The Scorpion's Tale

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The Scorpion's Tale Page 2

by Wayne Block

  “What shall we do now Tom?”

  “I guess we wait to be saved.”

  “Do you have fantasies?” she asked.

  “You mean like sexual fantasies?”

  Sophia looked disappointed. “I’m not talking about sex. Why is everything always about sex with you Americans?”

  “I think Italian minds would have the same visuals as we Americans.”

  “Well, my Italian-American, I’m not talking about sex. I’m talking about meeting a stranger you will never see again. Do you believe in fate, Tom?”


  “Don’t you have a desire to tell me your deepest, darkest secrets? I will keep your secret for eternity. Our souls can be intimate without any fear of being judged, and you never know where such intimacy may lead!”

  Steven felt a burning excitement he had never experienced before. “Do you always strike up conversations like this with strangers?”

  She grinned. “No, only when I’m stranded on a gondola with a handsome stranger and only the stars will witness our conversation.”

  “I must admit, this is getting interesting. You first.”

  “I will. But when it’s your turn, you must promise to honor your word.”

  He heard her breath come stronger. A game, he thought. Why did women always play games? “Fine. After you.”

  “Promise,” Sophia demanded, as she crossed her long legs revealing more thigh.

  Steven grinned as he admired the shapeliness of her legs. “I promise.”

  “I believe I have offended certain people in my village. My cousin and I have been lovers for some time. He is a distant cousin but it has caused us great embarrassment with the elders and has put a tremendous strain on my relationship with my brother.”

  “Why?” Steven asked, suddenly interested. His mind was re-directed from her legs to her story.

  “My brother is my cousin’s best friend. He has demanded that we stop seeing each other. But my cousin has asked me to marry him. There are people who are quite concerned that we will marry.”

  “Are you going to marry him?”

  “I want to, but I cannot. It would embarrass my family. Where I come from, romantic love between cousins is a sin.”

  “It appears you’ve made your decision. So what’s the problem?”

  She looked away with a painful expression. “My cousin is the only man who understands me. You see, I have difficulty in maintaining relationships with men.”

  “That’s hard to believe. You’re incredibly beautiful.”

  Sophia smiled a sad smile at his compliment. “Physical beauty is meaningless. I am independent and independence can be threatening to a man. Men want to take care of their women and they want their women to depend upon them.”

  “I think men admire self-reliant women,” Steven said, believing it was what she wanted to hear.

  “I want a man who will sweep me away with his confidence and not be afraid of my independence. I want him to find my strength erotic.”

  “That’s reasonable,” Steve stammered, not really knowing what to say.

  “What about you, Tom? Undress your soul for me.”

  Steven hesitated, but to his surprise, only for a second. “My fiancée is pregnant.”

  “Are you ready to be a father?” she asked.

  Steven sighed. “That is the $64,000 question!”

  “Are you worried?”

  “Yes. I’m worried I won’t be able to provide for my family. It’s a fear all men have.”

  “That’s not true,” she said, shaking her head. “Only good men worry. Bad men care only about themselves.” She stared at him. Her eyes burned as she seemed to look right into his soul. Their eyes met and held.

  She blinked first. “But there’s more, isn’t there, Tom? Show me the real you.”

  Against his nature, Steven felt compelled to open up to this strange beauty. “My father died when I was young. I still carry that anger. I have no idea what it’s like to be a father. I had no role model and fear my inadequacy as a parent.”

  “What else are you afraid of Tom?”

  “I’m afraid I cannot be faithful to one woman for the rest of my life. I don’t want to be a hypocrite to my wife and child.”

  “Are we talking about sex again?”


  “Have you ever been unfaithful to her?”


  “Then why are you worried?”

  “Because I’m fantasizing about you at this very moment.”

  She blushed. “And I about you, Tom. Is this something you need to discover about yourself? Do you need to know if you can make love to a total stranger yet remain in love with your fiancée?”

  He looked at the ground and said nothing.

