His Tempest

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His Tempest Page 10

by Candice Poarch

  She was saying her eyes were wide open, but not her heart. You didn’t fall in love with a man you couldn’t trust. He tried to control his consternation as he thought it through. He was laying himself wide open for a woman who wasn’t completely open herself. And maybe he deserved that. Maybe this was penance for the way he’d treated women in the past.

  Just then the waiter brought the next course.

  “Eat before your food gets cold,” Colin told her. But he’d completely lost his appetite.

  It wasn’t the belly dancing that stirred Colin as much as the thought of Noelle gyrating her hips beneath him. He should still be angry with her. She’d insulted him, but he could barely catch his breath on their drive back to Middleburg. Even with the absence of traffic, that drive seemed too long.

  Colin took Noelle’s hand in his. He stopped at a red light on Route 50 in Middleburg, leaned over the console and kissed her with hunger and frustration. It would take time for her to trust him and he’d give her the time. His problem was that he’d never cared before, it had always been take it or leave it.

  He couldn’t leave Noelle. And that scared the pants off him.

  A horn beeped behind them. Colin righted himself and drove on.

  “It’s snowing,” Noelle said with the delight of a kid.

  “You’re going to see plenty before spring,” Colin warned.

  “We have to make a fire. I carried wood in earlier. I even have marshmallows to roast.”

  “It’s just snow,” Colin said, chuckling, but it was a joy to watch her delight with a simple act of nature.

  “We’re supposed to get five inches. We can have a snowball fight and make snow angels.”

  “Yeah. Ever been in a snowball fight?”

  “A long time ago when we visited my grandparents at Christmas.”

  Colin pulled into the grocery-store parking lot. “We’re going to have to do this up right for you.”

  Inside he selected some items, including chocolate and graham crackers. With her marshmallows, he had the ingredients for making s’mores.

  The line was long and it took them awhile to get through, but Noelle didn’t seem to mind. She kept looking out the window hoping the snow would gather faster.

  Colin called his trainer and told him to call him on his cell if needed.

  By the time they made it outside, there was a white coating on the ground.

  “It takes forever for it to accumulate,” Noelle moaned.

  Colin couldn’t help laughing. “When you have to drive home in it, you’ll appreciate that. You’re as happy as the kids. No school for them tomorrow.”

  They were in the close confines of the car again. Big, soft flakes fell silently to the ground. Noelle wondered why he didn’t start the engine.

  “I want you, Noelle. Tonight.” He brushed her hair from her face.

  She could only nod silently. His words had stolen her breath.

  He leaned over and brushed her lips with his, then eased his tongue into her mouth. His taste was arousing.

  Car lights flickered across them, and slowly they separated. Colin started the motor and with anticipation, they rode to her house. Silently they left his car, and Noelle noticed the snow had finally begun to accumulate. She opened the house door and suddenly she was nervous. She’d wanted Colin for so long.

  “I’m going to keep you in bed so long that two feet of snow will be on the ground before I let you up.”

  “Promise?” Noelle asked, hurrying up the stairs in front of him. From the top of the stairs to her room seemed endless. All Colin could think about was getting those clothes off her and getting a glimpse of her naked skin.

  Colin was overcome with conflicting emotions. He wanted to wait until she believed in him more, but he wanted her so badly he couldn’t wait. He put his reservations on the back burner. She’d come around, he assured himself. He’d prove that he was here to stay.

  She backed into the room, pulling him after her. She flipped a switch that flooded the room with bright light.

  Her V-neck sweater had driven him crazy all evening. He brushed his fingers across her cheek before his mouth descended on hers. He pulled her close to his body, wrapped his arms around her and held her close. Her warm breasts pressed against his chest, causing him to groan deep in his throat.

  She tasted as sweet as a dream. What he was sharing with her was new and special. More than anything, he wanted to make this memorable for her. He wanted to please her as she’d never been pleasured before.

