Cowboy Take Me Away

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Cowboy Take Me Away Page 24

by Soraya Lane

  “It just so happens that I’m partial to a fun quickie.”

  “Oh really,” she managed, her voice all breathy and husky.

  “Yes, really,” Chase growled, his body towering over hers.

  He let her sweat it out; waiting, anticipating as she stared up at him, her hunger pangs no longer the dominant need surging through her body. Then Chase bent in one swift motion, yanking the sheet from her and swinging her over his shoulder. She giggled, dizzy as he carried her, stopping only when they reached the shower.

  “Ouch!” He bumped her into the shower door when he leaned in to turn the faucet on.

  “Shit! Sorry.” Chase put her on her feet and gently touched the side of her head. He pressed a kiss to her cheek. “You okay?”

  Hope reached up and grabbed Chase by his hair so he had to stay partially bent forward. “Don’t go all sweet on me now, King. I preferred the rough caveman act just before.”

  She walked them back into the shower, thankful the water was already hot as it cascaded down her back and over her shoulders. Hope only stopped when they were completely under the water, not even noticing their surroundings, not caring about anything other than being with Chase under the hot stream of water.

  “Oh you did, did you?” His voice was deep and dark, and if she hadn’t known him so well maybe it would have been scary.

  “Yeah,” she exhaled.

  Faster than she could react, Chase’s fingers closed around her wrist, yanking her hand away from his hair and rendering her powerless. He grabbed her ass with both hands, lifting her up and slamming her back against the shower enclosure, his mouth hot and wet over hers as he stared into her eyes, his body still only for seconds, giving her time to snap her legs around his waist before he pushed into her, fucking her fast and furiously, her breasts bouncing with each hard thrust.

  Hope moaned loud into his ear, his actions unrelenting as he pushed even deeper, his mouth closing over her nipple, sucking hard, until he swore softly against her skin. She smiled and dug her nails into his shoulders, not letting him slow down even for a moment, taking pleasure in pushing him to the edge so fast.

  “Stop!” Chase commanded.

  But she refused, her thighs holding him in a viselike grip. When his body finally went slack, she kissed his ear and whispered, “Now how about we get clean and go get that food.”

  Chase walked them back under the water again, finally letting her go. “You’re a bad, bad girl. You know that?”

  She just laughed and reached for the soap, rubbing it over his chest so he was covered in suds.

  “Why thank you.”

  * * *

  “I can’t believe we slept for so long.”

  Hope almost choked on her burger. “Are you kidding me? I don’t think I’ve ever had a workout like that. I probably could have slept for two days if you’d let me.”

  Chase had been drinking his soda through a straw, but he quickly pushed it away, his attention back on Hope. “You saying it’s the best you’ve had?”

  Hope laughed. “Easy, cowboy. I was just saying it was the most exhausting.”

  “That’s what your insatiable appetite gets you.”

  “On that note, I think I need another burger.”

  Chase reached for the fries on the table between them, not believing her for a second. “You’re serious?”


  He nodded and got up, pulling his wallet out of his back pocket. By the time they’d left the motel, it had been almost five. They’d slept the day away and then some, but he still hadn’t been expecting her to be able to eat as much as he could. Chase ordered another couple of burgers and joined Hope at the table again, reaching for her hand and turning it over so he could stroke his fingertips in circles around her palm.

  “You were never like this,” she muttered.

  He stopped, looking up at her instead of at her palm like he was about to read her future. “What do you mean?”

  “With the girls I saw you with.”

  “I was always like this with you.” He frowned. “Wasn’t I?”

  She shook her head. “No. I mean, yeah, we kicked around like this, but you never just, I don’t know. Forget I ever said anything.”

  He closed his fingers around hers now, linking them together. “No way. You don’t get to say something like that and not finish.”

  She looked uncomfortable, but he still wanted to hear what she’d been about to say.