  She stood up and looked out the window. Steven couldn’t take his eyes off the curve of her lower back. The sun had set below the mountains and the last bursts of color painted the sky. The temperature was falling rapidly. Steven was starting to shiver and didn’t know if the cause was the temperature drop or what was about to occur. Sophia stood and began spreading blankets on the floor.

  “What are you doing?” he asked.

  “We shared our souls. If we are going to survive we now need to share our heat.”

  Steven was awestruck as Sophia slowly removed her sweater, blouse, and jeans, and stood before him in a black lace bra and bikini panties, her nipples protruding, hard from the cold. She grinned, amused by the dumbfounded expression on his face. “Body heat is not very effective when you’re clothed,” she chided. “Undress for me.”

  As she reached for another blanket, she accidentally knocked over her purse. Steven reached down and retrieved it, along with a few items that had spilled out. He glanced down at a business card he was holding.

  “ ‘Gia’s Pride Imports’? Is that your business?”

  “No. That is my cousin’s,” she said, matter-of-factly, as she sat down on the blankets. She lay down on the floor and removed her bra. Steven felt he was dreaming. He wanted her more than anything.

  She extended her hand toward him. “Come join me under the blankets.”

  Steven sheepishly removed his shirt and pants. He lay down beside her and she moved close to him as they flung the blankets over themselves. She smelled wonderful. She reached over and held him, her breasts pressing against his chest.

  “Now we can fulfill the rest of our fantasies,” she said. “Make love to me as though it was our last day on earth together.”

  Steven kissed her hard and they both removed the remainder of their clothing. The temperature dropped twenty-five degrees over the next two hours but neither noticed. They were warm, comfortable, and eventually sound asleep in each other’s arms.


  They awoke to a shrill voice over the intercom.

  “The problem has been fixed,” she translated.

  They quickly dressed and sat huddled together on the bench beneath several blankets.

  “You’re very quiet, Tom.”

  “I feel very guilty about what just happened between us.”

  She leaned toward him and whispered in his ear: “se non ti crei il tuo destino, aurai sempre il fato contro.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “If you do not create your destiny, you will have your fate inflicted upon you.”

  “I don’t understand,” he said.

  “We made love and it was beautiful. You don’t need to fantasize anymore. Go back home, get married, and be a good husband. Live a good life.”

  They both sat quietly for the rest of the descent.

  When they disembarked, Sophia offered Steven a ride to his hotel. The drive back was surprisingly comfortable. They spoke of the mundane to the extraordinary; from their favorite songs to the meaning of life. By journey’s end, Steven felt intimately close to her. For the first time he wore no mask disguising his true self. She put the car in park but did not turn off the engine.

lightly touched his hand and kissed him on the cheek. “We were both in the right place at the right time, and it was magical. In another time and another place I know I would have fallen in love with you. Goodbye.”

  He kissed her hand and got out of the car. He stood motionless, his breath turning to smoke in the crisp night air, as he watched her drive away and disappear. He was ecstatic that he’d met her and saddened by the realization he would never see her again. He was grateful that he didn’t know her name since his initial lust for her had transformed into a deeper affection. The thought made him smile and for the first time in a long time, he felt good about himself. He thought of Amanda and looked forward to their future together, not knowing how short it would be.



  By normal standards, the Olivaro’s beach house was unimpressive. However, normal standards were inapplicable in the Hamptons, especially on Dune Road overlooking the sandy beaches on the Atlantic Ocean, where international celebrities and billionaires abounded. Built on stilts, the house’s foundation created a natural carport covering one of two staircases; the second opened directly from the rear of the house to the beach. A small hallway on the far side of the house led from the dining room past two small bedrooms. Amanda Capresi and her daughter, Catarina, were staying in one of these bedrooms. Amanda, who was nine months pregnant, had her hands full with her two-year-old toddler. Around the corner, at the rear of the house was the master bedroom of Tony and Rosina Olivaro, their hosts for the weekend.

