The Scorpion's Tale

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The Scorpion's Tale Page 14

by Wayne Block

  “What do you mean?”

  “Tony was nothing more than a fence. Based on the $5,000 a month you collected from him for me, Tony was only grossing $50,000 per month. Why would someone hire the Scorpion to kill people on two continents for that kind of cash flow?”

  Nick nodded. “Yeah, that doesn’t make sense.”

  Alberto cocked his head toward Nick. “I only found out that Tony was living in the Hamptons on the fucking water when he was killed. If he grossed fifty grand, after expenses he’d be lucky to net thirty, which is not enough for what he was spending unless he was holding back from me. You don’t find his expenses unusual? Fuck, Nick, you knew where he lived–he was under you! Didn’t you think something was wrong? The guy is paying five grand a month to me, but lives like a multi-millionaire!”

  Nick shrugged. “Now that you mention it.”

  Alberto stroked his chin. “Nick, I’m sure you agree that Sal and Joey were idiots and stealing some computers is chicken shit money. So now I’m supposed to believe that these two sub-morons had a contract placed on them that costs millions for stealing pennies?”

  Nick look mystified. “I’m still not following you.”

  Alberto looked flustered. “C’mon, Nick. There’s more to this. To justify the hits, millions would have to be stolen. Tony was obviously holding back from giving you the right commission. If I knew Tony was stealing from me, I would have put out the contract myself.”

  Nick stared at his uncle. “So you think Tony was holding out?”

  “What did I just say? It’s the only thing that makes sense!”

  Nick pondered his uncle’s theory. “Any idea what Tony was into?”

  Alberto shrugged. “No, but let’s think about this.” Alberto cut the end of a Cuban cigar, lit it, and then took a long draw. Alberto leaned back in his chair and smiled at his nephew, slowly expelling the fragrant smoke. “Tony had to have a great business making millions.”

  Nick nodded. “Yeah, Tony was definitely making good coin. No question about that.”

  “So follow me. Tony’s company is doing business with these Brazilians and Joey and Sal get greedy and start screwing around. The Brazilians get angry when they find out what’s going on, but it’s not for a few computers–it’s for something else. But put yourself in their shoes. What’s the next logical move for these Brazilians if they’re smart businessmen?”

  “That’s easy. They do exactly what they did to send a message to all of their associates in New York.”

  Alberto frowned. “Yes, I think that’s what they wanted everyone to believe, but who are they really trying to impress? I’ve never even heard of these people, so how much business could they be doing here if we haven’t heard of them? Do you know anyone that’s actually doing business with them?”

  Nick shrugged, forgetting to mention Cairo’s reference to the Colombians. “Well, no, now that you mention it, I’m not even sure who these guys are.”

  Alberto took another draw off his cigar and pensively stroked his chin. “That’s my point. All these people from JTS are dead, and we still don’t even know who these Brazilians are. What kind of message have they sent? I sure as hell haven’t gotten the message, have you?”

  Nick looked confused. “When you put it that way, I guess not.”

  “So who is really getting the message? That’s all I’m saying.”

  “What does it matter how much business they were doing in New York?” Nick asked.

  Alberto sipped his drink and contemplated how he could make it clear to his nephew. Nick was street smart with amazing natural instincts, but when it came to logic, he was clueless. “The Brazilians probably had a great thing going with JTS, so what’s going to matter more; the people putting money in my pocket, or my reputation among strangers in New York that don’t even know who I am? Now do you see where I’m going with this?”

  “I think so,” Nick said, trying not to let on that he had no idea what his uncle was talking about.

  “If I’m upset with the people at JTS and I want to send a message, I don’t come here and wipe out everybody in the business, because then I’m cutting off my nose to spite my face! What I do is pay JTS a friendly visit, tell them I know everything that’s going on, and encourage them to play by the rules. Maybe I rough them up, or maybe I even kill somebody. We’ve been highly successful using these methods. But, I’m certainly not going to kill the goose that laid the golden egg, which is exactly what these jerks did by wiping out everyone! This is especially true since Sal and Joey were stealing from Tony, and Tony was stealing from me but not from his customers.”

