The Scorpion's Tale

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The Scorpion's Tale Page 32

by Wayne Block

  “My name is Giovanna Milani.”

  He narrowed his eyes and studied her. “Your name is familiar, but at the moment, I can’t place it.”

  Giovanna shrugged. “Who are you?”

  “Actually, I’m a detective in New York.”

  “So what are you doing here?”

  “I really don’t know. I haven’t even met our host yet. He introduced himself through the intercom and told me to relax until more guests arrive. I assume you are one of them. Would you like a drink? There’s a great bar on the other side of the room.”

  “Gin and Tonic. I need one to calm my nerves.”

  Johnston prepared a drink and sat beside her on the couch. “So, what are you doing here?”

  She regarded him suspiciously, uncertain whether to answer or not. He seemed honest, but she had no idea of his role in this insanity.

  “Let’s just say this wasn’t my first vacation choice.”

  The detective laughed. “That’s an understatement. Did you get a look at the goons who escorted us from the plane? And this castle reminds me of the ‘Addams Family.’”

  Giovanna’s polite smile dissipated as their host addressed them over the loudspeaker.

  “Ms. Milani, welcome to my island. It’s nice to see your beautiful face again.”

  Giovanna looked puzzled as the detective glanced questioningly at her.

  “Of course you wouldn’t remember me. I was a total stranger who briefly shared a gondola with you in Cervinia. Our paths crossed for only a matter of minutes. But while you were contemplating your incestuous lifestyle and removing your clothes for a complete stranger on a stranded gondola, I was saving your life.”

  Giovanna tried to say something but she could formulate no words.

  The Scorpion laughed. “I see you have already met Detective Michael Johnston. Two more to go before the festivities commence. Your boyfriend will be arriving in exactly one hour. I apologize for any inconvenience, but you must understand that it was quite necessary to keep you both separated. I knew he would behave better if he were kept in the dark about your whereabouts. Reports indicate he has been the perfect gentlemen.”

  “What do you want from us?” Giovanna asked, trying to regain her composure as she desperately searched her memory to recall whether she had seen him on the mountain that day.

  “As soon as Nicholas and our other guest arrive, I will be happy to answer all your questions. We will converse soon.”

  They waited a few seconds, but it was clear the conversation was over.

  “Who is he?” Giovanna asked.

  “He asked me to address him as ‘Scorpion,’’’ the detective replied.

  The color faded from Giovanna’s face and she looked faint.

  “What’s the matter?”

  “Nick told me the Scorpion is a professional assassin who killed my family as well as people in New York. He told me he had a friend whose pregnant wife and daughter were killed by him.”

  Detective Johnston collapsed back into the couch.

  “Are you okay, Detective?”

  The detective now looked at her from a completely new perspective, with a surprised expression. “Your mother, father, and brother were murdered in San Remo.”

  Giovanna nodded her head.

  “Your brother’s name was Roberto Milani and he was working with JTS Imports in New York City, but he was handling their operations from San Remo.”

  “Yes, that’s true,” Giovanna admitted.

  “Who is this boyfriend of yours?”

  Giovanna considered her answer and decided she had nothing to lose by being candid. “Nick Manzione.”

  The detective slammed his fist on the leather couch. “Christ almighty! I don’t believe this! And he’s on his way here now?”

  Again, Giovanna nodded.

  He stared off into the distance. “What the hell is he up to?”


  One hour later, the front door opened and two guards escorted Nick inside. Giovanna jumped off the couch and raced over, embracing him.

  Nick diplomatically accepted her welcome, but was more interested in the large man on the sofa. He kissed her as he aimed her toward the couch.

  “Who are you?” Nick asked rudely.

  “Detective Michael Johnston from the Suffolk County police department.”

  “Johnston? What the hell are you doing here?”

  The detective grinned. “I was going to ask you the same thing, Manzione.”

  Giovanna looked incredulously at Nick. “Nick, do you know the detective?”

  Nick raised an eyebrow. “Well, sort of. He’s investigating my friend Steven. We never met, but I’ve heard a lot about him.” Nick turned towards Detective Johnston. “Hey, Detective, do you still think Steven killed his wife?”