  Labor Day weekend had finally arrived and Steven and Amanda were thrilled with their invitation to join their friends at the beach. The Friday sun was setting as Amanda nursed an iced tea and Rosina sipped a glass of expensive Merlot in the living room. Catarina played nearby with a set of plastic horses spread out along the living room’s polished marble floor. Amanda was glad to get off her feet for a while. The additional thirty-five pounds on her 5’4” frame was adding to the burden of her swollen feet and calves.

  Tony paced fitfully, barely acknowledging Amanda while yelling into an unanswered phone. Tony was a self-proclaimed entrepreneur who excelled at taking shortcuts to easy money. Steven liked Tony’s boldness and humor. Tony made it his business to meet the “right” people in New York. A night out with Tony was always first class, with his access to any club, show, or concert in Manhattan. Earlier that year, Tony had stumbled onto an import-export venture that made him an overnight fortune. Tony said he generated astronomical profits selling general household items, computers, and medical supplies unavailable in third world countries. He quickly acquired a Westhampton vacation home on the beach and a mansion in the elite community of Upper Brookville.

  The women giggled as they watched him fret. Amanda was now calm and relaxed after her initial anger towards Steven for not joining them on the drive out because of a last-minute client meeting. But the drive to the Hamptons allowed her to reflect upon how much Steven did for his family.

  “Lighten up, Tony, and have some wine,” Rosina said, trying to keep a straight face.

  Tony gazed at the ocean. Storm clouds hovered on the horizon. “One of our shipments didn’t make it to Rio and I can’t track it down. Sal and Joey aren’t answering.”

  Rosina grimaced at the mention of her husband’s partners. “Am I supposed to be surprised those good-for-nothing losers are unavailable to you on a Friday night?” Rosina made a face at Amanda. She hated Tony’s partners, who were small time hoods. “Honey, that’s why you have insurance. Don’t go crazy over some shit computers. We have company.”

  Tony erupted. “Those shit computers pay the bills for this shit house, your shit Mercedes, and the shit wine you’re guzzling!”

  Rosina’s silence gave Tony an opportunity to reflect, and he calmed down.

  “I’m sorry. I owe you an apology too, Amanda,” Tony said, looking uncomfortable and fumbling with the loose change in his pocket. “I was looking forward to sparring with Steven before dinner to relieve my tension,” he stammered. “I can’t believe your asshole husband stayed at work tonight!”

  “Speaking of dinner,” Rosina interjected, forgetting the blowup as if it never happened, “I’m starved. Let’s go eat. Tony, Amanda is having problems with her transmission. Could you call Billy and maybe he could look at it in the morning? If he’s at the garage, we could drop the van off on the way to the restaurant.”

  “I’ll call him now. Amanda, you shouldn’t be driving that piece of shit. I think I’ll buy you a new one.”

  Amanda blushed at the disparity of their wealth. She knew Tony wasn’t kidding.

  Moments later, Tony opened the door to the house and shouted down to the women at the bottom of the staircase. “Billy said drop off the car. I’ll drive the shit bucket and you girls follow me in the Beemer!”


  Steven sat brooding in his office. He hated putting anything before his family, but his business was slowly taking over his entire life. His new client, Enrico Salvatorre, would bring a huge increase to Steven’s business and his family needed the money. Steven couldn’t refuse a meeting on Salvatorre’s terms, which in this case meant giving him an early Friday evening tour of his warehouse. Steven decided to play the game like the Enrico Salvatore’s of the world. He dialed a number.

  “Hi, it’s Steven. I’ve got a huge favor to ask. Can you come by the office around seven o’clock to meet a prospective client? I really need to land this guy. Just wear something nice, okay? I only need you for an hour or two.”


  Tony kept excusing himself from the table at the restaurant, trying unsuccessfully to locate his partners. Amanda and Rosina barely spoke, and Catarina was whining for her daddy, all of which made for an unpleasant dinner. Tony dropped the three off at home and announced he was going into town.

