonight?

  Bella grabbed the phone and quickly sent messages to the three individuals. The two couples agreed to return to the hotel’s bar for drinks and let the others know the great news. Bella let everyone know to meet them in an hour in the hotel bar.

  “Julie is going to be so pissed, damn. Now I feel bad,” Kennedy said.

  “Why do you feel bad? I planned this the way I wanted it to go. Just blame it all on me,” Horatio explained. He placed soft kisses on his wife’s exposed shoulders. He would make slow love to her tonight and enjoy every second. When her delicate hand dropped to his lap, he immediately hardened in his slacks.

  “You are so going to get it,” he whispered.

  “Promise?” She cooed softly in his ear, arousing him even more. Horatio wrapped Kennedy up in his arms and gave her the most amazing kiss. It made Chaz and Bella blush it was so intense.

  “Damn dude do we need to skip the bar?” Chaz asked as their kiss continued. Bella and Chaz started clapping and cheering them on. “Mr. & Mrs. Saunders everyone, woo hoo!”

  People in the restaurant applauded the new couple. They finally broke their kiss. Kennedy was completely flushed as Horatio looked mesmerized by his wife. They finished dinner and took the car service back to the Bellagio.

  When they walked into the hotel casino they were treated to the shocked expressions of their friends. Julie immediately looked near tears that she had missed the special moment. Kennedy was quick to explain her huge ordeal of the day to the entire group.

  “I am sorry Julie but the ass whipping I gave out ate into our time. I wasn’t able to get everyone there. Bella and Chaz almost missed the wedding,” Horatio explained to a tearful Julie.

  “Thank god you were able to find her Horatio. I am so glad you beat their asses,” Ava said hugging Kennedy. “You look so damn beautiful.”

  “Thank you honey,” Kennedy murmured.

  “I hate I missed it,” Julie stomped off feeling left out. It was already bad enough they were dating best friends and now they were married to best friends. She and Erik often felt like the third wheel, as they weren’t always with the two couples. Bella and Kennedy went to talk to their best friend apologizing profusely.

  “Julie, you know I wouldn’t have purposely excluded you and Horatio didn’t mean to,” Kennedy informed.

  “I promise it just moved so fast after the incident. Horatio had no time left by the time the cops released him to Chaz’s custody,” Bella added.

  “It’s just at home you two are always doing couple things together. I feel so left out and then you go get married without me. I wouldn’t get married without you two heifers.”

  Kennedy felt near to tears. “I shouldn’t have done this without you. I am sorry.”

  Kennedy walked off to find Horatio, she felt like a horrible friend.

  “This was about Horatio making a stand. He and Kennedy had a huge fight this morning. He drunkenly proposed to her last night then acted like an ass this morning. He was trying to show her how much he loved her. Julie, this had nothing to do with me or with you. I promise we were not excluding you. Chaz and I were there because we had to get Horatio out of jail.” Bella felt bad because Julie was right they did a lot of things without her as couples. It was the connection the four people shared, it wasn’t about personal preference. The four lives were heavily intertwined and bound to continue to cross.

  “I hear you. I am fine. Let’s just go back inside,” Julie said stalking off. Bella felt just as bad as Kennedy. Horatio was comforting Kennedy who was visibly upset. The three friends ordered drinks as Chaz’s parents arrived. Julie managed to give Kennedy a hug and the small wedding reception commenced.

  Marcus was in jeans and a button up short-sleeved shirt. Marisa had stayed with Chaz’s adopted sisters and went back to the timeshare to retrieve clothes. She was nice enough to grab him a couple outfits as he planned to stay with Mia until they left in a few days. He sat at the table wishing he were old enough to drink.

  “Soon enough little brother,” Chaz said taking a seat next to his younger brother. A few ladies in the bar gave them suggestive waves. They both gave that panty-crushing smile as the
ladies swooned.

  “I know but this makes me feel like a kid,” Marcus lamented.

  “I am sure you do not feel like a kid when you are in the room with Mia.”

  Marcus violently shook his head grinning from ear to ear. “Not at all, all man there.”

  “Marcus, she keeps shooting you looks. You must have done your big brother proud?”

  “I think I did alright,” he laughed. Chaz and his brother fell into an easy conversation about every subject. The two were so engrossed the ladies waving at them gave up and left the bar disappointed. The rest of the group decided to let the brothers have their moment. Bella and Juanita were happy to see the two brothers talking.

  Kennedy and Horatio took to the dance floor as Bella snapped plenty of pictures of the happy couple. Julie, while still upset, managed to put her hurt feelings aside and enjoy the impromptu reception. Kennedy loved a picture Bella captured of them exiting the dance floor. Taking out Horatio’s cell phone that continued to be inundated with text messages, Kennedy sent the picture as a reply. In the picture Kennedy looked lovingly at Horatio as he placed a kiss on her exposed shoulder. Their hands were entwined showing off their new wedding rings. Horatio’s phone began to spasm violently as the responses flowed. He powered the phone down and looked at his new wife. “I will be getting my number changed when we get back, promise.”

  “Thank you,” she laughed, providing him with a tender kiss. Chaz and Marcus joined the party in progress and they had several toasts with the parents. Juanita was glad to see Marcus and Chaz’s brotherly bond was strong already. Chaz placed a protective and proud arm around both his siblings frequently. Bella loved watching him interact with his family. It would be hard for anyone looking in to know that just a few days ago he had no idea these people existed.


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