  He pulled away from her, gathered the hem of her sweater and tugged it over her head to reveal the sweetest red camisole and matching bra.

  “Red compliments your skin to perfection,” he said in an unrecognizably husky voice.

  She only smiled, but he glimpsed it momentarily before he tugged her back into his arms. His patience wore thin and he found himself kissing her from her lips to her breasts. He tugged the camisole over her head and then got rid of the bra. He sucked a deep breath when he got his first glimpse of her naked breasts.

  He swirled his tongue slowly around her nipple before he drew it into his mouth. Her moan was like music to his ears.

  “You’re gorgeous,” he said. “Everywhere.”

  She grasped his sweater and tugged it over his head. Then she unbuttoned his shirt and he shrugged out of it.

  He lifted her and carried her to the bed, pulled the covers back and placed her in the center. He peeled her jeans off her hips and her scrap of panties with it.

  “Thought you’d be a thong girl,” he teased.

  “They’re uncomfortable.”

  “I don’t need them when I have a feast before my eyes.” He kissed the length of her, taking his time. From her tiny gasps, he knew she was enjoying his touch as much as he enjoyed pleasuring her. He caressed her long legs, drew his tongue up the inside of her trembling thighs. Her hands tangled in his hair, stroked his shoulder, wherever she could reach.

  “Are you ready for me, baby?” he asked, at the end of his endurance.


  And then he shucked his jeans and briefs and pulled on a condom.

  Noelle felt the breath catch in her throat. Colin was driving her to the edge of madness. She’d never, ever in her entire life felt this intense need before. Her body felt so hot, she was like a firecracker ready to explode.

  His body was perfect, sculpted and strong, from his broad shoulders to his lean waist, then lower still…Her breath caught at the size of him. He hovered over her a moment, drawing her gaze. She was afraid of what he was seeing in her eyes. Then she felt his weight pressing her into the mattress, and his erection stretching her open. She felt like a flower blossoming for him.

  And then he was sinking into her, filling her completely. Her body convulsed around him and they were moving together, her hands clutching his back, smoothing down to his backside and pressing him tighter to her.

  He kissed her deeply, his tongue thrusting into her mouth. She savored each second of this experience. Even though she wasn’t a virgin, she’d never been given this care before. She’d never felt so vulnerable, so fulfilled. He grasped her hips in his hands, plunging more deeply into her, increasing the pleasurable sensations.

  He increased the pace, set their rhythm like practiced dancers as they moved together in harmony.

  Their lips parted and he gazed directly in her eyes. She felt vulnerable as if he was seeing right into her deepest core.

  Her body moved in rhythm with his as if they were one.

  The whimperings coming from Noelle’s lips let him know she was enjoying this as much as he was. He was caught off guard at the depth of his feelings for her.

  And then her legs tightened around him, the tempo of her movements increased and she called out his name and clenched him tightly.

  Only seconds later, he sank deeper into her on his own climax.

  Chapter 8

  The last thing Colin wanted to do was leave the warmth and softness of No
elle’s body. What he really wanted to do was make love with her again and sleep with her tucked snugly in his arms, only to awaken in the morning to make love again.

  Now he had more reason than ever to succeed on the farm. That reason was sleeping soundly in his arms. He tightened his arms around her and kissed her beneath her ear, then on her soft cheek before he eased himself from her bed and dressed quietly. He gazed at her snuggled comfortably under the covers before he left the room and let himself outside.

  It had snowed two inches already. The cold air slapped him as snowflakes swirled around. He started the truck and let the engine warm while he used the scraper to clean the snow from the windows.

  It was almost one in the morning when Colin drove away and made his way to the office to start leafing through unpaid bills. Casey had done a good job of setting things up for him.

  Usually George was on top of the bills, got their proper documentation to the accountant and paid everything on time. He wanted to know where every cent was going or coming in. Now he no longer cared.

  It was almost three-thirty by the time Colin made it to bed.