  Amanda put Catarina to bed and then sat with her friend on the porch. Rosina opened another bottle of Merlot, droning on about her petty woes while Amanda was miles away, absentmindedly rubbing her belly and silently humming an Italian lullaby. The cool, salty breeze brought her an inner peace.

  Their idyllic stillness was ruined as Tony stormed into the house in a drunken rage. The couple exchanged harsh words and Tony stomped toward the rear of the house.

  “Amanda, I’m sorry.”

  Amanda embraced her. “You don’t need to apologize. We both married Italian men.”

  They laughed and hugged each other.

  “You’re such a good friend,” Rosina said, a tear rolling down her face. “I love you,” she whispered.

  Amanda gently wiped away Rosina’s tear. “Go to sleep. You’ll feel better in the morning. When Steven gets here, he’ll know exactly how to handle Tony!”

  Amanda returned to her room, put on her nightgown, and peeked at her sleeping daughter. She glanced at the clock. It was a few minutes after ten. She called Steven.

  “Capresi Imports,” Steven answered in a tired voice.

  “Hello. I’m looking for a man with strong hands to give me private lessons on the many uses of fine Italian oils.”

  Steven chuckled. “I bet my finest would taste even better on your body.”

  They both laughed.

  “How’s my favorite girl?”

  Amanda sighed. “I’m tired. It was a long day. The van was acting up, so I dropped it off at the shop.”

  Steven felt a burning fluster of guilt. “How are my little princesses?” he asked, changing the subject.

  “Catarina is sleeping peacefully. You should see her beautiful face. And Mia has been kicking me all day. She’s going to be the first golden gloves girl in the family!”

  “I’m coming first thing in the morning. It’s time to pamper my best girl.” His true intent was to drive at night, arrive in the dark, sleep on the beach, and give his family an early morning surprise.

  “Steven, that would be nice,” she answered with hesitation in her voice stemming from past broken promises. “I’m pr
oud of you for working so hard for us, and I wanted you to know how much we appreciate you.”

  Steven smiled. “Wow! Where did that come from?”

  “My heart, silly. I should say it more often.” There was an awkward silence. “I think Tony could use your company. He’s really over the edge about a lost shipment of computers. I’ve never seen him so crazy.”

  Steven was already thinking about the new client who caused him to remain in the city and the set of challenges created by his demands. “Don’t worry. I’ll be there bright and early, and I know how to handle Tony. I love you.”

  “Make sure you eat something.”

  “I will,” he said, rolling his eyes. “Believe it or not, I can take care of myself, sometimes.” He looked up just as Teresa walked in and sat down across from him. Teresa was twenty years old and worked part-time. She was called in this evening solely to give Steven a subliminal edge in contracting this new client. She was gorgeous and dressed like a Maxim model, in a very short and tight, low cut blouse. Salvatorre could barely stop drooling over her, and he was only too happy to seal the deal before he left. Steven understood powerful men like Mr. Salvatorre. They needed to have their egos stroked and their libidos stimulated at every possible moment. Since Mr. Salvatorre disrupted Steven’s weekend plans, he wanted to ensure that his sacrifice was rewarded.

  Teresa smelled heavenly and leaned over Steven’s desk to expose her best pair of assets. Steven closed his eyes and tried to concentrate on his telephone conversation.

  “I’m glad you guys made it out safely. Get some rest. I love you, too.” Steven hung up the phone and looked at Teresa, who was beckoning with her bedroom eyes.

  “Little lady is out of town? You must be so lonely.”

  Steven broke eye contact.

  “I’m finished with my work and I really appreciate the overtime today. What time are you getting off, babe?” Teresa asked.

  Steven finally met her stare. She was stunning. She had a gorgeous, tanned face with huge, piercing blue eyes. Not the stunningly unique silver-blue eyes of his wife and daughter, but magnificent nonetheless. “I don’t know. I still have work to finish before I leave.”


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