  Detective Johnston frowned. “I know Steven didn’t kill anyone. What brings you here?”

  “I don’t know; we didn’t come voluntarily. They kidnapped Giovanna.”

  “I am sorry to interrupt your conversation,” said the voice over the loudspeaker. “I just wanted to welcome you to the island, Nicholas. Our last guest is expected soon and then we will discuss the agenda.”

  “Who are you, you sick fuck!” Nick screamed.

  “He wants us to call him Scorpion,” the detective interjected.

  “The Scorpion! Here?” Nick exclaimed.

  “Yes, Nicholas, this is my island and you are now my guest.”

  “Come down here and show yourself, you baby-killing prick!” Nick demanded.

  “Come, come now. Watch your language, Nicholas. We have a lady present. Besides, I have already been through this name calling with Billy Veeksburn and Detective Johnston.”

  “Billy Veeksburn?” Nick asked.

  “Billy was someone he eliminated in Las Vegas, along with three women who were unlucky to be in the wrong place at the wrong time,” the detective added.

  “That is correct, Detective. I had almost forgotten that you had briefly sojourned in Sin City and learned what had happened to William.”

  “Thanks to your informant, Harry Chesney.”

  “Yes, Harold was loyal and served me quite faithfully. Please relax and talk amongst yourselves until our final guest arrives. I will be communicating with all of you shortly.”


  An hour later the front door opened and Steven Capresi walked in, finding Nick Manzione and Detective Johnston staring at him.

  “This is laughable,” the detective said. “I’ve been searching the world for you and you just come strolling in through the front door!”

  Steven approached the two men, trying to figure out why these particular people had been brought here.

  Giovanna had been at the other side of the great room, making another round of drinks, and was returning with two glasses. Seeing Steven, she dropped both glasses, staring open mouthed at him. It took a second to register, and Steven’s face lit up in recognition.

  Nick rushed to her aid. “Are you okay, Gia?” She gave no response while she and Steven continued staring at each other.

  “Don’t we know each other?” she asked Steven.

  “You tell me, Sophia?”

  Giovanna’s face lit up. “Oh my God, Tom Cruise! It’s really you.”

  Steven nodded.

  Her expression turned somber as Nick glared at both of them. “Nick, this is the Steven who you’ve been telling me about?”

  Nick was standing awestruck. He couldn’t fathom how they knew each other. “Hold on, Babe. How do you know him?”

  She smiled innocently. “Our paths crossed in Cervinia several years ago. We met at the top of the mountain and took the gondola to the bottom.”

  “What’s this Sophia and Tom Cruise crap?” Nick snapped, beginning to suspect a little more than a ride down a mountainside.

  “Nick, don’t be so suspicious,” she said, reaching for his hand. “We were talking about our favorite actors. His was Sophia L
oren and mine was Tom Cruise. It’s a private joke.”

  Nick glared at Steven, somewhat satisfied with Giovanna’s answer, but still harboring a jealous notion that there was more to the story. “Let’s figure out what the hell we’re doing here and how to get the fuck off this island!”

  “Ah, Steven, I trust you had a good flight?” the Scorpion said.

  “Yes, I did,” Steven answered, noting the location of every camera in the room.

  “Please sit down, everyone. I trust you have relaxed and become acquainted with each other. We have much to discuss and we are short on time. Night will quickly be upon us and the festivities must begin soon.” The Scorpion waited until Steven sat down next to Detective Johnston.

  Detective Johnston just stared at Steven.

  “What?” Steven asked, looking perplexed.

  “Nothing,” the detective replied, looking back and forth between Steven and Giovanna.

  The Scorpion continued: “You have received a personal invitation to my island because each of you will play an integral part of what I would like to call the ‘enlightenment of Steven Capresi’. We are going to sport a game called “Dispatch-The-Scorpion-Or-Perish”. It is like an adult version of hide-and-seek. You will each be given a weapon and the opportunity to attempt to execute me for the sins I have committed against each of you. You may act in concert or alone, that will be your choice. Realize that while you hunt me, I will be hunting you. Are there any questions thus far?”