  Nick finally comprehended. “Well, maybe they’re just stupid hotheads! They got pissed off and overreacted! I can certainly relate.”

  Alberto smiled. “I thought of that. It would be plausible if these guys came over here and shot up the city like the Jamaican Posse Comitatus, but they didn’t. They hired the Scorpion for millions, which convinces me they put a lot of thought into these executions. Then they sent their hit man into the mountains of Italy to kill some poor kid and his parents! That’s not our way, Nick! Something bigger is going on.”

  “Maybe they’ve got someone else to take over their business in New York.”

  Alberto nodded. “That’s certainly possible.”

  Nick sipped his scotch and looked admiringly at his uncle, who was still the smartest man he knew.

  “So that’s why nothing adds up, Nick,” Alberto said. “I have to believe that someone has muscled in on Tony’s operation and has used these hits as a cover.”

  Nick remained silent.

  “I want to know who these people are,” Alberto demanded.

  “Cairo didn’t give us a name. All we know is that these guys are in Rio.” Nick looked away from Alberto, slightly embarrassed. “I had to kill him.”

  Alberto look disgusted. “Yes, I figured that out when I saw you walk through the door. That’s probably going to bring unwanted repercussions.”

  Nick finished his scotch. “I’m sorry, Uncle. I should have done a better job with him. I didn’t mean to cause you any inconvenience.”

  Alberto waved his hand, dismissing Nick’s concerns. “Ah, don’t worry about it. Jackie Cairo is not worth the sweat off my balls!”

  “Uncle, I want to find these guys. Before he died, Jackie said that Gia and I were as good as dead. We have to do everything possible to protect Giovanna. She’s my first priority.”

  “You’re not thinking straight,” Alberto cautioned, with a concerned expression on his face. “You’re letting your emotions get in the way. This girl has you tangled up in knots, and I don’t want you making it personal! I’ve seen what happens when you make things personal.”

  Nick looked forlornly at his uncle. “I really care for Giovanna.”

  Alberto scowled. “How many times have I heard you say something like that?”

  Nick shook his head. “You don’t understand, Uncle…I think she’s the one. I’m absolutely crazy about her.”

  Alberto shot a skeptical look at his nephew, but softened when he realized Nick was sincere. “Nick, I just can’t trust you when it comes to women. We can’t go to war over a woman. It’s bad business. Have you read the story about Helen of Troy? It didn’t turn out well for the Trojans.” Alberto smiled as he leaned forward and rubbed his nephew’s shoulder. “I don’t have to tell you that it will also be bad for our own health! A lot of people may get killed, maybe even you and your Giovanna. I simply cannot have that happen! I’m sure you understand, Nick.”

  “I do…but I love her.”

  Alberto sat back in his chair. He adored his nephew but Nick lacked any credibility when it came to women. “I’ve also heard you say that once before and it turned out badly for you.”


  Alberto nodded. “Yes, Amanda.”

  Alberto was thinking about his dead brother and how he had pledged an oath to always protect Nick, his brother’s son. Alberto broke the silence
. “You cannot do this. I forbid it. She must return to Italy.”

  Nick looked hurt. “I don’t know that I can live without her.”

  “Then return with her to San Remo and protect her there. If you feel this way about her in six months, we’ll revisit her coming back. You both cannot remain here until I have had time to figure out what these people are doing.”

  Nick thought about his uncle’s proposition. “She’s very stubborn. In fact, she’s a mule. She wants to find her family’s killer, and I’m going to have a very hard time convincing her.”

  Alberto grinned. “Good, maybe you’ve met your match. Meanwhile you must be persuasive. If she chooses to remain in New York, she does it alone, and you will not see her. If she chooses to return to San Remo, she can take you with her. When are you seeing her again?”

  “I’m meeting her for dinner now.”

  “Good, then tell her tonight. Call me after dinner. I want to know how it goes.”

  Nick nodded as he stood to leave. He bent down and kissed his uncle’s cheek. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too,” Alberto said. After Nick left, Alberto picked up the phone and called his counterpart in Sicily.