  Morning came all too quickly. He hit his alarm and slept till six, when the scent of Leila’s coffee wafted in the air.

  He was feeling on top of the world, as if he had energy to spare. He sang in the shower and as he dressed. Leila was humming as he bounded down the stairs. She had fixed a nice spread.

  “How was your date yesterday?” she asked with a sly smile as she rolled dough. “Must have tired you out. You don’t usually sleep in.”

  “It was very good.”

  “You got in late.”

  Colin threw her a lazy glance. “Leila, are you keeping tabs on me?”

  “Don’t I always?”

  Colin chuckled.

  “I’m making my special chicken salad for lunch, the recipe you like.”

  “I’ll be here at twelve sharp, not a second later,” he said.

  “The salad is for Noelle. You can eat some leftovers from the fridge,” she teased. She set the dough aside to rise and placed a towel over the pan. “I’ll slice some bread for you to take to Noelle, too,” she continued.

  Colin grabbed Leila around the waist and kissed her soundly on the cheek. “While your leftovers are always delicious, your chicken salad is my favorite.”

  “Oh, you go on with your foolishness, boy. You’re going to make my dough fall.”

  “It wouldn’t dare,” Colin said.

  “Always knew how to wrap me around your finger.”

  Chuckling, she started walking from the room. “Eat before your food gets cold.”

  Colin filled his plate and sat at the table, still basking in his night of lovemaking.

  Noelle slept through the night and woke slowly the next morning—completely naked and alone. Heat and desire stole over her when she thought of the previous night’s lovemaking.

  She wondered when Colin had left during the night. Perhaps he’d waited until early morning.

  Snow. It had snowed the night before, she remembered. Smiling, she hopped out of bed and ran to the window. It was a picture-perfect winter wonderland just like the scene on a Christmas card.

  Tearing herself from the view, she searched through the drawer for a camera. She’d have to send pictures to Greg and her parents. She couldn’t wait to be out in it.

  Quickly she showered and dressed, tugging on her new lined boots and donning her gloves.

  It was cold. Her feet crunched in the snow as she walked down the steps. Her car was covered with it, so she gathered some in her hand and patted it into a ball. She was disappointed she had no one to toss it at.

  The wind was blowing and she felt the chill against her face. In minutes she saw a truck coming up her lane. It was Carp. Coming to a stop, he hopped out.

  “What’re you doing out here in the cold when you don’t have to be?” he asked, rubbing his hands together.

  “I love the snow.”

  “You’ll get tired of it before March. Thought I’d stop by and make sure you were all right before I went to the camp.”

  “You’re going to work in the snow?”

  “Snow doesn’t bother me. I’m working inside. Gonna fire up that lantern and I’ll be toasty.”

  “Would you like some hot chocolate before you go?”

  “No. Got a big thermos of hot coffee to keep my insides warm. You take care. If you need anything just holler.” Carp got into his truck and started off. Tires crunched on the snow as he drove toward the campsite, his tire tracks the only thing marring the smooth surface.

  Noelle went back inside. First she started a fire in the fireplace, then she made hot chocolate to warm herself before she prepared eggs and sausage for breakfast.

  She looked at the time. It was eight and Colin hadn’t called. He must be very busy.

  With so much to do, Noelle didn’t need to while away the hours thinking of Colin. After breakfast she unpacked the boxes with materials related to the campground. Next week she was going to begin work on the camp full-time. She was deep into filing papers in the file cabinet by the time her doorbell rang. She was surprised and very pleased to see Colin at the door. What on earth had brought him here in the middle of the day?

  Smoothing her hair back with her hand, she opened the door.

  “Hi,” Colin said in a low, intimate voice just before he kissed her. His lips were cool in contrast to the warmth of his mouth. His heat radiated through her body.

  “Missed you,” he said.

  “It’s only been a few hours.”