  “Why do you continue to torture me?” Giovanna cried out. “You’ve murdered my family, isn’t that enough?”

  “No, my dear, I am sorry but it is not enough. I need something special from you!”

  “You have gone to great lengths to bring us to this goddamn island,” Nick bellowed. “You’ve had plenty of opportunities to kill us. Why wait until now?”

  “Those are excellent questions, Nicholas, but you must be patient. Patience is a virtue even for a fiend like you. But before we begin, I thought I might first stir the pot a bit by clearing our consciences and cleansing our polluted souls.”

  “Just shut up and show us our weapons,” Nick shouted. “All I need you to do is unlock these doors and give me a gun so I can blow your fucking brains out!”

  A moment of silence was followed by the sound of doors automatically unlocking around the chamber.

  “Your wish is my command, Nicholas,” the Scorpion replied. “Step one. The doors within the castle are now unlocked. Feel free to pursue me at any time.”

  “Where are our weapons?” Nick demanded.

  A huge drawer next to the bar suddenly opened, revealing a collection of handguns. The men walked over to inspect the weapons while Giovanna remained seated.

  “These are the finest revolvers in my collection. I’m quite sure you will be satisfied.”

  “Where are the extra bullets?” the detective asked.

  “There are none. You have one full chamber, so use your ammunition wisely.”

  “Each of these pistols already has a name on it,” Steven said, as he inspected a single action Ruger with his name engraved in the handle.

  “That’s correct, Steven. I’ve pre-selected each of your guns.”

  “I don’t trust you,” Nick growled. “I want to choose my own weapon. How do I know these guns actually fire or aren’t loaded with blanks?”

  The Scorpion chuckled. “I am sorry, Nicholas. This is my house, my game, and my rules. Indeed, if you doubt my integrity, fire the gun and have one less bullet.”

  “What happens if I decide not to play?” Nick asked. “There’s no point. After I kill you, which I will, your boys outside will kill us.”

  “But Nicholas, we are already playing,” the Scorpion replied. “I will merely shoot you where you stand. I ask you, how sporting would that be? As to your latter concern, if you kill me, your prize is my ring, which will open the external locks and grant you safe passage off the island. My ‘boys,’ as you call them, are instructed to take orders from the person wielding my ring.”

  Nick grabbed both his .357 Magnum and Gia’s .22 LR. “Here, Gia. You’ll need this.”

  Gia looked uncomfortable taking the gun. Steven and the detective took their matching Rugers.

  “Now let us share some critical background information with each other before commencing,” the Scorpion continued. “There is not much to discuss regarding you, Detective Johnston. We have already had our tete-a-tete. You are simply a supporting role in the final act of this production. But Nicholas–we do have so much to discuss!”

  “What are you babbling about?” Nick said.

  “For starters, why not tell everyone how you killed Carlo, your own brother?”

  “Is that true?” Giovanna asked.

  “Of course it’s not true,” Nick replied. “This asshole is a psychopathic liar.”

  “Pablo Munoz said the same thing about Carlo,” Steven said.

  Nick dismissed Steven with a look of disgust. “We’ve known each other all of our lives. Are you going to believe this killer or me?”

  “Yes, Steven, you should probably listen to a man who had his own brother killed,” the Scorpion added. “But let us take this opportunity to discuss your father. Believe me; I have no interest in your friendship with Alberto Manzione. However, you might want to know that your father was becoming very important in the Manzione organization. He had powerful backing throughout New York. He was very charismatic, much like you. Your mother was also a rare beauty coveted by many admirers. In short, several men envied your father and wanted him dead. You need to open your eyes and see the obvious about the great Manzione family.”

  Steven slammed the couch with his fist. “Shut up! Don’t talk about my father. You’re a goddamn liar!”

  “Don’t listen to him, Steven! He’s full of shit!” Nick screamed.