  “I don’t know, just touching like this. Once you got them into bed you weren’t…”

  Chase grinned. “That was because I never had a girlfriend,” he told her. “Once I got a woman into bed, the game was over. So was the fun.”

  “So what’s happening here?” Hope asked.

  Neither of them looked up as their second round of burgers was placed on the table. Chase kept hold of her hand, staring into her eyes and not giving her a moment to pull away. There was so much he knew he should be saying to her, but his words didn’t come as easy as his actions.

  “It was never about just getting you into bed, Hope. You know that, right?”

  “And when we did…” she started, her voice trailing off.

  “I was a lazy asshole, that’s what,” he admitted. “I should have made more of an effort, but you didn’t return my texts, and the one time we spoke it seemed awkward, so I just guessed you’d moved on.”

  She sighed, her shoulders going from bunched up to low and relaxed. Chase watched as she unwrapped her next burger, her painted pink fingernails almost comical against the greasy bun. He laughed and it made her look up.

  “I’m such a fuckup where we’re concerned,” he said, reaching for his soda and draining the rest of the takeout cup. “I can run the biggest ranch in Texas, deal with any shit thrown my way in life, but when it came to you, I just dropped the ball.”

  “I think we’re both to blame,” Hope said, putting her burger back down without taking a bite. “We’re all about coulda, shoulda, woulda, right?”

  Chase shrugged. “Maybe. But I’m not gonna fuck things up between us again. And that’s a promise.”

  He started eating his burger, wolfing it down as she took a few delicate bites of hers, clearly not ravenous any longer. When he finished he wiped his mouth with a napkin and bent over to plant a kiss on her lips.

  “What was that for?” she asked, sounding surprised.

  “That,” he said, “is because I think I’m falling in love with you all over again, Hope.”

  She looked stunned, her mouth forming a perfect O. “You are?”

  “Yeah,” he said, smug as hell. “And for once, I’m not afraid to just come out and say it.”

  He was sick of playing his cards so close to his chest, of not letting anyone too close except for family. One woman had burned him, and he’d let it hold him back for too long. Sure, Hope had fucked up, but he’d told her he’d give her a second chance, and he’d meant it.

  “Now what do you say we head to our old hangout?” he asked, holding out a hand and swinging her up to her feet.

  Hope looked unconvinced. “You sure you don’t want to act our age?”

  “Not a chance.” Chase grinned. “I promised the lady Jell-O shots, and that’s exactly what she’s gonna get.”

  “Hey, I’m not complaining. I just…”

  “Forgot that they have a band playing live on Saturday nights?” Chase interrupted, hugging her body close to his as they headed back in the same direction they’d come from. “You want to head there now or go get changed?”

  “I’m good. Besides, if we go back we might never make it out again,” Hope said.

  He glanced down at his jeans and worn tee. “Let’s go.”

  “You sure about the live band?” she asked. “For all we know, the bar could have closed down by now.”

  Chase kissed the top of her head, inhaling her sweet shampoo smell. He’d always liked the fragrance, but now that he’d actually been the one to massage the stuff th
rough her hair and see the suds wash down over her gorgeous body? He grinned as a strand blew up and across his face. Hell, he’d never smell it without thinking about her wet and covered in suds again.

  “I asked at the burger joint, and it’s still a crowd favorite.” Plus he had plans to do more than just drink with her there.

  * * *

  Hope surveyed the bar. She’d never really felt old before, but surrounded by a bunch of college kids? She felt ancient.

  “These girls are making me feel like I have crows’-feet and should have a walker or something.”

  “These girls? They’re not even close to looking as good as you.” Chase looked around like she was crazy. In reality, she knew he was lying. There was no way he didn’t find any of the gorgeous young women, some wearing a whole lot of nothing, insanely attractive.

  “Liar, liar, pants on fire,” she said, bumping her hip into his. “You’re not going to offend me by admitting how cute these girls are.”

  Chase shrugged. “So they’re cute. So what? You’re fucking gorgeous.”