  “Still missed you. Leila sent lunch,” he said with a devilish grin. “I want some, too.”

  “How kind of her. I’m sure she sent enough for two.”

  “I want something else for lunch.”

  Noelle’s face heated.

  “Go put on your coat, boots, gloves and scarf. We’re going to play in your winter wonderland.”

  Noelle didn’t question what had brought Colin here. She was glad he was with her.

  In minutes she’d donned the clothes and was outside. Colin had cleaned most of the snow off her car windows. She went around the other side to help him. She barely had time to lift her arms before he called her name.

  The first snowball that hit her square in the face was a shock. She shrieked.

  Colin pelted her a couple of more times with snowballs before she gathered up a handful of snow to form her own and toss it at him. This was war. Although she volleyed back and forth she soon discovered she was no match for his strength.

  “Truce! Truce!” she finally called out, laughing.

  He approached her, kissed her on the lips. She took the snow in her hands and smashed it into his cheeks.

  “No fair.” And then they were on the ground rolling in the snow like a couple of kids.

  As Colin lay on top of Noelle, her laughing face smiling up at him, he felt as if angels had smiled down on him. He rolled so that she was now on top of him, and the cold was against his back. He lost his smile and saw the smile slowly fade from her face to leave a warm glow. He pressed her face close to his and placed a soft kiss on her lips. He’d meant only a light kiss, but once he tasted her, he couldn’t let go. Their tongues teased and mated. He ran his hands down her back, feeling the impression of her through her coat. His hand roamed back to her head, pressing her closer. Time and temperature had no meaning.

  It seemed ages had passed before they parted at last and the cold began to seep in. “Ice is dripping down my neck,” Noelle said.

  “So much for the pleasure of snow,” Colin muttered.

  “I will always remember this—” she peppered his face with kisses “—and you—” she kissed his lips this time “—when I think of snow.”

  Colin had never, ever been this content, this happy, this pleased. “Let’s go inside.”

  She stood and they ran inside and peeled off their cold, damp clothes.

  “I’ll put yours in the dryer so you can leave s

  “I’m not leaving anytime soon.”

  “But George—”

  “They can reach me if they need me.”

  After they stripped down to their undies, Noelle put the wet clothes in the dryer.

  Colin put more wood on the fire and urged it to a full blaze while Noelle made more hot chocolate. He put the ingredients for s’mores together.

  “I’ll put them in the oven when we’re ready to eat them. They’re better hot.”

  Noelle had donned a housecoat.

  “I don’t have anything big enough for you. So will this blanket do?” She held up a pink blanket.

  “Pink?” He laughed. “I’ll cover myself with anything if you snuggle up in it with me.”

  So they ate their lunch in the living room in front of the fire. Colin melted the s’mores in the oven. When he took the pan out, they fed the treats to each other. When some got on Noelle’s lip, he licked it off.

  “This is decadent,” Colin said. “And you’re naughty. I’m usually working.”

  “Umm, this is better.”

  She put thick blankets and pillows on the rug and they stretched out on them. Colin gritted his teeth. If he didn’t make love to her soon, he was going to go out of his mind.

  He watched the light from the fire play across her face.

  He had to take it slower this time. He was so eager to be inside her, the last time had been hurried. But not this time. He inhaled a sharp breath and blew it out slowly.

  Leisurely, he caressed her body from head to foot. He kissed her, ran his lips and tongue over her curves until she was straining for release—and he gave it to her. He caressed her intimately until she sang out in complete fulfillment.

  He stroked her gently and built her desire to a pressure point again.

  She slowly stroked him as she slid the condom on. He gritted his teeth to keep from exploding. Then he slid into her. She was moist and ready. Sensations rushed through him. They moved in sync as if a choreographer had arranged their steps, and when they climaxed, it was as explosive as the first time.

  For minutes, Colin couldn’t move. She’d wrenched every ounce of strength out of him. Then he moved to her side and placed his arms around her.


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