  Giovanna was waiting in the lobby of the hotel. Nick had described her in great detail so that Louie would have no problem finding her. Louie approached the beautiful woman standing by the concierge desk. “Giovanna?” he asked tentatively.

  Giovanna turned towards him.

  “I’m Louie. Nick sent me to pick you up. He and Pete got a little dirty at the worksite and wanted to clean up before dinner.”

  Giovanna smiled and extended her hand. “It’s nice to meet you Louie. I’m happy to know that Nick and his friends are practicing good personal hygiene.”

  Louie snorted. “Good hygiene! Oh, that’s classic! I like that.” He grinned at her. “You’re okay in my book, princess.” He extended his arm toward the door. “Your car awaits you, and your driver tonight will be Jerry,” Louie said, pointing toward the big man in the front seat.

  Jerry smiled at her through the rearview mirror. “Boy, you’ve got a terrific smile, do you know that?”

  Louie smacked Jerry in the arm. “Let’s go, fuckhead. Stop flirting with our guest!”

  Jerry shot a dirty look at Louie. “Hey Louie, let’s not use any bad language in front of the lady, okay?”

  Louie turned around and winked at Giovanna, then turned towards Jerry. “Ok, Jerry. I’m sorry.”

  Satisfied with Louie’s apology, Jerry turned the car and headed downtown.


  Nick and Pete were seated in the restaurant when Giovanna walked through the front door, followed closely by Louie and Jerry. They stood and Giovanna kissed Nick playfully on the cheek. Nick glanced over her shoulder at Jerry and Louie. Louie was giving him the “thumbs up.”

  “Hi stranger,” she whispered. “How was the rest of your day?”

  Nick gazed into her eyes. He felt terrible about having to tell her that she couldn’t remain in New York. “It was just an ordinary day.”

  “You look tired, Nick. How did it go?”

  Nick shrugged. “We found Jackie and we had a nice chat.”

  Giovanna looked at him skeptically. “You didn’t hurt him, did you?”

  The waiter brought the wine to the table, giving Nick a momentary reprieve. Giovanna’s eyes were fixed on his, and she was expecting an answer.

  Nick rolled his eyes. “Actually, Jackie was extremely uncooperative at first,” he said, avoiding her question. “But after a few minutes, he came around and gave us some information.”

  “What kind of information?” she asked excitedly.

  “These guys are from Rio,” Nick answered.

  “What are their names?” she pressed, inching her face closer to his.

  “Jackie wouldn’t give us names.”

  “Can I speak with him? I’ve got some particular questions I need answered.”

  Nick looked uncomfortable. “That’s not possible,” he said, sipping his Merlot.

  Giovanna looked offended. “You don’t think I’m capable of getting information? Is it because I’m a woman and Jackie’s such a tough guy?” she asked, raising her voice enough to attract the attention of nearby guests. “Let me assure you Nick, I can be very persuasive.”

  Nick nodded in agreement and motioned for her to lower her voice. “Yes, I know you can be persuasive. But it’s not possible,” he repeated.

  Giovanna looked at Nick, trying to decipher the meaning of his statement. He looked away from her and then she knew.

  “Nick, you didn’t, did you? Tell me you didn’t kill him.”

  “What’s with the third degree? Are you wearing a wire?”

  “I’m not even wearing panties, which you won’t get to witness unless you answer me!” Gia responded without missing a beat.

  “Sorry Gia, but the bottom line is that you can’t ever talk with Jackie, and that’s all I’m going to say.”

  Giovanna looked hurt.

  In response, Nick reached for her hand. She didn’t pull away. He tenderly stroked her fingers as he admired her hands. “I’m sorry,” he whispered.

  “I don’t believe you! You made a promise and broke it!”

  Nick changed the subject. “Giovanna, it’s getting too dangerous for you in New York. I want you to return to San Remo and I want to go with you. I can protect you there.”

  “I don’t need your protection. I’m a big girl and I can take care of myself. Stop treating me like an idiot!” she said, raising her voice. “I need to finish what I’ve started!”