  Hope reached for the drinks that arrived in front of them. Two Jell-O shots, four tequilas, and two beers. She wasn’t convinced that mixing alcohol was their best move, but she wasn’t going to be a party pooper, not with Chase.

  “Jell-O first?” she asked, brow raised.

  “Your choice.”

  She nodded and reached for hers, choosing orange and leaving Chase with the green one. He followed her lead and took his, grinning before sucking it down.

  “Oh man, I forgot how good they were.” Hope licked her lips.

  “And I forgot how damn good you looked when you licked your lips like that.” Chase moved up into her space, leaning forward and kissing her lower lip only, plucking at it, before kissing her mouth properly. “That’s the reason I always bought you shots.”

  “Bullshit,” she muttered, eyes on his mouth still, wanting more kisses.

  “No shit,” he shot straight back. “I fucking hate Jell-O.”

  Hope started laughing and found it almost impossible to stop. She dropped her head onto Chase’s shoulder, leaning into him. “Seriously, Chase,” she said, shaking off the stupid feeling that she didn’t deserve to be standing beside him after everything that had happened. “How did we end up here, at our age, in a damn college bar?”

  “Sweetheart, look around. We’re the hottest things in this place.”

  Chase slapped her ass and she squealed, only no one heard her over the music, the as-promised band so loud she had to stay pressed against Chase to hear him speak. Not that she minded.

  “So, tequila?” she asked, shouting over the sudden screaming of a group of girls behind them.

  Chase nudged her glass toward her, and then grinned and slid the salt closer, too. Hope took a deep breath, wishing they were just sticking to Jell-O. She kept her eyes on Chase as she raised her hand and sucked the soft skin between her thumb and index finger, making it nice and moist and loving the fact that Chase was groaning. Even without hearing him she could see the strain on his face.

  Hope poured the salt over her hand as Chase bent closer.

  “You’re killing me here.” His voice was as slick and sexy as liquor pouring over ice.

  She ran her tongue over her lips again, slowly this time, playing the game, sucking the salt off her skin. She knocked the shot back in one big gulp, powered by the glint in Chase’s eyes, the desire she saw reflected in his gaze. As soon as the shot was down she sucked the lime slice, shutting her eyes as the citrus hit her senses.

  “Your turn.” Hope did her best to sound like she wasn’t spinning from drinking a shot like that, and kept her head held high.

  “No problem,” Chase said, voice as smooth as silk.

  He did what she’d just done, except at rapid speed, then he reached for his beer.

  “I guess there’s some badass left in you after all.”

  “What made you ever doubt that?” she asked, pulling her best offended face. “And please don’t tell me the fact that I’m a single mom holding down a job.”

  Chase winked at her. “How about I tell you what made me realize I was wrong?” His smile was naughty as he ran his fingers up and down her back. “It might have been when you wrapped your legs around my head last night, or when you…”

  “Whoa! Enough!” she protested, grabbing the next shot and knocking it back faster than she should have.

  “I love the fact that I can still shock you.”

  Chase followed her lead for the second time in minutes, downing his and then almost knocking her off her feet with a smacker of a kiss.

  “What was that for?” she asked, arms slung around his neck as she pulled him back for more.

  They were both happy drunk now, or at least she was both and Chase was definitely the happy part. His lips were warm, the alcohol was buzzing through her, and the only thing she was thinking about was getting Chase back to the motel. They only had one more night alone together, one more night of her pretending to be a woman with zero responsibilities, and she didn’t want to waste a second.

  “Hey, you remember how I used to sing?” Chase asked.

  Hell, did she ever. If there was one thing he’d done that had made her stir-crazy, it was pulling out his guitar and singing just for the hell of it. Every woman in a two-mile radius had probably gone weak-kneed from seeing Chase sing, his soulful voice a perfect match to his large frame propped against a wall, one knee up to rest the guitar on, his dark head bent as he plucked at the strings. And the first time she’d heard him play had been in this very bar, the first time they met, when she’d decided not to be another notch on his belt.