  The Scorpion laughed aloud. “This is the proverbial ‘rock-and-a-hard-place’ Steven. Who do you believe –the assassin who murdered your family, or the amoral, self-serving, perversely pathological snake you call ‘friend’? You will shortly have to choose between the lesser of the two evils, Steven.”

  “I don’t believe you,” Steven shouted.

  “I am not asking you to believe me. That must be your choice. Giovanna, has Nicholas ever discussed your cousin Giorgio?”

  Giovanna appeared confused. “What about Giorgio?” she asked.

  “Specifically, the way I found him tortured to death in Rio de Janiero,” the Scorpion said, enjoying the surprised look on her face.

  Giovanna looked suspiciously at Nick, wondering how the Scorpion knew of Giorgio’s claimed connection to him unless there was truth to it.

  “You mean you did not tell her, Nicholas?” the Scorpion joked. “It seems Nicholas has forgotten to mention that your cousin Giorgio was working with those Brazilians who hired me to kill your family, on behalf of their Colombian bosses. I would venture that Nicholas conveniently omitted the fact that Giorgio knew all about the hit on your family. In fact, it was Giorgio who was my local contact and made all my arrangements at your family’s home.”

  Giovanna moved a bit further away from Nick. How could the killer of her family know what Giorgio had confessed?

  Nick moved closer and grabbed her. “He’s lying about everything. He’s trying to turn us against each other to even the odds. It’s part of this sick game.”

  “Do not be too concerned, Giovanna,” the Scorpion continued. “I took care of the Brazilians. In addition to not liking them, I was particularly offended when they breached their contract with me. While I was in Rio I stopped in on Renaldo and his friends. They are all dead now. So is Giorgio, but I will spare you the gruesome details, as it was quite appalling to behold his appearance. The Brazilians tortured him beyond recognition, thanks to Nicholas, who delivered him into their hands.”

  Nick slumped into the couch and sighed loudly.

  “Are you still paying attention, Nicholas?” the Scorpion asked, enjoying the pain
he was inflicting upon the youngest of the Manzione family. “Most of those loose ends are quite nicely tied up now. Giorgio, the Brazilians, and Tony and his men are all dead, almost ‘in one fell swoop’ as Shakespeare would say. The only living witnesses are in this room plus yours truly. If you kill us all, you will be home free.”

  Nick refused to be baited and remained silent.

  Ignoring Nick’s lack of response, he continued his assault. “Nicholas, you may be interested to know that I received some rather disturbing news regarding your relationship with your uncle. Apparently, Alberto is on to everything you have been doing and had you followed since the day you reconnected with Mr. Capresi. Were you aware of that fact or is this news to you?”

  There was nothing Nick could say or do. He had to listen to the accusations and hope that when it was over, he would still have some credibility.

  “Still listening, Nicholas?” taunted the Scorpion. “I am quite certain that you have been pondering who in the world would have put out a contract on your life. Have you guessed yet, Nicholas? Have you thought who might want an assassin in Rio De Janiero to kill not only Renaldo and his men, but also you? It obviously was not Renaldo; he is dead, along with Giorgio and Tony. You have to ask yourself Nicholas, who is left with any interest in killing you?”

  All eyes were on Nick, but he avoided their stares and concealed his emotions.

  “Give up, Nicholas? It was your sweet Uncle Alberto, who discovered that you arranged the shooting at the restaurant where Jerry was killed. But you and your girlfriend were conveniently out of harm’s way. Who sent you to Rio, but the great Alberto! He wanted me to kill you so the Brazilians would be blamed for your death. Then, I would kill the Brazilians so the world could witness Alberto’s retribution for the murder of his beloved nephew!”

  Giovanna winced as she recalled how Nick had grabbed her arm at the last minute, pulling her away from the front of the restaurant to show her the picture of his brother on the wall.

  “Did you think for a moment that Alberto would remain ignorant you were taking over Tony’s lucrative business? All you needed to do was give a ten percent tribute to Alberto, but greed got the best of you. Were you afraid the Godfather would lay claim to it all? It’s astonishing that in this business you managed to become too much of a liability, even for your own family.”


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