  “I’m sorry, Gia, I just don’t want to see you get hurt. Work with me, Gia. Meet me halfway. Trust me when I tell you it’s too dangerous. I’m not ordering you, I’m asking you.”

  Giovanna calmed herself. “Nick, we would have the same problem in San Remo.”

  “No Gia, we wouldn’t. My family will take care of things here. A lot of people could get killed and I don’t want either of us to be among the casualties. I’ll go with you to make sure you’re safe until the problem is resolved.”

  Giovanna sighed, suddenly looking very tired. “I don’t know, Nick. I came here for a purpose and I’m not leaving until I’m satisfied.”

  Nick smiled as he reached for both of her hands. “Then we’ll play by your rules, Gia.”

  He leaned toward her and she met him halfway. She kissed him and playfully withdrew a few inches to gaze into his eyes. “I’ll sleep on it.” Giovanna clicked her glass against his and sipped her Merlot, a satisfied smile enveloping her face. Men were so easy to control, she thought.


  Detective Johnston had reached a dead end in his investigation. Chesney had been cooperative in answering the detective’s questions, but his intuition warned him that Harry was holding back. The detective’s initial instinct had been to ask Harry for help in tracking down Steven, but the more he thought about it, the less he wanted Harry to know of his or Steven’s activities.

  Detective Johnston was immersed in his thoughts. Assuming the Scorpion had killed Veeksburn, how did he learn that Capresi was in Vegas? Harry had dismissed the detective, citing the Scorpion’s unlimited intelligence network. How could the Scorpion have obtained such precise and specific information about an obscure meeting in the desert? The Scorpion would ultimately have needed someone very close to Veeksburn. Who was the Scorpion’s source? It couldn’t be Steven’s dinner companion in Chicago, and Veeksburn was a loner, so who would he tell about the location of his meeting with Steven? All roads led to Harry

  Deep in thought, hands folded into his pockets, he proceeded to cross the street. The rev of an engine brought him back to reality. He looked over his shoulder in time to see a car accelerating towards him. Taking two gigantic strides, he dove from the car’s deliberate path, onto the sidewalk. The car brushed by him and disappeared around the corner.


  Nick paid the check and motioned to Jerry. “Okay big guy. We’re ready. Warm up the car and we’ll be right behind you.”

  Jerry headed to the front door, followed by Pete and Louie. Nick waved down the owner of the restaurant and took Gia by the arm, saying, “Come here. I want to show you a picture of my brother.” He led her toward the back area where there was a large photograph of the Manzione family. As Nick pointed to the handsome man next to him in the picture, Jerry opened the front door. Suddenly the glass door and front windows shattered. Nick instinctively reached for Giovanna and pulled her to the floor. He fell on top of her as Louie and Pete withdrew their guns in one fluid motion. Shattered glass flew everywhere, and the diners and staff scrambled for refuge underneath tables. Jerry’s massive body danced in the doorway under a hail of bullets. Finally, Jerry collapsed onto the sidewalk.

  Louie and Pete returned fire. The first gunman, shot in the head, lay dead in the gutter. The second, shot in the knees and chest, lay twitching on the ground while the third shooter, still in the car, sped away with the driver and disappeared into the night.

  Nick stood and pulled Giovanna from the floor, brushing glass shards off her clothes. Neither Giovanna nor Nick had been injured. Nick gripped Giovanna’s shoulders tightly and shook her. Her eyes were wide with fright and glazed in shock. Nick shook her again and stared straight into her eyes.

  “Giovanna, talk to me, baby.”

  Giovanna looked at Nick but said nothing. Tears welled in her eyes as she trembled uncontrollably.

  Nick grabbed her arm and walked her outside.

  “Pete. Get her out of here. Take her back to the hotel and wait for my call. Louie and I will clean up.”

  Pete took Giovanna by the hand, led her to Nick’s car, and drove off. Nick and Louie knelt down beside the dying man.

  “Do you know either of these guys, Louie?” Nick asked, as he rummaged through the nearest shooter’s pockets for identification.


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