  “Why? You going to join the band?” He had a big enough head as it was without her boosting his ego any more by telling him how much she used to love it.

  “It just so happens that I’m going to serenade you.”

  Hope made a coughing kind of sound, her words catching in her throat like she’d just swallowed some tequila down the wrong way. “You’re what?”

  But with one dimple-fueled grin, Chase was backing away and then disappearing into the crowd, leaving her alone at the bar. The band was still playing, and she took her beer and turned her back to the bar, wondering what the hell Chase was up to.

  She sipped her beer and waited, half expecting Chase to just rock back up to the bar and tell her it was a joke. But he didn’t, and when the band finished their song and the speakers went silent, the only noise the rowdy crowd of students, she knew he was doing exactly as he’d threatened.

  The microphone squeaked. “Ah, we’re gonna take a quick break and let ah”—there was a muffled noise before the voice came back on—“Chase King take over for one song.”

  Hope laughed, raising her beer bottle to her lips and smiling into it. She didn’t doubt that he’d just slipped the band a wad of cash to turn a blind eye and let him sing, but she couldn’t have cared less how he did it. She was just happy to sit back and hear him sing, refusing to feel embarrassed—no one here knew them, so what the hell did it matter?

  “Excuse me,” Chase said, but he may as well have been talking to himself for all the attention it got him. The tap he made on the microphone helped more. “Free drinks!” he yelled. “Ahhh, that got your attention. I want you all to stay quiet for the next three minutes, okay? Then I’ll put free Jell-O shots on the bar for all of you!”

  There was a round of cheers and Hope smiled. He always did have the uncanny ability to win over a crowd, usually by offering them what they wanted.

  “This song is for a special girl,” Chase said. “She was my first love, my last love, and she’s my baby mama.”

  Hope slowly pulled the bottle away from her lips. Everything else blacked out; every other sound and distraction just faded away. She pushed her way through the crowd, beer held tight in her hand as she fought to get close enough to see Chase. Her heart was racing as he struck the first chords, as she recognized the song. His head was down, his e
yes hidden. All she could see was his dark, unruly hair as he strummed, pinging each note.

  “She’s a good girl, loves her mama. Loves Jesus, and America too…”

  Chase looked up as he sang, his eyes locking on hers like he knew exactly where to find her, like he’d known she’d be standing in that exact spot.

  “Free Fallin’” had always been her favorite song and Chase knew it. He’d sung it to her when he was drunk once, something she’d never forgotten, and now he was singing it to her to serenade her.

  If he wanted her in his bed tonight, he’d sure as hell sealed the deal.

  Tears filled her eyes as she listened, but she blinked them away fast, refusing to get emotional. Only she couldn’t help it, because the man she’d always loved, the man she still loved, was perched on a barstool singing to her like she was the only person in the room, and all she knew was that she didn’t want to lose him again.

  * * *

  Chase strummed the last few chords before setting the guitar down carefully and standing. Applause sounded out, loud and only getting louder as the rowdy bunch realized their free shots were on the way, and Chase jogged down the steps of the makeshift stage, high-fiving the guys he’d bribed to let him up there. It had only taken a couple hundred dollars, probably more than they got paid in some of the dives they performed at.

  He scanned for Hope, finding her standing in the same spot he’d seen her when he’d been singing.

  “Can I buy you a drink?” he asked, putting on a deep drawl as he moved closer to her.

  “No,” she said simply, one corner of mouth tilting up into a sexy smile. “You can take me back to your place.”

  Chase raised his eyebrows and whistled low. “Geez. If I’d known you were that easy I wouldn’t have dusted off my vocal chords like that.”

  Hope’s fingers locked around his when he took her hand, leading her back to the bar. He threw some money down as promised to buy the rounds, tipped the bartender, and pushed through the crowd to the exit. He’d forgotten what college was like, and he was pretty sure if they hung around any longer they’d end up wishing they hadn’t.


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